Conflicts in the Middle East & Northern Africa

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  • The LION will ROAR
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 3231

    Albanian from Gostivar who joined terror group in Syria killed by Syrian Army

    Macedonian citizen named Rasim from Gostivar was killed by the Syrian army two days ago, reported local media.

    Rasim, an ethnic Albanian had been radicalized by wahabis operating in the Gostivar area. He had traveled to Syria via Turkey and joined a terror group called Jabha el Nusrat to fight against the Syrian Government.

    Serbian media site B92 reported last week that two ethnic Albanians from Novi Pazar had also been killed fighting against the Syrian Army. Multiple other Albanians from Kosovo are believed to have been killed in the fighting as well

    Гостиварчанец убиен во Сирија-бил дел од Ал Каеда?

    Еден Албанец од Гостивар бил убиен во Сирија како дел од Ал Каеда, пренесува албанскиот портал „Албакос„

    Албанецот се борел на страната на бунтовниците против режимот на Башар Ал Асад. Неговото име е Расим а бил дел од милитантската џихадистичка група на „Јабха-ел Нусрах„, која во САД важи за тесен соработник на Ал Каеда.
    Расим е првиот загинат бунтовник од Македонија.
    The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


    • Gocka
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2012
      • 2306

      We should get used to it, this has been slowly building up since 2001, we will, in our lifetimes see jihadist attacks in Macedonia. Macedonia and Kosovo will be a hub for radical Islamist in Europe. That is the biggest repercussion of losing the war in 2001, we lost the authority to fight against and stop the spread of radical Islam in our country and now it is very deep rooted in albanian society.

      Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View Post
      Albanian from Gostivar who joined terror group in Syria killed by Syrian Army

      Macedonian citizen named Rasim from Gostivar was killed by the Syrian army two days ago, reported local media.

      Rasim, an ethnic Albanian had been radicalized by wahabis operating in the Gostivar area. He had traveled to Syria via Turkey and joined a terror group called Jabha el Nusrat to fight against the Syrian Government.

      Serbian media site B92 reported last week that two ethnic Albanians from Novi Pazar had also been killed fighting against the Syrian Army. Multiple other Albanians from Kosovo are believed to have been killed in the fighting as well

      Гостиварчанец убиен во Сирија-бил дел од Ал Каеда?

      Еден Албанец од Гостивар бил убиен во Сирија како дел од Ал Каеда, пренесува албанскиот портал „Албакос„

      Албанецот се борел на страната на бунтовниците против режимот на Башар Ал Асад. Неговото име е Расим а бил дел од милитантската џихадистичка група на „Јабха-ел Нусрах„, која во САД важи за тесен соработник на Ал Каеда.
      Расим е првиот загинат бунтовник од Македонија.


      • Big Bad Sven
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2009
        • 1528

        Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View Post
        Albanian from Gostivar who joined terror group in Syria killed by Syrian Army

        Macedonian citizen named Rasim from Gostivar was killed by the Syrian army two days ago, reported local media.

        Rasim, an ethnic Albanian had been radicalized by wahabis operating in the Gostivar area. He had traveled to Syria via Turkey and joined a terror group called Jabha el Nusrat to fight against the Syrian Government.

        Serbian media site B92 reported last week that two ethnic Albanians from Novi Pazar had also been killed fighting against the Syrian Army. Multiple other Albanians from Kosovo are believed to have been killed in the fighting as well

        Гостиварчанец убиен во Сирија-бил дел од Ал Каеда?

        Еден Албанец од Гостивар бил убиен во Сирија како дел од Ал Каеда, пренесува албанскиот портал „Албакос„

        Албанецот се борел на страната на бунтовниците против режимот на Башар Ал Асад. Неговото име е Расим а бил дел од милитантската џихадистичка група на „Јабха-ел Нусрах„, која во САД важи за тесен соработник на Ал Каеда.
        Расим е првиот загинат бунтовник од Македонија.

        Imgur: The magic of the Internet

        hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha

        The 'rebels' are scum made up of wahabi fanatics from all over the world, including shit hole kosovo and the lost world western macedonia.

        Its funny how the 'rebels' of 2001, you know the peaceful lads that thought very fair in macedonia are fighting in Syria. Im sure they are using the same 'fair tactics' that they used on macedonians on the Syrians as well.

        It makes you wonder if any of the 'syrian rebels' are actually SYRIAN!. Kind of like how the 'libyian' 'rebels' were not from Libya.

        We should be thank full of the Syrian army for killing these extremist pigs from macedonia, because soft cock macedonains are too scared too stand up to them

        Hopefully more of these religious weirdos go to Syria and out of macedonia and hopefully the Syrian government makes them meet Allah soon


        • United MKD
          • Jul 2011
          • 547

          Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post

          Hopefully more of these religious weirdos go to Syria and out of macedonia and hopefully the Syrian government makes them meet Allah soon
          Amen to that.


          • Big Bad Sven
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2009
            • 1528

            So what's the latest on those freedom loving rebels fighting Assad?:

            Islamic cleric decrees it OK for Syrian rebels to rape women

            An Islamic cleric has cleared the path for rebels in Syria, who are trying to oust President Bashar Assad, to rape women, so long as they’re non-Sunni.

            Salafi Sheikh Yasir al-Ajlawni, who hails from Jordan but who lived in Damascus for 17 years, sent a message via YouTube: It’s a “legitimate fatwa” for Muslims waging war against Mr. Assad and trying to put in place a Sharia government to “capture and have sex with” Alawites and other non-Sunni, non-Muslim women, Human Events reports. Mr. Assad is part of the Alawites sect.

            In the video, the cleric called non-Muslim women by their Arabic term, “melk al-yamin,” Human Events reports. The term is from the Koran and refers to non-Muslim sex slaves, Human Events says.

            This isn’t the first time Islamists have called for the raping of women.

            A preacher in Saudi Arabi, Muhammad al-Arifi, sent forth a fatwa a few months ago giving jihadi fighters the right to have “intercourse marriage” with Syrian women they caught, and for that act to take enough time “to give each fighter a turn,” Human Events reports.

            An Islamic cleric has cleared the path for rebels in Syria, who are trying to oust President Bashar Assad, to rape women, so long as they’re non-Sunni.

            Yeah, what great guys. I'm sure they'll set up a just and democratic society and all minorities will be respected, just like in successful places like Libya, kosovo and Iraq. All the signs are there.

            Its good to know USA and Australia are supporting the right side and trying to bring democracy in Syria.
            Go rebels


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              Yhe new rebels are still treating women like shit.THey keep on raping women at will.
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • Big Bad Sven
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2009
                • 1528

                Things are getting interesting now. The pedophiles from Saudi Arabia and the obese gangster in the USA brought in terrorist scum from kosovo, macedonia, iraq, libya, chechnya and afghanistan.

                But guess what.......

                50,000 Russians militaries wants to go to Syria.

                North Korean officers join Assad's forces
                Opposition claims Pyongyang is sending officers to aid Assad in Aleppo. Reports indicate continued upscale in Hezbollah participation in Syrian war, including terror group's fighters manning Syrian tanks in battle for Qusair


                • Big Bad Sven
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 1528

                  NATO data: Assad winning the war for Syrians’ hearts and minds

                  LONDON — After two years of civil war, support for the regime of
                  Syrian President Bashar Assad was said to have sharply increased.

                  he data, relayed to NATO over the last month, asserted that 70 percent
                  of Syrians support the Assad regime. Another 20 percent were deemed neutral and the remaining 10 percent expressed support for the rebels.

                  The West and Sunni fiefdoms misjudged this conflict, they thought it would be another Libya.


                  Bad news for the corrupt obese americans and the pedophiles from Saudi Arabia

                  70% of Syrians support Assad, yet the west wants to get rid of him? How is this democracy? The people of Syria are choosing him over Al-Queada.

                  America and the west continue to harp about democracy and respected the wishes of the civilians but when it comes to Syria the voice and votes of the Syrian people mean nothng.

                  Meanwhile america also seems to turn a blind eye of the corrupt governments and dictatorships in Kosovo, Turkmenistan, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia

                  This is bad news for Australia and america, their allies Al-Queada are losing the war. No wonder i dont hear much about Syria on tv anymore


                  • Big Bad Sven
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 1528

                    Syria regains control of strategic Qusayr
                    Strategic southwest city has been under siege for more than two weeks.

                    excellent news for the Assad government, this will open up the supply lines and allow the momentum to continue onwards to Homs. Assad will need to use this to its full potential before the UN talks next month

                    Hopefully the army kills a lot of Al-Queada scum


                    • Big Bad Sven
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 1528

                      LOL at what is happening at Egypyt. Another American run puppet government about to get booted from power.

                      We had all these western and american clowns slapping each others back thinking 'job well done' when they put in Morsi in power.

                      Ever since Morsi has come into power we have seen:

                      - pardon and release Hundreds of convicted terrorists, now they are in the Sinai.

                      - Since their release, these terrorists have killed Egyptians, army, police and attacked Israel to provoke war.

                      - Morsi have ordered the army and police not to arrest or investigate any Jihadist

                      - Morsi used his clerics in Mosques and TV to call for Jihad and demonize: Jews, Christians, Women, Shiia, minorities and opposition.

                      - In one year he has bankrupted the economy, divided and pushed the country to the brink of civil war

                      - If memory serves me right he even talked about attacking and starting a holy war with Israel.

                      Face it, the american idiots were wrong AGAIN when they picked a guy who turned out to be a islamic fanatic part of the muslim brotherhood.

                      This episode is just one more example of the ignorance of any state that allows religion to mix with governing. This is especially true with the people of the middle east.
                      This fiasco also proves that governments in the middle east need to rule their people with a Iron Fist. Saddam was a racist and a brutal dictator and its great that he is gone, but Ghaddaffi and AL-Assad had the perfect system in controlling a volatile and backwards people.

                      The people of the middle east have had enough of american 'intervention' and they are sick of the muslim brotherhood, AL-queada and all those other wack jobs running around. The people who are not brainwashed can see what the 'arab spring' has brought into iraq, syria, Libya and now Eygypt - failed states and empty words from the americans.

                      For the love of god, once they get rid of Morsi, i hope that the turks remove the idiot that is trying to run their country and hopefully the Syrian government destroys the Islamic racists.

                      LOL at america in bed with muslim fanatics. And btw, Mubareck was only removed by the yanks because he refused to allow the yanks to build a American base in Egypt and also wasnt as friendly with them. Before that they were allies


                      • Big Bad Sven
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 1528

                        What you wont see on TV (what the government doesnt want you to know about and use your brain)

                        Syrian terrorists behead Catholic priest accused of collaborating with the Assad regime

                        A Catholic priest has been publicly beheaded by Syrian terrorists after accusations of collaborating with President Bashar Assad’s regime Franciscan Father Francois Murad was executed among t…

                        I feel real safe for the Christians and other minorities when Al'Queada oopps i mean the syrian rebels get into power. It will hopefully turn out into success stories like other islamic run countries like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Egypt (all victories according to the USA).


                        • Big Bad Sven
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 1528

                          Disturbing report alleges killings of 450 Kurds in Syria
                          Unconfirmed reports have emerged detailing a new massacre in which 450 Kurds - including 120 children - were allegedly slaughtered by al-Qaeda-linked rebels fighting against the Syrian government. The report has sparked international concern.

                          Interesting that this is not reported in Western Media, why is that? Maybe we cant have John Kerry;s Al-Queada seen as the bad guys, they cant do wrong, they are the freedom fighters that want peace! It sounds like the propaganda they used against macedonia if you ask me

                          Notice the minorities like the kurds, or christians that are neutral are getting wiped out by the fanatics (which are supported by the USA, Australia, Saudi Arabia etc).

                          This is the future of Sryia if we let these barbarians win

                          It really is a shame that america only supports Al-Queada for their greedy interestes, the death of 450 kurds mean nothing to them.

                          If you really think america is in this to make Syria a better place then i was wondering if you are interested in helping my long lost negerian uncle come to australia....


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
                            If you really think america is in this to make Syria a better place then i was wondering if you are interested in helping my long lost negerian uncle come to australia....
                            I can help him if he wants to temporarily put a million dollars in my bank account (for a small fee).
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • The LION will ROAR
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 3231

                              Another Albanian from Macedonia Killed in Syria, that's 3 so far....
                              keep them going...

                              Познат идентитетот на убиениот албанец од Македонија во Сирија

                              Убиен уште еден македонски Албанец во Сирија
                              GRID.MK ги организира, групира, рангира и прикажува содржините од веб-сајтовите согласно дозволените законски и морални норми. Овие функции ги извршуваат компјутерски алгоритми што ги дизајниравме и на кои ќе продолжиме да работиме. Човечкиот фактор нема никакво влијание па затоа можни се грешки.

                              The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                              • julie
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2009
                                • 3869

                                I have just started reading through this thread - am halfway through, nowhere isit mentioned that the US jumped in AFTER Iraq tried to annex Kuwait...
                                "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev

