Conflicts in the Middle East & Northern Africa

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  • Brian
    • Oct 2011
    • 1130

    Some of the 'humanitarian' results the USA has spread to Libya who now wants to spread it to the rest of the Middle-East.

    Libya rebels torture black Africans in a zoo, force feeding them flags (SHOCK VIDEO)


    • Brian
      • Oct 2011
      • 1130

      Ahh...nothing like good old fashioned medieval 'siege tactics' - starve them into submission. There getting to be a bit of a concern these Israelis.

      Israeli officials: Starve Iranians to stop nukes

      West should adopt North Korean model vis-à-vis Tehran, hunger in Iran could prompt regime to 'consider whether nuclear adventure is worthwhile', Jerusalem official says

      Iran's citizens should be starved in order to curb Tehran's nuclear program, officials in Jerusalem said Wednesday ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming trip to Washington.

      "North Korea is halting its nuclear program in order to receive aid in food, and this is what should be done with Iran as well," one unnamed official said.

      Rest of article in Link.


      • Onur
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 2389

        NATO backed terrorists in Libya gone mad. Now they destroy christian, jewish and turkish graves from ottoman era in the country.

        In the video here, it shows what they have done in the graveyard of WW-2 soldiers belonging to the allied forces but it also mentions about destruction of Ottoman era gravestones by calling it as "sufi graves";
        World War graves smashed in Libya's Benghazi - AlJazeeraEnglish - YouTube


        • United MKD
          • Jul 2011
          • 547

          This was also on the news in Australia today. Isn't this why NATO bombed Tripoli, so these freedom fighters can run loose? Morons.


          • Big Bad Sven
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2009
            • 1528

            Originally posted by Onur View Post
            NATO backed terrorists in Libya gone mad. Now they destroy christian, jewish and turkish graves from ottoman era in the country.

            In the video here, it shows what they have done in the graveyard of WW-2 soldiers belonging to the allied forces but it also mentions about destruction of Ottoman era gravestones by calling it as "sufi graves";
            World War graves smashed in Libya's Benghazi - AlJazeeraEnglish - YouTube
            Mission accomplished for Team America and their Allies Al-Qaeda. I bet all of those who doubted Gaddeffi are wishing he was still in power lol

            I cant wait until "democracy" comes to Syria, we need to see more christians and non-fanatic muslims and other minorities to be "whipped into shape" by NATO and Al-Queada


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              voltron you are just trying to get to onur posing as kurd & even fatso.Nice fooling but you can't fool me .The video only shows one side of the story.Why police are beating them uip
              there must be a reason.They were fighting or doing something that is forbidden.Definitely you are voltron the sooner the admin finds out the better you are not welcome here.The turks are our friends.Just remember there is a reason why no body likes the kurds.None of the neighbours want's them there is a reason for that.If i was onur i would ignore you VoLTRON.Who cares if you no come again its all an act.We have caught you out i don't beleive you.
              Last edited by George S.; 03-05-2012, 12:07 PM. Reason: edit
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • fatso
                • Sep 2008
                • 301

                George, the below comment has to be the most racist and ridiculous comment I have read.

                just remember there is a reason why no body likes the kurds.None of the neighbours want's them there is a reason for that.

                After watching women and children get beaten in this video, this is how you reply ....congratulations George you have stooped to a new low.

                Keep my name out of your trash.


                • Brian
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1130

                  Leaked Email: Pentagon Admits Plan To Direct Terror Attacks Inside Syria

                  March 6, 2012
                  A shocking email leaked as part of the Wikileaks Stratfor data dump reveals that the Pentagon is planning to direct terror attacks and assassinations inside Syria in a bid to topple President President Bashar al-Assad.

                  The email,
                  ( )

                  written by Reva Bhalla, Stratfor’s Director of Analysis, contains details of a December 6 Pentagon meeting attended by members of the USAF strategic studies group along with four military officers at the Lieutenant Colonel level, “including one French and one British representative.”

                  Bhalla was told by the military officials that, despite official claims to the contrary, foreign troops from NATO powers were already on the ground in Syria.

                  “After a couple hours of talking, they said without saying that SOF teams (presumably from US, UK, France, Jordan, Turkey) are already on the ground focused on recce [reconnaissance] missions and training opposition forces,” states the email.

                  Bhalla goes on to describe how the mission of the undercover commandoes is hypothetically to “commit guerrilla attacks, assassination campaigns, try to break the back of the Alawite forces [Assad's support base], elicit collapse from within.”

                  In other words, the Pentagon, along with other NATO powers, have already directed Special Forces troops stationed inside Syria to carry out terrorist attacks and assassinations in an effort to topple President President Bashar al-Assad.

                  The email states that such actions should be ready within a 2-3 month time period. Bhalla describes how a destabilization campaign was favorable to air strikes because unlike Libya, “Syrian air defenses are a lot more robust and are much denser.”

                  Some would argue that far from merely planning such attacks, the United States and other NATO powers are already using the Al-Qaeda- affiliated terrorists airlifted out of Libya into Syria to do the job for them. These terrorists have been blamed for bloody attacks that have killed both Syrian regime officials and innocent civilians, including a bombing last month in Syria’s second city of Aleppo which killed 28 people.
                  ( )

                  Footage has also emerged of western-looking troops carrying out indiscriminate attacks using rocket-propelled grenade launchers.(
                  "This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service.
                  Sorry about that."
                  Thank your Globalists censorship for that.)

                  Carrying out terrorist attacks to destabilize governments is not a conspiracy theory, it is a widely acknowledged form of covert warfare. Only last month NBC News reported that Israel was paying terror groups to carry out bombings and assassinations in Iran in a bid to weaken the regime in Tehran.
                  ( )

                  Reports of foreign troops entering Syria have been circulating for months.

                  Last month Israeli intelligence outfit DebkaFile revealed that British Special Forces were inside Syria “operating with rebel forces under cover in the Syrian city of Homs just 162 kilometers from Damascus.”

                  According to the report, the foreign units are not engaging in direct combat but are acting in an advisory capacity, while also relaying requests for arms outside of the country.

                  According to Egyptian security officials,
                  ( )

                  United States, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are also providing arms and training for Syrian rebels, dovetailing with former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds’ report
                  ( )

                  that hundreds of NATO and US troops arrived on the Jordanian and Syrian border back in December for the purpose of training militants to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.
                  NATO member Turkey is also reportedly arming terrorist groups to aid rebel fighters. Leaders of the Free Syria Army have also bragged about the claim that France and the United States have provided them with weapons and anti-aircraft missiles.

                  As we reported last week, during a BBC interview U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted that the United States and Al-Qaeda were on the same side when it came to achieving regime change in Syria.
                  Just as in Libya, where the overthrow of Gaddafi was achieved through the use of Al-Qaeda groups, NATO and the United States are once again turning to terrorists as a means of achieving their geopolitical objectives in the region.

                  Indeed, as we reported back in November, some of the same Al-Qaeda terrorists who fought U.S. troops in Iraq were airlifted into Syria to aid rebels. Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri’s has also publicly expressed support for Syrian rebel forces.
                  More of USA style 'freedom and human rights'.


                  • lavce pelagonski
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 1993

                    Getting the people to do their dirty work, plus the predavnici are more than obliged to make some money out of their own people, I think we can relate to this.
                    Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.

                    „Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов


                    • Onur
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 2389

                      A guy portrayed as "a hero of the free Syria movement" on all over western media has been busted!!!

                      Syrian intelligence acquired raw recording tapes of a British-born so-called Syrian activist Danny Abdul Dayem and aired on Syrian state tv. I searched his name on youtube and there are 100s of videos of him reporting "violence" in Syria to CNN, BBC, FOX News on live. But apparently, everything was staged show.

                      As it seen on the video here, he asks to his friends to shoot with guns in the background when he is on air for CNN;
                      Truth About Danny Abdul-Dayem - YouTube

                      Here is one of his staged reports from Syria, recorded earlier for British Daily Telegraph. He claims that if NATO doesn't help them, Syrian army will supposedly kill "millions of people"!!!;
                      Homs activist: please somebody help us - YouTube

                      There are 100s of videos of him like this one above.


                      • Brian
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1130

                        Syria is already warming up.

                        Stratfor leaks: NATO commandos in illegal special ops in Syria

                        Undercover NATO troops are already in Syria despite denials from their parent governments, according to a leaked brief from a highly-placed analyst.

                        06 March, 2012
                        Undercover NATO troops are already in Syria despite denials from their parent governments, according to a leaked brief from a highly-placed analyst.

                        The information comes from a hacked email from leading private US intelligence agency Stratfor, whose correspondence has been released by Wikileaks since February 27. The email appears to be written from the address of Reva Bhalla (, the company’s director of analysis, for internal use, and details a confidential Pentagon meeting in December. The consultation is alleged to have been attended by senior analysts from the US Air Force, and representatives from its chief allies, France and the United Kingdom.

                        Western powers have categorically denied military involvement in Syria’s internal conflict, for which they have no international mandate. But if the information contained in the letter is reliable, a radically different picture of Western activity in Syria emerges.

                        The author of the letter claims that US officials “said without saying that SOF [special operation forces] teams (presumably from the US, UK, France, Jordan and Turkey) are already on the ground, focused on recce [reconnaissance] missions and training opposition forces.” A little later the US army experts expand on the role of the undercover commandos: “the idea 'hypothetically' is to commit guerrilla attacks, assassination campaigns, try to break the back of the Alawite forces, elicit collapse from within.”

                        Alawites are a minority Islamic sect, to which Syrian President Bashar Assad and his support base belong. For the past year he has battled an insurrection that has united a range of opponents, from pro-democracy activists to radical Sunni Muslims.

                        There have been previous allegations of a Western presence on the side of the rebels and on Monday 13 French officers were reportedly captured by the loyalist forces.

                        Despite the commandos’ already wide remit, the email states that the US experts “stress that this is all being done as contingency planning, not as a move toward escalation.”

                        If confirmed, the information will give ammunition to Russia and China, who have accused Western powers of paving the way for an invasion of Syria. These fears have already been cited as the reasons the two countries vetoed the US-backed UN resolution on Syria in February.
                        US and allies wary about air strikes
                        The majority of the December meeting was dedicated to discussing the possibility of a US aerial attack on Syria, and offers an unvarnished glimpse into US foreign policy thinking.

                        The letter reports military experts as saying that the US has a “high tolerance for killings” and will not execute air strikes on Assad’s regime “unless there was enough media attention on a massacre, like the Gaddafi move against Benghazi.”

                        The strikes themselves would be “doable” but “the air campaign in Syria makes Libya look like a piece of cake.” All the same, a US Air Force intelligence officer is described as “obsessed with the challenge of taking out Syria's ballistic missile capabilities and chem [chemical] weapons.”

                        On Monday, Republican Senator John McCain called for an air strike on Syria, But the following day, President Obama spoke out against "unilateral action", noting that the situation in Syria was not as clear cut as in Libya.

                        If the US does end up staging another military intervention, it is not clear how much support it would receive. The French representative said to the author that “Syria won't be a Libya-type [sic] situation in that France would be gung-ho about going in. Not in an election year.” Meanwhile, Britain would be “reluctant” on the one hand, but on the other is “looking for ways to reassert itself on the continent [Europe]” following the renegotiation of the EU treaty.

                        This is the latest in a line of revelations from the 5 million emails obtained by Internet hacker group Anonymous in December and passed to Wikileaks, which is currently publishing them on a drip-drip basis. While Stratfor refuses to comment on the emails, it has not been able to refute their authenticity.


                        • Brian
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1130


                          It was General Powel who fed us BS about the reason why the UN/NATO had to go to war against Iraq because they had "WMDs" that could hit Western Europe. Now it seems it's the UK's turn to spin the BS about Iran to get everyone to go to war.

                          Iran trying to build nuclear missiles capable of hitting London, Cameron warns MPs

                          In a chilling echo of the build-up to the war against Iraq, the Prime Minister suggested that the country’s drive to develop the bomb was potentially a direct threat to the UK.

                          7 March 2012
                          Iran is developing nuclear missiles capable of hitting London, David Cameron warned yesterday.
                          In a chilling echo of the build-up to the war against Iraq, the Prime Minister suggested that the country’s drive to develop the bomb was potentially a direct threat to the UK.
                          His comments appeared to move Britain a step closer to war against the hardline Islamic regime.

                          Rest of article in Link.


                          • Brian
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1130

                            Who'd have thunk Arabs would support Israel?
                            Seems like the old saying my 'enemy's enemy is my friend' runs deep in these parts.

                            United against Iran

                            The sectarian gulf between the Sunni Arabs and Shia Iranians runs deep. Recent reports suggest that Arabs, while...

                            The sectarian gulf between the Sunni Arabs and Shia Iranians runs deep. Recent reports suggest that Arabs, while being motivated by their abhorrence of the Shias, appear willing to support Israel in her not-so-covert plans to attack Iran.

                            Peter Cohan, writing in, reports that “Saudi Arabia’s rage against the Shias exceeds its dislike of its Jewish neighbors” so much so that Saudis are willing to provide Israel logistics support to attack Iran later in June. Other Arab states including Jordan and Egypt may also stand behind Israel’s foray into Iran.

                            It was only in November 2010 when WikiLeaks revealed that Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz was egging the American leadership to take out Iran’s nuclear programme. In April 2008, WikLeaks exposed US diplomatic cables in which the current Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Adel al-Jubair, told an American diplomat about King Abdullah’s “frequent exhortations to the US to attack Iran and so put an end to its nuclear weapons program.” According to the leaked cables Ambassador al-Jubair, while referring to Iranians, asked Americans to “cut off the head of the snake”. The Saudis never denied making these comments and observed that they could not verify the veracity of these documents.


                            • Onur
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2010
                              • 2389

                              Another horrible humanitarian crime in Afghanistan by the US soldiers again;

                              'Rogue' US soldier shoots nine children and seven adults dead in Afghanistan
                              An American soldier has massacred nine children and seven adults in Afghanistan after walking off his base and indiscriminately shooting dead local residents.

                              Five more were wounded in the shooting spree in Panjwai district of Kandahar province, provincial governor Tooryalai Wesa announced this morning.

                              The soldier is said to have left his military base about 3am this morning and entered three local homes, shooting the occupants.

                              Nato said it was investigating the “deeply regrettable incident”.

                              It is believed the soldier had some kind of a nervous breakdown, and surrendered himself to US military authorities after carrying out the killings.

                              Nato forces spokesman Justin Brockhoff said a US service member had been detained as the alleged shooter but did not provide details on the incident.

                              He said the coalition had reports of “multiple wounded” but would not elaborate. The wounded were receiving treatment at Nato medical facilities, he said.

                              11 Mar 2012



                              • George S.
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 10116

                                Fatso you have similarities of voltron both don't like turks.Anyway remember ottoman that was voltron i'm not surprised anymore.As to the turks killing people i doubt that they kill poor & unarmed civilans unless the civilians are posing as kurdish terrorists.fATSO there are two sides to a story your's is not one of them You beleive every bit of trash that's dished to you you tube.Or should i say voltron.
                                Last edited by George S.; 03-11-2012, 10:31 PM. Reason: ed
                                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                                GOTSE DELCEV

