Conflicts in the Middle East & Northern Africa

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  • Big Bad Sven
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 1528

    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
    BBS, to try and claim that Syria is not a serious human rights abuser is simply an exercise in self-delusion. Dozens of international human rights organisations have documented tens of thousands of human rights abuses over numerous decades. You don't have to take the word of the Arab league, which includes more members than the two that you mention. If you are going to deny the credibility of these human rights organisations, such as Amnesty International and Helsinki Watch, then you will also have to bring into question their credibility when reporting on Greek human rights abuses.

    It is simply vacuous and hypocritical to claim that they are lying in the case of Syria, and which ever other Arab state you want to support, and on the other hand hold them up as some sort of bearers of justice when they highlight human rights abuses in Greece.
    Hey Vangelovski,

    I do not deny that the Syrian government/army has done some brutal things. I do not deny that innocent people have been killed (on both sides). My main issues with this “rebellion” in Syria is the double standards, hypocrisy from the world powers, and also the fakeness of people saying that the “rebels” getting their way is “democracy” and that this is about human rights.

    For example, it is reported that the large majority of Syrians support the government. At first I thought this might have been the Syrian government paying people to cheer for them, but these sources come from western news articles, and also there is lots of reports and footage of Syrians in Australia and Europe cheering for the Al-Assad government. So the question is, why should the government step down, when it has the support of the majority of the people, and it’s only a few small amounts of people that want a regime change. How is that democratic?

    Secondly, we seem to be putting the crimes that the Syrian government has done to its civilians on a magnifying glass (and perhaps rightly so), but at the same time seem to be ignoring the crimes that the “rebels” have done to the government, and also citizens who are loyal to the government, and even citizens who are neutral to the whole thing. We have seen the “rebels” attack Christians or minorities like the kurds, basically people who are not towing the fanatical Whahabi fundamentalist line. We have seen the “rebels” being like suicide bombers, or carrying around weapons and firing on the police/army and even civilians. The “rebels” seem to get off scot free with the crimes they did, but I guess they can kill or force people to do what they want because the TV tells us that they are the good guys?

    And on the crimes that have committed, I cant deny that the Syrian government has not done any, but at the same time, these rebels are pretty much putting a target on themselves by attacking civilians who are loyal to the government, and also the police and army.
    Imagine if foreign influences started coming into Australia, armed and financed say a population in a small Australian town/city, and this population then started attacking the Australian police, then army, and later supporters of the Australian government(civilians). What would you expect the Australian government to do? I would imagine you would fight back to stop them killing more civilians.

    I also think that a lot of the stories we here about what is happening in Syria are exaggerated. Remember the Human rights reports about the hundreds of thousands of dead shiptars in Kosovo? When in fact it was really just a few thousand. I don’t truest anything that I hear on the news these days. Its usually propaganda to stir up the masses and later we find out we have been lied to. And as the leaks of the arab report show, some of the stories have been exaggerated, and the “rebels” are not so innocent.

    I also find it quite ironic that we have Saudi Arabia telling Syria to be “democratic” when in fact in Saudi Arabia woman are not allowed to drive, you cant build a church in that country, and females must were the hijab. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy as its ruled by the royal family. Syria is light years away when compared to freedom and living standards.

    When I see a small minority attacking the government, police and later civilians so that they can have their way, It reminds me of what happened in Macedonia in 2001. It reminds me of the lies of Al-Jazeera TV made towards Macedonia.
    When I see the Saudi’s fund and worm their way into desperate people so that they can persue their own fanatical interests it reminds me of how the bosniaks, torbeshi and Albanians have been transofmred into fanatics. My view is that fantical religion, especially islam is a huge problem, and that the best form of government is a secular and nationalist, the ones we have seen in Turkey, and to a lesser extent Syria.

    And this may sound evil from me, but i have no sympathy of supporters of Al-Queda or extreme Whahabi islam. They deserve everything they get.


    • Big Bad Sven
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2009
      • 1528

      And i forgot to say, In the end this isn’t about human rights, lets cut the bullshit. This is about the balance of power. On one hand we have the USA who want a pro-american government in place because they don’t want a Syria that is allies with Iran, who in turn are allies of Russia and China. The Saudi’s who are in bed with the USA get to spread their fanatical version of islam and also reduce Irans sphere of influence – who they despise.
      On the other hand you have Russia and China, whose main allies are Iran and Syria, and they want to decrease American influence in the middle east. So as you can see, no one cares about the Syrian people unfortunately.
      The Arab states scented revolution so they acted pre-emptively to cement their influence by first taking advantage of the unstable (but secular) authoritarian states. If it were truly a democratic revolt, the gulf countries would be in danger of revolt themselves(as they are just as worse as Syria, if not more). What we're seeing is a engineered Islamic uprising nd the rise of Whahabiasm. Great news for Saudia Arabia and the gulf nations

      I bet you if the Syrian government was a allie of the USA, we wont here as much about the “rebels” and the “rebels” will be seen as the bad guys. Just as how the USA turns a blind eye on the arabs revolting in the gulf nations, or how Gaddaffi and Saddam were good friends of the USA while they were killing their own civilians……

      But it doesnt matter, the Veto from China and Russia has given Basher Al Assad just a bit of time. In the end he will be forced to step down or be killed. We will then have a government run by the muslim brotherhood and Al-Queda. And as we have seen these guys are really friendly to people who do not follow their rules, and seem to be WORSE then the current Syrian government.
      Last edited by Big Bad Sven; 02-08-2012, 01:27 AM.


      • Brian
        • Oct 2011
        • 1130

        Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post

        You have not demonstrated any policy or examples of systematic "rape and killing". You've made so many unsubstantiated presumptions and accusations that you're not even able to stick to the simple topic of pursuing national or personal interests. I did not ask you for a polemic on methods used (or in this case made up in your head), I asked you about why you think it is morally unacceptable to pursue interests.

        Seeing as you consider the US such a depraved country that violates the rights of its own people, and seeing as Australia is virtually an identical political, judicial and economic polity, you must really hate living here.

        Can you name the rights violations that the Australian state has undertaken against you?
        I think the 'rape and murder' have been answered in a different place where I showed Youtube clips of USA soldiers admitting to such, although it's not the sort of thing you are going to get too many people putting their hand up for it, and the USA government certainly isn't going to admit to it so, I don't know what other kind of proof you are after. Is it not common knowledge that rape and murder occur in all wars, then are you being naive or unnecessarily antagonistic in your pursuit to show the USA as some kind of 'holier than thou' status?

        Australia is a USA tool and no, I don't hate living here.

        Yes, I can say that Australia violated my human right to self identify as a Macedonian and not be derogatively called a FYROM. Have not they done that to you too that you needed to ask?

        Come to think of it, you too have been behaving like Australia, or is fyrOM somehow different from FYROM? Is that why you are defending Australia and the USA so much?


        • Brian
          • Oct 2011
          • 1130

          The 'chips' are stacking up - with Russia, China and now Pakistan joining the group in defence of Iran I think people are awakening up to the USA's pretences of interests in 'human rights' and/or rogue states with WMDs and seeing the naked truth for what it is, an armed robbery.

          Pakistan to support Iran against Israel

          The Pakistani High Commissioner to Britain has reiterated his country’s support for the Islamic Republic of Iran in case of an Israeli regime’s attack.

          Wajid Shamsul Hasan told the British The Sun newspaper that “Pakistan would be left with no option but to support Iran if Israel attacks it”.

          “We wouldn’t like to be seen as part of Israel’s campaign against any country. If Israel attacks Iran, it will have an impact on Pakistan as well”, said the Pakistani High Commissioner to Britain.

          “We will have to safeguard our own interests. We also have a Shia population in Pakistan who will not take it lying down”, he stressed.

          Rest of story in Link.


          • Brian
            • Oct 2011
            • 1130

            As Predicted, CIA-Sponsored Muslim Bros. Becomes Enemy

            In a series of groundbreaking articles (beep, beep, alert: self-promotion ahead!) we established in numerous articles over the past year that the Anglosphere power elite was using the State Department and the US military to overthrow secular Middle Eastern and African regimes. We then went further a

            Out of Control Violence in Libya

            Wherever NATO intervenes, massacres, mass destruction, and unspeakable horrors and human misery follow.

            Syrian Girl - Why Al Qaeda is Al CIAda
            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            The darker side of the USA and Al - CIA -da and Qatar.
            Last edited by Brian; 02-18-2012, 08:51 PM.


            • Big Bad Sven
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2009
              • 1528

              Originally posted by Brian View Post
              The darker side of the USA and Al - CIA -da and Qatar.
              Syrian Girl - Why Al Qaeda is Al CIAda
              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

              Brian, who is the above girl? Is she even real?

              It seems like a fantasy that there is an attractive girl out there that is into politics and history, and is very patriotic/nationalistic about her country. I thought that only existed in the movies.


              • Brian
                • Oct 2011
                • 1130

                Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
                Syrian Girl - Why Al Qaeda is Al CIAda
                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                Brian, who is the above girl? Is she even real?

                It seems like a fantasy that there is an attractive girl out there that is into politics and history, and is very patriotic/nationalistic about her country. I thought that only existed in the movies.
                LOL.Come on now, it's not just the ugly ones who have a brain - just look at you in your avatar like a real sven (lad), looking so suave in your magnificent arab head-ware sporting an eye-catching 6 or 8 pack and a moustache any Greek would sell his donkey for (the car was sold long ago for food).


                • Brian
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1130

                  If anyone thought the USA's gift to Africa and the Middle East as going to be 'Miss Universe' wish - 'peace on earth'...mmm.

                  Libyan militias 'out of control,' Amnesty International says

                  (CNN) -- Armed militias in Libya are committing human rights abuses with impunity, threatening to destabilize the country and hindering its efforts to rebuild, Amnesty International said Thursday.
                  Militias have tortured detainees, targeted migrants and displaced entire communities in revenge attacks, according to a report the organization released a year after the start of popular uprisings that eventually ended Moammar Gadhafi's 42-year rule.
                  "Hundreds of armed militias, widely hailed in Libya as heroes for their role in toppling the former regime, are largely out of control," the report says.

                  Rest of article in Link.


                  Poisoned spring: revolution brings Tunisia more fear than freedom

                  The hopes vested in last year's uprising have ended in continued censorship, growing intolerance and unemployment, says Robert Fisk in Tunis

                  21 FEBRUARY 2012
                  The hopes vested in last year's uprising have ended in continued censorship, growing intolerance and unemployment, says Robert Fisk in Tunis.
                  Last edited by Brian; 02-22-2012, 06:34 AM.


                  • Onur
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 2389

                    Brian, i think you missed that one;

                    CIA and Al-Qaeda became best buddies again, after the so-called "Arab spring", just like the Russian invasion days of Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda/Taliban has been permitted to open bureau in Qatar, one of the most spoiled proxies of CIA in middle-east.

                    Read the latest headlines, news stories, and opinion from Politics, Entertainment, Life, Perspectives, and more.


                    • Big Bad Sven
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 1528

                      Greetings Onur,

                      It has been a while since we have seen you here my friend. I was personally getting worried because i thought you might have been in Syria fighting with your friends USA, Israel, and the mighty Al-Qaeda. Supposedly Turkey has some troops in Syria, doing there part in the next "democratic" regime change.

                      I hear that the leader of Al-Queada has recently piped up on the internet and sent his support to the "rebels" in Syria lol........


                      • Big Bad Sven
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 1528

                        Originally posted by Brian View Post
                        If anyone thought the USA's gift to Africa and the Middle East as going to be 'Miss Universe' wish - 'peace on earth'...mmm.


                        Never mind that living standards of people in Libya were one of the best in africa before, now it is mission complete for the USA. Al-Qaeda are like pigs in shit because they have ruined another country and used it as another islamic brainwashing platform - but i do feel sorry for the poor innocent Libyan civilians, now forever victim to intimidation and even death from the Al-Qaeda lunatics, but no one in the "international community" really cares about them anyway


                        • FriendofMacedonia
                          Junior Member
                          • Feb 2012
                          • 57

                          The sad part is the rebels promised freedom and democracy. What's the first thing they do when they come to power? Institute sharia law, one of the most repressive and restricting systems of law in existence. Not to mention all the cases of torture and abuse of captured opponents found. The Libyan peoples situation has basically gone from bad to worse.


                          • George S.
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 10116

                            FOM i was afraid of that i thought it was for the better but with reservationsthere is a saying from the frying pan into the fire.
                            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                            GOTSE DELCEV


                            • George S.
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 10116

                              onur welcome vack i don't find the cia involved as surprising as they are allways stirring the pot.
                              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                              GOTSE DELCEV


                              • Brian
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 1130

                                After the wonderful "success in Libya" Briton and France are moving 1 step closer to forging closer military ties.

