Conflicts in the Middle East & Northern Africa

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  • Brian
    • Oct 2011
    • 1130

    Is this the first shot to destabilise Turkey as they have done in Africa and much of the near East?

    Turkey recalls Ambassador to France over Armenian law

    Thursday, 22 December 2011
    The Turkish ambassador to France will leave Paris Friday in protest at the adoption by French parliamentarians of a bill that criminalizes people who deny that Armenians suffered a genocide at the hands of Ottoman Turks, an embassy spokesman said.

    Spokesman Engin Solakoglu told dpa on Thursday, "My ambassador will leave for Turkey tomorrow for an indefinite period.”

    Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said later Thursday that Turkey would be canceling all economic, political and military meetings with France over the bill, and that it would be canceling permission for French military planes to land in Turkey, and for French warships to dock in Turkey.

    Erdogan said the genocide bill opens wounds that will be difficult to heal, and described it as, “politics based on racism, discrimination, xenophobia.”

    The Turkish PM said that those "who want to see genocide should turn around and look at their own dirty and bloody history," Erdogan railed. "Turkey will stand against this intentional, malicious, unjust and illegal attempt through all kids of diplomatic means."

    Armenia officially thanked France for approving the bill on Thursday.

    France's National Assembly approved the bill, which punishes denial of genocides by a year's imprisonment and a fine of $ 58,000 dollars, on Thursday. The bill was adopted by a large majority.

    To become law it must also be approved by the Senate.

    Turkey, which rejects the categorization of the mass killings of Armenians between 1915 and 1917 as genocide, had threatened "grave consequences" if the vote passed.

    Thousands of French people of Turkish origin demonstrated outside the assembly to denounce the bill, which they claimed was an attempt by the government to woo voters of Armenian origin ahead of next year's presidential and parliamentary elections.

    "It's not because a powerful lobby says it (genocide) that I will say it," Halil Karayel, who travelled from the north-eastern city of Strasbourg to take part in the demonstration, told dpa.

    The parliamentary debate was also broadcast live in Turkey. Armenians say up to 1.5 million Armenian citizens of the Ottoman Empire were either killed or died of neglect during the war. Around a dozen countries have recognized their deaths as genocide.

    Ankara says between 300,000 and 500,000 Armenians died, and argues that it was largely the result of unrest during the war following the invasion by Russian forces of eastern Turkey.

    The standoff is the latest to rock Franco-Turkish relations, which have already soured over Sarkozy's resolute opposition to Turkey joining the European Union.


    • Brian
      • Oct 2011
      • 1130

      As mentioned elsewhere, it looks like the West is going to use the Sunnis to do their dirty work on Syria and Iran - a coalition of Sunnis means noone can be individually blamed, least of all the West.

      Qatar builds Sunni intervention force of Libyan, Iraqi terrorists against Assad

      The Qatar oil emirate, encouraged by its successful participation in the campaign to overthrow Libya's Muammar Qaddafi, has established a Sunni Arab intervention force to expedite the drive for Syrian President Bashar Assad's ouster, debkafile's military sources report. The new highly mobile force boosts the anti-Assad Free Syrian Army, whose numbers have jumped to 20,000 fighters, armed and funded by Qatar and now forming into military battalions and brigades at their bases in Turkey.

      When they saw the Syrian massacre continuing unabated this month, the Qatari and Saudi rulers approved a crash program for the Qatari chief of staff Maj.-Gen Hamas Ali al-Attiya to weld this mobile intervention Sunni Muslim force out of al Qaeda linked-operatives for rapid deployment on the Turkish-Syrian border.

      A force of 2,500 has been recruited up until now, our sources report. The hard core is made up of 1,000 members of the Islamic Fighting Group in Libya-IFGL, which fought Qaddafi, and 1,000 operatives of the Ansar al-Sunna, the Iraqi Islamists which carried out 15 coordinated bomb attacks in Baghdad last Thursday killing 72 people and injuring 200.

      Qatar has just had them airlifted from Libya and Iraq to the southern Turkish town of Antakya (Antioch) in the border province of Hatay.
      It is in this town of quarter-of-a- million inhabitants that the new Sunni force has located its command center and separate camps for the two main contingents to undergo intensive training for combat missions in the embattled Syrian towns and provinces of Idlib, Homs, Jabal al-Zawiya, scenes of the fiercest clashes between Syrian troops and rebels.

      debkafile also reveals that the man appointed top commander of the Sunni intervention force headquartered in Antioch is none other than Abdel Hakim Belhaj, whose militia last August seized control of Tripoli after it was captured from Qaddafi by NATO and Qatari forces.

      He has picked his deputies - Al-Mahdi Hatari, former head of the Tripoli Brigade and loyal crony Kikli Adem.
      Qatari officers have set up communication links between the Libyan and Iraqi camps and since last week are coordinating their operations with the Free Syrian Army.

      This flurry of military activity is taking place under the watchful gaze of the Turkish military and its intelligence services but they are not interfering.

      debkafile's military and counter-terror analysts stress that the rise of a new Qatari-led Sunni Muslim rapid intervention force breaks fresh strategic ground with ramifications for the United and Israel as well as for the Gulf Arab countries, Syria, Libya and Iraq.
      1. A year has gone by since the Arab Revolt first broke out in December 2010. Yet this is the first time a Sunni Muslim power has established an intervention force - one moreover which is composed almost entirely of fighting men drawn from the ranks of al Qaeda and its extremist Islamist affiliates and allies.

      2. The new Sunni force, funded by the Persian Gulf oil states, is silently backed by the US and NATO members, with Turkey in the forefront of this support group. This means that the Sunni-Shiite divide is spiraling into overt conflict with Western support afforded to one side.
      3. Despite finding itself increasingly isolated by its Arab neighbors, Tehran has so far not intervened directly in conflicts in which it owns an interest – such as Gulf Cooperation Council-GCC intervention against a Shiite-led uprising in Bahrain, and now Sunni militias and terrorists enlisted to battle the Allawite regime of Iran's closest ally, Bashar Assad in Damascus.
      4. Iran's Lebanese proxy. Hizballah's Hassan Nasrallah, must also be feeling an uncomfortable draft coming from a Sunni fighting force near his strongholds and carrying out raids against his closest ally, Bashar Assad. He can't ignore the possibility of that force conducting similar excursions against his own Shiite militia.

      5. Israel too must find cause for concern in the rise of a Sunni military intervention force capable of moving at high speed from one arena to another and made up almost entirely of Islamist terrorists. At some time, Qatar might decide to move this force to the Gaza Strip to fight Israel.


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        i had a feeling it would be like that as they would be silly to be a real western style democracy whil'st they are muslim.,The americans are simply using them for their own needs.They want all that oil looks like they'll get the others to do their dirty work for them.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Big Bad Sven
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 1528

          In some ways there is a lot of similarities between what is happening in Syria and what happened in macedonia.

          In macedonia we had a small minority of people who claimed to be innocent protestors but yet attacked the police and the majority of people who wanted to still be in the country (the macedonians).

          In Syria we have a small minority of fanatical muslims (of course supported by the greedy and fanatical gulf arabs) who claim to be innocent protestors yet they are firing at the police and innocent syrian civilians.

          Of course the USA and its allies are supporting its old friends Al-Queda and the muslim brotherhood, just like they did in Libya

          I worry about the 10% + christian population in Syria when the USA gives Syria to Al-Queda


          • Brian
            • Oct 2011
            • 1130

            Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
            Of course the USA and its allies are supporting its old friends Al-Queda and the muslim brotherhood, just like they did in Libya

            I worry about the 10% + christian population in Syria when the USA gives Syria to Al-Queda :)
            Probably like what happened to the Black communities in Libya - wholesale murder of whole towns, but because it's not on channel X TV news 'it never happened and all will be well in the world again, just like after Libya.'.
            Last edited by Brian; 01-07-2012, 01:27 AM.


            • Phoenix
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 4671

              Originally posted by Brian View Post
              Probably like what happened to the Black communities in Libya - wholesale murder of whole towns, but because it's not on channel X TV news 'it never happened and all will be well in the world again, just like after Libya.'.
              Now there's a 'Black communities in Libya' conspiracy...



              • Brian
                • Oct 2011
                • 1130

                Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                Now there's a 'Black communities in Libya' conspiracy...

                Watch the video in Post202 about ethnic cleansing of Blacks in Libya by the rebels. Try to keep up with what's being said in a thread and stop expecting Channel X TV news to tell you everything - it's one of the benefits of having a forum like this where you can get the benefit of having a multitude of 'eyes and ears'. It's from CNN so you can't say it's from some 'conspiracy site', then tell YOUR SELF a big FARK OFF.

                You bag everything as a 'conspiracy' and put it down no matter what it is. You are either the perfect model of the kind of uninformed stupid person who refuses to open his eyes to information even when it's put under his nose andbelieves whatever the NWO masters tell him to believe or - here's a conspiracy for you - your a plant whose mission is to discredit anything that's against your masters as 'kooky conspiracy' theories from 'kooky' idiots who other members should not listen to - just look at the number of times you have tried to discredit me in the short time I have been here. Also, going of memory, you have put down some of the things Dimko-Piperkata and others have posted in the past. Further, you have supported predominately the stupid Liberal Party (Australia) policies which tie in with the 'Elites' plans and recently (I think) supported Gillard on the Carbon Tax. So which is it - blind, and want to stay blind by choice idiot or a plant? Reminds me of a quote,"You shall know them by their deeds." It's somewhere in that other 'conspiracy' book called the Bible.

                Learn to show some respect. Now tell yourself to FARK OFF.


                • Phoenix
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4671

                  Originally posted by Brian View Post
                  Watch the video in Post202 about ethnic cleansing of Blacks in Libya by the rebels. Try to keep up with what's being said in a thread and stop expecting Channel X TV news to tell you everything - it's one of the benefits of having a forum like this where you can get the benefit of having a multitude of 'eyes and ears'. It's from CNN so you can't say it's from some 'conspiracy site', then tell YOUR SELF a big FARK OFF.

                  You bag everything as a 'conspiracy' and put it down no matter what it is. You are either the perfect model of the kind of uninformed stupid person who refuses to open his eyes to information even when it's put under his nose andbelieves whatever the NWO masters tell him to believe or - here's a conspiracy for you - your a plant whose mission is to discredit anything that's against your masters as 'kooky conspiracy' theories from 'kooky' idiots who other members should not listen to - just look at the number of times you have tried to discredit me in the short time I have been here. Also, going of memory, you have put down some of the things Dimko-Piperkata and others have posted in the past. Further, you have supported predominately the stupid Liberal Party (Australia) policies which tie in with the 'Elites' plans and recently (I think) supported Gillard on the Carbon Tax. So which is it - blind, and want to stay blind by choice idiot or a plant? Reminds me of a quote,"You shall know them by their deeds." It's somewhere in that other 'conspiracy' book called the Bible.

                  Learn to show some respect. Now tell yourself to FARK OFF.
                  Just a few points...

                  The only time I publicly disagreed with D.Piperkata was in the chemtrails thread, your other hard-on stimulator.

                  I have NEVER supported the Liberal Party, infact i believe I'm genetically programmed to sit on the left side of the political spectrum.

                  I have an open mind to the concept of a carbon tax, it's implementation may be another story but I will give it a go to begin with.


                  • vojnik
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 307

                    Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                    Just a few points...

                    The only time I publicly disagreed with D.Piperkata was in the chemtrails thread, your other hard-on stimulator.

                    I have NEVER supported the Liberal Party, infact i believe I'm genetically programmed to sit on the left side of the political spectrum.

                    I have an open mind to the concept of a carbon tax, it's implementation may be another story but I will give it a go to begin with.
                    The only thing this quote proves is your lack of understanding about economics and politics


                    • Phoenix
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 4671

                      Originally posted by vojnik View Post
                      The only thing this quote proves is your lack of understanding about economics and politics
                      That's why you're here vojnik because you know everything...


                      • Brian
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1130

                        Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                        That's why you're here vojnik because you know everything...
                        Be thankful there is (Vojnik and others).

                        I have an open mind to the concept of a carbon tax, it's implementation may be another story but I will give it a go to begin with.
                        Anyway, we're getting off topic, but...briefly

                        The Carbon Tax is a scam - a phony 'Tax on Life' because everything you do in your day, ie live, produces carbon, hence carbon taxed - which every one in the developed world will be forced to pay to the mega banks via the UN while the 3rd world will be exempt.

                        The industrialised nations cannot live without producing carbon, hence your living standards will go down. The wind-turbine farms have been shown to be ineffective, and nuclear is go kill yourself, and solar would require a massive investment, ie cost ie loans which you will have to pay, all for what? The earth is warming up in parts, and freezing in others (4 metre snow in Macedonia, -45c in parts of Russia), but man-made global warming has been proven to be a lie, only Channel X and Co. refuse to say it under orders from their masters.


                        • makedonche
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 3242

                          The so called Carbon tax is another created currency IMHO, they needed something new due to not having enough of the real thing!
                          On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Originally posted by makedonche View Post
                            The so called Carbon tax is another created currency IMHO, they needed something new due to not having enough of the real thing!
                            If only they created a bullshit tax.
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • Vangelovski
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 8533

                              Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                              If only they created a bullshit tax.
                              I think we should start charging a bullshit tax. Brian, and if we can get Prolet back on, should be able to cover our quest for world domination on their own.
                              If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                              The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                              • makedonche
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2008
                                • 3242

                                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                                If only they created a bullshit tax.
                                They's cleverly disguised as Carbon!
                                On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"

