Conflicts in the Middle East & Northern Africa

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  • The LION will ROAR
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 3231

    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    TLWR, are you suggesting that they're Bosniaks rather than Croats or Serbs?
    I would find it strange why Christian Serbs or Croats go there to fight in the Libyain war..?
    There is plenty of Muslim Extremist that go to other countries to help their cause...
    Thou there isn't much information on this from Serbia or croatia news that i can find..

    I could only find a comment from a Serbian, quoting on this matter..
    As Quoted:
    "Extremely unlikely that they were mercenaries, most probably guest workers, engineers, doctors, builders, executed by NATO Islamists. Muslim media in Sarajevo lies, it's not a legitimate source when it comes to these matters."
    The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


    • Onur
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2010
      • 2389

      Guys, wth are you talking about???

      Don't you read that there was mercenaries from Ukraine, Russia and even from Colombia too? Actually most of their mercenary fighters are poor Africans but it looks like there was people from all around the world.

      You probably didn't know how much money Gaddafi possessed in Libya. More than half of the oil in Italia was coming from Libya, so you guess how much it was!
      If he would have wanted to, he could buy half of southern European christian population as a mercenary fighters for Libya.

      The news headline here is; the so-called freedom fighters are murdering poor people, just because they previously served Gaddafi forces only for the money but you are talking about supposed Bosnian or Albanian participation for helping Gaddafi. Hell, Gaddafi could buy out whole Albania even if they wouldn't be muslim!!!

      If you wanna bash the people who helped and served Gaddafi b4 the nato attack, then you gotta look for the catholic Italians and PM Berlusconi who kissed Gaddafi`s hand.

      "Extremely unlikely that they were mercenaries, most probably guest workers, engineers, doctors, builders, executed by NATO Islamists. Muslim media in Sarajevo lies, it's not a legitimate source when it comes to these matters."
      This is highly possible. There are many reports that the so-called freedom fighters entered in killing frenzy after they captured Tripoli. I read that all the remaining foreigners in Libya are living in great danger because of irregular "freedom fighters" of nato.
      Last edited by Onur; 09-14-2011, 07:52 PM.


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13675

        Given Gaddafi's stance against Islamists, it would make more sense for the latter to be supporting the rebels.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • slovenec zrinski
          • Sep 2008
          • 385

          "just because" lol

          I have read some witness accounts from some tuareg mercenaries were they explain what they, and foremost other mercenaries, did to the civilians in, for example, Misrata.

          "just because" lol


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            one things for sure he isn't going to give in without a fight.
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              (Reuters) - A prominent and influential Libyan Islamist cleric, returning to his native land after the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, has demanded a role for "moderate" Islam in politics.

              "We call for a moderate Islam," Ali Al-Sallabi said at a meeting late Sunday that included supporters and opponents. "But you all have to understand that Islam is not just about punishment, cutting hands and beheading with swords."

              Though he has no formal political role, Al-Sallabi has become a hugely significant voice in Libyan affairs because he is close to the government of Qatar, an influential backer of interim rulers the National Transitional Council(NTC).

              He also is a close associate of Tripoli's military commander Abdel Hakim Belhadj, a rising -- and increasingly divisive -- Islamist figure in post-Gaddafi Libya.

              Some Libyans, including several at the meeting, suspect that Al-Sallabi favours introducing a strict form of Islamic law, or sharia, in a country that has long disavowed militant Islam.

              Qatar is a super-rich nation with a tiny population of about 350,000 nationals living under conservative Islamic rule. Its role in the region dwarfs its population, including giving financial and military support to the war on Gaddafi.

              Since the fall of Tripoli on August 23, Sallabi has emerged as a prominent spokesman for groups of Islamists unhappy about what they see as attempts by some NTC leaders to exclude them from political life.

              It was not clear whether he was back in Libya permanently or would return to his temporary base in Qatar.

              "FORCING RELIGION"

              Sallabi, who was jailed by Gaddafi in the 1980s for opposition activities, said that though Islam and politics could not be separated in Libya, he had earned his public voice only because he was a Libyan citizen.

              "I believe that Islam covers all, including politics," he said. "In the past we were deprived from implementing the principles of Islam. I am a religious person, I am also a Libyan citizen. I have my say with regard to the political issue."

              Several members of the crowd -- some of them Islamic scholars -- berated Al-Sallabi, telling him that religious leaders had no place in politics.

              "The Islamists are a political group that has used the religion as a reference and turned it into an ideology," Faraj Aby Al-Esha, a longtime critic of Gaddafi who has also recently returned to the country, told Al-Sellabi.

              "The political game depends on lies, conspiracies, and deception. Forcing religion into this game is a serious issue."

              The NTC has been at pains to assure its Western allies that Libya will not become a center of militancy now that anti-Islamist leader Gaddafi has gone.

              Its leaders say they will hold elections and build a democratic society, which though based on Islamic law, will respect civil and individual rights.

              Several Libyan analysts say they are worried fault lines are opening up between the Islamist-run Tripoli Military Council, which has nominal control over the city and is also believed to be backed by Qatar, and groups loyal to interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril, a Western-trained technocrat who Al-Sallabi has called on to resign.

              Al-Sallabi told the meeting he had lambasted Jibril only because of his "professional capabilities and performance," not because he did not share his religious views.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • United MKD
                • Jul 2011
                • 547

                Gaddafi was killed today by the rebel forces, remains to be seen what will happen now. The west has got its way in Egypt and Libya.


                • George S.
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 10116

                  Gaddafi killed as his hometown falls

                  eteran Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi has been killed by new regime forces in their final assault on the last pocket of resistance in his hometown Sirte.

                  "We announce to the world that Gaddafi has been killed at the hands of the revolution," National Transitional Council (NTC) spokesman Abdel Hafez Ghoga said on Thursday in the eastern city of Benghazi.

                  "It is an historic moment. It is the end of tyranny and dictatorship. Gaddafi has met his fate," he added.

                  Sky News said French fighter jets fired on a convoy carrying Gaddafi before he was killed.
                  (Read more: French planes 'stopped' convoy)

                  In footage aired on Arab satellite channels, a bloodied Gaddafi was seen alive and walking as he was being manhandled by Libya's new regime fighters before the announcement of his death.
                  (Read more: Gaddafi marched through street)

                  Another NTC commander said one of Gaddafi's sons, Mutassim, was also killed in Sirte.

                  "We found him dead. We put his body and that of (former defence minister) Abu Bakr Yunis Jabar in an ambulance to take them to Misrata," said Mohamed Leith.

                  NTC fighters who had fought in the bloody seven-month conflict that toppled the veteran despot at a cost of more than 25,000 lives, erupted in jubilation at the news, which followed earlier reports that Gaddafi had been captured.

                  A photograph taken on a mobile phone appeared to show the 69-year-old Gaddafi, toppled by NTC fighters in August, heavily bloodied.

                  In the poor-quality image, Gaddafi is seen with blood-soaked clothing and blood daubed across his face.

                  A video circulating among NTC fighters in Sirte showed mobile phone footage of what appeared to be Gaddafi's bloodied corpse.

                  In the grainy images, a large number of NTC fighters are seen yelling in chaotic scenes around a khaki-clad body, which has blood oozing from the face and neck.

                  The body is then dragged off by the fighters and loaded in the back of a pick-up truck.

                  News of Gaddafi's death came as new regime troops overran the last redoubt of his loyalists in Sirte, bringing to an end a two-month siege.

                  Fighters moving in from east and west overcame the last resistance in the city's Number Two residential neighbourhood where his diehard supporters had been holed up.

                  The defence minister in Gaddafi's ousted regime, Abu Bakr Yunis, was killed in the last battle, medics said.

                  "Sirte has been liberated, and with the confirmation that Gaddafi is dead," Libya has been completely liberated, a top NTC military official, Khalifa Haftar, told AFP in Tripoli.

                  "Those who were fighting with Gaddafi have either been killed or captured," he added.

                  Pick-up trucks blaring out patriotic music later criss-crossed the streets of Sirte, as fighters flashed V for victory signs and chanted Allahu Akbar (God is Greatest).

                  A lot of pick-up trucks are playing the new national anthem and other revolutionary songs.

                  "I am happy we have got revenge for our people who suffered for all these years and for those who were killed in the revolution. Gaddafi is finished," said fighter Talar al-Kashmi.

                  Gaddafi was wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity by Libyan leaders have said they want him to be put on trial in his home country.

                  A pro-Gaddafi television website however insisted the strongman remained at liberty.

                  "The reports peddled by the lackeys of NATO about the capture or death of the brother leader, Muammar Gaddafi, are baseless," said Al-Libiya television.

                  Gaddafi "is in good health", it insisted.

                  In Brussels, a NATO spokesman said two alliance aircraft on Thursday morning struck two pro-Gaddafi military vehicles near Sirte.

                  "At approximately 0830 local time (GMT+2) today, NATO aircraft struck two pro-Gaddafi forces military vehicles which were part of a larger group manoeuvring in the vicinity of Sirte," NATO spokesman Colonel Roland Lavoie said in a statement.

                  A NATO diplomat said checks were under way to verify reports by the NTC that the convoy in which Gaddafi was travelling was stopped by NATO strikes, and that the ousted despot was injured and captured at that time.

                  At NATO's Brussels headquarters, the alliance said it had "nothing to say" formally.

                  News of Gaddafi's death came as NTC troops overran the last redoubt of his loyalists in Sirte, bringing to an end a two-month siege.

                  Fighters moving in from east and west overcame the last resistance in the city's Number Two residential neighbourhood where his diehard supporters had been holed up.

                  The defence minister in Gaddafi's ousted regime, Abu Bakr Yunis, was killed in the last battle, medics.

                  "Sirte is free. The whole of Libya is free," said Khaled Ballam, field commander of the February 17 Brigade, which took part in the final assault.

                  "We had some clashes but there was no fierce resistance as many Gaddafi fighters were trying to escape rather than fight because they had no other option. The game is over."

                  Abdul Matlub Saleh, a fighter from the February 17 Brigade, said: "Every inch of the city is liberated. Our people are spread everywhere. There is no fighting. The gunfire that you are hearing is all celebrations."

                  Medics said that at least three NTC fighters were killed and 30 wounded on Thursday after 18 were killed and around 180 wounded the previous two days.

                  The death of Gaddafi and the fall of Sirte mark a milestone. Libya's new rulers had said that only once Sirte had fallen would they declare the country's liberation and begin the transition to an elected government.

                  In the end loyalist forces were limited to a tiny enclave of less than a square kilometre that had been completely cut off by the besieging NTC forces who controlled the entire seafront of the Mediterranean coastal city as well as all of its landward sides.

                  Sirte once had 100,000 inhabitants, almost all of whom have fled. Fierce artillery battles and heavy gunfire over the past month have not left a single building intact, while looting has become commonplace as NTC fighters take their revenge on the Gaddafi bastion.

                  Among the few natives of Sirte in NTC ranks, anger at the destruction wreaked on their home city by their comrades runs deep.

                  "We are not happy about what has been happening in our city. It is the only city that is getting so much destruction," said Ibrahim Alazhry.

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                  Recommend this article. 5 Flocks so far

                  © AFP 2011
                  "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                  GOTSE DELCEV


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Gaddafi is dead

                    The people have spoken.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13675

                      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                      The people have spoken.
                      And the West held the microphone. The guy was a dictator and this was bound to happen eventually. It just would've been better without so much western intervention, because now instead of Gaddafi the people of Libya may answer to the West. I hope they have democratic elections ASAP before some other 'ruler' comes to fill the power vacuum.
                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • Zarni
                        • May 2011
                        • 672

                        Actually SOM if it were not for the West I don’t think it ever would have happened Gahadifi held a typical leadership to be expected but he was dam smart he was far less a tyrant then the Syrian, Briana, Yemenes and Saudi brutes useful only up until a few months ago the US were selling arms, the French first lady and President having tea and coffee with him, he was accused of supporting terrorists one year then the an alley the next until the West decided let’s take him out.

                        Gaddafi used Libya’s natural resources to bring great wealth to Libya i.e The Great Water Project made it possible for everyone in Libya to have access to Water. The IMF, France and Great Britain in particular just this year thought that was the final obstacle in their path as you all understand the West don’t like Independent States controlling their destiny.

                        If Libya had a A bomb or Russian TOPOL or two this all would have never happened

                        And ‘’the people’’as Risto naively put it have spoken sure, through the Wests own mouth piece with another proxy army acting on their behalf. And yeah those rebels what can you say about them...... the popular people movement as they put it. Islamists, AQ strong men, thugs who have murdered hundreds of African immigrants and all those democracy building things that are so important just a few moths ago those rebels were insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan now Democracy Builders

                        Wow what a momentous handshake Obama

                        WARNING don’t look if you can’t pictures of Gadafi Including Executions by the Libyain Freedom fighters and other tidy little crimes the West don’t have to answer for in a tribunal court

                        And how about those street celebrations I mean wow well in a country of over 6 million people the place are absent but a handful of rebels pictures and framed again and again
                        Last edited by Zarni; 10-20-2011, 06:37 PM.


                        • Macedonia>Europe
                          Junior Member
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 4

                          The stronger terrorist wins... US of A... after all they had the assistance of their pawns the EU.


                          • Onur
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 2389

                            It turned out that Gaddafi has been lynched by the so-called "freedom fighters". It looks like some of them has recorded it with a cell phone and this video aired on Arab tv channels;

                            It`s quite disturbing. I found it on youtube by google search but most likely it will be deleted from youtube soon;
                            Gaddafi execution GRAPHIC Oct 21 2011 - YouTube

                            OK, now Libya has been successfully "democratized" in American way. I am sure that Libya will have the best of best democracy from now on (!!!)

                            So, who is next for "democratization"??? Bashar Assad of Syria and then Ahmedi Necad of Iran?


                            • George S.
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 10116

                              A lot of people are questioning these so called freedom fighters that they might have more nastier plans than gadafi.People have said that they could've captured him alive rather than being so brutal with gadafi.Then someone said god help them if thats the indication of who they are dealing with.
                              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                              GOTSE DELCEV


                              • Zarni
                                • May 2011
                                • 672

                                Murdered by NATO and executed by Thugs and NATO naturally not accountable for nothing
                                I can say gadafi died honourably fighting for Libya till the end then dishonoured by Cowards at the end
                                Just like that video of an African Mercenary being slain (did anyone see that footage) and these animals are now the new Democrats partners of the West I hope the French and British have a hell of a stay for a long time to come in Libya

