Zoran Zaev - The Traitor

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  • iceman
    • Sep 2008
    • 132

    Micov: Who is going to Lock Up Jess Bailey? (Zaevs Puppet Master) the name changer

    Micov: Who is going to Lock Up Jess Bailey? (Zaevs Puppet Master)
    Friday, 08 April 2016

    I begin this column with one of our famous proverbs that says:

    "Lock the priest to calm the village."

    This proverb is relevant for anyone who feels like a cowboy sheriff who lives and works in a foreign country. Half a year before the arrival of Jess Bailey as an ambassador to Macedonia, members of the "Macedonian manifesto" declared him as unwanted.

    The reason was Bailey's official agenda to work against the Macedonian identity and especially for changing the constitutional name. We all remember his face when he cruelly insulted Macedonians even during his nomination process as a potential ambassador to the country. On the other hand, Bailey came from the US embassy in Turkey, which was heavily involved in trying to remove the then Prime Minister and current President Erdogan. This diversion narrowly failed, and Deputy Ambassador Bailey was transferred to Macedonia to continue work on the same thing in which he failed in Ankara.

    With his arrival in Skopje in February last year, Zaev begun with his "bombs", which were prepared in cooperation between the American and British embassies. The coup was prepared, ie the so called Macedonian "Maidan" on May 18, which was prevented by Macedonian policemen in Kumanovo ten days earlier. It was then that Bailey lost it.


    Because the terrorist attack in Kumanovo was the first huge failure of the Saboteur Ambassador. Because the US embassy was instrumental in organizing the Macedonian "Maidan" which saw a large (much larger than reported) terrorist group be defeated. Among the dead terrorists were American and British soldiers from the NATO base in Kosovo. The four Americans and Brits had to be hidden from the press, hence the lower body count a week later. As a first step to take revenge, the American and British ambassadors instead of imediately being locked up and kicked out of the country, they issued an ultimatum to immediately fire MoI Minister Jankulovska and UBK chief Mijalkov. Soon after, Bailey begun his second initiative, which as we all know was the Przino agreement.

    Bailey's successes in breaking the Macedonian state and its institutions came not only from his activity and the participation of our bought opposition and Soros NGOs, but also by a generally mistaken and flawed tactics of the ruling VMRO-DPMNE. This flawed tactic began in the beginning of 2015 and was cemented in July after it allowed the US Embassy and the opposition to do as they please.

    Why appeasement?

    On the one hand, because of American pressures as a result of alleged wiretapped conversations of alleged crime and alleged election irregularities. This type of US strategy is well known and dates back decades. Its two trump cards which it uses to stage coups around the world are: alleged crime and alleged human rights violations. When the Americans fail to take down a government by paying off the opposition, then Washington goes for plan B which is "bombing civilians to save them" (Iraq, Syria, Afgahnistan). The irony of course is that the world leader in committed crimes and human rights violations - the US, is lecturing others on the subject.

    In other words, the ruling VMRO-DPMNE gave in to US blackmail, but on the other hand, with the Przino agreement, the coalition government had a chance to show the incompetence of SDSM to govern. True, a few months later it became perhaps too evident that the SDSM has no capacity to be in power - because of the absolute incompetence of Spasovski, Remenski and four deputy ministers, but also because of their treachery in terms of our national and state interests. With its utterly wrong tactic, the VMRO-DPMNE through the Przino agreement encouraged all enemies of Macedonia - both external and internal.

    Many people in the Macedonian state institutions are still unaware of the purpose of the United States.

    And their goals as I have stated before are quite simple: Destruction of Macedonian identity and state for the benefit of its neighbors.

    Therefore, the tactics of the VMRO-DPMNE must turn 190 degrees. No ridiculous giving in that for months have infuriated the Macedonian public and make them doubt the patriotism of the leaders of the ruling party. We need and expect ferocious performance in all directions. At the very beginning it was clear that the illegitimate and anti constitutional Public Prosecution, led by US financed opposition wants to prevent the participation of the leaders of VMRO-DPMNE in future elections. Realizing they can't prevent the ruling party from participating in elections, Janeva was instructed at a 'minimum' to remove from power Gruevski, Mijalkov, Jankulovska and others.

    The rationale is the same as in other countries - Venezuela, Brazil ... where the United States spends hundreds of millions on the opposition - crime. Because elections were postponed on April 24 - the puppet Prosecution can not bring the opposition to power. Compared with Venezuela where the opposition is already in charge, in Brazil where President Rousseff can be removed any day, the Macedonian people know that the alleged crime is only a "fairy tale" to destroy the Macedonian name and state. Currently the road to destruction passes through removing VMRO-DPMNE from power, or deforming it in some fashion, and ensuring the prevention of Gruevski's return as prime minister.

    For this reason, the opposition wishes for a "grand coalition" - a treasonous coalition similar to the one in 2001. Therefore we have witnessed numerous attempts to somehow lower the rating of the ruling party, the frequent visits of the illegal prosecution team to the US Embassy, ​​and the open ultimatums by Bailey who just two days ago suggested "this is a good time to change Macedonia's name", of course when there is no Government in place.

    These days Bailey and the US Embassy work to discredit VMRO-DPMNE and its leaders, blackmailing them into submission, pitting them one against another. The goal is before, during and after the elections for the party to be weakend and more accepting of US geo political and business ambitions. Bailey is honest when he says that "the US is frustrated that Macedonia's road to NATO isn't faster." The US is indeed frustrated because the Macedonian people have dignity and fight for their identity, name and culture. In the past, Americans were recepients of the Cuban and Vietnamese syndrome/frustration. Soon, they will experience the Macedonian syndrome. But for this purpose, the following things are required:

    1. The ruling party must go to elections homogeneous and firm and not give in to US blackmail of more "victims". Keep in mind the ultimate goal is for them to remove Gruevski, just as they have done in the past to those who defended Macedonian national interests.

    2. Remove the illegal (parallel) special prosecution office. The Constitutional Court must finally gather the courage that it has so far been missing and rule that the SPO office is anti-constitutional.

    3. Ali Ahmeti is correct when he stated the Przino agreement has been compromised. It was compromised right after its signaning by delaying elections and continuing to release wiretapped material. Ali Ahmeti put his emphasis in the word "compromised", but it also provides an opportunity of VMRO-DPMNE to suspend it.

    4. Parliament speaker Veljanovski to dismiss Parliament on April 7 and simultaneously announce the date of elections. So called "voters List" which is perfectly clear cannot be more important than the laws. The party that does not wish to participate on the June 5th elections, it's their problem.

    As for the saboteur ambassador, there are enough people in the US administration that can take care of him. //Stefan Micov Vlahov
    - Stefan Micov Vlahov is famous Macedonian author, philosopher and publicist who has written numerous books on Macedonia, the Balkans


    • iceman
      • Sep 2008
      • 132

      15,000 protesters gather in front of Macedonian Parliament, demand jail for Zaev, Ver

      15,000 protesters gather in front of Macedonian Parliament, demand jail for Zaev, Verushevski

      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


      • iceman
        • Sep 2008
        • 132

        TDC: Criminal Zaev assisted by US, Greece tries to undermine Macedonia's success

        owing years of relative calm, the world is again in flux. It is most evident in the Balkans and Middle East — the two regions now inextricably linked due to the refugee crisis that threatens the stability of both.

        Southeast Europe, once embroiled in bloody interethnic and interreligious wars in the 1990’s following the fall and the subsequent dismemberment of Yugoslavia, successfully settled into relative calm, peace and prosperity. Largely, the nations of the former Yugoslavia found their places in the Westphalian order of nation states, many joining NATO and the EU and most enjoying a good degree of political and economic success as a result.

        Leaders such as Macedonia’s Nicola Gruevski, the former, and likely, the future prime minster, emerged and took his nation on a course toward the establishment of a bona-fide democratic system of governance, Euro-Atlantic integration, and a positive economic and political development. Under his leadership, the ascension processes for both European Union and NATO membership for Macedonia has begun.

        In addition to the adoption of Western values and norms, while Gruevski served as prime minister, Macedonia, a nation of a mere 2 million, has progressed in the World Bank ranking as the 12th best country in the world and 6th in Europe for doing business. Other economic and political indicators, such as the unemployment and GDP etc. also markedly improved.

        Today, in part, due to the instability wrought by radicalism and the refugee crisis, a resurgence of long marginalized voices, those of a decidedly less democratic bent, have gained renewed power.

        Gloomily, the resurgent voices from this pre-independence and bygone era are emboldened by the recent instability emanating from the Middle East. They are embodied, at least in the case of Macedonia, in that nation’s main opposition leader and accused criminal, Zoran Zaev.

        In a deal understood by most observers as a “very odd” compromise brokered by the US between Gruevski’s ruling party and Zaev’s post-communist Social Democrats, Gruevski, stepped down as prime minister to run again in the nation’s upcoming elections. By all accounts, due to Gruevski’s exceptional popularity, he will win the prime ministry.

        Southeast European nations and, in particular Macedonia, are weakened by the economic, political and civil strains caused by the refugee crisis. This, coupled with the post-communists’ obstructionism from within, paints a disturbing picture. But there is more. Foreign obstruction buffets Macedonia as well.

        Greece, Macedonia’s neighbour to the south, is endlessly angry for the choice of Macedonians to name their homeland, “Macedonia.” As punishment, Greece has consistently obstructed Macedonia’s NATO and EU ascension at each and every turn. The leadership of the ruling party, the UN, including the international court of justice, all said that the demands to change the country’s name violate international law. Zoran Zaev and his socialists make no favours to their country by suggesting to accommodate Greece’s position quickly.

        While Macedonia can and should be an active, valued and important member of both alliances, today it faces the refugee crisis alone — amid the increasing instability in Southeast Europe.

        While Greece has benefited from EU’s lavish economic assistance to handle its own fiscal irresponsibility, and today, the deluge of refugees, it does little to securely convey these refugees back to their native lands, or further into Europe. Conversely, Greece herds the refugees across the country to the border with Macedonia, and leaves the government of Macedonia to deal with the humanitarian, economic and security aspects of such a migrant tsunami.

        So, what shall the West do about this?

        Perhaps, Greece should not be in such a position of power. Any nation that is the midst of such a deep and self-inflicted economic crisis coupled with the need for sweeping economic and governmental reform should not be allowed to torture and punish its neighbour.

        Second, it is time for the EU, NATO and the U.S. to stand up to forces of instability who are re-emerging in Southeast Europe and threaten the political order of their own countries, as Zaev does in Macedonia. However, it will be interesting to see how this unfolds considering Zaev is said to have been getting assistance from Greece, numerous Soros affiliated "NGOs" as well as American "NGOs" such as NED and USAid.
        The free, fair and transparent June 5 parliamentary elections in Macedonia are in the interest of Macedonians, of the region and Europe. //Theodore Karasik

        Dr. Theodore Karasik is UAE-based international security analyst, who specializes in ethnic conflict and terrorism in Europe and the Middle East. He is a former scholar of the RAND Corporation and a prolific writer with articles that can be read in the Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times and in numerous academic journals.


        • iceman
          • Sep 2008
          • 132

          President Ivanov:Zaev(DOG) begged for pardon, some Ambassadors go beyond their duties

          President Ivanov: Zaev (DOG) begged for pardon, some Ambassadors go beyond their duties
          Thursday, 14 April 2016

          In a all-encompassing interview in the presidential cabinet, Macedonian president Gjorge Ivanov announced a bombshell during the Q&A Session with the editors of all major media in the country.
          On a question by TV Alfa editor on Zaev's so called 'Ukraine scenario', Ivanov's frank response took many off guard:

          - This entire thing happened after a phone conversation with Zaev where he pleaded that he not be arrested and his political career in the country continued. As his party has recorded all of the previous phone conversations, I am certain that particular phone conversation was recorded as well. I want Zaev to listen to that conversation and let him explain to the public what he was asking me. Zaev is known for changing his statements quite frequently and each time he says something, the next time he negates it. A fired bullet and a spoken word cannot be returned.

          For now, I don't see what the challenge is, there will be elections and Zaev and the rest of the politicians will face the ultimate court, the court of the people. Our people will tell our politicians what they think of them during elections - stated Ivanov.

          When asked why are certain foreign Ambassador(s) attending press conferences of the so called "Special Prosecutors Office", Ivanov once again very frank in his response, admitting that some foreign Ambassadors exert pressure on party officials, Courts and go way beyond what their official duties are in the country - here is Ivanov:

          Ambassadors are walking in and out of our Courts as they see fit, is this not exerting pressure? Ambassadors are phoning judges, political figures and other officials telling them what to do - is this not exerting pressure? Certain Ambassadors have broken all of their diplomatic responsibilities as outlined in the Vienna conventions for diplomacy. We don't want to get in a conflict with the countries where these Ambassador hail from. I have already advised the foreign diplomatic core in this country to be careful what they are doing. Because Ambassadors come and go, we stay.

          Sometimes I don't understand where do these diplomats think they are. We are an independent country with our political parties, institutions and constitution. No one has managed to blackmail me, pressure me. I've entered this job with honesty and that's how I'll exit it. I can't talk to you about crime or lack of morals because I know nothing about it. I can talk to you about honesty for hours - says Ivanov.


          • iceman
            • Sep 2008
            • 132

            Gruevski slams Zaev for Ukraine comment: can't expect to hear anything sane

            Gruevski slams Zaev for Ukraine comment: can't expect to hear anything sane
            Thursday, 14 April 2016

            Nikola Gruevski, President of the VMRO-DPMNE party, strongly condemned the riots on Wednesday evening by supporters of the SDSM party, and condemned a statement by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev that Macedonia could be in for a "Ukraine scenario". The statement comes as both major parties are preparing for rallies on Thursday evening in downtown Skopje.

            "In the past two days we've seen explosions of aggression, violence, vandalism and open intent from the SDSM leader to deepen the crisis to a new level. Yesterday we saw this man, known to be able to say two different things in two consecutive sentences, call for a constructive approach in one sentence, and then, calmly, speak about a 'Ukrainian scenario' in the very same sentence. This would mean thousands of dead and injured. A collapse of our economy and other grave consequences. I say to Zaev, so long as I'm standing, you will not be allowed to do this. Muster your courage and go to a fair and democratic elections. Stop looking for excuses", Gruevski said in his press conference.

            A dozen protesters were arrested and two journalists were injured in the violent protests that took place in downtown Skopje. Both VMRO and SDSM had thousands of supporters ralling to the streets, with the VMRO supporters remaining reserved, while the pro-SDSM group torched an office of President Gjorge Ivanov, attacked the Justice Ministry and clashed with the police. Gruevski condemned Zaev for a comment he made on Telma TV, when he was asked whether, following the decision by President Ivanov to issue pardons to politicians on both sides of the political divide, his party is preparing for a Ukrainian scenario, meaning an attempt to violently overthrow the Government.

            "You can say that, he laid serious foundations for a Ukrainian scenario", Zaev said during a TV interview on Wednesday evening, as the clashes of his supporters with the police were still on-going. Gruevski said that, as the elections were called, SDSM and affiliated Soros leftists groups were preparing for protests and riots anyway, and are merely using the pardons as an excuse. "They were planning an escalation of the situation with a final goal to avoid going to the elections", Gruevski said.

            In his comments, Gruevski again condemned the pardons President Ivanov granted to leading past and current officials of SDSM and VMRO, to spy chiefs allegedly involved in the wiretapping affair of 2015 and to supporters of both parties that were involved in the numerous criminal charges raised in the past months. Gruevski said that President Ivanov's move undermined the position of VMRO that all charges against their officials should be cleared through investigations and judicial procedures.

            "Despite the obviously unprofessional actions on the part of the Special Prosecutor's Office and their blatant partisanship in favor of SDSM, we remain certain that the legal procedures would have shown the truth and the fact that many criminal charges filed against our officials are part of SDSM's campaign", Gruevski said, adding that Ivanov's move has helped SDSM immensely, because charges of abuse of the surveillance systems and corruption that were raised against Zaev and other top officials of his party were well documented and undeniable.


            • vicsinad
              Senior Member
              • May 2011
              • 2337

              Despite the horrendous misrule by Gruevski and DPMNE, you have to hand it to him: he knows how to play his cards. What a twist! DPMNE party leaders had no idea that after the Constitutional Court gave Ivanov the power to pardon criminal politicians, and after the international pundits (as well as Macedonian citizens) voiced concerns that this would lead to Ivanov pardoning DPMNE criminals, that Ivanov would actually pardon the criminals. Does Gruevski believe that people will actually think that he is that naive? They probably will.

              What Gruevski is really saying is that Ivanov's pardons certainly do hurt the party's image, but it was worth it and necessary so he and his colleagues wouldn't have to face any charges, so the party could potentially survive through elections.

              Then there's that scum Zaev...who won't stop short of bringing the country down to its knees so someone else can cut off its head.

              You can only feel so bad for a narod that allowed this to happen.

              Still, although this is very much an internal Macedonian issue, I don't want to downplay that Greek obstructionism and Albanian radicalism attributed to this mess. Then there is of course "bigger" powers taking advantage of the Balkan situation to further their own (mostly economic and strategic) goals. These of course have contributed to damaging the ability of the Macedonians to smoothly operate. Yet, the Macedonian government couldn't take a principled and strong stance against Greek obstructionism and Albanian radicalism, on some of the most basic issues of securing a stable country and government, which seems demonstrative of the fact that they can't take a principled and constructive stance on anything (internal or external). You let Ahmeti and his crew run free (his Uncle founded the KLA, that terrorist network that became the NLA that almost split Macedonia in two... I mean c'mon), and you're content with a foreign imposed name and flag (seriously, the Czech Republic is resubmitting their name in the UN as Czechia...at least TRY to resubmit your name), what makes you think your government is going to run on principles of justice, fairness, openness, and accountability?

              But it all comes down to what people on this forum have mentioned plenty of times: apathy and party loyalty are two driving forces among the masses; and lusting for greed and power seem to drive the political elites. DPMNE sells the people on their supposed protection of national interests on identity, culture and name, and then proceed to royally f*ck them over in most aspects of their lives. SDSM sells the people on this great European and western dreams of affluence and European unity, while either being too inept to understand anything about running a country or being a pawn, or they are being sneakingly clever in manipulating the people to benefit the few.

              Either way, the people of Macedonia are allowing themselves to be f*cked over. I get it -- the economy sucks, the people are dismayed and confused, they have absolutely no faith in the system. I get it and I feel for them. But it does not make them any less responsible.

              My opinion on a more global perspective is that most people have now come to believe that democracy is simply about voting during elections. That is our vision of democracy. That there are professionals who will run our country, state, city and town and we don't need to get involved in the details, just show up every now and then and cast a vote. Maybe go to a protest, maybe write a letter, maybe complain to a neighbor. But other than that, this notion of democracy has removed people from actually participating in the decision-making; and when you do this, you remove their sense of power or ability to affect any sort of change. It is not real democracy.
              Last edited by vicsinad; 04-15-2016, 11:02 AM.


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Thankfully the VMRO supporters remained reserved in the streets.

                OMG, is this Orwellian or just plain old Putinarian?

                Disgusting displays of peasantry here.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                • Phoenix
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4671

                  Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                  ...and lusting for greed and power seem to drive the political elites. DPMNE sells the people on their supposed protection of national interests on identity, culture and name, and then proceed to royally f*ck them over in most aspects of their lives. SDSM sells the people on this great European and western dreams of affluence and European unity, while either being too inept to understand anything about running a country or being a pawn, or they are being sneakingly clever in manipulating the people to benefit the few...
                  Politicians worldwide are primarily motivated by a lust for greed and power...
                  The situation in Macedonia is clearly evidence of this.

                  No political party in Macedonia is interested in changing the status quo and the inherent belief and culture of the political elites sense of entitlement.
                  That sense of entitlement will be pursued at all costs to the state itself and the citizens are mere collateral damage in achieving that end.

                  The 'name issue' is just another political tool that has been used by successive governments of Macedonia (both sides of politics) to maintain the political elites' positions of privilege by cloaking corrupt dealings and relationships from the prying eyes of the EU.

                  Corruption and self gain are far easier for Macedonia's political elite if Macedonia remains outside of the European legal framework that EU membership would demand and for that reason we have seen successive governments holding dearly to the status quo of the 'name issue'.

                  The 'name issue' is a red-herring that serves the interests of only the political elite in Macedonia and to the detriment of every other Macedonian throughout the world.

                  Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                  ...Either way, the people of Macedonia are allowing themselves to be f*cked over. I get it -- the economy sucks, the people are dismayed and confused, they have absolutely no faith in the system. I get it and I feel for them. But it does not make them any less responsible...
                  ...what more 'ingredients' could a people possibly want to initiate a powerful grassroots movement, a tsunami of people power to cleanse the political filth that is condemning an entire population to a third-world future without dignity?

                  Instead, it's apathy that grows ever more stronger and with greater apathy amongst the masses, the political elite continue to establish even deeper roots and will remain entrenched to suck the life out of the country.
                  Last edited by Phoenix; 04-15-2016, 09:37 PM.


                  • iceman
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 132

                    Roy Bean unhappy with SDSM caliphate in Skopje,orders actions in Bitola,Prilep &Veles

                    Roy Bean unhappy with SDSM caliphate in Skopje, orders actions in Bitola, Prilep and Veles
                    Monday, 18 April 2016

                    'Ukrainian' Zaev considers the Skopje downtown area of Centre as his terrorist base, however, even though he is used to the stay in the area, he has still not managed to conquer it as a territory - this makes him quite nervous.
                    Zaev's boss, the ambassador (lets call him Roy Bean) which comes from a country that's already become a taboo around the country is nervous as well.

                    Zaev's wild order of terrorists who are concentrated in the downtown area have repeatedly failed to conquer institutions concentrated in the downtown area, the reason being quite simple, they can't mobilize enough people. As a result, the SDSM and Soros caliphates ordered to declare war on monuments in Skopje, monuments which after long propaganda campaign became 'controversial'.

                    The effects however, were the opposite of what the caliphate expected. All vandal acts and attacks on police instead of bringing in more people left them more isolated than ever. Attacking monuments in front of the cameras of the foreign press to a normal person appear as exhibitionism by Balkan talibans and religious fanatics.

                    The Ukrainian scenario in Macedonia is not giving the same results as in Ukraine. Skopje isn't like Kiev. This is not good news for Roy Bean and his local candidate for caliph, the "Ukrainian" Zaev.
                    Roy Bean ordered a new tactic. Skopje isn't working out so the dream called "Maidan" must be accomplished through the periphery.

                    It's the same scenario, except now Bitola is the target. First a bombastic made up case was announced by Soros hyenas led by Janeva. For the purposes of gaining the attention of the Bitola youth, it was announced that they were milked for school transportation even though the cost is very low, at only 15 denars. When propaganda rules, there is no room for truth, nor are people interested for an actual reason to protest. In this day and age, psychos are available 24/7, they will protest if the sky is blue.

                    One of the clever psychos remembered the Bitola fire of 2007, so he started a fire around the administrative building, you know, very Maidan like. That just made Bitola residents even angrier.
                    The result was once again - nothing. Bitola residents are wise, they know the meaning of the word prevention. Local archbishop Petar often plays messages at Noon to his constituents warning them not to fall for these planned events. Bitola is the only part in Macedonia where the archbishop plays this type of messages which is then followed by holy music. In Skopje this does not exist, but we do hear mosques at 1pm.

                    The caliphat known in Macedonia as SDSM did not like the peaceful messages from archbishop Petar in Bitola, and sent a Sorosoid priest Dushko to join the protest in Bitola, this way the caliphate had a 'holy' person on its side. This however did not produce the results the caliphat sought.

                    The Centar based caliphate was very displeased with how the Bitola protest went, the protesters were seen as weak and not violent enough. As a result, Roy Bean and Zaev decided to send re-enforcement's from Skopje. "Komandir Koce" from the Sexual Alternative group followed by Petrit Saracini from the Neobalist group and Soros' own Vasko Kovacevski are heading to Bitola. They will be joined by the terror organizer themselves, the instructors from Canvas whereas their chosen meeting place is the club of the Pelister fans, Chkembari.
                    The military procedures of the caliphat for newly arrived units is to welcome them with large doses of drugs designed to give them courage and strength.

                    Prilep, Kavadarci, Veles

                    As we are awaiting the next attack on Bitola (weekend delayed the actions as the caliphate traditionally rests for two days) the question is which cities are next. Roy Bean's scenario is to constantly put pressure on Skopje, but to attack cities in the north and south.

                    Gevgelija, the southern Macedonian city is under the international spotlight and is already under pressure at all times from outside. This ad-hoc creating of crisis by sending huge waves of illegal migrants revealed Macedonia's destabilizing forces rather quickly. The work of alleged Greek and Western European NGOs + MI6 agents paid for by the British Government were very quickly uncovered. It doesn't mean that they won't send another wave of migrants, but each such move destroys the already destroyed credibility of the EU in which several western NATO states are openly destabilizing Macedonia.

                    Therefore, the actions in Bitola look very much like expanding the front from Gevgelija to Bitola. We don't know whether the caliphate of Strumica will become part of it, since there the Soros wild ordes cannot replace the mayor or the administration since both institutions are in Soros hands.
                    As a result, Strumica will likely remain untouched if conflict comes our way. Besides, this is the only way for caliph Zaev to remain alive, at least for a short time.

                    Therefore, the logical place for the wild Soros orders to attack is in Prilep, Kavadarci and Veles.
                    Roy Bean does not plan to activate the Albanians for now, they are already guaranteed a seat at any peace conference, besides Roy Bean can activate them by pressing a button.

                    Still, with this tactic, it's quite hard to achieve the Ukrainian effect. On the contrary, there will be unity and very strong resistance by the Macedonians, there already is.
                    Because of this, we're expecting to see threats and pressure from the taboo nation and nations subordinate to it, the EU included.

                    Roy Bean and the taboo nation will attempt to bully us into not having elections on June 5, for simple reason because his caliph Zaev can't win.
                    The main question before us is the following: Under what international law, under what convention a taboo country gets the right to decide when and how another country may vote and at the same time suspend the right of the country to hold elections? Under what international law, a taboo country can decide whether someone else's elections were credible?

                    If Denko Maleski stated that the rule of law is replaced by the rule of force, then by this token such ideology and logic is called FASCISM. It is also well known that no human or country peacefully accept living in abnormal conditions prescribed by abnormal regimes.


                    • iceman
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 132

                      Message to Puppet Zaev and the "Umbrella"-There will be Elections, You'll be gone

                      Message to Puppet Zaev and the "Umbrella" - There will be Elections, You'll be gone
                      Thursday, 21 April 2016

                      I believed Ivanov's decision to pardon all politicians was incredible idiotism.
                      Today, I am convinced, the president's decision, at least temporary, prevented a conflict.
                      Before I begin chronologically, I need to explain few things.

                      This foreign sponsored 'crisis' that begun a year and half ago with a goal of regime change by installing a puppet quisling in Zoran Zaev whose job is to change our name and identity as well as federalize and ultimately disintegrate the country.

                      For this purpose, it is needed for the ruling Government to either lose their elections or through "colored revolutions" similar to the one in Ukraine.
                      Both attempts are going simultaneously although in the past several months an advantage is given to destabilization by creating chaos in the country because all analysis points to the fact the opposition will catastrophically lose the elections.
                      The undeclared war on Macedonia is waged by United States and its EU satelites. The main organizers of the war are US Ambassador Jess Bailey and UK Ambassador Charles Garrett, assisted by numerous Soros funded organizations.
                      The hired hand are the mercenaries from Soros and SDSM, while the ideological propaganda for the coup is implemented by Johannes Hahn, Aivo Orav, Ivo Vajgl, Richard Howitt and Eduard Kukan.
                      1. The above mentioned diversion bandits did everything possible to delay the April 24th elections, because VMRO-DPMNE was slated for a massive win and majority in Parliament. To delay the elections, US Ambassador Jess Bailey blackmailed the always easy pions in DUI and DPA, after which with EU representatives blackmailed the ruling Government that if elections were held on April 24, they will not be recognized by the "international community" better known as the United States and its EU satellites.

                      2. Behind the scheduled June 5th elections by Jess Bailey himself, two options were hidden. The unrealistic option was that the oposition will simply melt VMRO-DPMNE's electoral advantage. As a result of this, the coup managers focused on arresting the leaders of VMRO-DPMNE, in particularly Gruevski, which would disintegrate the party. The anti-constitutional and illegitimate Special Prosecution Office was created with only one goal - to install Zaev in power, with, or without elections.
                      Early on MPs were aware of what the SPO meant, however, they voted for it under massive pressure that included death threats and murdering their families.
                      Gruevski and the rest of VMRO-DPMNE's leaders, in particularly Mijalkov because of Kumanovo are a major thorn in the eyes of the coup managers. They had to be arrested by June 5th under accusations that the CIA uses to depose Governments around the world: wire tapping, alleged crime, election issues etc.

                      3.The accusations for wiretapping are such that it surpasses those of Goebbels, because for nearly a year the entire Macedonian public knows the wiretapping of politicians and businessmen was done by the US and British Embassies. The thief yells: catch the thief! The coup managers who are bribing Macedonian politicians, 'intellectuals' and journalists in unison scream: catch the thiefs! In the battle of David vs Goliat, the Constitutional Court decided to return the president's right to pardon individuals.

                      The pardoning disturbed the plans of the foreign coup managers and their internal quislings. The quslings attempted to storm the Constitutional Court, however, Macedonian citizens led by GROM leader Stevco Jakimovski prevented this scenario. Then the illegitimate Katica Janeva proclaimed the Courts, Parliament, President and the Public Prosecution as illegitimate. At first, this looked like anger, however this was well within Bailey's plan for civil war, a Macedonian Maidan.

                      4. The culmination. In early April, Bailey stated "Now is the time to solve the name", at the same time giving an ultimatum to Gruevski to stab the rest of the party leadership in the back with a promise that he would not be arrested by Janeva's SPO. Of course, Gruevski refused the offer. The plan between Bailey - Janeva - Spasovski is set in motion, an arrest order is issued for Gruevski and the rest of the VMRO leadership. The rest of the VMRO would not have sat quietly which would resulted in Bailey's scenario for civil war.
                      In such moment, the US would have used Janeva's statement that all institutions in Macedonia are illegitimate, and Macedonia as a country doesn't exist.
                      In their role as peacekeepers the bandits from Kosovo would have entered, while Bulgaria was ready as it placed soldiers on the border since last May.

                      In this dramatic moment, Ivanov did what he did. He had two options: pardoning or calling for a martial law. The president has the right to both options, however lets not forget Macedonia's defense minister Zoran Jolevski is an American puppet that was recruited while he was an Ambassador.
                      Bailey attempted to make Jolevski the interim Prime Minister!
                      The other puppet, is Oliver Spasovski, the interim MoI minister. During every military/martial law situation the main actors are the police and the army.

                      Ivanov's decision infuriated the United States and its EU satellites. Just hours after Ivanov's decision, the State Department found the time to issue a press release asking Ivanov to nullify his decision, in other words it was asking to allow the detainment of VMRO's leadership without a shred of evidence.
                      The Coup managers Bailey and Garrett issued the same ultimatum to Ivanov after waiting two days to meet with him. Ivanov brushed them both aside.

                      5. Before the situation changed by 180 degrees, Bailey attempted in the last moment to disuade the Parliament speaker and delay the June 5th elections even though the Parliament is already dissolved. However, on April 6th Bailey was not pressuring and blackmailing anyone because at the time the options were good: eliminate Gruevski and hold elections June 5th.
                      Falling into a trap, the sabboteur Ambassador forced DUI to sign an impeachment document for Ivanov, however Parliament is already dissolved and cannot be re-assembled.

                      During this time, the opposion in small numbers are staging violent protests in Skopje, Bitola, however is outmatched at least ten to one by Macedonians who are holding peaceful protests demanding elections.
                      What next?
                      - There are more attempts to pressure Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE, similarly to Przino, except now in Vienna on April 22nd. There will be four political leaders there, however there is no doubt that the Anglo - American bandits will blackmail Gruevski who already said "while I am standing on two feet, will not allow Zaev to force his way into the Government". The meeting looks similarly to the one back in 1948 when Stalin invited Tito to the InfoBureau. Tito did not go and saved his head. Which is why Gruevski should send represtantives, BUT HE SHOULD NEVER GO. Everything that will be offered in Vienna will be against Macedonia and the Macedonian people.

                      - There will be an attempt for terrorist attacks both from outside and inside. I will repeat again, the US needs a conflict in Macedonia, they already have their own people as heads of Police and the Military. We are seeing the same scenario in the attempted ousting of Dilma Ruseff in Brazil, everything is orchestrated by the CIA, there too the 'scandal' started via wiretapped conversations.

                      At this time, Ivanov and Gruevski (no matter the mistakes they have done thus far) have the critical role in the defense of Macedonia, our name and identity. Ivanov has stated he will not nullify his decision, which cut off the hands of the illegitimate and foreign SPO.
                      Lastly, as Macedonians, we need to be prepared each day on everything to defend our country. Ready to make war, so we can live in peace.


                      • Tomche Makedonche
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1123

                        Originally posted by iceman View Post
                        The plan between Bailey - Janeva - Spasovski is set in motion, an arrest order is issued for Gruevski and the rest of the VMRO leadership...
                        Is this true?, did this actually happen?, i.e. did the Special Prosecutions Office officially issue an arrest order for Gruevski prior to Ivanov issuing the pardons? (I'm unaware of this occurring), or is this simply just another example of creative writing by the author to add some more flare to his hypothetical scenarios?

                        Can anyone confirm or provide anything to back this up?
                        “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                        • JJAskiz
                          • May 2015
                          • 101

                          Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
                          DPMNE sucks.So do SDSM.
                          Any supporter of both these parties is a lunatic if you ask me.
                          I don't support Zaev nor Grujo.
                          And all those jobs that DPMNE created as you say are jobs in the public administration meant for their obedient party soldiers.
                          You live in Australia so I don't expect you to know that,but take it from someone who spent his whole life in the republic.
                          Either DPMNE or SDSM,Macedonia is f****d,don't be delusional.
                          Anyone who supports Zaev and anyone that supports that traitor political party SDSM are traitors to the country Republic Of Macedonia and the Macedonian people and need to get shot or hanged for Treason because Zaev is a traitor and he is selling out the country to the Shiptari (Albanians) and destroying the country. But at least Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE is sticking up for our country and helping it out by getting other countries to invest in our country and made some jobs and isn't destroying the country and isn't selling the country out and isn't changing our countries name like Zaev and SDSM is trying to do but you are so dumb that you don't know that.
                          Last edited by JJAskiz; 04-24-2016, 03:47 AM.


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            He said SDSM sucks. Seriously, read it and repeat.
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                            • DraganOfStip
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2011
                              • 1253

                              Originally posted by JJAskiz View Post
                              Anyone that goes for SDSM supports Zaev and you support him because you support SDSM, Zaev is a traitor and he selling out the country to the Shiptari (Albanians) and destroying the country. But at least Gruevski made some jobs and isn't destroying the country and isn't selling the country out or changing our countries name like Zaev is trying to do that. But you are so dumb that you don't know that because you support the SDSM Party. And you can't say "You support the traitor party SDSM (Who is trying to destroy the country with Zaev) but you don't support Zaev but you support SDSM", you sound like a retard because anyone that supports SDSM supports Zaev and anyone that supports VMRO supports Gruevski.
                              Did you actually read the post that you replied to?
                              ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                              ― George Orwell


                              • JJAskiz
                                • May 2015
                                • 101

                                Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
                                Did you actually read the post that you replied to?
                                Sorry, i misread the reply and re-edited my last comment so read it again.
                                Last edited by JJAskiz; 04-24-2016, 03:56 AM.

