Republican Presidential Candidates

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  • Egejska
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 72

    Republican Presidential Candidates

    Can we get a discussion on this important event?

    Personally, I've always been a Ron Paul supporter, I would love to see him win the GOP nomination and see him debate against Obama. Paul's views really appeal to me, and how he has always stood strong with his views and has never changed them even though he has endured a harsh amount of criticism. This man deserves a good look at! However, I sadly cannot see Paul winning the nomination.

    Gingrich and Romney are nothing but corporate fat cats, but if I were to choose of the lesser of the two evils, I would choose Gingrich due to his intelligence.

    An idea whose time has come, cannot be stopped by any army or any government.
    Ron Paul.

    Don't steal. The government hates competition.
  • makedonche
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 3242

    Tough subject to get a discussion going on for! IMHO it doesn't matter who runs or is elected to the US presidency - the strength,power and influence of the rich and the military will essentially dictate what the country will and won't do - the president is merely a mouthpiece for the elite/wealthy/military! Obama is a good example of this, from his pricipled stance prior to election and his very different impact and influence post election is strongly evident.
    On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


    • DirtyCodingHabitz
      • Sep 2010
      • 835

      Originally posted by Egejska View Post
      However, I sadly cannot see Paul winning the nomination.
      Are you serious? he's been on top of most polls and in latest poll he's second. Maybe you should follow every video of Ron Paul and every news article and you'll see that he's going to win.

      Originally posted by Egejska View Post
      I would choose Gingrich due to his intelligence.
      What intelligence? the guy will be as smart as any other president if he gets voted in office.


      • Brian
        • Oct 2011
        • 1130

        Originally posted by Egejska View Post
        Can we get a discussion on this important event?

        Egejska, are you located in the USA?

        It's good to see someone taking an interest. Kind of like the "Occupy" issue, late interest is better than no interest, but I suspect some will say they "still don't know what it's really all about".

        I think you are right in saying the party previouse presidents have come from has made little difference, although I get the feeling Democrat presidents have been more into starting wars and anti-Macedonia.

        There are many difference between Ron Paul and every other candidate, regardless of which party they are from. Two key difference are he is a Constitutionalist and he is for the abolition of the PRIVATE Federal Reserve.

        He wants to restore the Constitution and force agencies to operate within the confines of the Constitution. Under Bush various agencies gained the power to eavesdrop on anyone, including USA citizens, without a warrant or probable cause. Recently (ironically or 'in your face', on Constitution Day) a bill was passed giving the USA military the right to conduct policing duties inside the USA and arrest and detain indefinitely anyone without a warrant. The bill is due to be signed by President Obama making it law. These laws are against the Constitution.

        The PRIVATE Federal Reserve is a privately run for profit bank. This alone puts into question a conflict of interest. It has acted in dubious ways. Recently, in the 2008 crisis, the Federal Reserve bailed out the banks and businesses, including non-USA entities, without providing a complete list of where and how much money went despite leaving the debt to the USA taxpayer. The Federal Reserve has been instrumental to the rise of power and influence in the world by the banks. The reserve bank of any country should act in the best interest of that country. The PRIVATE Federal Reserve has hardly acted in the best interest of the USA.

        The Banks take-over of the world is almost complete. Ron Paul wants to push through changes which may prevent this and it is for this reason I would not be surprised to see him assassinated if he gets too close to winning. The election is in November of 2012. On the 'grape-vine' it is being said people are already hoarding food, guns and ammunition. This is being said to be done in anticipation of some '2012' disaster but others are saying it also includes a possible revolt by citizens against a tyrannical government. Recently the government questioned Tennesseans about what preparations they had in the event of a disaster (ie are they hoarding food). Cannery and food producers are also being questioned. This fact, and others, including that about half the military are supporting Ron Paul points to possible dangerous times during 2012 and beyond regardless if Ron Paul is assassinated or wins.

        I have mentioned some things in "Brian's Corner", without going overboard, which may 'set the scene' for events, and possible events, in the USA.


        • DirtyCodingHabitz
          • Sep 2010
          • 835

          Ron Paul is WINNING.

          Paul leads in Iowa

          Newt Gingrich's campaign is rapidly imploding, and Ron Paul has now taken the lead in Iowa. He's at 23% to 20% for Mitt Romney, 14% for Gingrich, 10% each for Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry, 4% for Jon Huntsman, and 2% for Gary Johnson.

          Gingrich has now seen a big drop in his Iowa standing two weeks in a row. His share of the vote has gone from 27% to 22% to 14%. And there's been a large drop in his personal favorability numbers as well from +31 (62/31) to +12 (52/40) to now -1 (46/47). Negative ads over the last few weeks have really chipped away at Gingrich's image as being a strong conservative- now only 36% of voters believe that he has 'strong principles,' while 43% think he does not.

          Paul's ascendancy is a sign that perhaps campaigns do matter at least a little, in a year where there has been a lot of discussion about whether they still do in Iowa. 22% of voters think he's run the best campaign in the state compared to only 8% for Gingrich and 5% for Romney. The only other candidate to hit double digits on that question is Bachmann at 19%. Paul also leads Romney 26-5 (with Gingrich at 13%) with the 22% of voters who say it's 'very important' that a candidate spends a lot of time in Iowa. Finally Paul leads Romney 29-19 among the 26% of likely voters who have seen one of the candidates in person.

          Paul's base of support continues to rely on some unusual groups for a Republican contest. Among voters under 45 he's at 33% to 16% for Romney and 11% for Gingrich. He's really going to need that younger than normal electorate because with seniors Romney's blowing him out 31-15 with Gingrich coming in 2nd at 18%. Paul is also cleaning up 35-14 with the 24% of voters who identify as either Democrats or independents. Romney is actually ahead 22-19 with GOP voters. Young people and non-Republicans are an unusual coalition to hang your hat on in Iowa, and it will be interesting to see if Paul can actually pull it off.

          Romney's vote share is up 4 points from a week ago to 20% from it previous 16% standing. His favorability numbers have improved a little bit as well from 48/44 to 49/40. One thing Romney really has going for him is more room for growth than Paul. Among voters who say they're not firmly committed to their current candidate choice, Romney is the second choice for 19% compared to 17% for Perry, 15% for Bachmann, and only 13% for Paul. It's particularly worth noting that among Gingrich- who seems more likely to keep falling than turn it around- voters, he's the second choice of 30% compared to only 11% for Paul.

          In addition to having more support right now Paul also has firmer support (73% solidly committed) than Romney does (68% solidly committed.) But at the same time Romney appears to have more room for growth, which could allow him to overtake Paul in the last two weeks.

          Two other notes on Romney: he's now winning the electability primary- 25% of voters think he would have the best chance to defeat Obama compared to 17% for Gingrich and 16% for Paul. And he also leads Paul 24-18 among voters who watched the Sioux City debate on Thursday night, confirming general perception that he had the stronger performance.

          The rest of the field isn't getting much traction. Among the three candidates tied at 10%, Santorum has gained a couple points compared to last week, Perry has moved up a single point, and Bachmann is down a point. There is some indication that Iowans are warming up to Perry a little bit. He's gone from a -4 (43/47) favorability to a +8 (48/40).

          With six candidates in double digits there are still a lot of different things that could happen the final two weeks in Iowa. But it looks like Paul and Romney have emerged as the clear front runners.


          Public Policy Poll: Ron Paul leads in Iowa

          It seems Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul is now the leading Republican presidential candidate in Iowa, according to the latest Public Policy Polling survey released late Sunday.

          The Texas Republican, who has for weeks witnessed a surge in support, is leading the Republican field with 23 percent support. Mr. Paul is followed by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney at 20 percent, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich at 14 percent, former Pennsylvania U.S Senator Rick Santorum at 10 percent, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann at 10 percent, Texas Governor Rick Perry at 10 percent and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman at 4 percent.

          The poll results are the first sign that Mr. Paul may be a leading contender for the Iowa caucus. The Texas Republican has spent the past several months campaigning in the state, meeting with supporters and building a campaign foundation that may ultimately provide him with a key victory.

          “Paul’s ascendancy is a sign that perhaps campaigns do matter at least a little, in a year where there has been a lot of discussion about whether they still do in Iowa. Twenty-two percent of voters think he’s run the best campaign in the state compared to only 8 percent for Gingrich and 5 percent for Romney,” said PPP in a statement.

          The poll finds that Mr. Paul’s base of support continues to rely on younger voters in the Republican contest. Among voters under 45 the Texas Republican has the support of 33 percent of voters, compared to just 16 percent for Mr. Romney and 11 percent for Mr. Gingrich.

          The poll is also the latest to show Mr. Gingrich’s support beginning to weaken. The Georgia Republican, who benefited from a tremendous surge in support following Herman Cain’s departure, has struggled to regain momentum as his Republican counterparts have launched a series of political attacks in recent days, among them Mr. Paul’s campaign.

          The Texas Republican has spent upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars on ads aimed at disparaging Mr. Gingrich’s record, which Mr. Paul has termed “hypocritical.”


          Last edited by DirtyCodingHabitz; 12-19-2011, 06:29 AM.


          • Egejska
            Junior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 72

            Originally posted by Brian View Post
            Egejska, are you located in the USA?.
            No, Australia, but I do have my Ron Paul 2012 badge and t shirt!

            Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View Post
            Are you serious? he's been on top of most polls and in latest poll he's second. Maybe you should follow every video of Ron Paul and every news article and you'll see that he's going to win.

            What intelligence? the guy will be as smart as any other president if he gets voted in office.
            In Iowa he is top as of recently which is great as he has spent a lot of time in that state, and I just checked now - he is at 18% in NH. I apologise, my internet recently got capped so I didn't have a chance to look at the polls.

            Gingrich is smart and his debate performances are pretty much the best, but I could not trust that man being the head of state of the United States.


            Tough subject indeed, but hey some people might show an interest in it! But, I do agree with you on that statement 100%.
            An idea whose time has come, cannot be stopped by any army or any government.
            Ron Paul.

            Don't steal. The government hates competition.


            • Brian
              • Oct 2011
              • 1130

              lol (in a good way) - most Aussies are apathetic about politics in Australia ('I vote Labor/Liberal because my dad did and he voted it because his dad did' or 'Greens all the way man', he says in a haze of blue smoke) let alone know about Ron Paul and even less (I guess 'like hens teeth') have the T-shirt and button - good on you! Just out of curiosity, when you wear your shirt, does anyone ever speak to you about it?
              Last edited by Brian; 12-20-2011, 02:34 AM.


              • vicsinad
                Senior Member
                • May 2011
                • 2337

                Paul is the most honest and genuine of the candidates, and will be the most likely to bring about fundamental change in US foreign policy and corporate influence in politics. I don't agree with his approach to regulating and managing environmental and natural resource problems (which, in my view, is the world's biggest threat), especially with his ideas of eliminating federal regulations of the environment and supporting this notion that we should let the private-market grow (the last thing the Earth needs is "economic growth"). And I know he says he's a pure Constitutionalist, but even he knows better -- the Constitution is very ambiguous in many areas and can be interpreted in many different ways. Just because he interprets it in the same ways that some founding fathers may have alluded to in the federalist and anti-federalist papers, it does not make his interpretations any more valid or truthful. Hundreds of minds went into forming the founding documents of America, and they all had different opinions and interpretations of what the words that they were writing could mean. So the term Constitutionalist is simply used to gather support from a conservative-libertarian base -- his interpretation of the Constitution is no more Constitutionalist than my liberal-libertarian views.

                Regardless, considering that the US is currently damaging the Earth by utilizing the military to bomb countries and pave the way for corporations to extract the resources of countries, a US with Ron Paul is much better than a US with Obama or any other Republican candidate. However, I'd prefer a Kucinich to Paul, or maybe a Paul-Kucinich team


                • Brian
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1130

                  Newt Gingrich - would you even vote for anyone called Newt, as in 'eye of newt', "Macbeth". But leaving name calling aside, Gingrich is-

                  -Pro Globalist (ie NWO)

                  -Pro open boarders

                  -Flip-flop on climate change policy

                  -Pro NAFTA

                  -Wrote the forward to Alvin and Heidi Toffler, "Creating a New Civilisation: The Politics of the Third Wave".

                  1. Nationalism
                  2. Globalisation of Business and Finance
                  3. 3rd wave economies 'puncturing national sovereignty' ie Global Government ie NWO

                  -11 Nov 1994 when becoming speaker of the House
                  “The core of our Contract” and the solution for those “trying to figure out how to put me in a box,” he said, could be found in a book by futurist Alvin Toffler called “The Third Way,” to which he added, “I am a conservative futurist.”

                  Yet Toffler was an ex-Marxist - get the picture?

                  - former advisor for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae - remember the 2008 'toxic credits'.

                  Mystery company, Freedom Group, quietly buying up gun companies
                  In the last few years, many of the top names in rifles and shotguns have been acquired by a corporate unknown: the Freedom Group.

                  though to be Soros backed.
                  Last edited by Brian; 12-20-2011, 02:33 AM.


                  • Egejska
                    Junior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 72

                    Originally posted by Brian View Post
                    lol (in a good way) - most Aussies are apathetic about politics in Australia ('I vote Labor/Liberal because my dad did and he voted it because his dad did' or 'Greens all the way man', he says in a haze of blue smoke) let alone know about Ron Paul and even less (I guess 'like hens teeth') have the T-shirt and button - good on you! Just out of curiosity, when you wear your shirt, does anyone ever speak to you about it?
                    Yeah, it's a bit of a shame here. I love presidential campaigns.

                    I've only worn it out once, and I only got about two comments - both American tourists who were surprised I knew about Ron Paul.

                    Also, Ricko Santorum third in Iowa .. :\
                    An idea whose time has come, cannot be stopped by any army or any government.
                    Ron Paul.

                    Don't steal. The government hates competition.


                    • George S.
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 10116

                      Presidential campaigns are more of razamataz & pouring of a lot of money & promises.In ausralia were still not a republic were still under the monarchy.This is where the queen is just a figurehead she doesn't get involved in any running of the country.THe same goes for the governor general who also will not get involved in the politics.
                      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                      GOTSE DELCEV


                      • Brian
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1130

                        Obama is definitely not going to win the next election. The question is will there be a new election or will some 'act' be perpetrated to cause a state of emergency thereby cancelling the elections and Obama staying in office? With the NDAA being law and the looming economic instability and threats of war this is a very plausible outcome.

                        Reflecting back on his initial campaign, and the hype that went along with it, building him up as the 'new hope' - the next best thing to Jesus Christ - I cannot stop to remind myself what I thought of at that time, "This is a load of rubbish!", not because he is black but precisely because most others were playing the racial card and liberal socialist motto of the Democratic party - a Black man (read representing all the down trodden) from the socialist policy Democrats will/must fix all of the USA's (and the World's) injustices and make everything 'right'. A load of rubbish!!! - and where's Operah now to cry tears over the total rubbish Obama has created like she did during his campaign and victory? The USA were played for suckers and that's exactly what they are. Did you vote for Obama?

                        While we were all celebrating New Year's Eve President Obama signed the National Defence Authorisation Act bill (NDAA) into law making the President the ultimate dictator.

                        Hi, I started "Brian's Corner" because I had somthing interesting to say but did not want to polute the thread #OccupyWallStreet movement Just so this thread isn't a waste of space, I will also use it for anything 'interesting' that pops up but

                        Copy off article in link.
                        Last edited by Brian; 01-01-2012, 07:30 PM.


                        • George S.
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 10116

                          president obama is just a one term president & he failed to deliver on alot of things.Not that he was black mattered .The yes we can assurance & that he is not delivering of course there are a few nasty announcements.
                          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                          GOTSE DELCEV


                          • Brian
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1130

                            Originally posted by Brian View Post
                            Newt Gingrich - would you even vote for anyone called Newt, as in 'eye of newt', "Macbeth". But leaving name calling aside, Gingrich is-
                            Everyone voting in the USA - THINK before you do, the world needs you to.

                            A 2008 video but unsurprisingly still valid today - a true conservative, a true Republican.
                            Vote Ron Paul for Republican Party nomination and President 2012.
                            Last edited by Brian; 01-06-2012, 06:38 AM.


                            • Voltron
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 1362

                              Good to see a lot of people supporting Ron Paul. Ever since the NeoCons pushed me away from me being a traditional republican, Ron Paul immediatly brought me back to the fold. His stance on minority groups is espescially refreshing and I have often used his quotes about that issue here when trying to explain my views on the subject. I will probably make it sig material since this is something that is destroying America and slowly creeping up in Europe as well. He is a true republican in every aspect of the word and its a sorry state of affairs to see how America is becoming. A George Orwell state being overun by special interest groups zionist media owners. Check out a soldier in uniform being cut off by "technical difficulites" when he voices his opinion on Iran and how Isreal can protect himself. This guy served 2 terms in Afghanistan and they completely sideline him. What pricks. Check out the guy at .51 giving the cutoff signal and laughing about it.

                              BLATANT Ron Paul CENSORSHIP by CNN of Soldier Supporting Ron Paul's Foreign Policy - YouTube

