Conflicts in the Middle East & Northern Africa

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  • Brian
    • Oct 2011
    • 1130

    The West HAS TO go to war with Iran because...?


    • Brian
      • Oct 2011
      • 1130

      Crafty USA moves one step at a time on Syria.

      'US to announce aerial blockade on Syria'

      US readies for possibility of intervention without UN resolution, Asharq Al-Awsat reports, citing US military official; plan to include humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees on Turkey's border

      US readies for possibility of intervention without UN resolution, Asharq Al-Awsat reports, citing US military official; plan to include humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees on Turkey's border

      The Pentagon is readying for the possibility of intervention in Syria, aiming to halt Syrian President Bashsar Assad's violent crackdown on protesters, the newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported Saturday, citing a US military offical.

      According to the official, the intervention scenario calls for the establishment of a buffer zone on the Turkish border, in order to receive Syrian refugees. The Red Cross would then provide the civilians humanitarian aid, before NATO crews would arrive from Turkey and join the efforts.

      The measure would pave the way for the US to declare an aerial blockade on Syria.

      The intercession is to be modeled after NATO's efforts in Kosovo, which brought an end to the Serbian control of the region. NATO's plan of action included prolonged aerial shelling.

      Rest of story in Link.
      Onur, watchout.


      • Egejska
        Junior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 72

        Originally posted by Brian View Post
        The West HAS TO go to war with Iran because...?

        Each star is a US base. Iran wants to invade who? And how exactly?
        An idea whose time has come, cannot be stopped by any army or any government.
        Ron Paul.

        Don't steal. The government hates competition.


        • Big Bad Sven
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 1528

          Originally posted by Egejska View Post

          Each star is a US base. Iran wants to invade who? And how exactly?
          Iran hasn't attacked anyone in like 400 years, and it is surrounded by countries that are either in NATO or have american bases or just plain hate Iran (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Israel etc)

          But apparently Iran still wants to Nuke Israel and take over the world


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Wow, a glaring lack of "Team America" in Iran, yet quite a presence everywhere else. Call me less competitive but I would say "give somebody else a chance" sometimes. But no, the USA is simply relentless in its pursuit of global domination.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • FriendofMacedonia
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2012
              • 57

              Attacking Iran would be suicide. Its a huge country with a ver large population. They would probably be able to defeat their army but there is absolutely no chance they would be able to hold any Iranian territory for long as the Iranians would wear them down over time.

              Then again, there is probably a large 5th column in Iran that might support a US invasion in hopes of a change to a "democratic" government. I put in quotes because if this was ever to happen I guarantee you the new government would be anything but democratic (just like Libya).


              • Onur
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2010
                • 2389

                Iran`s army might be defeated [as long as they don't have nuclear warheads] but no foreign army can settle there. Also for what cost? If Iran closes the strait of Hormuz, then 40% of world oil transport suddenly stops and this might cause WW-3.

                The only possible 5th column is Kurds but they are not more than 5% of total population. Iran is an authoritarian state and they are deeply religious people. If their supreme imam Ali Khamenei publicly brands their local Kurds as "servants of zionism", not even an army needed, then Iranian people wipes them out in a day with their bare hands. All the Kurds seeks refuge to Iraq and Turkey to save their lives.

                The only way to dissolve Iran is to create a civil war between Iranians and 20-25 million Azeri, Turkmen minority. But neither Azeri nor Turkmens never betrays Iranian state by allying with USA-Israel. These people have no rights in Iran, they cant get educated in their mothertongue and they cant even publish newspapers in Azeri Turkish, even their Turkish chants in football games causes a problem there but nevertheless, they are deeply integrated to Iran. For example, both their supreme imam Ali Khamenei and Iranian army`s top commander general Rahim Safavi are Azeri Turk in origin. Most of their high ranked military officers are Azeri too. Iranians keeps them away from political scene but they are in military and clergy.


                • Kurd!
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 9

                  You are lyer. your goverment kill my people every days.


                  • julie
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2009
                    • 3869

                    Originally posted by Kurd! View Post
                    You are lyer. your goverment kill my people every days.
                    What are you talking about?
                    "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                    • George S.
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 10116

                      Julie we think this kurd is really a greek he just changes his spelling & pretends to be a kurd
                      & is really one of the greek posters trying to upset onur.
                      Kurd we know what you are up to we are miles ahead of you we are not stupid like you i think admin should look after you.To accuse someone of killing someone is a very low thing.
                      Last edited by George S.; 02-29-2012, 10:07 AM. Reason: ed
                      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                      GOTSE DELCEV


                      • Kurd!
                        Junior Member
                        • Feb 2012
                        • 9

                        @ george . shame on you. I witnesed with my eyes the real Turks. You can say leave alone or Im Greek. Sorry.I wish my english good but bad. All you say is Im Greek . Shame on you.

                        The is your friends. Shame someon here please see

                        Turkey does the Crimes against Kurds +18 - YouTube

                        I never come again shame


                        • slovenec zrinski
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 385

                          I do believe he is a kurd and I do believe he came to this forum because he saw the turkofile "information" that Onur is giving us here.
                          Just because Macedonia is in bed with Turkey (and rightly so!) that doesnt have to mean that Turkey is behaving like angels concerning some of it own minorities. They have been engaging in an erradication campaing of their own regarding the kurds. Much like the greeks have done to You, Macedonians. The way the kurds have answered....with violence in many cases.... when is violence right and when is it wrong? They fight for their own country with weapons in their hands and they have not forgotten their language and their culture..... rather the opposite of some other peoples in Europe and Asia....


                          • Brian
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1130

                            Just a bit more on Al-CIA-Duh AKA AlQaeda, Bin Laden and the USA.

                            Trailblazing Journalist Mysteriously Dies Before Releasing Damaging Obama Video 1/3 - YouTube

                            Al-Qaeda Terrorists Airlifted From Libya to Aid Syrian Opposition

                            November 28, 2011
                            The same Al-Qaeda terrorists who fought U.S. troops in Iraq and helped NATO overthrow Colonel Gaddafi are now being airlifted into Syria to aid rebels there in toppling President Bashar al-Assad.

                            Libya’s transitional ruling authority has agreed to send weapons and fighters over to Syria to help the Free Syrian Army fight government forces.

                            “There is something being planned to send weapons and even Libyan fighters to Syria,” a Libyan source told the London Telegraph, speaking on condition of anonymity. “There is a military intervention on the way. Within a few weeks you will see.”

                            In a separate piece, the Telegraph also reports that terrorist commander Abdulhakim Belhadj, now head of the Tripoli Military Council, “met with Free Syrian Army leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey,” after being sent there by Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the interim Libyan president.

                            A rival Libyan rebel brigade detained Belhadj at Tripoli airport for traveling on a fake passport and threatened to jail him before Jalil stepped in to intervene.

                            “Members of the Free Syrian Army on the borders of Lebanon and Turkey denied rumours circulating in Tripoli that “hundreds” of Libyans had tried to cross into Syria,” states the article, amidst other reports that Libyans have already been detained trying to infiltrate the country from the Turkish border.

                            As we previously documented, Abdulhakim Belhadj is the former front man for the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), designated as a terrorist organization by the US State Department. Belhadj was captured by the CIA in Malaysia in 2003 and extradited to Libya where Colonel Gaddafi had him imprisoned. Belhadj is a committed jihadist who fought with the Taliban against U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Libyan rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi also admitted that Belhadj’s LIFG fighters were the second-largest cohort of foreign fighters in Iraq, responsible for killing U.S. troops.

                            A 2007 West Point report indicated that the Benghazi-Darnah-Tobruk area of Libya is a world capital for Al-Qaeda or mujahideen suicide bomber recruitment. Author Webster Tarpley details this intelligence in his excellent analysis piece, The CIA’s Libya Rebels: The Same Terrorists who Killed US, NATO Troops in Iraq. The West Point report detailed how the LIFG and Al-Qaeda had formed an “increasingly co-operative relationship”.

                            Libyan rebels have gone on to impose a “reign of terror” across the country, throwing blacks in concentration camps while torturing and murdering thousands of others before imposing Sharia law. The official Al-Qaeda flag now flies high and proud above Libyan cities as armed gangs roam the streets.

                            Following the fall of Tripoli, reports circulated that Libyan rebels had acquired a deadly arsenal of weapons, many of which are now on their way to Syria to aid in the overthrow of Assad.
                            “Qatar and Turkey were reported to be airlifting “volunteers” from Libya to fight alongside the rebel Free Syrian Army, some also transporting weapons,” reports Israeli intelligence source DebkaFile.

                            These terrorists have already been implicated in the killing of 10 air force personnel at a Syrian military base last week, even as the western media continues to characterize opposition fighters as “protesters,” just as they did with Libyan rebels who were commandeering fighter jets and firing rocket-propelled grenades.

                            While being hailed as liberators and freedom fighters by the media, terrorists who killed U.S. troops and who are now throwing black Libyans in torture camps, are yet again going to be used as the vanguard of the next act of US/NATO middle eastern regime change, all carefully orchestrated under the smoke and mirrors of the contrived “Arab Spring”.

                            In related developments, DebkaFile also reports that “Israeli armored brigades pushed forward up to the Lebanese and Syrian borders,” over the weekend, while US and Russian warships are now “in the midst of a naval buildup opposite Syrian shores.”

                            As we reported last week, in an identical pattern to how U.S. warships surrounded Libya in the days before the NATO bombardment began, the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush was repositioned off the coast of Syria in recent days having moved from its usual theater of operations in the Straits of Hormuz.
                            BBC: al Qaeda Does Not Exist
                            BBC: al Qaeda Does Not Exist - YouTube

                            Clinton: Syria risking civil war (Video)
                            US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she is worried that outside intervention in Syria would only accelerate a civil war.

                            Libya’s new rulers offer weapons to Syrian rebels
                            Syrian rebels held secret talks with Libya's new authorities on Friday, aiming to secure weapons and money for their insurgency against President Bashar al-Assad's regime, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

                            Leading Libyan Islamist met Free Syrian Army opposition group
                            Libyan authorities this week dispatched the country's most renowned Islamist militia leader to meet senior figures of the Free Syrian Army, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

                            The CIA’s Libya Rebels: The Same Terrorists who Killed US, NATO Troops in Iraq



                            • fatso
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 301

                              Kurd...don't expect Onur to reply to you. He's just hoping you will go away . I have proven him to be a hypocrite in the past and he disappears for a day or so and then resurfaces.


                              • Brian
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 1130

                                I'm not saying I am against Israel, but that they are a strange lot. There's talk of attacking Syria and Iran and now Lebanon. How many wars do they want to start?

                                Netanyahu: No Lebanon will be on the map

                                For years, the paranoid Israelis have been screaming bloody murder that the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that "Israel should be wiped from the

                                Israel what was that about MAPS?

                                For years, the paranoid Israelis have been screaming bloody murder that the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that "Israel should be wiped from the map." Of course, the man said no such thing, it was a deliberate mis-translation meant to serve their purposes: to demonize Ahmadinejad and Iran and to justify an unprovoked attack against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

                                So what did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in Farsi:

                                "Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

                                The full quote translated directly to English:

                                "The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

                                Word by word translation:

                                Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).

                                So that should settle the disinformation campaign being waged in order to set the stage for an aggressive attack against Iran and their paranoid delusions that Iran is building a nuclear weapon in order to "wipe them off the map."

                                If they are nothing, they are constantly hysterical, while collecting billions annually in American taxpayer money to feed the hysteria and the lust for war and to take out those governments they don't like, preferably by proxy in the form of NATO or the US Armed Forces.

                                But it's ironic. There was no fuss or screaming when Netanyahu actually told an interviewer that when Israel is done with them, there will be NO Lebanon on the new world map.

                                At a news conference in Switzerland, on the occasion of the building an Israeli railway there, the German newspaper Die Zeit interviewed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

                                "Congratulations Mr. Netanyahu, my first question is that does the beginning of the large train line's construction confirm the announcement of the dissident Syrian Intelligence Office that you will strike Lebanon?"

                                In reply, Netanyahu stated:

                                "Yes, and it is not a secret that it will happen with U.S.-Gulf support and that is why they have been warned, but before you ask, you have a look at the new map of the world and see that there is no nation with this name."

                                Given that the UN Security Council has listed 388 Israeli airspace violations by Israel against Lebanon, there is no doubt what Israel is planning regarding Lebanon.

                                President Michel Suleiman condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent statements on Lebanon, saying that its existence will not be affected by his remarks. Odd that no one else, no big mouth, big talking, big stick western nations voiced the slightest concern that this nuclear armed, racist apartheid state, that has used weapons of mass destruction against Lebanon in the past, committing a genocide against the Lebanese people, was threatening them yet again.

                                He added in a statement: "Lebanon is the only country to have defeated Israel militarily and the Jewish state is still recovering from it."

                                Indeed, the only thing that stopped Israel in 2006 from wiping Lebanon off the map was the defense against them provided by Hezbollah, who sent them crying with their tails between their legs.

                                "Lebanon's diversity is the complete opposite of Israel's racist system, which has no place in the world," stressed the president.

                                Odd, isn't it, that all of the countries attacked by the west, enemies of Israel, can all say the same thing. That they were the models of tolerance, brotherhood, prosperity and human rights, unlike the western allies of Saudi Arabia, Qatar. etc. that are horrid feudal examples of barbaric practices and backwardness.

                                "Lebanon is one of the founders of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Netanyahu's statements reflect his contempt for humans," Suleiman added.

                                Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon are on high alert in anticipation of an Israeli attack on Lebanon, the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat daily reported recently. According to the report, Hezbollah has been monitoring with caution the reinforcement of IDF troops along the Lebanon border.

                                It is also interesting to note that the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, admitted that the Israeli train line is funded by Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. Asked if he was not afraid of his people, he affirmed the close friendly relations between the two countries. Qatar, the one that has had a vested interest in formenting terrorism and and 'regime change" in Libya, Syria and elsewhere.

                                Isn't it odd that Israel is allowed to wave the stick at anybody it feels like with impunity, while they maintain a monopoly on nuclear weapons in the Middle East? The same country that has threatened all the capitals of Europe?

