Smilkovci Lake Killings

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  • DedoAleko
    • Jun 2009
    • 969

    mAkedoncheto fucked up Macedonia,the Mother of Civilisation. wE haven't been united for centuries. wE are bunch of cocksucking,motherfucking,lowlife,cheap WHORES!


    • DedoAleko
      • Jun 2009
      • 969

      Smilkovci Suspect to Judge: We should have killed Cops, not the Kids
      Friday, 04 May 2012

      "We should not have killed the kids, we should have been killing those wearing uniforms" was a statement given by one of the Smilkovci suspects in front of a judge. The presiding judge Vladimir Tufegdzikj assisted by other judges heard statements from all suspects after which they were whisked away to jail awaiting trial.

      The biggest attention grabber was an elderly Albanian woman in her 60's who could barely walk and was helped by two police officers to bring her in front of a judge. She lives in the village of Otlja, police found massive amounts of ammunition and weapons stashed in her house. Interestingly, she is the sister of a man who was jailed for kidnapping a bus with civilians in Gostivar, in 2002.

      The judge due to her failing health confiscated her passport and sent her home, although she needs to report to the Court on weekly basis prior to the trial.

      Some of the arrested who decided to speak to the Judge claimed they housed weapons because they were receiving money for it.

      One of the main suspects Alil Demiri who is on the run from both Macedonian and Interpol police, his family claims he was in Spain, had done nothing wrong and will 'probably' return home.

      No state attorney has accepted to defend any of the Smilkovci suspects, even well known attorneys are refusing any sort of involvement in the case.

      Last edited by DedoAleko; 05-04-2012, 06:27 PM.


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        albanians as victims what a joke next thing the'll be demanding macedonia to be delivered up to them on a platter.we seem to just let them walk over us.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Niko777
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2010
          • 1895

          Self loathing is not a very attractive way to cope.......It also explains why there were so many Albanians protesting the innocence of those terrorists and so few Macedonians protesting the murder of those 5 Macedonian fisherman.

          Maybe those that want to whine and cry should get together with a few boxes of kleenex and cry on each other's shoulder.
          The diaspora will do what it continues to do, we did not give up and have no intention to. I was merely pointing to the fact that Macedonians in Macedonia have given up (or so it appears). No one is whining or crying. We (in the diaspora) are just appalled at what we are seeing. Just because the Macedonian government has sold our identity, and its citizens are handing the country over to the Albanians, does not mean that we in the diaspora are going to follow in their footsteps. We will do what we can to preserve our identity, language, and culture.


          • Vangelovski
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 8533

            Originally posted by Brian View Post
            Why do you think this Vangelovski???

            I don't like arguing with anyone but cannot keep quiet when I see things like the above.

            I can understand the comment from our Albanian 'friend' Tomche Makedonche because he is part of the greater adgenda (physical/political/information/opinion war) but I cannot understand it from Macedonians.

            A commonly said thing on the MTO is 'why are there laws for everyone else and 'special' laws/exemptions for Albanians' to which everyone thinks is wrong.

            In any country the law is ALL participants in a crime are equally guilty - remember "pre the fact" and "after the fact" and "material support" and "logistical support".

            Do you think that ONLY the guys who actually pulled the triger are guilty?

            If we start from the shooters and work backwards what about
            - anyone who 'found' victims to kill ie would you steel a car and ready yourself to go to a remote location on the off-chance you might find someone to kill?
            - anyone who kept lookout
            - anyone who drove the get-away car, if any
            - anyone who provided the car, if any
            - anyone who provided the guns, if any
            - anyone who provided a hide-out house
            - anyone who watched the rout that would be taken for traffic/police
            - anyone who helped them plan it
            - anyone who paid for it

            they ARE ALL EQUALLY guilty AS MUCH AS the shooters.

            If you remember from the videos of the raids they found significant weapons in all the homes. Everyone is guilty in this act of terrorism even if only a few members of the group actually pulled the trigger.

            Think about it, if someone kills someone and goes home bloodied to his wife who provides him with a shower and new cloths even if she really didn't know what he was going to do when he went out earlier is equally guilty as him. If he goes to his cousin's house to shower and borrows their car to escape the cousin is equally guilty even if he originally did not know the crime was about to happen.

            The Albanians protesting want a "tele i pod volot", let's not give it to them.

            Public opinion can push political opinion which can push physical reality.
            Let's all of us guard where public opinion is being driven.
            Toby (yes, you've earned that name again with this post), carefully read what I said and how it specifically relates to Tomche's post. Arresting innocent people to 'get' at their relatives who may be guilty is a gross human rights violation. I'm sure someone in your extended family has committed a crime somewhere that you had nothing to do with, maybe they should lock you up as well?

            The Macedonian judicial system needs to get this right, otherwise those responsible could end up walking and the Albanian extremists may end up looking like they had a point. Macedonia has managed to F everything up to date, lets hope they don't F this one up.
            If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

            The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


            • Niko777
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2010
              • 1895

              Radical Islam in Skopje, Macedoina - The story about the murder of 5 (4 children) - YouTube


              • Phoenix
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 4671

                Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                The diaspora will do what it continues to do, we did not give up and have no intention to...We will do what we can to preserve our identity, language, and culture.
                Without a homeland, we will become nothing. The homeland is the point of reference that binds every characterisitic of identity, language, culture and history...

                The Macedonians in the Republic are allowing their homeland to disappear from under their feet.

                The shiptari are becoming increasingly radicalised whilst our people are in full speed going in the opposite direction...


                • Big Bad Sven
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 1528

                  hahaha just when i thought the macedonians in the republic get any more pathetic this happens

                  What a sad joke of a country macedonia has become. You know we can blame the government all day until we turn blue, but the sad reality is that its the macedonians who have turned this country into shit. They are the ones who let this shit happen.

                  The lazy macedonians could only get 500 football hooligans to protest against the fanatical shiptars, but the shiptars were able to get 10,000+ to protest in the capital city of macedonia, and make themselves out to be the victims!.
                  Skopje has much more macedonians compared to shiptars, yet they were able to get 10,000+ to come out lol

                  Its also sad because this large turn out to me shows that there is most probably no albanian in macedonia that cares about those innocent 5 people who were murdered, and that as per usual, the shiptars are innocent, and its all the macedonians fault.....

                  How can macedonia be saved when macedonians dont care about macedonia, they put more effort into getting bulgarian passports, bringing ceca to Prilep and partying it up in Ohrid
                  Last edited by Big Bad Sven; 05-04-2012, 11:36 PM.


                  • BigMak
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 209

                    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                    Toby (yes, you've earned that name again with this post), carefully read what I said and how it specifically relates to Tomche's post. Arresting innocent people to 'get' at their relatives who may be guilty is a gross human rights violation. I'm sure someone in your extended family has committed a crime somewhere that you had nothing to do with, maybe they should lock you up as well?

                    The Macedonian judicial system needs to get this right, otherwise those responsible could end up walking and the Albanian extremists may end up looking like they had a point. Macedonia has managed to F everything up to date, lets hope they don't F this one up.
                    If you are harboring weapons and have had or are dealing in illegal activities, be it a personal criminal record or are a known associate of illegal organised crime, or a terrorist suspect/associate, what is wrong with them being arrested? How is that a violation of human rights?
                    Last edited by BigMak; 05-05-2012, 12:35 AM.


                    • Ljubanec
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 125

                      First of all I will say I am pretty happy that they arrested these extremists. We have some hope that not only the police did their job but the press did as well (at least what I saw so far).

                      Why don't you self styled patriots come up with some ideas rather than complain like a bunch of cowards and whiners.

                      Fucking Greeks never whine like this, even during their debt crisis. They're poor, corrupt, chauvinistic and irresponsible. But they never blame themselves. Macedonians (on this forum) however even have the audacity to question if these fucking assholes are guilty.

                      Then you have the ultimate discussion-Who is more Patriotic? The people in Macedonia or the diaspora? As if we didn't need more bullshit in our lives. I think the guys that I just described here are worse than any Albanian or Greek. Macedonian truth?!!? Really?


                      • Vangelovski
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 8533

                        Originally posted by BigMak View Post
                        If you are harboring weapons and have had or are dealing in illegal activities, be it a personal criminal record or are a known associate of illegal organised crime, or a terrorist suspect/associate, what is wrong with them being arrested? How is that a violation of human rights?
                        Is it that hard to comprehend posts these days? What does the term innocent mean to you? Does it mean someone involved in terrorism? Can you check exactly what my comments were in relation to before making silly statements?
                        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                        • Brian
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1130

                          Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                          Toby (yes, you've earned that name again with this post),
                          Still labouring under false assumptions - I don't know how many times to explain it.

                          carefully read what I said and how it specifically relates to Tomche's post. Arresting innocent people to 'get' at their relatives who may be guilty is a gross human rights violation.
                          Watch carefully the videos of the raids...

                          True (what you say) if it were true Vangelovski but from the videos of the raids every house had a stash of guns and stuff, so are they innocent?

                          A. Is there such a thing as an innocent Albanian?

                          I'm sure someone in your extended family has committed a crime somewhere that you had nothing to do with,
                          Hey, LOL, just because I'm from Australia doesn't necessarily mean I'm from convict stock.

                          maybe they should lock you up as well?
                          LOL. Yeah, you suggested such re the 'gotta love the USA or else "(I'm) a hypocrite" stuff', remember.

                          Look, your right about if any innocents have been arrested ect, I just don't believe any of them are innocent, even the old-bag with the stash of guns in her house. She can barely walk, but if you're caught with the stash all I can say is evil spawn usually come from an evil pichka - just because old people look like cute and friendly now doesn't mean they weren't rotten shits in their time nor that their mind or soul has change. Hang the bitch and everyone of her mutant demon offspring.Period.


                          • Zarni
                            • May 2011
                            • 672

                            You can clearly see this is foreign organized march, the Yaya Pasha mosque were the Protest march started since 2007as been known to be open to Saudi Influence
                            I think Shiptars privately are very embarrassed that Islamic Fundamentalism and being Albanian is now squarely in the spotlight. Remember London and Paris expedited
                            bigger and more vocal public displays but bearded Islamic scum as much as we like the Government to they can’t deny public assembly like this.

                            And Tom you meat head knock on the door of the Preston Community Centre or ask the Church Committee there why they kicked you out of both for being a loud mouth idiot
                            I see nothing much changes here with you. Or better yet how about you do another round of your insightful observations of Macedonian Intelligence vs Police vs Counter Terrorist personal uniform and small arms insignia as a sign of MASSIVE conspiracy great A class effort.

                            Look as an example Australian anti Terrorism laws give Federal Police ever right to hold a suspect simply on the premises of being s suspect for a limitless time without any legal representation or a ounce of evidence. Today there is no term of being innocent to individuals suspected of committing State Terrorism that charge means you arse is fried get it dickhead

                            And shit some of you are scared to rattle the narcotic 50 year old unemployed moron why speak up.

                            But then again who cares
                            Last edited by Zarni; 05-05-2012, 02:11 AM.


                            • Stojacanec
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 809

                              Originally posted by Ljubanec View Post

                              Then you have the ultimate discussion-Who is more Patriotic?
                              It is this question that has proped up in the past and has been the cause of much anxienty and division among fellow Macedonians in the disspora.

                              I am not sure we are much better as as collective unit as the ones back at home.


                              • Phoenix
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 4671

                                Originally posted by Zarni View Post

                                Look as an example Australian anti Terrorism laws give Federal Police ever right to hold a suspect simply on the premises of being s suspect for a limitless time without any legal representation or a ounce of evidence. Today there is no term of being innocent to individuals suspected of committing State Terrorism that charge means you arse is fried get it dickhead
                                Zarni, I think you'll find that Macedonia is using similar laws to round up the 'suspects'...what appears to be a homicide crime has been turned into an act of 'terrorism'.

                                It will be interesting to see what success this strategy brings, it could also backfire in a big way.
                                In most countries when the new terrorism provisions were enacted in many high profile cases, the alleged 'terrorists' walked free due to a lack of evidence...

