Soros, NGOs and Western/foreign meddling in Macedonia

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  • TrueMacedonian
    • Jan 2009
    • 3823

    Originally posted by Volk View Post
    How does this prove we are hanging on a thread??? because the Soros foundation uses that idiotic name????

    Stop spreading hysteria if you cannot back it up
    Volk this is from Soros website;

    The foundation is also engaged in multicountry research and education initiatives, such as an assessment of human rights in Croatia and Macedonia relative to EU norms, and a project to create four new history textbooks that were developed by 60 historians from 11 countries and which use an inclusive, multiethnic approach to pedagogy.
    Do you notice something strange about all this? Especially considering from Soros' website itself - Does not mention Macedonians once, refers to the country he has its organization in as "the former yugoslav republic of Macedonia", and apparently is geared more towards Romas and other minority groups and not Macedonia and the Macedonians. I am all for human rights. But who the hell is Soros to want Macedonia to get HR assessments relative to EU norms when EU countries like Bulgaria, grcija, Cyprus, France, etc. recognize no minorities and have the worst HR violations in Europe? Who is Soros to push for 4 new textbooks in Macedonia using non-Macedonians?

    If you want more evidence then click on the website and read more anti-Macedonian articles. Here's one in particular:

    “Action for Europe” in Bitola

    EU must speak with one voice

    Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM) and the Macedonian Centre for European Training (MCET) held the fourth debate "EU as a global player" on October 15, in Bitola. The debate was opened by Fani Karanfilova-Panovska from FOSIM and Vladimir Taleski, mayor of Bitola.

    During the first part of the debate, dedicated to the new External Action Service as a new institutional instrument of the EU, speeches were delivered by the ambassadors of the biggest EU member states. Ulrike Maria Knotz, the Ambassador of Germany noted that the EU through its missions in Bosnia and Kosovo is imposing itself as a global player, but cannot speak with one voice yet. She hopes that the External Action Service, which should have about 7000 employees will change the foreign policy of the EU, and that through the Service the EU would be able to decide unanimously. French ambassador Jean-Clod Schlumberger shares the same opinion, hoping that the External Action Service will be established by the end of the year and that the different opinions and views on various issues would be dealt with.

    Carlos Moreiro Gonzales, a university professor from Madrid said that the creation of the External Action Service would help avoid situations similar to that in the United Nations, when all 27 EU member states spoke on different frequencies. Jorge Nuñez Ferrer, associate expert of the Centre for European Policy Studies, pointed out that the EU is currently economically weakened, and also weakened due to the enlargement. Ferrer also indicated that the EU is economically the most powerful international organization, and as such it must be politically stronger.

    During the second part of the debate, the importance of the Western Balkans for the EU was addressed, as well as the potential contribution of Macedonia to the EU as a global player. Emil Kirjas, the general secretary of Liberal International, referred to the Ohrid Agreement as a product that can help resolve many open issues. Macedonia demonstrated through the Ohrid Agreement, that a post-conflict society can continue to function based on the benefits of equitable representation, multilingualism and the like. Thus, Macedonia could become a global player through the EU” stressed Kirjas. British Ambassador Christopher Yvon, said that Macedonia without the EU is an uncompleted project, emphasizing that he hopes for Macedonia to become part of an organization with the same laws, customs and a free market of 500 million inhabitants.

    The next and final debate of the autumn cycle "Action for Europe" will be held on October 29, in Skopje.

    You wanna get a really good laugh after reading that article,,,,read about the meeting in Skopje:


    "Action for Europe" in Skopje

    Foundation Open Society Institute - Macedonia (FOSIM) and the Macedonian Centre for European Training (MCET) are organizing a thematic debate “Human rights and equality in the European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon” on October 29, 2010 starting at 12.00h at the Holiday Inn Hotel (Millennium Hall 1) in Skopje. The debate is being organized as part of the autumn cycle of the “Action for Europe” project.

    The general framework for the protection of human rights in the EU will be discussed during the debate, the reasons for the adoption of the Charter of fundamental rights and freedoms of the EU, the new role of the European Court of Justice in relation to the role of the European Court of Human Rights, whether the Treaty of Lisbon is improving the system for protection of human rights in the Union, etc. Particular attention will be given to the Macedonian system for protection of human rights from an aspect of the relation to the European systems.

    Keynote speeches at the debate will be delivered by Simone Filippini, Ambassador of the Netherlands, José-Manuel Paz y Agüeras, Ambassador of Spain, Liljana Popovska and Vesna Bendevska, members of Parliament, Margarita Caca Nikolovska, a former judge in the European Court of Human Rights, Mirjana Najcevska, a professor at the Institute of Sociological and Political-Legal Research and Zarko Trajanoski, columnist - human rights activist. Although the debate will formally consist of two parts, all keynote speakers will be present all the time and will be able to participate and respond to questions asked by other participants and guests.

    EU and HR don't mix and are so contradictory that it's laughable.


    • Volk
      • Sep 2008
      • 894

      I don't doubt the evil intentions of the Soros foundation in regards to Macedonia.

      What a DO doubt is that unity in Macedonia hangs by a thread.
      Regardless of how many Soros financed so called NGOs are working against us.

      Makedonija vo Srce


      • Prolet
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2009
        • 5241

        I remember watching a few interviews in the Greek Media and they are saying how George Soros is actually financing Macedonia and how he is working to destroy Greece. Its more then clear that George Soros is working against every countries interests, his so called NGO's are constantly interfering with democratically elected governments and countries like Macedonia and Croatia he seems to love telling people what to do.
        МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


        • TrueMacedonian
          • Jan 2009
          • 3823

          Kanal 5: 51.5% of Albanians in Macedonia want Greater Albania

          Kanal 5: 51.5% of Albanians in Macedonia want Greater Albania

          Skopje. 51.5% of the Albanians in Macedonia want the establishment of Greater Albania, states a poll conducted by Gallup in partnership with the European Fund for the Balkans, Macedonian Kanal 5 TV reports.
          According to the poll, some 62% of the citizens of Albania back the establishment of Greater Albania, so do 81% of the citizens of Kosovo.
          95% of the people inquired think that Greater Albania should cover the territory of current Albania, Kosovo and part of Macedonia.


          • TrueMacedonian
            • Jan 2009
            • 3823

            Why is this being reported now amidst the "EU and NATO accession talks"? Why was this poll conducted now? I want to bring everyones attention to this sentence from the above article:

            states a poll conducted by Gallup in partnership with the European Fund for the Balkans
            Who are the European Fund for the Balkans? Well here is who they are affiliated with -

            European Fund for the Balkans in cooperation with the Open Society Institute Think Tank Fund
            One of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world, we care about freedom, democracy, and human rights.

            And here is something from there website about the gallup polls they conduct:


            Initiatives for building the public image of the Fund and its contribution in policy making for the EU integration of the Balkans are developed through joined initiatives and partnerships as well.


            Gallup Balkan Monitor

            In partnership with Gallup Europe, the European Fund for the Balkans developed the “Gallup Balkan Monitor”, which aims at providing all-encompassing data on people’s perceptions in the Western Balkans region, creating thereby a one-stop shop that delivers strategic insights based on evidence-based social research in the region.

            This unique survey is expected to help measure and assess the impact of EU and national policies in the Balkans and to assist leaders in shaping their agendas by permitting timely access to their constituents’ voices and minds. It is also the first-ever in-depth survey of the whole Western Balkans region.

            The results of the first research were presented in Brussels in November 2008. In order to promote and widely acknowledge the results of the Gallup Balkan Monitor a series of presentations and public discussions are organised in the capitals of Western Balkan countries.

            George Soros' organizations, fear mongering, and EU and NATO talks so close in time. Coincidence? Conspiracy? You be the judge.


            • Bratot
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2855

              BINGO! TrueMacedonian!

              Something I tickled before:

              “Во таа нова спогодба треба да се запише компромисното меѓународно име на нашата земја ( „Северна Македонија”). Понатаму, во таа спогодба треба да се запише и тоа дека компромисното меѓународно име не имплицира промена на идентитетот на етничките заедници во нашата земја.

              Во таа смисла, Грција ќе се обврзе да не се противи најбројната етничка заедница себе си да се нарекува македонска, а нејзиниот јазик и култура да се нарекуваат македонски. Македонија, пак, ќе се обврзе да ја прифати употребата на придавката „македонски” на неексклузивна основа (како што предлагаше Нимиц) и ќе изјави дека таа употреба, согласно со нејзиниот Устав, не имплицира територијални или други претензии кон Грција.(веке направено???)По усвојувањето на една ваква спогодба, новото меѓународно име би ја заменило референцата БЈРМ во ООН, а во графите за националност и за јазик би се напишале формулации согласно со нашиот Устав( набројани сите етникуми )(како што правилно предупреди Мендух Тачи во последното интервју за А1). Со други зборови, во тие графи би биле директно препишани сложените формулации од нашиот Устав, кои го одразуваат мултиетничкиот карактер на Македонија.Со овие решенија би била отстранета најважната пречка на нашиот пат кон НАТО и ЕУ и би добиле недвосмислена меѓународна гаранција за нашиот национален и културен идентитет (која има посебно значење и од аспект на односите на Македонија со другите соседни земји). Како членка на најпрестижните европски асоцијации, по затоплувањето на односите со Грција, во духот на соработката и на најдобрите европски практики, Македонија ќе се обиде да ги реши сите други отворени прашања во односите со нашиот јужен сосед...“

              Point of interest:

              1.промена на уставното име МАКЕДОНИЈА
              2.во графата националност и јазик место Македонска и јазикот Македонски да стои збир од сите етникуми и јазици во републиката, односно албанскиот, теза која ја постави Тачи а подржа нво-то на Милчин...

              На 17 Март 2008 во интервју за Екатимерини, поранешниот министер во Владата на Грција од 1989-1992, најголемиот протагонист на Македонија и докажан шовинист Андонис Самарас, изјави:

              1. “FYROM essentially stopped being a “national cradle of Macedonians” and became a multi-ethnic state with two separate ethnic components.“

              2.“What we question from abroad – the existence of an ethnic state of “Macedonians”“

              3. “For Skopje today, the dilemma is whether it will break up or whether – as some are claiming – it will be transformed into a loose multi-ethnic federation!“

              Неговиот заклучок на крајот од интервјуто:

              “In every case, the “Macedonian idea” will have been defeated once and for all.“
              Целосното интервју на :

              “Το ίδρυμα του εβραίου κεφαλαιοκράτη, προστάτη των Σκοπίων και των διαφόρων «Μη Κυβερνητικών Οργανώσεων», Τζωρτζ Σόρος, ίδρυμα με την ονομασία “Democratic Idea Factory” θα είναι η πηγή ιδεών για την κυβέρνηση Ομπάμα σύμφωνα με το πρακτορείο ειδήσεων Bloomberg… “

              Во превод:
              Фондацијата на Еврејскиот капиталист, протектор на Скопје и различните НГО, Џорџ Сорос, институцијата под името “Democratic Idea Factory“ ќе биде ИЗВОРОТ на идеи на владата на Обама, според новинската агенција Блумберг.
              Значи според Грците, администрацијата на Обама која им е наклонета, преку Институтот Отворено Општество на Сорос и Милчин ќе се обиде да турка решение во полза на Грција.Според датумот на оваа вест: Νοεμβρίου 18, 2008 гледаме дека ова и фактички се остварува, со „граѓански манифести“ на самопрогласените “интелектуалци“...страшно!

              “Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy Font“


              “Институтот Отворено општество Македонија е една од попознатите фондации кои делуваат во Македонија. Својата работа ја започна пред цела деценија, во 1992 година, како претставништво на странска фондација во Македонија, а од октомври 1999 година е регистрирана како домашно правно лице, согласно Законот за здруженија на граѓани и фондации на Република Македонија. За работата и најновите програми на Институтот Отворено општество Македонија разговаравме со директорот на оваа фондација, г. Владимир Милчин.
              Годинава, како што не информираше тој, буџетот на Фондацијата изнесува околу седум милиони долари, а се очекува оваа сума да се зголеми. Најголем дел од тоа е донација на г. Џорџ Сорос, но во финансирањето учествуваат и други партнери.“

              "Црвенковски разговараше со мултимилијардерот Сорос"

              На средбата беше изразено задоволство од досегашното дејствување на Фондацијата во Македонија, при што беа потенцирани активностите во правец на зајакнување на цивилниот сектор, но и партнерството и соработката со државните институции во реализацијата на проекти од заеднички интерес. Целта на посетата беше да се разгледаат можностите, приоритетите и модалитетите на дејствувањето на Фондацијата во земјава.

              read it highlighted:

              The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


              • fyrOM
                • Feb 2010
                • 2180

                Where’s a good Taliban when you need one to blow Soros up.

                Very surprising result…you’d kind of think the percentage in Albania and Kosovo would be much higher say in the 90 percent.

                The west’s wont tell you to your face but let the puppet speak attitude again.


                • George S.
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 10116

                  Very concerning figures if they are true.Despite everything the albs in macedonia want a slice of macedonia.Well they'll take it if we let them.Enough is enough & macedonia should not honour any of the agreements she has made in a provocation with the albanians.Without any intereference from anyone they can settle it once & for all.
                  "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                  GOTSE DELCEV


                  • fyrOM
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 2180

                    Originally posted by George S. View Post
                    Without any intereference from anyone they can settle it once & for all.
                    There’s the point George S. in 2001 the usa threatened to bomb Macedonia to the stone age if they didn’t stop shooting at the Albanians even though they started it. If federalisation of RoM happens it will be one step closer to that end thats why the coming referendum is so important.


                    • Big Bad Sven
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 1528

                      Prolet, i thought you said not all shiptars in macedonia were bad

                      Well we can safely say that half of them are bad then But still thats a very high percentage......

                      People forget that when macedonia was voting for independance from yugoslavia two ethnic groups boycotted the reffrendum, the shiptars and serbs, with the shiptars pushing for Illyria.......

                      These scumbag shiptars will never change and they will never respect macedonia, that is the horrible but REAL truth.


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
                        Why is this being reported now amidst the "EU and NATO accession talks"? Why was this poll conducted now? I want to bring everyones attention to this sentence from the above article:

                        Who are the European Fund for the Balkans? Well here is who they are affiliated with -

                        One of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world, we care about freedom, democracy, and human rights.

                        And here is something from there website about the gallup polls they conduct:

                        4. DEVELOPING POLICIES FOR THE BALKANS

                        Initiatives for building the public image of the Fund and its contribution in policy making for the EU integration of the Balkans are developed through joined initiatives and partnerships as well.


                        Gallup Balkan Monitor

                        In partnership with Gallup Europe, the European Fund for the Balkans developed the “Gallup Balkan Monitor”, which aims at providing all-encompassing data on people’s perceptions in the Western Balkans region, creating thereby a one-stop shop that delivers strategic insights based on evidence-based social research in the region.

                        This unique survey is expected to help measure and assess the impact of EU and national policies in the Balkans and to assist leaders in shaping their agendas by permitting timely access to their constituents’ voices and minds. It is also the first-ever in-depth survey of the whole Western Balkans region.

                        The results of the first research were presented in Brussels in November 2008. In order to promote and widely acknowledge the results of the Gallup Balkan Monitor a series of presentations and public discussions are organised in the capitals of Western Balkan countries.

                        George Soros' organizations, fear mongering, and EU and NATO talks so close in time. Coincidence? Conspiracy? You be the judge.
                        Now THAT is worth publishing in Macedonian newspapers.
                        Thanks TM
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • Mastika
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 503

                          Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
                          Skopje. 51.5% of the Albanians in Macedonia want the establishment of Greater Albania, states a poll conducted by Gallup in partnership with the European Fund for the Balkans, Macedonian Kanal 5 TV reports.
                          What is sadly ironic, is that the West constantly labels Macedonian nationalists as "destabilising" elements, however don't seem to realise how much more destabilishing the publishing/conducting of such polls are. The fact is that whoever conducted this poll is a f**king idiot as this kind of propaganda is grossly detrimental to Macedonia.


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Originally posted by Mastika View Post
                            The fact is that whoever conducted this poll is a f**king idiot as this kind of propaganda is grossly detrimental to Macedonia.
                            Which is precisely achieving its goal.
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • kykypajko
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 52

                              Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                              No idea where that came from.
                              But if you enjoy talking to yourself, please do it on Maknews.
                              that was for makedonska kafana


                              • Pelister
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 2742

                                Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
                                Why is this being reported now amidst the "EU and NATO accession talks"? Why was this poll conducted now? I want to bring everyones attention to this sentence from the above article:

                                Who are the European Fund for the Balkans? Well here is who they are affiliated with -

                                One of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world, we care about freedom, democracy, and human rights.

                                And here is something from there website about the gallup polls they conduct:

                                4. DEVELOPING POLICIES FOR THE BALKANS

                                Initiatives for building the public image of the Fund and its contribution in policy making for the EU integration of the Balkans are developed through joined initiatives and partnerships as well.


                                Gallup Balkan Monitor

                                In partnership with Gallup Europe, the European Fund for the Balkans developed the “Gallup Balkan Monitor”, which aims at providing all-encompassing data on people’s perceptions in the Western Balkans region, creating thereby a one-stop shop that delivers strategic insights based on evidence-based social research in the region.

                                This unique survey is expected to help measure and assess the impact of EU and national policies in the Balkans and to assist leaders in shaping their agendas by permitting timely access to their constituents’ voices and minds. It is also the first-ever in-depth survey of the whole Western Balkans region.

                                The results of the first research were presented in Brussels in November 2008. In order to promote and widely acknowledge the results of the Gallup Balkan Monitor a series of presentations and public discussions are organised in the capitals of Western Balkan countries.

                                George Soros' organizations, fear mongering, and EU and NATO talks so close in time. Coincidence? Conspiracy? You be the judge.
                                T.M you have hit the nail on the head, so to speak.

                                The push to build up public opinion for the break up of parts of Macedonia into a greater Albania, is being led by none other than Soros, although he wouldn't be the only one. What is interesting is that this organisation, and other anti-Macedonian organisations use terms such as 'multi-ethnic' and 'diversity' and even 'equality' as a mask for what are secessionist motives, and objectives.

