Soros, NGOs and Western/foreign meddling in Macedonia

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  • Redsun
    International Media

    Scared in Skopje
    A Macedonian breakdown gets Europe’s attention

    Tensions with the country’s Albanian politicians could deteriorate into conflict

    IN NORMAL times, the world tends to ignore Macedonia and its 2m people, a quarter of them ethnic Albanian. But the world is not ignoring Macedonia now. Western politicians are rushing to Skopje, Russia is issuing warnings and Serbian newspapers proclaim that war is coming. “Geopolitical relevance is returning to the Balkans,” laments Veton Latifi, an analyst.

    The Macedonian crisis started with a coalition dispute. To preserve ethnic peace, governments consist of the winning Macedonian party and an Albanian one. Elections last December gave the incumbent Macedonian party, the nationalist VMRO, a slight edge. But after talks with the VMRO failed, the leading Albanian party, headed by Ali Ahmeti, opted for the Social Democrats. On March 1st Macedonia’s president refused to ask the Social Democrats to form a government, saying Albanian demands would “destroy” the country. The Social Democrats called it a “coup”.

    Every weekday since, thousands of Macedonians have demonstrated in support of the president. The European Union’s foreign-policy chief, Federica Mogherini, along with the head of NATO and America’s State Department, have pleaded with him to reverse his decision. VMRO has staunchly supported joining NATO, but in this crisis it is backed by Russia.

    At a deeper level, the conflict goes back to 2015, when the Social Democrats began releasing tapes of conversations (tapped by the intelligence services) which implicated Nikola Gruevski, the VMRO prime minister at the time, in corruption. Under EU auspices, a special prosecution office was set up, but VMRO now claims it is packed with Social Democrats. Lately VMRO supporters have accused George Soros, a philanthropist named in many potty conspiracy theories, of plotting against them. Ms Mogherini has been attacked in the press as a “fascistic Sorosoid bimbo”. American congressmen sympathetic to VMRO have attacked the American ambassador to Macedonia as a tool of Mr Soros.

    At the centre of the crisis is Mr Ahmeti, a former guerrilla leader. Sharing power with Mr Gruevski since 2008 cost him support. He says Mr Gruevski would not agree to extend the mandate of the special prosecutor investigating him. Meanwhile, Albanian parties asked the government to keep its agreement to widen the use of Albanian as an official language.

    According to Radmila Sekerinska, deputy head of the Social Democrats, Mr Gruevski instigated the crisis when he realised that he might lose power, which would leave him exposed to the special prosecutor investigating him. Not so, says Nikola Poposki, Macedonia’s foreign minister and a VMRO official. The Albanian language demand accepted by the Social Democrats “endangers the unity and sovereignty of Macedonia”, he says.

    Mr Ahmeti warns against turning the crisis from a political one into an ethnic one, saying he has a tough job keeping his side’s own nationalist radicals in check. He disclaims any plans for a Greater Albania. Russia, he says, is stirring the Balkan pot; the best way out is to accelerate Macedonia’s accession to the EU and NATO. Good luck with that.

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  • DraganOfStip
    Citizens of Veles gathered yesterday in the local gymnasium that bears the name of Koco Racin as an act of protest against Chilimanov's offensive words against their fellow citizen and founder of modern Macedonian poetry written in his blog a few days ago.
    The citizens demandеd a public apology from Chilimanov and called upon the local authorities to publicly condemn the act and proclaim Chilimanov a "persona non grata" in the town of Veles if he doesn't issue an apology within the next 72 hours.

    -It is an insult to a person that Veles is especially proud of. In his home town there are monuments and an institution, the oldest Macedonian High School, that bear his name. Certain characters, who do not deserve to be called gentlemen, afford to spit on Racin as well as on the partisans who created this country of ours, to call them "packs of wolves". It deserves the greatest condemnation, regardless of political affiliation, religion or nationality. I think the people of Veles are deeply offended and the least these people that spit on our history can do is to be ashamed and publicly apologize to the people of Veles and to all Macedonians that feel offended.- a revolted citizen said.

    The people later left flowers in front of his statue in the gymnasium and paid their respect to Racin with a minute of silence.

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  • DraganOfStip
    DPMNE agent Chilimanov sacrileges the name of Koco Racin

    Known Grujovist supporter and propaganda journalist Cvetin Chilimanov in one of his latest blogs talks about one of the founders of modern Macedonian poetry Koco Racin as "the dwarf from Veles", whose "only good thing he did was dying on time", and that he was "killed by one of the beasts he had inspired in looting".
    He also added that his influence in our collective psyche was "toxic, harmful and unacceptable", and that his poetry was "selfish, vengeful" etc .

    This has stirred a great revolt in the poetry circles in Macedonia and triggered an internet avalanche of disgust aimed at this DPMNE agent who isn't worthy of even mentioning Racin's name.
    Racin's nephew from his sister's side, Zoran Sinadinovski, also came forward with a statement, saying that "my uncle gave his life for the freedom of Macedonia. His entire life was devoted to the struggle for a better and more just world, a society of freedom, equality and brotherhood in which there will be justice and solidarity. He strongly believed in the future and freedom of Macedonia where all citizens regardless of religion, gender, ethnic and social backgrounds and political persuasions will live free and equal without divisions and hatred. His life and his deeds speak who was and is Racin".

    Chilimanov was a member of the counter-protest movement GDOM and now the Stop Operation Soros NGO, he was employed by DPMNE in the cabinet of president Ivanov and now he's an English language journalist in the government agency MINA.

    Last edited by DraganOfStip; 02-23-2017, 01:21 PM.

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  • Amphipolis
    Soros is also very active in Thessaloniki, he's associated with our Mayor John Boutaris and his network of organizations was responsible for Boutaris being awarded... best Mayor of the World in 2014. Not kidding. I remember wondering "How does the world know about Thessaloniki?".

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  • Soldier of Macedon

    Lawmakers probe US funding for Soros groups, left-wing causes in Europe

    February 17, 2017

    George Soros' alleged meddling in European politics has caught the attention of Congress. Concerns about Soros' involvement most recently were raised by the Hungarian prime minister, who last week lashed out at the Soros "empire" and accused it of deploying "tons of money and international heavy artillery." But days earlier, Republican lawmakers in Washington started asking questions about whether U.S. tax dollars also were being used to fund Soros projects in the small, conservative-led country of Macedonia. Rep. Christopher Smith, R-N.J., led a group of House lawmakers in writing to Ambassador Jess Baily -- an Obama appointee -- demanding answers. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, also expressed concerns about USAID money going to Soros' Open Society Foundations as part of a broader concern that the U.S. Embassy has been taking sides in party politics.

    “I have received credible reports that, over the past few years, the US Mission to Macedonia has actively intervened in the party politics of Macedonia, as well as the shaping of its media environment and civil society, often favoring groups of one political persuasion over another,” Lee said in his letter. Together, the concerns reflect growing conservative pushback against Soros' operations in Europe. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban last week ripped the Hungary-born billionaire's "trans-border empire." Orban has been one of the central European voices speaking out against the push by E.U. leaders to absorb Syrian refugees and has been criticized for his hardline stance.

    Soros' Open Society Foundations -- one of the billionaire's biggest groups operating across the globe -- fired back, saying Orban was trying to deflect attention from other issues. “The Open Society Foundations for over 30 years have supported civil society groups in Hungary who are addressing profound problems in education, health care, media freedom and corruption," Laura Silber, the organization's chief communications officer, said in a statement to The Associated Press. "Any attacks on this work and those groups are solely an attempt to deflect attention from government inability to address these issues." The group's stated goal is “to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens” but critics claim it's a front for Soros’ hard-left political maneuverings.

    Former Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski says Soros has a "decisive influence" on his country’s politics. “If it were not for George Soros behind it with all the millions he pours into Macedonia, the entire network of NGOs, media, politicians, inside and out ... the economy would be stronger, we would have had more new jobs,” he said in a recent interview with Macedonia’s Republika newspaper. Macedonia, while small, is a broadly conservative country. It has a flat rate tax of 10 percent, a small-government philosophy and a ruling conservative party (VMRO-DPMNE) that has greeted the election of President Trump warmly and pledged to work with him. Lee’s staff recently met with Macedonia lawmakers, who also passed on a white paper from a citizen’s initiative called “Stop Operation Soros” which alleges U.S. money has been funding hard-left causes in the country -- including violent riots in the streets, as well as a Macedonian version of Saul Alinsky’s far-left handbook “Rules for Radicals.”

    In an extensive 40-page dossier, the group alleges USAID money is being used to fund activists and exclusively left-wing media groups as a way to sway the country’s politics. The Open Society Foundations did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News. On the Soros connection, Lee’s letter asked if the Mission has “selected the Open Society Foundations as the major implementer of USAID projects in Macedonia” and if the group has been perceived to have political bias in Macedonia. In a reply dated Feb. 9, the State Department told Lee that the Mission in the country has worked to advance U.S. interests “in a non-biased, non-partisan, objective and transparent manner.” The letter claimed U.S. government assistance has not funded partisan political activities in Macedonia, but noted that from 2002 to the present, USAID had provided three grants to Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM).

    One of these grants is outlined on the USAID website. Between 2012 and 2016, USAID gave almost $5 million in taxpayer cash to FOSM for “The Civil Society Project,” which “aims to empower Macedonian citizens to hold government accountable.” USAID’s website links to, and says the project trained hundreds of young Macedonians “in youth activism and the use of new media instruments.” The letter from the State Department to Lee said USAID also recently funded a new Civic Engagement Project which partners with four organizations, including FOSM. It was not clear how much this project would cost, but Smith put the figure at $9.5 million. “The money is very significant, in fact there is still money in the pipeline, from 2017 to 2021, 9.5 million,” Smith said in a recent radio interview with the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins. “It’s one thing to do election monitoring, which is a very noble cause to make sure there’s free and fair elections, but it’s quite another thing to be backing parties that Soros and his gang want to see in control of that country.”

    It isn’t the only time Soros has worked with the State Department. Among the emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta released by Wikileaks was one from 2011 in which Soros urged Hillary Clinton to take action in Albania over recent demonstrations in the capital of Tirana. Soros asked Clinton to “bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements” and appoint a senior European official as mediator. Within a few days, an envoy was dutifully dispatched. Former Macedonian PM Gruevski cited the WikiLeaks emails as proof “[Soros] can go visit top leading American officials whenever he wants to, arranges meetings day in day out and has significant influence.”

    While Soros has often been a bogeyman for the American right, the liberal businessman has kept a steady pressure and funding of left-wing causes within America as well. “This guy is a spider with lots of webs,” GOP strategist Brad Blakeman told Fox News' "Strategy Room." “He controls numerous third-party groups, where he uses his influence. We’ve seen it internally with Black Lives Matter, the demonstrations taken place after the inaugural -- this is what he does.” After violent left-wing activists rioted at Berkeley in protest of a lecture by Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos, The Daily Caller reported that the main group behind the protests -- Refuse Facism -- was backed by The Alliance for Global Justice -- which in turn is backed by The Tides Foundation, a Soros-funded group. Soros also has donated to Media Matters and has been a major financial contributor to the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank founded by Podesta.

    Chilimanov: Far-Left ‘Soros Army’ Invades Conservative Macedonia, Contributes to Migrant Crisis with U.S. Taxpayer Support

    17 Feb 2017

    Cvetin Chilimanov, vice president of Stop Operation Soros, called into Friday’s Breitbart News Daily from Macedonia to discuss billionaire George Soros’ efforts to influence Macedonian politics. Chilimanov noted that Macedonia gained its independence from the defunct Soviet Union in 1991, making it relatively young as a free nation despite its ancient culture. [Correction: Macedonia seceded from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991, not the Soviet Union.] “Unfortunately, what was waiting for us as soon as we got out of Yugoslavia was that the Left regrouped” with the help of Soros, who is “funding all sorts of outfits throughout Eastern Europe,” according to Chilimanov. “His main base is in Hungary. He’s active in the Ukraine now, in Poland. He’s organizing protests all throughout the Balkans, from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia. He has one of the highest per-capita expenditures in Macedonia,” Chilimanov said.

    SiriusXM host Lee Stranahan assured his guest that Soros is well-known to conservatives in the United States as “one of the big funders of the institutional Left,” including unions, think tanks, and media organizations. Chilimanov described Macedonia as a “country which re-asserted its independence after being partitioned by neighboring countries, with the usual Balkan arguments over identity, over religion with everybody around, but we were at least hoping we were putting socialism to bed after we split from Yugoslavia and tried to rejoin the Western world.” Stranahan clarified for the U.S. audience that Macedonia is also “a very conservative country in the American political sense of the word, in a lot of ways.” He offered the strong pro-life movement in Macedonia as an example. “That’s correct,” said Chilimanov. “We are conservative in social outlook. We have adopted some American-style conservative policies in economic outlook,” such as “a low flat tax rate of ten percent, tax-free zones to spur up manufacturing, easing of the labor laws to make it easier to hire and fire people, and cutting regulatory burdens.”

    He was proud to report that “just a few days ago,” the Heritage Foundation “declared us number thirty-first in the world in economic freedom.” (The United States is ranked Number 17 on that list, putting it in the “mostly free” category along with Macedonia. The only five “free” nations in the world are Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Australia.) “Not only in social outlook, but also in economic outlook, we have tried to – whenever conservatism was given a chance to run the country, we have tried to follow the U.S. example, the U.S. conservative example, and it just worked well,” Chilimanov said. “We have slashed unemployment, we have doubled the economy over ten years, just by introducing free market reforms. In many ways, we have been inspired by the U.S.” “The voters generally vote for the conservative party and give it wide mandate to rule the country, but this is where Soros comes with his attempts to help the former Communist Party, now the Social Democratic Party, take over power. And now, they do this pretty regularly,” he said.

    Stranahan pointed out there is even a street in Macedonia named after Ronald Reagan, wryly noting “they wouldn’t allow that in many American cities at this point.” Chilimanov confirmed Stranahan’s report of seeing activists in the streets of Macedonia wearing “Soros Army” T-shirts: “These are the activists from this former Communist party, which has essentially merged with the sprawling Soros Foundation here,” Chilimanov said. “There is the old Communist party, and there are dozens and dozens of what they call ‘non-governmental organizations,’ NGOs, which are funded by Soros to the tune of about $5 million a year. This is supplemented by several million, up to $5 million a year additionally, coming from the coffers of the United States, usually through USAID.” He added that several other countries help to finance these left-wing activists, who “like to organize protests which would be not out of place to an American who has seen the Black Lives Matter protests.” These protests have targeted the office of the president, the Justice Ministry, the Parliament building, and other government offices, often with enough violence to injure police officers.

    “They were receiving implicit support from the U.S. Embassy here, considering how the State Department was politicized and controlled,” he complained. “This is the most important thing here. The listeners obviously realize how IRS or the EPA were politicized under Obama, but I don’t think a good grasp of the extent to which the State Department was politicized, and USAID, which is the international development agency.” “USAID, the U.S. development agency, and the U.S. Embassy here have given tens of millions of dollars over the past several years to George Soros-led groups in Macedonia,” he elaborated. “They don’t give anything remotely similar to conservative groups. They’re essentially supporting only one side of the ideological divide in Macedonia. And they were doing this at a time when these groups were organizing violent protests, attacking the police, doing all they can to bring down the conservative government in this country.” “They keep the money for all sorts of activities. That includes media development, so the U.S. is paying for a long list of far-Left TV programs and news sites in Macedonia. They even pay for, several hundred thousand dollars have gone to essentially a copy of Saturday Night Live going on Macedonian television with similar talking points and similar jokes against conservatives and lionizing the Left,” he said.

    “I want to make sure people get this,” Stranahan interjected. “Tens of millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer money, correct? You’re saying that money has gone to George Soros to promote a culture of leftism, leftist groups in the country of Macedonia. Is that correct?” “Exactly,” Chilimanov agreed. “One of the Soros groups receiving U.S. funding is fighting to make abortion more easily accessible in the country. Other groups are promoting progressive economic policies, discussing inequality, or asking us to make our labor laws more strict or reintroduce progressive taxation. Another group is working on a media forum which is very anti-First Amendment. They’re promoting media regulation which will lead to setting up a committee which is going to evaluate whether you are spreading ‘fake news’ and essentially close down your media outlet if they decide you are.” “Maybe one of the worst organizations they’re funding, which is receiving U.S. funding and is set up by George Soros here, it’s a group of young lawyers who are very active in the migrant crisis, which Europe experienced in 2015 and 2016, during which Macedonia became essentially the external border of Europe. So the U.S. government was paying a group of lawyers to go to the border every day and to help people from Pakistan, Afghanistan, all over the world cross the border more easily, and apply for documents which will allow them to continue traveling through Macedonia toward Germany,” he said.

    Update: Macedonia seceded from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991, not the Soviet Union. The error has been corrected above.

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  • iceman
    US Senator asks Jess Baily How Was He Able to Cancel & Delay Macedonian Elections,Why

    US Senator asks Jess Baily How Was He Able to Cancel and Delay Macedonian Elections, and Why?
    Tuesday, 14 February 2017

    Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) sent a letter to US Ambassador to Macedonia Jess Baily, asking for clarity on; the mission’s assistance to the formation of a new government; the involvement of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation; and the implementation of US Agency for International Development (USAID) programs. Sen. Lee eagerly awaits a reply from the State Department and hopes that the new administration will hold executive branch officials accountable for the way our tax dollars are spent.

    Here is the full text of the letter which can be seen here (Mike Lee's Letter):

    Dear Ambassador Baily,

    As you are keenly aware, the United States Senate plays a large role in not only Congressional oversight - preventing waste, fraud, and abuse of US Government resources - but also in statecraft and foreign policy through reviewing treaties, as well as confirming individuals to top leadership roles. With these responsibilities in mind, I am inquiring into the role the US Mission to Macedonia plays in the distribution of US foreign aid in Macedonia, the ongoing and sometimes tumultuous Macedonian political landscape, and in shaping Macedonia’s media environment and civil society. It is important that this nation of 2.1 million, situated in a historically turbulent region, continues developing with as little outside political influence as possible.

    This is a critical time in Macedonia as their elected officials negotiate a new government in the aftermath of the parliamentary elections finally concluded this past December. Unfortunately, I have received credible reports that, over the past few years, the US Mission to Macedonia has actively intervened in the party politics of Macedonia, as well as in the shaping of its media environment and civil society, often favoring groups of one political persuasion over another. I find these reports discouraging and, if true, highly problematic.

    In this regard, I respectfully request you answer the following questions:

    1. Please describe the role that you and other persons associated with the US Mission to Macedonia played in the discussions that led to the scheduling of the parliamentary elections for April 24, 2016; the discussions that led to the postponement to June 5; and the postponement of the parliamentary elections to December 11. I hope in these dialogues all parties were consulted equally.

    2. Has the US Mission to Macedonia selected the Open Society Foundations as the major implementer of USAID projects in Macedonia? And, is the Open Society Foundations perceived to have political bias by Macedonians? In this regard I would appreciate further information about the process by which projects and needs for Macedonia are assessed by US officials in country before requests for proposals are written and grant recipients org program implementers selected.

    3. How many media outlets in Macedonia have received US Government funding and what are the names of these entities? Have you taken any action to influence the operations of these or any other media organizations? If so, what and why?

    Though Macedonia is a small country, I value the close relationship that has been formed between the United States and Macedonia over the 25 years since it achieved independence. The US is encouraged by Macedonia’s political and economic development and appreciated Macedonia contributing to many of our country’s foreign policy priorities. I ho e that as our own country transitions power, we are able to maintain a positive and unbiased relationship that prioritizes mutual interests over political agendas. To succeed, we must avoid what some see as tendencies towards ideological imperialism and interference in the natural, democratic development of a country.

    I hope to receive from you accurate and prompt information in response to these questions no later than two weeks from the date of this letter. I also would welcome a meeting to discuss these matters the next time you are in Washington, D.C.


    Michael S. Lee United States Senator

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  • Tomche Makedonche
    Over 15 NGOs have threatened to sue the new anti-Soros movement after it accused them of taking foreign cash to destabilise Macedonia.

    Macedonia NGOs Deny Taking Foreign Cash to Cause Chaos

    Over 15 NGOs have threatened to sue the new anti-Soros movement after it accused them of taking foreign cash to destabilise Macedonia.

    A group of NGOs in Macedonia has given a recently formed movement, Stop Operation Soros, SOS, a week to apologise or face legal charges over its claims that local NGOs are receiving money from abroad to destabilise the country.

    In separate press releases the NGOs, including the Macedonian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, the Metamorphosis Foundation as well as smaller civic groups, said the SOS had presented lies and false data about their alleged money transfers.

    "These claims are not only false but are also designed to diminish our reputation as well as that of our members," the Helsinki Committee wrote, dismissing SOS allegations that they were working for the opposition Social Democratic Union, SDSM.

    The Metamorphosis Foundation, which faces a series of financial inspections by the Revenue Office for its work in the past five years, also said the attacks against it were politically motivated.

    Stop Operation Soros, which was formed in mid-January, on Saturday accused local NGOs of receiving foreign cash in order to fund anti-government protests and influence the December 11 elections in favour of the opposition.

    Nikola Srbov, a member of SOS, said that they were convinced that recent massive "anti-government protests as well as other pre election activities were financed through NGO projects funded by the Foundation Open Society - Macedonia", owned by US billionaire George Soros. He added that these allegations should be investigated by the authorities.

    Supporters of SOS have vowed to "de-Soros-ise' Macedonia, a process that VMRO DPMNE party has increasingly underlined as a priority after it narrowly came first in the December 11 elections.

    The Association of Young Federalists, JEF - Macedonia, which was one of the named organisations, also dismissed SOS's claims.

    It note that it was not formed during the recent political crisis but 26 years ago, and that one of the founders was today's President of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, who won as the VMRO DPMNE presidential candidate.

    The VMRO DPMNE party's campaign against Soros-funded NGOs - accusing them of being "foreign mercenaries" - comes against a background of political crisis, which revolves around opposition claims that as Prime Minister, VMRO DPMNE's leader Nikola Gruevski illegally wiretapped thousands of people.

    The claims about illegal wiretapping and other high-level crimes emerged from tapes revealed by the SDSM in 2015. Gruevski says foreign intelligence services gave the wiretaps to the opposition in order to destabilise the country.

    It had been hoped that the December 11 early elections would resolve Macedonia's prolonged political crisis, but after a near-tie result between VMRO DPMNE and the SDSM, it remains uncertain which side will form the new government.

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  • Risto the Great
    RE: It’s Time to Reel in the Obama-Appointed Ambassador Who Meddled in Macedonian Politics
    This is getting really interesting!
    Shame on the USA for meddling. What do they have to gain, or is the USA really a lapdog for Soros' opportunistic agenda?

    A highly interesting review of his agenda here:

    How George Soros Singlehandedly Created the European Refugee Crisis - And Why

    George Soros is trading again.

    The 85-year-old political activist and philanthropist hit the headlines post-Brexit saying the event had “unleashed” a financial-market crisis.

    Well, the crisis hasn’t hit Soros just yet.

    He was once again on the right side of the trade, taking a short position in troubled Deutsche Bank and betting against the S&P via a 2.1-million-share put option on the SPDR S&P 500 ETF.

    More interestingly, Soros recently took out a $264 million position in Barrick Gold, whose share price has jumped over 14% since Brexit. Along with this trade, Soros has sold his positions in many of his traditional holdings.

    Soros had recently announced he was coming out of retirement, again.

    First retiring in 2000, the only other time Soros has publicly re-entered the markets was in 2007, when he placed a number of bearish bets on US housing and ultimately made a profit of over $1 billion from the trades.

    Since the 1980s, Soros has actively been pursuing a globalist agenda; he advances this agenda through his Open Society Foundations (OSF).

    What is this globalist agenda, and where does it come from?

    The Humble Beginnings
    The globalist seed was sowed for young George by his father, Tivadar, a Jewish lawyer who was a strong proponent of Esperanto. Esperanto is a language created in 1887 by L.L. Zamenhof, a Polish eye doctor, for the purpose of “transcending national borders” and “overcoming the natural indifference of mankind.”

    Tivadar taught young George Esperanto and forced him to speak it at home. In 1936, as Hitler was hosting the Olympics in Berlin, Tivadar changed the family name from Schwartz to Soros, an Esperanto word meaning “will soar.”

    George Soros, who was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary, benefited greatly from his father’s decision.

    Allegedly, in 1944, 14-year-old George Soros went to work for the invading Nazis. It is said that until the end of the war in 1945, he worked with a government official, helping him confiscate property from the local Jewish population.

    In an 1998 interview with 60 Minutes, Soros described the year of German occupation as “the happiest time in my life.”

    Soros’s Venture into Finance
    When the war ended, Soros moved to London and in 1947 enrolled in the London School of Economics where he studied under Karl Popper, the Austrian-British philosopher who was one of the first proponents of an “Open Society.”

    Soros then worked at several merchant banks in London before moving to New York in 1963. In 1970, he founded Soros Fund Management and in 1973 created the Quantum Fund in partnership with investor Jim Rogers.

    The fund made annual returns of over 30%, cementing Soros’s reputation and putting him in a position of power—one he utilizes to this day to advance the agenda of his mentors.

    The Currency Speculations That Threw Britain and Asia into Crisis
    In the 1990s, Soros began a string of large bets against national currencies. The first was in 1992, when he sold short the pound sterling and made a $1 billion profit in a single day.

    His next big currency speculation came in 1997. This time Soros singled out the Thai baht and, with heavy short-selling volume, destroyed the baht’s artificial peg to the US dollar, which started the Asian financial crisis.

    “Humanitarian” Efforts
    Today, Soros’s net worth stands at $23 billion. Since taking a back seat in his company, Soros Fund Management, in 2000, Soros has been focusing on his philanthropic efforts, which he carries out through the Open Society Foundations he founded in 1993.

    So who does he donate to, and what causes does he support?

    During the 1980s and 1990s, Soros used his extraordinary wealth to bankroll and fund revolutions in dozens of European nations, including Czechoslovakia, Croatia, and Yugoslavia. He achieved this by funneling money to political opposition parties, publishing houses, and independent media in these nations.

    If you wonder why Soros meddled in these nations’ affairs, part of the answer may lie in the fact that during and after the chaos, he invested heavily in assets in each of the respective countries.

    He then used Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs to advise the fledgling governments to privatize all public assets immediately, thus allowing Soros to sell the assets he had acquired during the turmoil into newly formed open markets.

    Having succeeded in advancing his agenda in Europe through regime change—and profiting in the process—he soon turned his attention to the big stage, the United States.

    The Big Time
    In 2004, Soros stated, “I deeply believe in the values of an open society. For the past 15 years I have been focusing my efforts abroad; now I am doing it in the United States.”

    Since then, Soros has been funding groups such as:

    The American Institute for Social Justice, whose aim is to “transform poor communities through lobbying for increased government spending on social programs”
    The New America Foundation, whose aim is to “influence public opinion on such topics as environmentalism and global governance”
    The Migration Policy Institute, whose aim is to “bring about an illegal immigrant resettlement policy and increase social welfare benefits for illegals”
    Soros also uses his Open Society Foundations to funnel money to the progressive media outlet, Media Matters.

    Soros funnels the money through a number of leftist groups, including the Tides Foundation, Center for American Progress, and the Democracy Alliance in order to circumvent the campaign finance laws he helped lobby for.

    Why has Soros donated so much capital and effort to these organizations? For one simple reason: to buy political power.

    Democratic politicians who go against the progressive narrative will see their funding cut and be attacked in media outlets such as Media Matters, which also directly contribute to mainstream sites such as NBC, Al Jazeera, and The New York Times.

    Apart from the $5 billion Soros’s foundation has donated to groups like those cited above, he has also made huge contributions to the Democratic Party and its most prominent members, like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and of course Bill and Hillary Clinton.

    Best Friends with the Clintons
    Soros’s relationship with the Clintons goes back to 1993, around the time when OSF was founded. They have become close friends, and their enduring relationship goes well beyond donor status.

    According to the book, The Shadow Party, by Horowitz and Poe, at a 2004 “Take Back America” conference where Soros was speaking, the former first lady introduced him saying, “[W]e need people like George Soros, who is fearless and willing to step up when it counts.”

    Soros began supporting Hillary Clinton’s current presidential run in 2013, taking a senior role in the “Ready for Hillary” group. Since then, Soros has donated over $15 million to pro-Clinton groups and Super PACs.

    More recently, Soros has given more than $33 million to the Black Lives Matter group, which has been involved in outbreaks of social unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, in 2015. Both of these incidents contributed to a worsening of race relations across America.

    The same group heavily criticized Democratic contender Bernie Sanders for his alleged track record of supporting racial inequality, helping to undercut him as a competitive threat with one of Hillary Clinton’s most ardent constituencies.

    This, of course, greatly enhances the clout Soros wields through the groups mentioned above. It is safe to assume that he is now able to drive Democratic policy, especially in an administration headed by Hillary Clinton.

    Simply, what Soros wants, he gets. And it’s clear from his history that he wants to smudge away national borders and create the sort of globalist nightmare represented by the European Union.

    In recent years, Soros has turned his attention back to Europe. Is it a coincidence that the continent is currently in economic and social disarray?

    Another Home Run: the Ukrainian Conflict
    There’s no doubt about Soros’s great influence on US foreign policy. In an October 1995 PBS interview with Charlie Rose, he said, “I do now have access [to US Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott]. There is no question. We actually work together [on Eastern European policy].”

    Soros’s meddling reared its ugly head again in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which began in early 2014.

    In a May 2014 interview with CNN, Soros stated he was responsible for establishing a foundation in the Ukraine that ultimately led to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the US State Department, at the time headed by none other than Hillary Clinton:

    CNN Host: First on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you during the revolutions of 1989 funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?

    Soros: Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now.

    The war that ripped through the Ukrainian region of Donbass resulted in the deaths of over 10,000 people and the displacement of over 1.4 million people. As collateral damage, a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet was shot down, killing all 298 on board.

    But once again Soros was there to profit from the chaos he helped create. His prize in Ukraine was the state-owned energy monopoly Naftogaz.

    Soros again had his US cronies, Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew and US consulting company McKinsey, advise the puppet government of Ukraine to privatize Naftogaz.

    Although Soros’s exact stake in Naftogaz has not been disclosed, in a 2014 memo he pledged to invest up to $1 billion in Ukrainian businesses, but no other Ukrainian holdings have since been reported.

    His Latest Success: the European Refugee Crisis
    Soros’s agenda is fundamentally about the destruction of national borders. This has recently been shown very clearly with his funding of the European refugee crisis.

    The refugee crisis has been blamed on the civil war currently raging in Syria. But did you ever wonder how all these people suddenly knew Europe would open its gates and let them in?

    The refugee crisis is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. It coincided with OSF donating money to the US-based Migration Policy Institute and the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, both Soros-sponsored organizations. Both groups advocate the resettlement of third-world Muslims into Europe.

    In 2015, a Sky News reporter found “Migrant Handbooks” on the Greek island of Lesbos. It was later revealed that the handbooks, which are written in Arabic, had been given to refugees before crossing the Mediterranean by a group called “Welcome to the EU.”

    Welcome to the EU is funded by—you guessed it—the Open Society Foundations.

    Soros has not only backed groups that advocate the resettlement of third-world migrants into Europe, he in fact is the architect of the “Merkel Plan.”

    The Merkel Plan was created by the European Stability Initiative whose chairman Gerald Knaus is a senior fellow at none other than the Open Society Foundations.

    The plan proposes that Germany should grant asylum to 500,000 Syrian refugees. It also states that Germany, along with other European nations, should agree to help Turkey, a country that’s 98% Muslim, gain visa-free travel within the EU starting in 2016.

    Political Discourse
    The refugee crisis has raised huge concern in European countries like Hungary.

    In response to 7,000 migrants entering Hungarian territory per day in 2015, the Hungarian government reestablished border control in order to keep the hordes of refugees from entering the country.

    Of course this did not go down well with Soros and his close allies, the Clintons.

    Bill Clinton has since come out and accused both Poland and Hungary of thinking “democracy is too much trouble” and wanting to have a “Putin-like authoritarian dictatorship.”

    Seeing through Clinton’s comments, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán responded by saying, “The remarks made about Hungary and Poland … have a political dimension. These are not accidental slips of the tongue. And these slips or remarks have been multiplying since we are living in the era of the migrant crisis. And we all know that behind the leaders of the Democratic Party, we have to see George Soros.”

    He went on to say that “although the mouth belongs to Clinton, the voice belongs to Soros.”

    Soros has since said of Orbán’s policy toward the migrants: “His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle. Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

    It’s hard to imagine that he could be any clearer in his globalist intentions.

    The Profit Motive
    So why is Soros going to such lengths to flood Europe with hordes of third-world Muslims?

    We can’t be sure, but it has recently come to light that Soros has taken a large series of “bearish derivative positions” against US stocks. Apparently, he thinks that causing chaos in Europe will spread the contagion to the United States, thus sending US markets spiraling downward.

    The destruction of Europe through flooding it with millions of unassimilated Muslims is a direct plan to cause economic and social chaos on the Continent.

    Another example of turmoil equaling profit for George Soros, who seems to have his tentacles in most geopolitical events.

    We all understand correlation is not causation. However, given Soros’s extraordinary wealth, political connections, and his long track record of seeing and profiting from chaos, he is almost certainly a catalyst for much of the geopolitical turmoil now occurring.

    He is intent on destroying national borders and creating a global governance structure with unlimited powers. From his comments directed toward Viktor Orbán, we can see he clearly views national leaders as his juniors, expecting them to become puppets that sell his narrative to the ignorant masses.

    Soros sees himself as a missionary carrying out the globalist agenda taught to him by his early mentors. He uses his vast political connections to influence government policy and create crises, both economic and social, to further this agenda.

    By all appearances, Soros is conspiring against humanity and is hell-bent on the destruction of Western democracies.

    To any rational thinker, some global events just don’t make sense. Why, for example, would Western democracies take in millions of people whose values are completely incompatible with their own?

    When we look closely at the agenda being actively promoted by the leading globalist puppet master, George Soros, things become a little clearer.

    Want to read more? If you haven’t done so already, sign-up for your free subscription to The Passing Parade from Garret/Galland Research. It’s a rousing weekly romp on economics and markets, with a dose of politics and other follies. It’s free and you can cancel at any time. Click here now to start subscription today!

    On Soros & Gold

    David, again.

    While I’m not a conspiracy theorist per se, I do believe there is a naturally occurring and constant collaboration about shared interests occurring amongst the heads of governments, corporations, investment managers and all of the bottom feeders that survive off their scraps.

    What I find most interesting about Soros is that he is so obvious in his intentions and persistent in their pursuit. Given the consequences of his actions, it is also clear he’s a believer in moral relativism and that the ends justify the means.

    That he turns a nice buck in his crusade for what certainly rhymes with a one-world government is a Soros hallmark.

    “It allows me the money needed to fund my philanthropies” he might answer to the charges he is profiting from blood in the streets he was instrumental in spilling.

    Going forward when something big is happening geopolitically, I am going to start my analysis by checking under rocks for signs of Soros.

    At the beginning of this article we noted that Soros has gone big into American Barrick (ABX), a leading gold producer. As of the end of March it was his single largest holding at 7.36% of his overall portfolio.

    As telling, he has dumped a lot of his more conventional stocks in recent months.

    Given the man’s inside track – and active manipulations – you might want to take the hint and pick up some physical gold as an insurance policy against a systematic shock.

    If you already own gold, I probably wouldn’t chase it here as it has had a good run of late. Ditto silver which is up 46% year to date. But if you don’t own some, adding precious metals to your portfolio as a long-term holding, even at today’s prices, makes sense.

    Per last week, I continue to believe the gold stocks have probably gotten ahead of themselves and could be in for a pretty significant correction. If so, I would be inclined to up my allocation to the sector to 20% of my total portfolio.

    That said, no one can predict the future and gold could continue to power ahead, with the gold shares a more leveraged way to play the sector.

    As always with gold shares, it is important to remember a few things:

    In most cases, these are speculations. That’s because their financial metrics often don’t line up with anything looking like a good value. What you are really betting on is a revaluation of the ounces of gold or silver a company is sitting on. Thus, if a company is sitting on one million ounces of gold and gold goes up by $100, the company just got a lot more valuable.

    Never fall in love with a gold stock. Set a rational return goal and once hit, at least scrape your original investment off the table. That way you are playing with the casino’s money.
    Also per my article last week, keep in mind that should gold stocks buck the trend in a future global equities correction, the money managers who own big positions in gold stocks will almost certainly dump their holdings in order to dress up the rest of their portfolios. As the trading volume in precious metals share is relatively thin, you want to beat them out the door.

    Embrace the volatility. The low trading volume of most of these stocks is a key reason they have such explosive upside. Any significant uptick in investor interest can send a stock soaring.
    However, the flipside is also true. In the bear market that started in 2011, the majority of the precious metals stocks lost upwards of 75% of their value and many simply dried up and went away. Enjoy the ride, but don’t stay too late at the party.

    Earlier this week I commented to a friend that if the EU was going to remain relevant, there had to be some major financial pain dished out post-Brexit. To let that seminal event pass with nothing more than the equivalent of a global shrug would entirely change how people view the European Union.

    The bottom line, I’m expecting some volatility, perhaps triggered by Soros taking a second run at crushing the British pound, the source of much of his fortune and fame.

    It’s promising to be a long, hot summer.

    Here Come the Clowns

    Nothing comes close to the Get Out of Jail card handed by the clowns at the FBI to Hillary over her private email servers. This despite pretty much no one disputes she broke any number of federal laws of the sort which would have landed a lesser clown in jail.

    To quote FBI Director James Comey, “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

    There is nuance in that statement. For starters, that there is evidence of violations. But also the stark political reality that no “reasonable prosecutor” would enforce the laws, considering who the perp is: the standard bearer for the Democrats going into this election.

    Besides, going after Clinton means crossing swords with Soros and no “reasonable prosecutor” would want to do that.

    Just saying…

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  • Soldier of Macedon

    It’s Time to Reel in the Obama-Appointed Ambassador Who Meddled in Macedonian Politics
    Mike Gonzalez, February 03, 2017

    Macedonia has a population smaller than Queens and is roughly the size of Vermont. It is stuck in the southern Balkans, wedged between a hostile Greece and sometimes revanchist Albania and Bulgaria. It is not the center of the universe. So why are some members of Congress having to ask our Macedonian ambassador, Jess Baily, to explain reports that he’s been acting as the bullying sovereign of the country, shoehorning political parties into forming a “red-green” coalition between leftist and Islamic-based parties?

    And is it true, they also want to know, that the ambassador is siphoning off government money to groups founded by the left-wing billionaire activist George Soros? Members of both the House and the Senate sent their letters to our ambassador in Skopje, that nation’s capital, on Jan. 17 and gave him two weeks to reply. The Obama-appointee hasn’t responded yet, though after I called the State Department and the embassy to inquire, State did reach out to at least one congressman to tell him a response was being drafted.

    But things have gotten so bad that congressional hearings and congressional delegations to the small Balkan country are being contemplated. Members of Congress have also reached out to the new Trump administration to inquire into the matter. Tony Perkins, the president of the pro-traditional values Family Research Council has also taken a keen interest in the matter. He wrote this week:

    While the U.S. goals for Macedonia include benign statements on investing in democracy, the State Department began favoring partnerships with Soros’ long litany of organizations in 2012. These organizations are anything but democratic. Instead, they are pushing progressive, violent, and radical ideals throughout Europe.”

    Under pressure, State Department spokesman Mark Toner on Thursday issued a statement backing the ambassador.

    “Amb. Baily and his team have been working in partnership with Macedonian authorities as well as with civil society to advance U.S. policy and U.S. goals. The Department of State has full confidence in our Embassy and Ambassador in Macedonia,” said Toner.

    The questions from Reps. Chris Smith, R-N.J., Robert Aderholt, R-Ala., Robert Pittenger, R-N.C., Randy Hultgren, R-Ill., Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb., from the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, from the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, were very similar. They were also tough, so it’s not easy to see why State and the embassy are dragging things outs.

    “Unfortunately, we have heard credible reports that, over the past two years, the U.S. Mission to Macedonia has actively intervened in the party politics of Macedonia, as well as in the shaping of its media environment and civil society, in a manner that consistently favors the parties, media, and civil society groups of the center-left over those of the center-right,” begins the House letter.

    They also seek to know whether the embassy under Baily has given preference to leftist media outlets over conservative ones in the disbursement of U.S. aid. Both letters also ask if it was true that our embassy “selected the Open Society Foundation as the major implementer of USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development) projects in Macedonia?” The Open Society Foundation is a Soros creation that promotes the billionaire’s progressive ideology worldwide. Macedonian critics charge that since 2012, or two years before Baily’s appointment, USAID has been allocating most of its assistance to the Open Society Institute and non-governmental organizations run or controlled by Soros. They put the figure at $5 million.

    Conservative Macedonian political commentator Cvetin Chilimanov told me by telephone from Skopje Friday that Baily’s aim was to form a coalition government between the former communist Social Democratic Union and two ethnic Albanian parties, one of which, the Besa Movement, has a strong Islamic component and receives backing from Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In other words, the ambassador is trying to shut out the strongly pro-American, pro-capitalist VMRO-DPMNE coalition, which actually won the most votes in the Dec. 11 elections. This is an approach many in Skopje hope will change now that another team is in charge in Washington.

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  • iceman
    Soros puppet jess bailey ambassador investigated for interfering in macedonia

    (First 43 seconds in Macedonian , then in English when Congressman is being interviewed )

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  • iceman
    This imbecile jess bailey needs to be removed and go to jail

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  • iceman
    US Congress opens investigation on US Amb Jess Baily in Macedonia ..demands dismissal


    OPEN INVESTIGATION ON THE Bale MACEDONIA: US Congress opened an investigation into the work of Bailey and demanding his dismissal!
    February 2, 2017

    A leading US Republican Congressman Christopher Smith announced an investigation into the politicization of the US Embassy in Macedonia and urged the newly appointed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to dismiss Ambassador Jess Bailey.


    The head of a group of six Republican congressmen Smith back in mid-January obasnuvanje asked Ambassador Bailey allegations that the embassy in Skopje in favor of the political parties and fund projects of the foundation of George Soros in Macedonia. After Bailey has not responded to the letter of Congressmen Smith, a member of the Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee and chairs the Helsinki Committee for cooperation with the OSCE, said that it is necessary a thorough investigation of the activities of the US Embassy in Macedonia and dismissal of the ambassador.

    - US Ambassador must have a role in government formation and to take part in forming a coalition. It is not the place of the United States nor the US officials in Skopje. We as top group of congressmen asked specific questions in this letter whether or not cooperation with the Embassy of leftist parties in elections. We can not afford any role. We should be free and fair access to the media, but in any case we must not take sides. The ambassador took sides and should be fired immediately. I'm in Congress for 37 years and am a senior member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, chaired the panel for cooperation with OSCE and the Human Rights Commission. Unheard is our ambassador to Skopje, to take part in these elections or any other elections in the past or in the future. It was not his job. We want to discover everything. No reply and therefore ask the inspector general report. If you have broken the law suit said Congressman Smith Macedonian Radio Television.

    Smith especially responding to reports that the US embassy is a major financier of NGO activities related to the Soros Foundation and said that if the United States allocate funds for such activities, it must be in a neutral manner and without taking political sides.

    - In this case, it appears that the US government funded organizations that occupied countries, in particular, on the side of Socialists, which is absolutely not acceptable. I believe that it is illegal and will expose this case to the end. Tomorrow I will ask the inspector general report that will have to investigate. I asked very specific questions to Ambassador Bailey and, I repeat, never got an answer. We should not take sides should promote democracy, not to promote a coalition of political parties, says Smith.


    The letter to Congress rushed to Ambassador Bailey on January 17, besides from Smith, signed by the famous Texas Congressman Louie Gomer Robert Aderholt, which is a long term supporter of Macedonia in Congress, Randy Haltgrin Robert Pitenger and CED Fortenberry. All signatories are Republicans close to the administration of President Donald Trump and the letter sets out a series of questions about the activities of the embassy in Skopje for its support to the party SDSM and financing activities of Soros. Congressmen's letter comes after Sen. Mike Lee, also from the ruling Republican Party, publicly prose Ambassador Bailey via social networks, urging him to give an explanation for the financing of projects of the foundation of George Soros in Macedonia.

    - We highly appreciate the close cooperation between the US and Macedonia in the past 25 years since its independence. This cooperation enabled the United States to contribute to Macedonia's political and economic development, while Macedonia cooperated with the United States and contributed to our foreign policy priorities. We think it would be very destructive to our relationships if Macedonia develop a sense that the US is interfering in the internal political affairs nejzinite, media and civil society, the way that a political option helps against the other. We hope to receive accurate information from you no later than two weeks after sending this letter. Also we hope to be available to meet with us on your next visit to Washington, wrote in a letter addressed to Congressmen Ambassador Bailey.

    Once the congressmen did not receive a response, they announced an investigation and calling for the dismissal of Ambassador Bailey. - Our message is that if the US government has taken a political party, she made a big mistake and those who have done this should apologize and stop immediately. Because after all diplomats that doing this will be held accountable. We should all be free and fair elections, but not taking sides. I will be in contact with Secretary Tillerson, and was already in contact with people in the team for the transition from the administration of Trump. Must have thorough insight that the US government did in eight years, because we occupy political parties and other places in the world where there have been similar such incidents. It distorts US public diplomacy and diplomacy in general. It is against the law and is unheard of these questions can not be answered adequately, properly and satisfying. I repeat, he (Bailey) should be fired, Smith said in a statement for Radio and Television.

    In a letter addressed to Ambassador Bailey says to Congress arrived partiziranje serious warnings about the work of the US Embassy in Skopje. - In the context of our powers of supervision, we write to inform you about the role the US Embassy in Macedonia in Macedonian politics plays in shaping the Macedonian media environment and civil society. We hope that your role is not inappropriate ispartizirana. Unfortunately, we have heard dire warnings that in the past two years, the US Mission to the United States is actively interfering in party political developments in Macedonia and the media and civil society, aimed persistently supporting parties, media and civil society organizations on the left center, at the expense of those who are right of center. This includes disturbing information that the activities of the US embassy went strongly in support of leftist parties in the period before elections were to be held on April 24, then on July 5, to finally be held on December 11, and in the period after the elections in which Macedonian parties negotiate the formation of a new government, wrote in a letter to lawmakers from the US Embassy in Skopje on 17 January.

    In direct questions addressed to Ambassador Bailey, the congressmen asked about interference of the embassy on political developments in Macedonia. - Please describe the role that you and other people connected with the US Embassy in Macedonia has played in the negotiations that led to the scheduling of parliamentary elections on April 24, 2016, after negotiations that led to their postponement to June 5 and delay December 11 . It is particularly important to know whether and how the positions they advocated amerkanskata Embassy in Macedonia coincided or not coincided with the positions of Macedonian political parties, the letter said.

    Congressmen ask Ambassador Bailey is it true that the US Embassy has chosen the Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia, better known as George Soros Foundation, to carry out major projects funded by the American development organization USAID. - Is FOSM is considered politically biased organization in society? Is it true that the activities of FOSM are partisan? Are NGO organizations and media projects it finances FOSM have an agenda that suits left in Macedonia ?, ask lawmakers in a letter addressed to Ambassador Bailey, who was sent on 17 January.

    About US support for Macedonian media, the question is whether the US government money and gave the Soros Foundation through it financed left-wing media. Congressmen ask Bailey to inform how the media financed by the embassy or the USAID mission left, and how right-wing, and ask whether the US embassy influenced to adopt laws that restrict freedom of expression of the media and journalists, that occurred during the campaign period. - Is it true that the US Embassy in Macedonia launched a media regulations that freedom of speech is restricted in a way that is consistent with the First Amendment of the American Constitution ?, ask the congressmen.

    In addition, as regards the financing of non-governmental organizations, the congressmen ask: "How much of the non-governmental organizations that receive US funding, including through FOSM, determined in political elections or the formation of the next Macedonian government? And whose side have chosen these organizations?


    Американскиот конгрес отвори истрага за работата на Бејли и бара негово разрешување!
    February 2, 2017

    Водечкиот американски републикански конгресмен Кристофер Смит најави истрага за политизирањето на улогата на американската амбасада во Македонија и го повика новоименуваниот државен секретар Рекс Тилерсон да го разреши амбасадорот Џес Бејли.


    На чело на група од шест републикански конгресмени, Смит уште во средината на јануари побарал обаснување од амбасадорот Бејли за обвинувањата дека амбасадата во Скопје работи во полза на политички партии и финансира проекти на фондацијата на Џорџ Сорос во Македонија. Откако Бејли не одговорил на писмото на конгресмените, Смит, кој е член на конгресната Комисија за надворешни работи и претседава со Хелсиншкиот Комитет за соработка со ОБСЕ, изјави дека е неопходна темелна истрага на активностите на американскаа Амбасада во Македонија и разрешување на амбасадорот.

    – Американскиот амбасадор не смее да има улога во формирањето влада и да зазема страна при формирањето на коалиција. Тоа не е место на САД ниту на американските претставници во Скопје. Ние, какo група конгресмени, поставивме конкретни прашања во ова писмо дали имало или не соработка на амбасадата со левичарските партии на изборите. Ние не смееме да имаме улога во тоа. Треба да сме за слободни и фер избори и пристап кон медиумите, но во никој случај не смееме да заземаме страни. Овој амбасадор зазел страни и треба да биде отпуштен веднаш. Јас сум во Конгресот 37 години и сум постар член на Комисијата за надворешни работи, претседавам со Комисијата за соработка со ОБСЕ и со Комисијата за човекови права. Нечуено е нашиот амбасадор во Скопје да зазема страна во овие избори или во кои било други избори во минатото или во иднина. Тоа не е негова работа. Сакаме да откриеме се. Не добивме одговори и затоа бараме од генералниот инспектор да поднесе извештај. Доколку го прекршиле законот, ќе одговараат, изјави конгресменот Смит за Македонската Радио Телевизија.

    Смит особено реагира на информациите дека американската амбасада е сериозен финансиер на активностите на невладините организации поврзани со фондацијата на Сорос и вели дека доколку САД издвојуваат финансии за вакви активности, тоа мора да биде на неутрален начин и без заземање политички страни.

    – Во случајов, изгледа дека американската влада финансирала организации коишто заземале страни, конкретно, биле на страната на социјалистите, што апсолутно не е прифатливо. Верувам дека тоа е нелегално и ќе го разоткриеме овој случај до крај. Утре ќе побарам извештај на генерален инспектор кој што ќе треба да изврши истрага. Јас прашав многу конкретни прашања до амбасадорот Бејли и, повторувам, не добив одговор. Ние не треба да заземаме страни, треба да промовираме демократија, а не да промовираме коалиција на политички партии, вели Смит.

    Писмото кое конгресмените го упатиле до амбасадорот Бејли на 17 јануари, покрај од Смит, е потпишано од познатиот конгресмен од Тексас Луи Гомерт, Роберт Адерхолт, кој е долготраен поддржувач на Македонија во Конгресот, Ренди Халтгрин, Роберт Питенгер и Џед Фортенбери. Сите потписници се републиканци блиски до администрацијата на претседателот Доналд Трамп и во писмото се поставува серија прашања за активностите на амбасадата во Скопје, за нејзината поддршка кон партијата СДСМ и за финансирањето на активностите на Сорос. Писмото на конгресмените доаѓа откако сенаторот Мајк Ли, исто така од владејачката Републиканска Партија, јавно го прозва амбасадорот Бејли преку социјалните мрежи, повикувајќи го да даде објаснување за финансирањето на проекти на фондацијата на Џорџ Сорос во Македонија.

    – Високо ја цениме тесната соработка меѓу САД и Македонија во изминатите 25 години од нејзината независност. Оваа соработка овозможи САД да придонесат кон македонскиот политички и економски развој, додека Македонија соработуваше со САД и придонесуваше кон нашите надворешно-политички приоритети. Сметаме дека би било навистина деструктивно за нашите меѓусебни односи доколку во Македонија се развие чувството дека САД се мешаат во нејзинитe внатрешни политички прашања, во медиумите и граѓанското општество, на начин на кој една политичка опција се помага наспроти другата. Се надеваме дека ќе добиеме точни информации од вас најдоцна две недели по испраќањето на ова писмо. Исто така се надеваме дека ќе бидете на располагање да се сретнете со нас при вашата следна посета на Вашингтон, пишува во писмото на конгресмените упатено до амбасадорот Бејли.

    Откако конгресмените не добиле одговор, тие најавија поведување истрага и повикуваат на разрешување на амбасадорот Бејли. – Нашата порака е дека, ако американската Влада зазела една политичка страна, таа направила голема грешка и тие кои што го направиле тоа треба да се извинат и да престанат веднаш. Затоа што на крајот на краиштата дипломатите кои што тоа го прават ова ќе треба да одговараат. Сите треба да бидеме за слободни и фер избори, но не за заземање страни. Јас ќе бидам во контакт со државниот секретар Тилерсон, а веќе бев во контакт со луѓе од тимот за транзиција од администрацијата на Трамп. Мора да има темелен увид што тоа американската Влада правела во последниве осум години, бидејќи имаме заземање политички страни и на други места во светот каде имало вакви слични инциденти. Тоа ја нарушува американската јавна дипломатија и дипломатијата во целина. Тоа е спротивно и на законот и нечуено е овие прашања да не бидат одговорени соодветно, правилно и задоволувачки. Повторувам, тој (Бејли) треба да биде отпуштен, вели Смит во изјавата за МРТВ.

    Во писмото упатено до амбасадорот Бејли се вели дека до Конгресот пристигнале сериозни предупредувања за партизирање на работата на американската амбасада во Скопје. – Во контекст на нашите овластувања за вршење надзор, ви пишуваме да се информираме за улогата која американската амбасада во Македонија ја игра во македонската политика и во обликувањето на македонската медиумска средина и граѓанското општество. Се надеваме дека вашата улога не е несоодветно испартизирана. За жал, слушнавме сериозни предупредувања дека во изминатите две години, американската Мисија во САД активно се мешаше во партиските политички случувања во Македонија, како и во медиумите и граѓанскиот сектор, во насока упорно да се поддржуваат партии, медиуми и граѓански организации кои се лево од центарот, на сметка на тие што се десно од центарот. Ова вклучува загрижувачки информации дека активностите на американската амбасада оделе силно во поддршка на левичарските партии во периодот пред изборите кои требаше да се одржат на 24 април, потоа на 5 јули, за конечно да се одржат на 11 декември, како и во периодот по овие избори, во кој македонските партии преговараат за формирање на нова влада, пишува во писмото упатено од конгресмените до американската Амбасада во Скопје на 17 јануари.

    Во директните прашања упатени до амбасадорот Бејли, конгресмените го прашуваат за мешањето на амбасадата на политичките случувања во Македонија. – Ве молиме, објаснете ја улогата која вие и други личности поврзани со американската Амбасада во Македонија ја одигра во преговорите кои водеа до закажувањето на парламентарните избори на 24 април 2016 година, потоа преговорите кои доведоа до нивно одложување за 5 јуни и одложувањето за 11 декември. Особено е важно да знаеме дали и како позициите кои ги застапувала амерканската Амбасада во Македонија се поклопувале или не се поклопувале со позициите на одредени македонски политички партии, пишува во писмото.


    Конгресмените го прашуваат амбасадорот Бејли дали е вистина дека американската амбасада ја одбрала Фондацијата Отворено Општество Македонија, подобро позната како Фондацијата на Џорџ Сорос, да спроведува крупни проекти финансирани од страна на американската организација за развој УСАИД. – Дали ФООМ се смета за политички пристрасна организација во македонското општество? Дали е точно дека активностите на ФООМ се партизирани? Дали НВО организациите, медиумите и проектите кои ги финансира ФООМ имаат агенда која одговара на левицата во Македонија?, прашуваат конгресмените во писмото упатено до амбасадорот Бејли, кое било испратено на 17 јануари.

    Во врска со американската поддршка за медиумите во Македонија, се поставува прашањето дали американски државни пари и се давале на Фондацијата на Сорос за преку неа да се финансираат лево ориентирани медиуми. Конгресмените бараат од Бејли да ги информира колку од медиумите што ги финансирала амбасадата или мисијата на УСАИД се лево, а колку се десно ориентирани, а прашуваат и дали американската амбасада влијаела да се усвојат закони со кои се ограничила слободата на изразување на медиумите и новинарите, што се случи во предизборниот период. – Дали е вистина дека американската Амбасада во Македонија промовираше медиумски регулативи со кои слободата на говорот се ограничи на начин кој не е во согласност со Првиот Амандман на американскот Устав?, прашуваат конгресмените.

    Дополнително, што се однесува до финансирањето на невладините организации, конгресмените прашуваат: „Колку од невладините организации кои добиваат американски средства, вклучително и преку ФООМ, се определиле политички при изборите или при формирањето на следната македонска Влада? И чија страна ја одбрале овие организации?

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  • iceman
    US Senator Asks Jess Baily to Clarify his Involvement with Soros NGOs in Macedonia

    Mike Lee ‏@SenMikeLee Jan 27 (twitter account)

    " Good article - NGO’s pushing controversial agendas in foreign nations. I hope our Amb in Macedonia provides clarity: "

    Macedonia And USA Must Defeat Their Enemies — Let’s Start With George Soros


    Retired Colonel, U.S. Army
    7:12 PM 01/24/2017
    Billionaire investor George Soros of Soros Fund Management attends the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos January 26, 2013. REUTERS/Pascal Lauener Billionaire investor George Soros of Soros Fund Management attends the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos January 26, 2013. REUTERS/Pascal Lauener
    Macedonia has entered 2017 with a running start, setting itself into a strong global position with the recent election of experienced politician Nikola Gruevski as it’s Prime Minister-elect. However, the small, Balkan, land-locked country continues to face the flow of immigrants from the Middle East reaping instability in Europe, as well as the questionable intentions of George Soros’ Foundation within Macedonia’s civil society. Despite the change in leadership in USA, Macedonia clearly continues to face challenges, both internally and externally.

    More than one million people have come from Turkey and through Greece trying to reach the European Union. And even though Macedonia is not the final destination, the country has managed the situation and the millions of people affected by offering safe passage through the Western Balkan route into Greece.

    Macedonia has proved to be a strong, stable nation during this period of massive upheaval across a pivotal region in Europe. With the Syrian refugee crisis leaving the future of Europe uncertain, Macedonia has stepped in to play a leading mitigating role, and is doing its part to fight terrorism and the threat of ISIS. This future NATO member, despite its small size, has acted as the primary transit path for refugees escaping war-torn countries like Syria, taking extraordinary measures to address both the security issues and humanitarian concerns posed by the refugee crisis. What’s more, despite being surrounded by three EU and NATO member countries, and with increasing political instability threatening the Balkan region, Macedonia has been left to deal this crisis on its own.

    Macedonia has played a major role in addressing a global issue that was dropped on its doorstep. And as an obvious result of dealing with these challenges, Macedonia has endured significant costs. But the efforts have helped make this under-the-radar country a vital ally in the fight against ISIS – and the fight against terrorism at large.

    Meanwhile, Macedonia is fighting another enemy within its own borders: billionaire George Soros and his Foundation. Soros and his organization, disguised as an international civil society partner, have been meddling in Macedonia and its politics for years. For over a quarter of a century, the American group has dumped millions of dollars into always attacking VMRO DPMNE party no matter if in Government or opposition and always supporting SDSM – former Communist party of Macedonia. This is a clear-cut case of an attempt to buy influence, insert itself into Macedonian politics and media, and create instability across the country and the region.

    As Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said when describing Soros and his foundation, “His foundation, in finances and human resources is the most powerful foundation in the world that has political goals. Soros decided to use his fortune to exercise influence in two directions – ideological to the creation of so-called “Open societies” and financial, through speculation and previously known political outcomes in certain countries to capitalize on the stock market. After a while, entire institutions, ministries, perhaps governments and their intelligence services are infected with his views, his ideology, his views and goals.” One must note that Prime Minister Gruevski is the first European leader to speaking open and direct against George Soros, the power of Soros is that big in Europe so many fear even to mention his name.

    Why exactly would an American businessman be interested in spending millions of dollars in Macedonia?

    The main reason includes financial and ideological interests. George Soros is aiming to weaken the Macedonian government, exert influence over the country’s elections, and weaken Europe by exploiting the refugee crisis in Macedonia in order to drop the value of European currency through speculation. Soros worked with the U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia and other influential figures to implement his plans and undermine the Macedonian political system.

    Fortunately, the election result has showed that George Soros and his money would not, and could not, win. Macedonians would now allow it. The country’s citizens voted for the political leadership and clearly showed the type of country they want – and not what George Soros and his cronies prefer. The people have spoken: Macedonians will control the future of Macedonia. But Soros is not ending there — media and influential people funded by his Open society institute do an intensive campaign with main aim Gruevski not to create coalition with his partner DUI who is representing the Albanian minority. In Macedonia there is unwritten rule that the winner of the elections is always making coalition with the party that has the most MPs from the Albanian community which represents 25% of the population of the country. This gives ethnic harmony to Macedonia as key state for the stability of the region. Soros is attacking this principle aiming to create instability in all region. But the people have spoken and now it’s to Gruevski and his Albanian coalition partner DUI to respect the will of the people. To end with Soros and bring stability to all region.

    In the words of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, “Soros cannot succeed because justice is on our side. Regardless of his motives, our struggle is honest and just. And it will never stop, and he cannot push us away from the truth path and goals. He will not push us away from Macedonia.”

    On January 15 the Macedonian diasporas in USA gathered in NYC in front of the Trump tower to support the elections of President Trump and his struggle against George Soros, they asked the President-elect to help Macedonia as well in this struggle. The President-elect has a fellow and ally in Macedonia in these substantial challenges as the European refugee crisis and straggle for free civil sector is. This just and honest struggle will be successful.

    Tags: George Soros, Macedonia, Wes Martin
    Last edited by iceman; 01-31-2017, 02:58 AM.

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  • iceman
    Macedonia And USA Must Defeat Their Enemies — Let’s Start With George Soros

    Macedonia And USA Must Defeat Their Enemies — Let’s Start With George Soros

    Photo of Wes Martin

    Retired Colonel, U.S. Army

    7:12 PM 01/24/2017

    Macedonia has entered 2017 with a running start, setting itself into a strong global position with the recent election of experienced politician Nikola Gruevski as it’s Prime Minister-elect. However, the small, Balkan, land-locked country continues to face the flow of immigrants from the Middle East reaping instability in Europe, as well as the questionable intentions of George Soros’ Foundation within Macedonia’s civil society. Despite the change in leadership in USA, Macedonia clearly continues to face challenges, both internally and externally.

    More than one million people have come from Turkey and through Greece trying to reach the European Union. And even though Macedonia is not the final destination, the country has managed the situation and the millions of people affected by offering safe passage through the Western Balkan route into Greece.

    Macedonia has proved to be a strong, stable nation during this period of massive upheaval across a pivotal region in Europe. With the Syrian refugee crisis leaving the future of Europe uncertain, Macedonia has stepped in to play a leading mitigating role, and is doing its part to fight terrorism and the threat of ISIS. This future NATO member, despite its small size, has acted as the primary transit path for refugees escaping war-torn countries like Syria, taking extraordinary measures to address both the security issues and humanitarian concerns posed by the refugee crisis. What’s more, despite being surrounded by three EU and NATO member countries, and with increasing political instability threatening the Balkan region, Macedonia has been left to deal this crisis on its own.

    Macedonia has played a major role in addressing a global issue that was dropped on its doorstep. And as an obvious result of dealing with these challenges, Macedonia has endured significant costs. But the efforts have helped make this under-the-radar country a vital ally in the fight against ISIS – and the fight against terrorism at large.

    Meanwhile, Macedonia is fighting another enemy within its own borders: billionaire George Soros and his Foundation. Soros and his organization, disguised as an international civil society partner, have been meddling in Macedonia and its politics for years. For over a quarter of a century, the American group has dumped millions of dollars into always attacking VMRO DPMNE party no matter if in Government or opposition and always supporting SDSM – former Communist party of Macedonia. This is a clear-cut case of an attempt to buy influence, insert itself into Macedonian politics and media, and create instability across the country and the region.

    As Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said when describing Soros and his foundation, “His foundation, in finances and human resources is the most powerful foundation in the world that has political goals. Soros decided to use his fortune to exercise influence in two directions – ideological to the creation of so-called “Open societies” and financial, through speculation and previously known political outcomes in certain countries to capitalize on the stock market. After a while, entire institutions, ministries, perhaps governments and their intelligence services are infected with his views, his ideology, his views and goals.” One must note that Prime Minister Gruevski is the first European leader to speaking open and direct against George Soros, the power of Soros is that big in Europe so many fear even to mention his name.

    Why exactly would an American businessman be interested in spending millions of dollars in Macedonia?

    The main reason includes financial and ideological interests. George Soros is aiming to weaken the Macedonian government, exert influence over the country’s elections, and weaken Europe by exploiting the refugee crisis in Macedonia in order to drop the value of European currency through speculation. Soros worked with the U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia and other influential figures to implement his plans and undermine the Macedonian political system.

    Fortunately, the election result has showed that George Soros and his money would not, and could not, win. Macedonians would now allow it. The country’s citizens voted for the political leadership and clearly showed the type of country they want – and not what George Soros and his cronies prefer. The people have spoken: Macedonians will control the future of Macedonia. But Soros is not ending there — media and influential people funded by his Open society institute do an intensive campaign with main aim Gruevski not to create coalition with his partner DUI who is representing the Albanian minority. In Macedonia there is unwritten rule that the winner of the elections is always making coalition with the party that has the most MPs from the Albanian community which represents 25% of the population of the country. This gives ethnic harmony to Macedonia as key state for the stability of the region. Soros is attacking this principle aiming to create instability in all region. But the people have spoken and now it’s to Gruevski and his Albanian coalition partner DUI to respect the will of the people. To end with Soros and bring stability to all region.

    In the words of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, “Soros cannot succeed because justice is on our side. Regardless of his motives, our struggle is honest and just. And it will never stop, and he cannot push us away from the truth path and goals. He will not push us away from Macedonia.”

    On January 15 the Macedonian diasporas in USA gathered in NYC in front of the Trump tower to support the elections of President Trump and his struggle against George Soros, they asked the President-elect to help Macedonia as well in this struggle. The President-elect has a fellow and ally in Macedonia in these substantial challenges as the European refugee crisis and straggle for free civil sector is. This just and honest struggle will be successful.

    Tags: George Soros, Macedonia, Wes Martin

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  • DraganOfStip
    Deutsche Welle: Macedonian ruling party has "resurrected" Soros

    The use of the word "Soros" and all derogatory derivatives thereof - "Sorosoids" and "sorospii", and the announced "desorosoization", reach record numbers in the rhetoric of the government and the media under its control. All those who speak even the slightest criticism of the policies of VMRO-DPMNE get the label "Sorosoids" in an express manner. The government uses this label to generalize and mitigate any supported criticism against it, and gives the term ambiguity: from beneficiaries of grants from the Soros Foundation, through paid protesters to destabilize the country, to mercenaries of "foreign services". With this, the government has "resurrected" Soros in all spheres of the Macedonian daily lives, even in places where there are no real activities of the foundation .

    Radio Free Europe: Defocusing the public in order to avoid responsibility
    Пренасочувањето на вниманието на јавноста од суштински проблем кон имагинарен непријател е добро познат механизам на досегашното владејачко мнозинство.

    Diverting public attention from one scandal to another or from an essential problem to an imaginary enemy is a well-known mechanism of the current government coalition, analysts say. They explain that campaigns that intimidate people serve to cover up the weaknesses and to buy time.
    The power of illusionists is in the distraction. The audience sees what is presented on stage, what illusionists want to show, not what they actually do in the background. The Macedonian story is like that, it can be explained with the proverb "fight fire with fire."
    In a period when formation of a government is expected, when it is expected to see if suspects for electoral crime in the cases arising from the wiretapped calls will again be part of the new leadership of the country, how will the court (with its internal skirmishes) handle cases in which current officials have the main roles , why no one mentions the Reinhard Priebe remarks any more and the need to divide the state from the party, at a time when only 10 centimeters of snow is blocking roads, the main public topic in Macedonia is how to save the country from a foreign foe- George Soros, who funded NGOs organizations.

    Helsinki Human Rights Committee: The ruling party is creating imaginary enemies

    VMRO-DPMNE has many years of practice in creating movements or imaginary NGOs that exist only when certain conditions and needs of the ruling parties arise. This is how GDOM was also formed (the counter-protesters during last year's protest wave, consisted mainly of DPMNE members and sympathizers employed in the public sector). Let's just recall how they (GDOM) distributed a leaflet in which we were referred to as mercenaries for Soros and the Colorful revolution, traitors working on demolition of the country and so on before the elections. Fighting Soros is normal when it comes to creation of imaginary enemies and de-focusing from other things that are happening, things that refer to criminal justice - such as the legal procedures against high ranking members of VMRO-DPMNE.
    Last edited by DraganOfStip; 01-19-2017, 06:14 AM.

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