Soros, NGOs and Western/foreign meddling in Macedonia

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  • iceman
    • Sep 2008
    • 132

    Greek Analyst: VMRO is defending your country,SDSM and Syriza are under Soros control

    Greek Analyst: VMRO is defending your country, SDSM and Syriza are under Soros control
    Saturday, 23 April 2016

    The last couple of days, a youtube video in Greece went viral. The video showed an exchange between a Macedonian policeman and a migrant. The migrant shouted at your policeman asking him why he won't let him cross the border, to which the policeman responded - this is my country and I am ready to die for it.

    This video had a profound effect on Greece's public and showed something, that their is a great deal of dedication on the other side of the border. Here, on our side of the border, this is completely absent. Here, we are missing our statehood. It's gone, there is no police, and I wouldn't even talk about the army or for any other Governmental organization.

    On our side of the border, the only thing we see are the activists financed by Soros, a fact known by everyone, whereas on the other side of the border we are seeing dedication and decisiveness.
    Unfortunately, I am very disappointed with the Greek government, and I am not the only one - says Greek security analyst Andreas Nikolopoulos in an interview for Netpress.

    Asked about Macedonia's elections, Nikolopoulos says the ruling Government is expected to win them in a landslide, adding that the opposition SDSM in Macedonia and the ruling Government in Greece are both under the control of Soros financed organizations. "Should the SDSM somehow wins, I don't know how that would happen, but if they do, you'll certainly see major changes in your country, not for the better. My information about Mr Zaev and the SDSM is that they are financed by Soros, then their policies would be idential to those of Syriza since both parties carry the same leftist ideology and are under the umbrella of the same organization (financier)".


    • Amphipolis
      • Aug 2014
      • 1328

      This seems indeed like a Greek man, but he's a totally unknown citizen. There is an Andreas Nikolopoulos who IS a security analyst and an expert in negotiations, but it's not that man (probably MINA mixed them up).


      • iceman
        • Sep 2008
        • 132

        CIA Operation "Wizard of Oz":Terminate VMRO Leadership & plant zaev the puppet

        CIA Operation "Wizard of Oz": Terminate VMRO Leadership & plant zaev the puppet

        Tuesday, 26 April 2016

        Macedonia found out about the attempted coup, the blackmails and wiretapping straight from its Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski after he was visited by the opposition leader Zoran Zaev with the now infamous statement "We were given wiretapped conversations, if you don't leave your post we'll play these to the public".

        Many speculated as to the similarities between 2001 and today, as well as the origins of these wiretapped materials. We heard of statements by SDSM officials that once the tapes went public, the Government would collapse in less than three days.

        This all changed after Macedonian police uncovered communications between foreign agent Zoran Verushevski and his coca-cola assistants in DBK in which he told them of a Ukrainian scenario under way.
        Gruevski promised he would tell the nation who is behind the coup and the forceful attempt to bring down a democratically elected Government.

        Gruevski, however did not keep his promise. Instead, in a shocking manner with three other party leaders (similarly to 2001) signed the Przino agreement after which the crisis not just did not end, rather it increased which brought us to the second phase of this hybrid war of regime change.

        The reason for the second phase is because the coup sponsor has not achieved its objective. Worst yet, no Macedonian politician has had the courage to name who the main actors are in this sabotage. The only people discussed are locals, better known as "field players", while the outsiders are termed as "foreigners".

        Things begun to unravel when Macedonian president Gjorge Ivanov, the only functional official with Constitutional prerogatives gathered the courage to cut the gordian knot by dealing a major blow to the coup planners. Ivanov's pardoning of all politicians materialized into snow which unveiled to everyone the tracks of the monsters that are waging a hybrid war in Macedonia. Apart from the SDSM and Soros, the US State Department issued one hysterical statement after another asking Ivanov to reverse his decision. Namely, with Ivanov's decision, the second phase of their plan had difficulties proceeding.

        The question SDSM journalists can ask themselves is: Is it logical for Zaev and the US State Department to have the same interests? It isn't, otherwise we wouldn't be in a hybrid war.

        Who, and why is waging a war in Macedonia.

        We're in the second phase of Macedonian regime change, an operation the CIA is calling "The Wizard of Oz".

        Who is waging a war in Macedonia?

        The "Umbrella" is. Our typical symbolism of an umbrella is of an item that protects you from the rain. We already know that Zoran Zaev seats under the Umbrella so he doesn't get poured on. However, the symbolism of the brain behind the operation is somewhat different.

        An "Umbrella" is a code word of a military-intelligence operation to prepare an area for destabilization. As a symbol first appeared in Italy back in 1904. This, the schemas, matrix and other conditions are nicely explained by Curzio Malaparte in his book "Technique du coup d`etat". In the simplest terms, the Umbrella is a symbol for a network, hierarchy during a coup, an assassination of a country. The handle is the coup sonsor, the stretcher and the wires are the logistical and operational support, whereas the canopy are the lowest level, the so called protesters (mercenaries, criminals, the naive, fanatics, pyschos, narcos... whoever wants to make a quick buck).

        If after this deciphering our azoic Zaev looks like Lee Oswald or those Saudis who took a basic course and managed to fly Boeings into the NY twin towers, then you're on the right path.
        Zaev's job is that of a suicide bomber. He will be used only once. Luckily for Macedonia, we are all aware that behind Macedonia's hybrid war is Washington's liberal-neofascist lobby which gravitates primarily around the Clinton clan, supported from George Soros, Rockefeller, the State Department through USAid and others.

        The brain of this hybrid war is a national security advisor and CIA officer in president Obama's cabinet. The Umbrella's button is pressed by former ambassador Philip Reeker and his wife who are both CIA agents.
        For this purposes Philip Reeker resides in Milano, Italy, which is the chosen location out of which the operation for Macedonia's destabilization is controlled from. In the same building is housed the British MI6 whose responsibilities include Macedonia and Greece. More specifically, Macedonia wiretapping is the work of MI6. MI6 takes credit for the numerous attempts of several thousands migrants to storm the Macedonian border. However, many of those leftists and anarchists have since been relocated to Skopje.
        They also trained the so called army of "revolution".

        In Macedonia, Soros and USAid finance the "fighters" from Canvas and the Sorosites from "Open Society", in addition to Zaev and Kosovo based criminals and terrorists.
        The United Kingdom, since it's "noble", finances the good and noble terrorists. Apart from financing anarchists, nihilists and since Laurance of Arabia times are managing and using the "savages in the islamic world", in particularly the Muslim Brotherhood and its derivatives.

        Germany, Italy, France, Holland, the EU and OSCE take a smaller part in the Umbrella. They are tasked with logistics, in particularly media propaganda and decor so the protests can gain international weight. G
        How these countries work in unison and under command is perfectly illustrated with their identical orchestrated media statements in Skopje.

        CIA Clash between two Wings

        This hybrid war in Macedonia has an annex. In the fight for prestige and business interests, two wings at the CIA representing separate corporate interests clashed.
        The fight is which American oligarchy will rule with Macedonia's natural resources: mines, gold, rivers, lakes. The ultra rich mine of Alshar in particular is seen as a big prize. It is enough for now to tell you that one of the candidates is George Soros. As Joe Biden received Western Ukraine in the most recent military conquest, Albright and Wesley Clark received Kosovo's coal mines in their conquest.

        It's about geopolitics for a given area. The Anglo American axis wants to rule the world through access of the waterways. This way, they have strategic advantage when designing their defense, but also for wars of conquest. Countries with no access to water are an easy prey because their defense is only through land. The primary reason why Macedonia was split in Bucharest is simple, to deny it access to sea. This peace of land now called Macedonia which was not meant to be a country in the eyes of the Umbrella is located in something called "natural corridor". Countries who have found themselves in these natural corridors have been targeted and attacked by United States. Example: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey, Macedonia... They have all been targeted with similar Umbrella operations.
        It is of no importance that the US declaratively calls these countries "friends" or "partners". What is important is that through these countries pass energetic, infrastructure, trade-financial corridors from Asia and Africa through Europe and reverse.

        For this purpose, a complete control of these countries is needed. That's the first reason. The second which is especially interesting for us is that we are the only country which is unaware of its value. Namely, Macedonia in both Washington and London is considered a very dangerous success story. Macedonia is the only country, in the face of one of the biggest financial crisis ever to see its economy continually increase with very stable currency, financial discipline, proving it is self reliant. More importantly it set an example for everyone that with good policies anyone can be self reliant, without giving up control of their country to western creditors.

        Despite unfrliendly neighbors who are practically bankrupt, facing all sorts of orchestrated blockades, blackmails, officials removed from power, the country continues to maintain its internal and external security.
        According to the information we received from the regional CIA office for SE Europe, there are three reasons for this success:

        The first is Gruevski's politics, second is VMRO-DPMNE connection with the country, third is the collective spirit of Macedonians. Because of this holy trinity, the coup was initiated, mercenaries were brought in, the "tent revolution" was initiated. Multiple terrorist attacks were prevented in Skopje and Ohrid during Easter last year, and Kumanovo. Because of this, the SPO was created, in addition to the paid anarchists.
        During each phase of orchestrated attacks which started in 2008, VMRO-DPMNE's leader Nikola Gruevski and six of his closest associates were targeted. Now president Gjorge Ivanov is a target as well.
        Our sources explained that the CIA has studied VMRO's revolutionary tactics since the Ottoman period. For two reasons, the first is to better prepare for an internal conflict with the establishment, while the second is to implement the same tactic when destabilizing the next country. For instance, the CIA heavily utilizes the neo-nazi Right Sector in Ukraine by recruiting the nephews of Ukrainian fascists from WW2, whereas in Iraq it employed the remnants of Saddam's police. To internationalize ISIS, the CIA recruited religious fanatics and psychos.

        The CIA failed wherever it went, because the success of the VMRO tactic and organization is something that's embedded in the genetic code. Such dimension you cannot replicate and 3d print. The ideological foundation of VMRO was brotherhood and solidarity among civilizations and cultures. The VMRO and the Macedonians fought for independence, something you cannot remove from their psyche.

        The second mistery for the CIA is the Macedonian, his psychic-map, and the collective spirit because we see ourselves as separated, at odds with each other, whereas what the coup sponsors see from outside is a different collective spirit. All of CIA's field analaysis gives them information which further confuses them. They are upset because Macedonians are not falling for the tricks dished out by the "Wizard of Oz". to be continued... //Mirka Velinovska, Dnevnik

        CIA Operation "Wizard of Oz": Terminate VMRO Leadership - Part 2
        Tuesday, 26 April 2016

        "Wizard of Oz" plan for May 4th and 15th.

        Everything that was done by the Umbrella thus far is well known. The next phases of their plan were cut short by Macedonia's president which the US State Department is now politely asking to retract his order. The State Department was doing well with the SPO: After "Titanik", "Tortura", "Transporter", "TNT, "Tvrdina"... "Teflon" was the latest case that was announced (each fraudulent case begins with a T).

        According to the original script, Nikola Gruevski and three of his associates were suppose to be detained on April 13th. As the primary suspects, a judge set up and approved by Jess Bailey would have ordered the detainment. Protests and chaos was expected which would have resulted in either a civil war or disintegration of the VMRO-DPMNE, which ironically would have been taken out with a well known VMRO tactic. This would have defocused the public from elections. The next step would welcome foreign intervention which will bring a qusling Government selected by a specialist such as Victoria Nuland.

        This scenario was cut short by Ivanov with a stroke of a pen, as a result the Umbrella has a difficult time opening up.
        It's pouring outside, but the inspirer is in a stop-cadre while the sponsor is panicked. The only thing moving is the canopy with its paid-for wild ordes. The masonic symbol of 13, plus April appeared to be unlucky.

        But the main organizers are not idling and are preparing for two major events both from inside and outside. These events are planned for May 4th and 15th. The dates coincide with two new migrant waves. One is from Egypt and the second in Turkey which consists of mainly Kurds and Turkmen that Erdogan is trying to remove and gift to the intoxicated and incapable EU.

        Because Macedonia is in the line of fire, defending itself and Europe at the same time and because it deals with the corporate wild ordes of 'anarchists', 'leftists', resistors trained by royalists and colonialists, the Umbrella believes this is the perfect time to strike and take away the immunity of Gruevski, Ivanov and few other important authorities in VMRO-DPMNE as well as their personal security. The main idea was to have them eliminated via a straight forward assassination or the classic traffic accident.

        This is the information of foreign agencies who are exchanging information with the Macedonian security service.
        This is it. If the Umbrella is not successful, we are heading to normal elections where there will be political parties that win, and those who lose, while Macedonia will continue on its road as a free, self reliant country.

        The defeated Umbrella will enact sanctions, restrictions. They will cause problems through their favorite proxy, the Albanians, however these are problems that can be resolved.
        Cleaning up the trash that's left after the Wizard of Oz will be the task of all citizens.


        In 1998, Macedonia in the European trade register was inserted as a territory, not a country. Seven years after our candidate status, Macedonia, together with Turkey and Egypt is registered as a third party country. That means, neither one of these countries will ever become a member of the "exclusive club".

        More importantly, as a third party country and a natural corridor, the country is expected to have specific neutral position, something Macedonia already has.

        VMRO tactics
        Already mentioned in Part 1, the Wizard of Oz is studying the strategy of VMRO during the reign of the Ottoman empire and what the Macedonian revolutionaries did to undermine the empire.

        Namely, VMRO created a parallel country. It had its own taxation office, set up a system of whoever had the possibility and means to fund the organization, to fund the country, within the country. The death penalty was prevalent. Abuse of the money collected from taxation was punishable by death. The penalty was issued by a central committee, execution was carried swiftly without firing of weapons (knife was used). VMRO had its own Court system. It moved from village to village and solved people's problems so they don't have to visit the Ottoman Courts.

        The Enigma with SPO's cases

        The enigma of the fact that every imaginary SPO case brought forward "accidentally" begins with the letter "T" is solved. The Umbrella revealed that it's been working on creation of a legal framework to take its hybrid war to forcibly remove the Government in front of the UN. This way, the Umbrella will attempt to cover up its tracks starting with the Coup and "revolution", but will also close the name issue. Macedonia is registered under "T" in the UN. //Mirka Velinovska, Dnevnik


        • DraganOfStip
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2011
          • 1253

          Originally posted by iceman View Post
          Apart from the SDSM and Soros, the US State Department issued one hysterical statement after another asking Ivanov to reverse his decision.
          Maybe because Ivanov pardoned high officials and politicians for heavy crimes? My guess.
          You forgot to mention the "hysterical" statements from EU and all western officials too.

          We're in the second phase of Macedonian regime change, an operation the CIA is calling "The Wizard of Oz".
          Luckily for Macedonia, we are all aware that behind Macedonia's hybrid war is Washington's liberal-neofascist lobby which gravitates primarily around the Clinton clan, supported from George Soros, Rockefeller, the State Department through USAid and others.

          The brain of this hybrid war is a national security advisor and CIA officer in president Obama's cabinet. The Umbrella's button is pressed by former ambassador Philip Reeker and his wife who are both CIA agents.

          In Macedonia, Soros and USAid finance the "fighters" from Canvas and the Sorosites from "Open Society", in addition to Zaev and Kosovo based criminals and terrorists.

          Germany, Italy, France, Holland, the EU and OSCE take a smaller part in the Umbrella. They are tasked with logistics, in particularly media propaganda and decor so the protests can gain international weight.

          The Anglo American axis wants to rule the world through access of the waterways...
          This can serve as the base of a great Hollywood blockbuster movie.
          Audiences love a good conspiracy theory thriller.Who knows,you might even earn a few bucks from copyrights if you get a good deal.

          The fight is which American oligarchy will rule with Macedonia's natural resources: mines, gold, rivers, lakes.
          Enlighten us all how a country of 25333 square km,out of which just 16,1% arable, home of just 0,27% of the population in Europe and no gas,oil or other substantial natural resource is of any significance to the already rich "American oligarchy"?

          Macedonia is the only country, in the face of one of the biggest financial crisis ever to see its economy continually increase with very stable currency, financial discipline, proving it is self reliant. More importantly it set an example for everyone that with good policies anyone can be self reliant, without giving up control of their country to western creditors.
          Economic growth was due to the rise of salaries in the public sector (a.k.a. party employed state-run jobs) which was enabled by loans from the very same western creditors this article mentions.Not long ago,the state had to get a credit to pay off the pensions because the pension system is collapsing.
          As of today, Macedonia is 4,4 billion euros in debt.Or to simplify,each citizen owes around 2170 euros from state loans.
          And that is what a proper use of bold letters looks like.
          Last edited by DraganOfStip; 04-26-2016, 05:13 AM.
          ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
          ― George Orwell


          • vicsinad
            Senior Member
            • May 2011
            • 2337

            Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post

            Enlighten us all how a country of 25333 square km,out of which just 16,1% arable, home of just 0,27% of the population in Europe and no gas,oil or other substantial natural resource is of any significance to the already rich "American oligarchy"?
            I wouldn't underestimate American and Western corporate greed and its influence on US decision-makers.

            For example, after the Kosovo war and Serbia was forced out, it was American and French investors that got exploratory rights to mine in Kosovo (essentially the Trepca mine, one of the largest in the Balkans). Of all the sites bombed in Kosovo, only state own companies were bombed, and then the vast majority of those were given to multinational corporations through long term leases by UNMIK and the Kosovo government afterwards.

            Further, Macedonia has plenty of resources to offer that multinationals can turn into substantial profits, especially due to low employment and low wages, as well as little environmental regulations. Macedonians family farms are going away by the thousands, being replaced by corporate farms that are also converting natural areas into the arable land (which is why the amount of arable land is increasing). Russia has invested hundreds of millions of dollars for copper and other mining, companies are competing for access to the nearly 2 millions ounces of gold in northeast Macedonia, and in the last 2 decades, nearly 400 concessions were issued for geological researches into active mines or those that are being reactivated. Sure, to the overall wealth of Western multinationals, that doesn't amount to much. But to individual companies? It sure does. These corporations usually are connected to diplomats and politicians one way or another.

            I don't think it's a central driving force for the problems within Macedonia, but it is certainly a driving force for other countries to capitalize on and interfere in the situation. Macedonia is abundant with natural resources and beauty...only if the people knew what to do with it.


            • Vangelovski
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 8533

              I know everyone on here doesn't really want to see a democratic revolution in Macedonia, we've all just been brainwashed by western media, which in turn is controlled by multinational corporations...they're just using and manipulating us for their own financial gain...if only we could think for ourselves.
              If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

              The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


              • vicsinad
                Senior Member
                • May 2011
                • 2337

                Here is the 17 second video clip where the police officer goes: This is my country, I'm ready to die for it (in English).

      „THIS IS MY COUNTRY. I AM READY TO DIE FOR MY COUNTRY! PLEASE GO AWAY“ shouts a Macedonian border policemen to ...


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                  Here is the 17 second video clip where the police officer goes: This is my country, I'm ready to die for it (in English).

                  I like that!
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Philosopher
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1003

                    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                    I know everyone on here doesn't really want to see a democratic revolution in Macedonia, we've all just been brainwashed by western media, which in turn is controlled by multinational corporations...they're just using and manipulating us for their own financial gain...if only we could think for ourselves.
                    Not following. Are you being sardonic?


                    • Phoenix
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 4671

                      Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                      Here is the 17 second video clip where the police officer goes: This is my country, I'm ready to die for it (in English).

                      Macedonia and the rest of Europe shouldn't allow any males of 'fighting age' to seek European asylum.
                      They all seem able-bodied enough, just like the smart-arses abusing the Macedonian guards...they should be sent back to defend their homes in Syria and elsewhere.


                      • iceman
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 132

                        (N)GOs panic after Macedonian media publishes names

                        (N)GOs panic after Macedonian media publishes names
                        Wednesday, 27 April 2016

                        "Where did they get the information from, who is helping them" are the most frequently asked questions among NGOs financed by Soros, USAid and the rest of the Umbrella after Dnevnik published the names, organizations as well as their corporate overlords who are behind the paint throwing hooligans.

                        We all know now one undisputed fact, and that is that Macedonia has been part of CIA's Wizard of Oz operation which started roughly a year ago, with the release of the audio tapes by Zoran Zaev. The aim of the operation is quite simple, regime change at all costs.

                        Since the CIA and MI6 can't have their operatives throwing paint at monuments, for this purposes were hired more than a dozen so called NGOs that are directly financed by Soros and what the unemployed Americans call, the 1%. These NGOs are mercenaries who work for 56 American vultures who live off the blood of one third of this planet's humanity. Their main goal is to use their armies, security and corporations to privatize this planet.

                        This is important to know. Because the ordes you see with paint on their faces, pretending to be leftists, anarchists, human-lovers, in other words showing an alleged solidarity with the common men have no issues cashing cheques from the very people they are allegedly rising up against.

                        The Umbrella quickly saw that the home field players are non existent, weak, thus it recruited all major corporate mercenaries they could get their hands on: LGBT, Canvas, Solidarnost, Muslim Brotherhood, Soros, Protestiram, Razbudi se, Besa etc.

                        Domestic and Foreign operatives
                        The migrants on the Macedonian-Greek border are controlled and kept there by domestic and foreign leftists and anarchists who are under the control of Greek NGO Solidarnost (Solidarity) with a branch in Macedonia. Despite constant inflow of money from Soros and USAid, the mercenaries working the Macedonia-Greek border received an astonishing 52 million euros EU grant(!?) which prompted a letter from Macedonian president Ivanov to Merkel and officials in Brussels.

                        The Greek based "Solidarity" is in charge of creating aggressive tactics for the migrants to provoke the Macedonian police.
                        In Macedonia, the man in charge of "Solidarnost" is Vasko Cacanovski. His base of operations is in downtown Skopje, on street Orce Nikolov #166, while his headquarters is on ASNOM 9-1-15. For their operational activities "Solidarnost" uses crypto (closed) communication. Their code name is "Pepper".

                        Expectedly, Solidarnost has very close ties with operatives in Germany and Greece. It often receives funds directly from the EU and "Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung". On the Greek side, Solidarity has close ties with the party Linke, which allows them direct influence in Syriza, similarly to what Soros is for SDSM.

                        The main operatives for Solidarnost in Skopje are: Kire Vasilev, Artan Sadiku, Aleksandar Kovacevski, Mariglen Demiri, Kiril Biserovski, Damjan Bozinovski, Martin Kralevski, Dejan Lutovski, Ivica Kostovski, Zdravko Saveski and Marija Bashevska.

                        Foreign Operatives arrive to 'Help'
                        The neoliberal fascist recruit all the help they can get to destablize Macedonia. Italian nationals, previously involved in Kiev, arrived in Macedonia to assist the Wizard of Oz. They each have temporary residence in Macedonia and have been inserted at the Macedonian - Greek border:
                        Alexandra Kadri
                        Anapaola Ammirati
                        Francesco Ferri
                        Gaetano di Monte
                        Andrea Rotelli
                        Mikael Pavlasek
                        Marco Secci
                        Samantha di Facio
                        Several of them were seen protesting in Skopje.

                        Not to be outdone, additional assistance was called in from Germany.
                        Sandra Husravi, Rune Mensei, Lisa Tormallen, Christian Braun and Bjorn Kitzman who as their leader is famous for his brutality.
                        Swiss national Michael Raber and Serbian Katica Gjurovic were also brought in.

                        To prove that corporate solidarity is indeed without borders, the following individuals across Europe were brought in for additional help: Nick Burnets, Santi Palacios, Jim Croft, Elisa Perriger, Sara Montesinos, Laura Samira Nod, David Zorakino, Javier Bernatas and Tim Ludeman. All of the above mentioned individuals were directly involved in vandalizing "Porta Makedonija".

                        Throughout this network since 2011, the LGBT was inserted through an orchestrated protest for Martin Neshkovski. The main faces at the LGBT are Kiril Eftimovski and Ognen Janevski. Both have gone through the Canvas training in Belgrade and Veles.
                        Lastly, we need to mention "Lenka" which is the equivalent of "Golden Dawn" in Greece, however Lenka sold out within a week and is already on the Soros payroll. Zdravko Savevski in Bitola is coordinating the activities of Lenka.

                        What is very interesting is that last year's nonsensical school protests and the campers in front of the Government were the idea of British MI6 whose operatives in Skopje selected their candidates and brought them to London for "educational" purposes where they were offered few year stay in the UK if they completed their mission. The goal during the anti-education protest was for students to storm and take over the Universities. For this purpose MK-maidans received training in Zagreb under British instructors.

                        In the end, Noam Chomsky was correct when during a journalist forum in Seul stated that the United States are waging a war against the world with the logistics of white helmets who are an inseparable part of the Navy. The white helmets are of course the NGO activists who receive the same training from military specialists.

                        Critical mass

                        Who are the focal point during these NGO protests?
                        - It's the children of SDSM's leadership who were used to spending 1,000 euros/day when their families were running the country. They want those good ol days back.

                        - It's the recepients of unlimited American and European funds, also called "grants" given to individuals and organizations for no particular reason. (500,000 euros to promote diversity (where, in nature?), 500,000 euros to say no to violence, 250,000 euros to encourage independent media.., these are huge sums of money, gifts that these NGOs continually receive.

                        -Pseudo scientists and experts that can't pass an independent scrutiny.
                        - Ideological phanatics who can't imagine a world where the VMRO-DPMNE exists.
                        - Administrative employees who were never capable to move up due to their own abilities.
                        - Narco users, they always welcome money and love someone who is willing to pay them


                        • DraganOfStip
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 1253

                          This is great stuff man,you should be a screenwriter.
                          Our diaspora people in USA can link you up with some agents in Hollywood and you can earn big bucks,you won't have to be an obedient DPMNE party soldier and live off the scraps from Grujo's dining table any more.
                          This could be the next Manchurian Candidate,Zeitgeist etc.We have a real diamond in the ruff here.
                          ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                          ― George Orwell


                          • Vangelovski
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 8533

                            Originally posted by Philosopher View Post
                            Not following. Are you being sardonic?
                            If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                            The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                            • iceman
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 132

                              Man questioned by Soros -UK-CIA installed SPO commits suicide

                              Man questioned by Soros -UK-CIA installed SPO commits suicide

                              Was Kosta Krpac a victim of torture by the Special Public Prosecutor's Office (SPO)? This is the question the public is asking, after 40-year-old Krpac, who was one of the abolished by President Gjorge Ivanov, decided to take his own life, wrote portal Press24 in Thursday's analysis.

                              An authorized public prosecutor visited the scene on Wednesday, to inspect the circumstances in which the SPO witness died.

                              The father of one, was found dead in his apartment in the Kapistec settlement.

                              According to Press24, interim police chief Oliver Spasovski sent policement to Krpach's apartment at 2am on numerous ocasions, attempted to blackmail him into signing a false statement that was pre-prepared by the SPO.

                              According to his neighbors and friends, Kosta's behavior changed completely after investigators of the SPO started calling, threatening him to sign documents and sending police to his apartment. His family did speak to the media and stated the SPO threatened him with jail despite the fact he was a called as a witness.

                              University professor and political expert who has great deal of information on the SPO covered their 'work' in an open letter to the media which we published here .
                              After the death of Kosta Krpac, the SPO prosecutors led by Katica Janeva were seen (celebrating) in a local restaurant, drinking champagne, reported Kurir.


                              • DraganOfStip
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2011
                                • 1253


                                Public Prosecution of related offenses arising from the content of the illegal interception of communications, denies allegations of some media that this Public Prosecution done any real pressure on the late Costa Krpach.

                                Please note that the person Costa Krpach voluntarily appeared in this Public Prosecutor's Office and it had as a witness as part of a preliminary investigation. Cooperation with the witness was smooth and it was about an exceptional person, so the news of his death has affected all employees in this Public Prosecutor's Office. On this occasion we want to express our deep condolences to the family members of the late Costa Krpach.

                                However we note that this Public Prosecutor with evidence for many relevant circumstances, including the pressure under which stood face Costa Krpach, but given that it is extremely confidential information, it will not be presented to the public at this point. Of course, if the need arises we are open for cooperation with law enforcement authorities investigating the death of the late.

                                On this occasion we want to clarify that before this Public Prosecution was never led a criminal case against the late Costa Krpach and it has never had the status of a suspect. For these reasons it blurred the decision of the President to pardon exactly this person is still awaiting a response to request for submission of data from where it is the information of the President that alleged against this person criminal procedure.

                                Given the above we would like to point out certain media to refrain from publishing biased articles and unverified information, which is not only misleading throw light on the events, but they are detrimental to the establishment of the truth and of justice. Also again appeal to all media prior to disclose any information, it contacted this Public Prosecutor's Office to verify the information they plan to publish, especially considering that this Public Prosecutor's Office consistently respects the principle of transparency and within the possibilities, always it is open and available for cooperation.
                                Originally posted by iceman View Post
                                After the death of Kosta Krpac, the SPO prosecutors led by Katica Janeva were seen (celebrating) in a local restaurant, drinking champagne,
                                Any witnesses,photos,videos of this "celebration"? Or the DPMNE propaganda machinery couldn't think of anything better?
                                I'd think it is more logical that Grujo celebrated and not the SPO, because a witness against his high party members involved in heavy crimes is now silenced and won't be able to testify...
                                Last edited by DraganOfStip; 04-29-2016, 03:34 AM.
                                ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                                ― George Orwell

