Macedonian Handball Thread

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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332



    Ракометарите на Вардар на сензационален начин се пласираа во финалето на Лигата на шампионите, па Стинг ќе мора да има разбирање. Првпат во својата повеќедецениска кариера, големиот британски музич…

    Ракометарите на Вардар на сензационален начин се пласираа во финалето на Лигата на шампионите, па Стинг ќе мора да има разбирање. Првпат во својата повеќедецениска кариера, големиот британски музичар го помести почетокот на свој концерт од една ...


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
      And the large crowds who couldn't be bothered to come out in support of the dignity of their country and culture, are out in force to support a sporting team. Hate to be cynical, but despite the achievement of Vardar (and congratulations to them) I just can't get too enthusiastic about it knowing that thousands of apparent Macedonians are more energised by a ball game than their national integrity.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Karposh
        • Aug 2015
        • 863

        Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
        And the large crowds who couldn't be bothered to come out in support of the dignity of their country and culture, are out in force to support a sporting team. Hate to be cynical, but despite the achievement of Vardar (and congratulations to them) I just can't get too enthusiastic about it knowing that thousands of apparent Macedonians are more energised by a ball game than their national integrity.
        Careful SoM, North Macedonia might declare you persona non grata for your obvious lack of enthusiasm. First we failed to show our enthusiasm for that proud North Macedonian Tamara Todevska at the recent Eurovision song contest and now this. That's just too much. Forget the Greeks and Albanians, the Macedonian diaspora is sure to become the new enemy of North Macedonia.


        • Bill77
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2009
          • 4545

          I wouldn't be to cynical of what a sporting achievement can do for its nations pride and keep the flame burning.

          The crowd is chanting Never North only Macedonia

          And at a presser "My Country the Republic of Macedonia" Though he still doesn't get the stupidity of wrapping the ventilator around his shoulders when saying it.

          Well at least we can give sport some credit since Music industry is doomed.
          Last edited by Bill77; 06-02-2019, 06:17 PM.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Originally posted by Karposh View Post
            Careful SoM, North Macedonia might declare you persona non grata for your obvious lack of enthusiasm. First we failed to show our enthusiasm for that proud North Macedonian Tamara Todevska at the recent Eurovision song contest and now this. That's just too much. Forget the Greeks and Albanians, the Macedonian diaspora is sure to become the new enemy of North Macedonia.
            I think this guy should be careful. On this link: at about 2.45 Macedonian Handball player Stojance Stoilov corrects the moron who is presiding over the press conference (who refers to North Macedonia) and tells him that his country’s name is Republic of Macedonia.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
              I wouldn't be to cynical of what a sporting achievement can do for its nations pride and keep the flame burning.

              The crowd is chanting Never North only Macedonia
              A large part of the cynicism comes from the fact that they don’t do what needs to be done when it counts but are much more comfortable chanting whatever after the damage has been done. In a generation or two, this treacherous new name will become normalised like the ventilator before it. National pride? Even that concept is lost to many of them.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Bill77
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2009
                • 4545

                On a sporting level..... As a Bitolchanec it pains me to say, Congratulations Vadar you c...s

                Great achievement considering they beat Barcelona who are the highest paid team in the world compared to Vardar players paid fractions and unpaid in months.

                And i just found out (Back to politics) Serbian TV broadcast it, as Macedonian state TV wasn't interested (We can't have Macedonians whatever is left of them, boosting their pride). Fucken disgrace.
                Last edited by Bill77; 06-02-2019, 06:32 PM.


                • Carlin
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 3332

                  Congratulations to Vardar!

                  Last 6 minutes of today's game (Croatian TV):
                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
                  Last edited by Carlin; 06-02-2019, 07:08 PM.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                    And i just found out (Back to politics) Serbian TV broadcast it, as Macedonian state TV wasn't interested (We can't have Macedonians whatever is left of them, boosting their pride). Fucken disgrace.
                    I heard something similar but can’t confirm it. Apparently Zaev has congratulated them but ignored Stoilov’s comment, perhaps he was too busy kissing the arse of some Arab prince in the UAE or wherever he was. I remember years ago when the Macedonian football team achieved a result against a much stronger side the whole team went to the middle of the pitch and displayed a large (real) Macedonian flag. The ethnic Albanian Artim Shakiri was also one of those players. How times have changed. Stoilov should make a similar statement with the real flag next time around.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Carlin
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 3332

                      Коментаторот на Арена насолзено: Ова е бајка со која родителите во Македонија треба да си ги успиваат децата наредниве 50 години

                      Коментаторот на Арена Сретен Рашковиќ со многу емоции ни кажа како го доживеал завршниот турнир во Келн.


                      Вардар стана европски шампион, а ниту една македонска телевизија не ги откупи правата за Лигата на шампионите. Успесите на Вардар беа пренесувани на српски јазик, но коментаторите Сретен Рашковиќ и Стеван Стевановиќ ги освоија срцата на македонските фанови.

                      „Привилегиран сум. Оваа приказна почна така неславно за македонскиот народ, кој мораше своите национални херои цела сезона да ги гледа со коментар на српски јазик. Се надевам дека тоа не ги повреди многу. Не знам зошто МТВ се одлучи за такво нешто, но нам ни отворија пат да дојдеме до ова. Уште во првите три кола од оваа сезона се поврзав со оваа екипа на Вардар, ми беше чест и привилегија што со мојот драг колега Стеван имавме шанса да коментираме вакво нешто“, вели коментаторот на Арена Сретен Рашковиќ за МКД.мк.

                      „Животот пишува романи, бајки, додека ги коментирав последните пет минути, се трудев да споредам што направи Лестер, што се случи во кошарката и кога... Можеби сум субјективен, но за мене ова е епска приказна, нешто со што скопјаните и Македонците треба да ги успиваат своите деца во наредните 40-50 години, ова искрено го кажувам, ми се полнат очите со солзи, но животот пишува драми“.

                      „Сега се прашувам што ќе се случеше ова да го направеше српски клуб, можеби ќе умрев таму. Но ќе беше тоа многу посилно од ова, ќе беше посилно, но не многу. Се врзав за овој Вардар“.

                      „По таков крвав меч со Барселона, да одиграте вака против Веспрем, тоа е како Ленокс Луис во најдобрите денови кога го малтретира ривалот со преден директ и го држи десет рунди, го малтретира, го разбива, е така изгледаше Веспрем вечерва. Денес не беше потребно срце, срцето си го одработи тоа вчера, денес беше знаење, заедништво... капата долу, и на ракометарите, и на македонските колеги што беа тука“, рече Рашковиќ.


                      • Karposh
                        • Aug 2015
                        • 863

                        Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                        I think this guy should be careful. On this link: at about 2.45 Macedonian Handball player Stojance Stoilov corrects the moron who is presiding over the press conference (who refers to North Macedonia) and tells him that his country’s name is Republic of Macedonia.
                        Yeah I know. It's not the first time he's embarrassed the North Macedonian Junta. The last time was when he walked out on a youth sport awards ceremony in disgust when one of the recipients started speaking in Albanian. He has won the respect of many Macedonians with his stance on a number Macedonian issues of national significance but, like you said, it's only a matter of time before they all become accustomed to their country's new name and it starts to feel normal to everyone. Just look how accustomed he has become with the ventilator draped around his shoulders. In the immortal words of 90's Kiwi Supermodel, Rachel Hunter: "It won't heppen over night, but it will heppen."


                        • Vangelovski
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 8532

                          Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                          I think this guy should be careful. On this link: at about 2.45 Macedonian Handball player Stojance Stoilov corrects the moron who is presiding over the press conference (who refers to North Macedonia) and tells him that his country’s name is Republic of Macedonia.
                          Macedonian patriotism: draping yourself in the Greek imposed flag while opposing the Greek imposed name.

                          Remember the old argument: But...but...our soldiers fought and died under this flag.

                          They will eventually fight and die under the new name.
                          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                          • VMRO
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1462

                            Originally posted by vangelovski View Post
                            macedonian patriotism: Draping yourself in the greek imposed flag while opposing the greek imposed name.

                            Remember the old argument: But...but...our soldiers fought and died under this flag.

                            They will eventually fight and die under the new name.
                            Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

                            Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


                            • Solun
                              • Sep 2012
                              • 166

                              Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                              Yeah I know. It's not the first time he's embarrassed the North Macedonian Junta. The last time was when he walked out on a youth sport awards ceremony in disgust when one of the recipients started speaking in Albanian. He has won the respect of many Macedonians with his stance on a number Macedonian issues of national significance but, like you said, it's only a matter of time before they all become accustomed to their country's new name and it starts to feel normal to everyone. Just look how accustomed he has become with the ventilator draped around his shoulders. In the immortal words of 90's Kiwi Supermodel, Rachel Hunter: "It won't heppen over night, but it will heppen."
                              The Zaev government has in the past openly referred to Stoilov as 'mentally unstable'. They stay in power long enough and he'll be locked up


                              • Soldier of Macedon
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 13675

                                Thousands of delighted fans flocked to Skopje airport on Monday to welcome back the male handball team, Vardar, after it won the European championship in Germany on Sunday for the second time in just three years.

                                North Macedonia Welcomes Home Handball Champions

                                June 4, 2019

                                Thousands of delighted fans flocked to Skopje airport on Monday to welcome back the male handball team, Vardar, after it won the European championship in Germany on Sunday for the second time in just three years. Macedonians gathered at Skopje airport on Monday to serenade the victorious male handball team following its sensational victory on Sunday in Germany. Thousands of others took to the streets to cheer their heroes as the team mounted an open-topped double-decker bus that journeyed from the airport to the city’s main Macedonia Square for the main celebration. Vardar came back from Cologne on Sunday having won the championship after beating Telekom Veszprem of Hungary 27:24 in the final of the EHF Champions League. The championship title and the hero’s welcome brought back memories of 2017, when Vardar, who were seen as the underdogs then as well, won the title for the first time. Skopje-based Vardar was the first men’s handball club in North Macedonia to ever win the EHF Champions League. In women’s handball, that honour goes to the legendary team Kometal from Skopje who also won the European Champions League in 2002, bringing joy to thousands of Macedonians at the time.
                                The photos show celebrations with patriotic connotations, thousands of people in Skopje, they must have have been too busy to walk to the same spot and show the same passion when their country was being sold down the hole a few months ago.

                                As for Stoilov, he makes the comment to that foreigner about the name of the country, but still poses for a photo with his team and Zaev (the traitor responsible for the name change Stoilov claims to be against) when they got back to Macedonia. An opportunity for a public rebuke. An opportunity missed.
                                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

