European Migrant Crisis

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  • Gocka
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 2306

    They EU is set to give Macedonia some funds to cover costs, but its hard to say what it will cost in comparison to what they get from the EU. Having said that, Macedonia being Macedonia, the EU funds will disappear into obscurity, and the taxpayers will foot the bill for the refugees.

    I still cant fathom why Macedonia participates in Nato missions, takes orders from the EU, yet is not allowed into either group. I know we are a small insignificant patch of land but for crying out loud, when does the humiliation end?

    Good news is that since Macedonia is a shit hole, its highly unlikely that any of these migrants will stay in Macedonia for very long. The first chance they get to move northward they will take it.

    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post

    Eurocrats to make plans how many refugees Macedonia can host

    I wonder if the EU will pay for these accommodations or if Macedonia will be expected to bear the financial burden on its own.


    • DedoAleko
      • Jun 2009
      • 969

      eU puts pressure on Macedonia to accept 20 000 refugees

      EU puts pressure on Macedonia to accept 20 000 refugees, according to Macedonian media trends which point out that the pressure increased during the very last few days.

      Brussels has such an attitude even though President Gjorge Ivanov in Brussels recently showed that Macedonia has no intention to accept refugees for a longer period.

      Macedonian President was categorical, recalls that his country can only accept up to 2,000 refugees can stay in Macedonia for up to 72 hours.

      The authorities in Skopje have been informed that they should prepare to accept refugees for a longer period, at least during the winter. It will be immigrants from Afghanistan, while other refugees continue the path towards the EU.

      The problem is that neither Macedonia nor the EU have an agreement with Afghanistan on the return of Afghan nationals.

      At the same time does not work either registration of refugees, especially in gReece where Frontex organizations and local authorities have failed to cope with the task.

      Macedonia has so far not received any money from the planned 20 million. The reason for this is blocking aid from the European Commissioner for Migration Dimitisa Avramopoulos.

      Meanwhile, the greek authorities are preparing in the next 48 hours preparing large-scale transport of migrants to the border with Macedonia.

      Two days ago, the Macedonian blades have succeeded in 24 hours transported 14 thousand refugees.


      I see the admins joined the threads in one "European migrant crisis",but as we see,the ball is back in our court and we're yet to witness the culmination.


      • Karposh
        • Aug 2015
        • 863

        Originally posted by DedoAleko View Post
        Macedonia has so far not received any money from the planned 20 million. The reason for this is blocking aid from the European Commissioner for Migration Dimitisa Avramopoulos.
        There’s been a bit of a typo in the guy’s name. His actual name is Dimitris Avramopoulos and I googled him out of curiosity. Here’s the link to what I found

        Please take a moment to quickly browse through some of the responsibilities of his post, his biography and his team. Before he was appointed as the new European Commissioner of Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, he held the following posts:

        Greek Minister of National Defence (2011-2012)
        Greek Foreign Minister (2012-2013)
        Greek Minister of National Defence (2013-2014)

        I also did a quick head count of his team and, judging from the names, 11 out of a team of 19 are Greeks.

        This is pure Greek Evil towards anything Macedonian. There is no other way to put it. Talk about the Devil being in the detail. Any chance to sucker punch Macedonia when the opportunity presents itself, the Greeks will take it. I often try to take the high road with the Greeks and take on the attitude that they’re our neighbours and we have to build bridges with them whether we like it or not. But when you read shit like this it makes your blood boil and hardens any negative attitudes you might be harbouring against these blood suckers. Clearly, Avramopoulos has a significant conflict of interest and is not upholding the responsibilities that he has been assigned to uphold. If this was any other situation, he would have been shown the door and kicked to the kerb. But the spineless and gutless Europeans are still pandering to and trying to appease these ungrateful Greeks.

        The Europeans should take a good, long, hard look at themselves. They have appointed this parasite from their pariah member state, I don’t know, perhaps to make a statement that they still consider them viable members of the European Union but, once again, it has come back to bite them in the arse. The Greeks don’t have the high and noble ideals of what the European Union purports to uphold. They couldn’t care less as long as they continue to milk the cash cow that is the EU. Shame, shame, shame on the EU.


        • makedonche
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2008
          • 3242

          Originally posted by DedoAleko View Post
          eU puts pressure on Macedonia to accept 20 000 refugees

          EU puts pressure on Macedonia to accept 20 000 refugees, according to Macedonian media trends which point out that the pressure increased during the very last few days.

          Brussels has such an attitude even though President Gjorge Ivanov in Brussels recently showed that Macedonia has no intention to accept refugees for a longer period.

          Macedonian President was categorical, recalls that his country can only accept up to 2,000 refugees can stay in Macedonia for up to 72 hours.

          The authorities in Skopje have been informed that they should prepare to accept refugees for a longer period, at least during the winter. It will be immigrants from Afghanistan, while other refugees continue the path towards the EU.

          The problem is that neither Macedonia nor the EU have an agreement with Afghanistan on the return of Afghan nationals.

          At the same time does not work either registration of refugees, especially in gReece where Frontex organizations and local authorities have failed to cope with the task.

          Macedonia has so far not received any money from the planned 20 million. The reason for this is blocking aid from the European Commissioner for Migration Dimitisa Avramopoulos.

          Meanwhile, the greek authorities are preparing in the next 48 hours preparing large-scale transport of migrants to the border with Macedonia.

          Two days ago, the Macedonian blades have succeeded in 24 hours transported 14 thousand refugees.


          I see the admins joined the threads in one "European migrant crisis",but as we see,the ball is back in our court and we're yet to witness the culmination.
          Dedo Aleko
          I truly hope Macedonia tells Brussells where to stick their refugees - until at least NATO membership, then when it has defence capabilities, perhaps the refugee issue can be addressed, as for EU membership - they can stick it up their collective arses, particularly in light of the handling of this crisis and the lack of willingness to put Greece in it's place with human rights, some audacity they have allowing Greece to consistently be in breach of of Human Rights and then expecting Macedonia to assist in offering human rights? Nerazbrani louige!
          On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


          • DedoAleko
            • Jun 2009
            • 969

            The number went up to 30 000 refugees



            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              Macedonia finishes fence at Greek border to stem flow of asylum seekers

              Macedonia finishes building a fence on its frontier with Greece, becoming the latest country in Europe to build a border barrier aimed at checking the flow of asylum seekers.

              Macedonia has finished building a fence on its frontier with Greece, becoming the latest country in Europe to build a border barrier aimed at checking the flow of asylum seekers.

              A three-kilometre long metal fence was erected by the army at the Gevgelija crossing, on the main road north from the Greek city of Thessaloniki to Macedonia's capital Skopje on Sunday.

              For the time being the fence is not being erected at other locations, but Macedonian officials did not rule out such a possibility in future.

              The building of the 2.5-metre-high fence, which started on Saturday, sparked clashes between angry asylum seekers and police.

              On Saturday, a group of people trying to enter Macedonia pelted the police with stones while officers fired stun grenades in their direction.

              Several police and army vehicles were damaged and 18 police officers slightly injured in the protests.

              A Macedonia government spokesman said earlier the fence was aimed at ensuring asylum seekers did not try to slip across the frontier undetected, without going through the checkpoint.

              The border will remain open and only people who are not from war-affected regions will not be allowed to cross, spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgjev said.

              Since the summer some central and southeastern European countries have been tightening their borders to check the influx — a trend that has been accelerated by the November 13 shooting and suicide attacks in Paris.

              Two of the attackers slipped into Europe through Greece posing as asylum seekers from Syria's civil war, according to French prosecutors.

              Since then, countries along the route through the Balkans have tightened restrictions on asylum seekers, allowing entry only to those fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.

              Macedonia was taking a similar tack and the move had sparked protests from asylum seekers that have been turned away.

              From Macedonia the asylum seekers generally travel further north to Serbia and then back into the European Union via Croatia and Slovenia before arriving at their destination in Austria, Germany, Sweden or other western European countries.
              Who paid for it? What a waste of money. The refugees are not staying in Macedonia.
              I still believe a fence between Kosovo and Macedonia is far more useful.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • VMRO
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 1462

                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post

                Who paid for it? What a waste of money. The refugees are not staying in Macedonia.
                I still believe a fence between Kosovo and Macedonia is far more useful.

                All you need is some bolt and you can get through that piss weak fence.

                Look at the guy on the right pleased with his comrades work. "Taka bre brached, stavaj ja zhitzata tamu gore da se besat pickamu mater!"
                Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

                Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


                • Phoenix
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4671

                  Originally posted by VMRO View Post
                  All you need is some bolt and you can get through that piss weak fence.

                  Look at the guy on the right pleased with his comrades work. "Taka bre brached, stavaj ja zhitzata tamu gore da se besat pickamu mater!"
                  The fence is 3km long...the refugees have travelled at least 2000km just to get to Macedonia, I can't image a 3km fence stopping them, they're just going to walk around it...


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116

                    It was a wasted time and money.
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • makedonche
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 3242

                      Originally posted by George S. View Post
                      It was a wasted time and money.
                      Not if it keeps the Greeks out!!!
                      On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                      • DedoAleko
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 969

                        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post

                        Who paid for it? What a waste of money. The refugees are not staying in Macedonia.
                        I still believe a fence between Kosovo and Macedonia is far more useful.
                        We got it free as a gift from Hungary.


                        • George S.
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 10116

                          We got the short part of the fence as well as eu membership and nato??
                          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                          GOTSE DELCEV


                          • DedoAleko
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 969

                            EU's Frontex agency to help guard Greece-Macedonia border

                            European guards will help Greeks manage their frontier with Macedonia, the EU border agency Frontex said on Thursday after a deal that addresses concerns in the bloc over Athens' commitment to control migration.

                            Other EU states had been piling pressure on Greece to accept help for registering and documenting migrants trying to head north across the Balkans towards Germany and other wealthy states, and had wanted to see a deal by the time interior ministers meet in Brussels on Friday to review efforts to stem migration flows.

                            Frontex said it would help to register migrants at the Macedonian border and would deploy more personnel there next week. Greek officials confirmed Frontex's role and insisted that Athens had not previously refused help.

                            "Migrants at Greece’s northern border will be checked and those found not properly identified will be registered," said Frontex Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri in a statement that also noted that EU states had so far provided Frontex with only 447 of the additional 775 staff it asked for in October.

                            In recent days, non-EU Macedonia has tightened its border and let through only Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans -- seen as more likely to be granted asylum in the EU. That has led to a buildup of some 1,500 migrants, mainly from Pakistan, Iran and Morocco, and to protests and two deaths.

                            Frontex already has 195 officers on Greek islands off the Turkish coast registering arrivals, about a third of whom, EU officials say, are refugees from the Syrian civil war.

                            Many migrants, however, notably South Asians who would be unlikely to qualify for asylum in the EU, try to avoid registration or claiming asylum in Greece and move quickly north into Macedonia, heading for prosperous northwest Europe. The movement of hundreds of thousands of people has set governments against each other and badly strained Europe's Schengen zone of passport-free travel.

                            The Luxembourg minister who will chair Friday's meeting in Brussels said he opposed suggestions from some other states that Greece be suspended from the Schengen zone for failing to secure its section of the bloc's external border. But he told Reuters that Athens must accept help from EU agencies.

                            Greek government spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili told Greek radio: "It is completely inaccurate that Greece is not accepting the help of Frontex ... At the same time, not even one tenth of the assistance we have requested of Frontex has been sent."

                            Luxembourg will present a paper on Friday proposing possible amendments to the Schengen rules. It also suggests activating a previously unused article of the Schengen treaty that would extend European governments' rights to impose border checks with each other for up to two years.



                            • DedoAleko
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 969

                              eU considers ringfencing greece to stop flow of migrants

                              EU leaders are weighing a drastic plan to staunch the influx of asylum-seekers by blocking their passage into Macedonia, stoking fears in Athens that tens of thousands of migrants will become stranded in Greece.

                              The European Commission and Berlin are ready to back the proposal to aid Macedonia, a non-EU country, that would in effect isolate Greece, a fellow member-state that is economically fragile and already overwhelmed with migrants.

                              The move to ringfence Greece comes as fears grow that an EU scheme to get Turkey to block the flow of refugees entering the EU in exchange for €3bn in aid has failed to reduce the migrant flow.

                              On Friday, at least 43 migrants, including 17 children, drowned when their wooden sailboats sank off two Greek islands near Turkey.

                              The new policy would shift the EU’s migrant frontline from the Turkish coast and the Aegean Sea to Greece’s northern border. Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister who has feared such a move, has warned that his country could become a “black box” for refugees.

                              The plan was discussed on Wednesday by EU ambassadors after Miroslav Cerar, Slovenia’s prime minister, sent a letter to his EU counterparts urging “direct assistance” to Macedonia to prevent “certain irregular migrants from crossing the Greece-Macedonian border”.

                              “All the EU countries should provide maximum assistance to the Macedonian authorities in controlling the mentioned border through secondment of police officers, provision of equipment and by other appropriate means,” he wrote.

                              The Commission dispatched a team of officials to the region this week to assess what personnel and equipment Macedonia would need to strengthen controls at the border with Greece.

                              Although the EU has provided Skopje with financial assistance in the past, officials said this would go farther than a previous plan to help the country process arrivals and stop “irregular migrants” at its border.

                              Mujtaba Rahman, an analysis at Eurasia Group, the risk consultancy, said: “Pressure is building to ringfence Greece to keep refugees there, as other EU migration policies are failing. With this move Europe is essentially forcing Greece out of Schengen.”

                              The Slovenia plan is believed to have support in Berlin, while people briefed on the discussions said Donald Tusk, the European Council president, is also giving the idea consideration.

                              The migration crisis has taken on new urgency because of the failure of most previous measures agreed by the EU, including the Turkey agreement and a plan to create processing centres in Greece and Italy that could then relocate 160,000 refugees across the EU. So far, only 331 have been relocated.

                              Mr Tusk and other EU leaders have given themselves until March to come up with a new plan. Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister, warned this week that without an effective solution within the next six-to-eight weeks, the EU’s passport-free Schengen zone could collapse. Temporary border checks have already been introduced in Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Denmark and Sweden.

                              The de facto removal of Greece from the EU’s passport-free zone was raised last year after Athens proved unable to cope with the arrival by sea of more than 850,000 people.

                              Greece’s handling of the refugee crisis has frustrated both Berlin and Brussels. But Athens has repeatedly said it is unable to cope with the inflows of people, which have shown little sign of slowing. More than 35,000 people have landed in Greece this year alone, according to the United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees.

                              Blocking migrants at Macedonia’s southern border would be the most severe measure yet taken during the crisis. Refugees could in theory enter Macedonia to claim asylum there. But countries are not obliged to let people travel through in order to seek asylum elsewhere. The vast bulk of people passing through Greece into Macedonia are heading elsewhere, notably Germany.

                              The move would heap more pressure on Greece’s already failing asylum system, while potentially creating further legal problems. In 2011, the European Court of Human Rights warned that the Greek system was “degrading”. This decision effectively banned EU countries from transferring asylum seekers back to Greece if this was their first port of call, as demanded by EU rules.



                              • DedoAleko
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 969

                                Seems like Macedonia has a crucial role in Europe as a buffer in the refugee crisis.
                                The same eU that’s been busting our balls for like FOREVER needs our help.

                                use google translator
                                Link: Die Geduld mit griechenland ist zu Ende
                                Last edited by DedoAleko; 01-26-2016, 03:13 AM.

