Smilkovci Lake Killings

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  • Vangelovski
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 8533

    Originally posted by Brian View Post
    OMG where's Makedonska_Kafana, this is a take two of "neka ti go objasni po starki pak da se razberim", remember that about the 'Glorious USA or I'm a hypocrite for using the internet' thing.

    You must be star, no mater how wrong you are you have to argue to the Nth degree.
    Toby, you were defending Dragan for claiming he was "too poor" to stand up for his rights. I stated that I have not seen this anywhere outside of Macedonia but would be interested in any examples. You posted some incoherent dribble but were unable to provide any examples, either collective or individual. You then claimed that it is not possible to find examples from the supposed millions who claim they are 'too poor' to stand up for their rights.

    Start becoming relevant to this thread or stop cluttering it up. While your at it, start becoming more relevant to this forum in general.
    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

    The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


    • United MKD
      • Jul 2011
      • 547

      Good pic some RoMacedonians should try to understand


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        people should be fighting for freedom & basic rights any excuses about being poor has nothing to do with it.People have thought in many wars for their rights & freedoms.If we don't fight the"good"fight we will lose immensley.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Phoenix
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 4671

          Originally posted by Brian View Post
          ...on Phoenix's Channel X TV news...
          Brian, I prefer the Channel IX news.


          • vicsinad
            Senior Member
            • May 2011
            • 2337

            I think you'll find thousands of examples of these excuses if someone would just type in "too poor to protest" or something similar in his search engine.

            Okay, I'll do it.

            An American who has plenty of time to post blogs on the internet, but then practically ends his rant about the OWS movement with this:

            "Im sort of glad that Im too poor to protest about how poor I am."

            I need to turn this blog back to a stricter focus on the concept of breaking points, and I need to see that my voice curves around the theme...

            Here's an article arguing whether the poor people of Zimbabwe can even gather then energy (because they're so poor they have no food for energy) to get out and protest:

            "Will the people go to the streets to protest their fury at the cost of living? For example, fees at public hospitals increased by up to 3000 per cent this week. Some say it depends on whether the poorest of the poor have enough calories to get to the streets in the first place."

            Here's an Indian (India) talking about how the average Indian farmer is too poor to protest:

            "This causes immeasurable harm to agriculture but because the average Indian farmer is too poor to protest, he accepts his lot silently."

            Or a "Yahoo Answer"

            "We're too poor to protest any more. With inflation, both the cardboard & indelible ink pens are too spendy for the average consumer to be able to afford to purchase. Plus, the cost of fuel to get to the protest, not to mention the permit cost has rendered protesting a social event only for the affluent & wealthy amongst Americans."

            Here's an answer on a forum about why people weren't protesting America's war on Iraq:

            "Because we're too poor to protest, or too busy working."

            I take it that with a proper internet search, one can find hundreds (probably more like thousands) of discussions/posts about people linking their (or others') poverty with the inability to protest or stand up for their rights. I've heard and read about this reasoning outside of the internet, also. So it's not limited to Macedonians, and the "excuse" is used by many people around the world.


            • DedoAleko
              • Jun 2009
              • 969

              Fresh pictures taken this morning. The police is getting ready!


              • DedoAleko
                • Jun 2009
                • 969

                Пред џамијата „Јаја Паша“ мирно и „посинето“ од полиција

                The protest starts in about half an hour


                • Bill77
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 4545

                  Originally posted by TRAVOLTA View Post

                  Avto imashe krstot...
                  Is that a policeman leaning into the driver side window?

                  Well i'll be ......

                  All this happening right infront of him and all he can do is (what looks like) is having a go at the driver of the car. What a nutty place this Macedonia is.


                  • DedoAleko
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 969


                    • Vangelovski
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 8533

                      Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                      I think you'll find thousands of examples of these excuses if someone would just type in "too poor to protest" or something similar in his search engine.

                      Okay, I'll do it.

                      An American who has plenty of time to post blogs on the internet, but then practically ends his rant about the OWS movement with this:

                      "I’m sort of glad that I’m too poor to protest about how poor I am."

                      I need to turn this blog back to a stricter focus on the concept of breaking points, and I need to see that my voice curves around the theme...

                      Here's an article arguing whether the poor people of Zimbabwe can even gather then energy (because they're so poor they have no food for energy) to get out and protest:

                      "Will the people go to the streets to protest their fury at the cost of living? For example, fees at public hospitals increased by up to 3000 per cent this week. Some say it depends on whether the poorest of the poor have enough calories to get to the streets in the first place."

                      Here's an Indian (India) talking about how the average Indian farmer is too poor to protest:

                      "This causes immeasurable harm to agriculture but because the average Indian farmer is too poor to protest, he accepts his lot silently."

                      Or a "Yahoo Answer"

                      "We're too poor to protest any more. With inflation, both the cardboard & indelible ink pens are too spendy for the average consumer to be able to afford to purchase. Plus, the cost of fuel to get to the protest, not to mention the permit cost has rendered protesting a social event only for the affluent & wealthy amongst Americans."

                      Here's an answer on a forum about why people weren't protesting America's war on Iraq:

                      "Because we're too poor to protest, or too busy working."

                      I take it that with a proper internet search, one can find hundreds (probably more like thousands) of discussions/posts about people linking their (or others') poverty with the inability to protest or stand up for their rights. I've heard and read about this reasoning outside of the internet, also. So it's not limited to Macedonians, and the "excuse" is used by many people around the world.
                      Victor, do you ever think about what you are posting before you do it? The "examples" you give are nonsense. One of them is protesting, some have nothing to do with their inalienable rights (commie welfare does not fall into the scope of inalienable rights), while others are foreigners speculating instead of the locals making the claim. But even if there was an example among that rubbish, it still a pathetic excuse by morally perverted cowards.
                      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                      • United MKD
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 547

                        Early reports of the protests so far are nothing in Struga, about 100-200 in Kumanovo, and 2000 in Tetovo and Gostivar.


                        • Vangelovski
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 8533

                          Originally posted by United MKD View Post
                          Early reports of the protests so far are nothing in Struga, about 100-200 in Kumanovo, and 2000 in Tetovo and Gostivar.
                          Do you have links?
                          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                          • United MKD
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 547

                            Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                            Do you have links?
                            I'm reading the kajgana forum and apparently that info is from Albanian news stations.

                            Десетина илјади граѓани се собраа пред владата, протестите мирни
                            Објавено: пред 8 минути

                            Околу 10.000 луѓе кои учествуваат на протестите денеска, во моментов пристигнаа пред владата на Македонија, а неколкумина фрлија и камења кон зградата на владата. Нашиот репортер извести дека сега засега протестите се мирни, со по некои недолични дофрлања кон полицијата и со скандирање на извици против актуелната власт.

                            Apparently that 10k seems far fetched some are saying it's not even half of that.
                            Last edited by United MKD; 05-11-2012, 08:17 AM.


                            • Brian
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 1130

                              Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                              Start becoming relevant to this thread or stop cluttering it up. While your at it, start becoming more relevant to this forum in general.
                              What kind of "relevant" were you after?

                              Haven't I already been relevant...

                              1. Pointing out that verbally bashing DraganOfStip, or any one person for that matter, is a waste of time and effort - at best it can only serve as a body to thump your frustrations out on. On the other hand I would be interested in warmer environment where more people wanted to join so that we could gain a broader view of what's what in RoM and does anyone know of activist organisations and could anyone from them join the MTO.

                              2. Suggested finding out are there activist organisations in RoM we from the diaspora could try to contact, ie do they have a web-site or Facebook page or blog where people can login to discus topics, position/views, strategy, resource hunting and announcements of actions/protests.

                              3. Suggested such organisation seek out any friendly business partners, ie from bus operators, or minivan operators/rental places, flag suppliers, stationary suppliers, T-shirt printing ect. that might want to do you a 'mates rates' or better deal.

                              4. Suggested approaching and engaging friendly journalists who can be counted on writing more favourable pieces.

                              5. Suggested not all protests need to be in Skopje - a news report of half the country has jumped up with protests in a dozen or more towns can also be effective followed up by a much larger one in Skopje in front of parliament.

                              Care to list your relevant contributions - shark feeding frenzy perhaps? but at least you told those lazy so and so RoMs what's what, their ears must be burning as they sit in a coffee shop sipping their coffee, Schweppes bitter lemon, ect while watching the Albanians march down the street.

                              NB Customer service rule of thumb statistics:
                              On average in a good customer service experience a person will tell 3 friends.
                              ON average in a bad customer service experience a person will tell 9 people.

                              Something to think about.


                              • TRAVOLTA
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 504

                                11.05.2012 Скопје Македонија Канал5
                                Скандирања пред влада: Умрете каури!
                                Етничка Албанија", Умрете каури", со вакви извици демонстрантите се собраа пред зградата на Владата. Дознаваме дека Исламската верска заедница во изминатото денононоќие се обидувала да ги одврати луѓето од протести, биле организирани состаноци речиси во сите скопски џамии, но обидот за смирување
                                на страстите и за откажување од демонстрациите на ИВЗ не успеал.
                                Фрчат камења кон седиштето на ДУИ во Чаир
                                Повеќе прозорци со камења се искршени и на зградата на седиштето на ДУИ во Чаир каде што во моментов се насобрани демонстрантите против полициската кција Монструм".Фрчеа камења и кон кордонот полицајци што го чуваат седиштето на ДУИ, повредени нема. Протестантите извикуваат Али четник" и носат пароли Никола терорист". Претходно беа собрани пред Владата, каде што со камења искршија неколку прозорци на вториот кат од зградата. А, протестираа и пред Основниот суд Скопје 1.
                                Канал 5 телевизија како една од водечките телевизиски куќи во Македонија, од 1998 година на малите екрани до гледање онлајн денес, известува за најновите вести од Македонија, регионот и светот.

                                Протестот почна (Скопје)
                                Неколку илјади демонстранти стигнаа пред комплексот судови. Друга група се собра на мостот кај Чаир кон Бит Пазар и оттаму им се придружи.
                                Демонстрантите овој пат имаат писмо кое ќе го испратат до претседателот на државата и повеќе амбасади во земјава.
                                Демонстрантите овој пат имаат писмо кое ќе го испратат до претседателот на државата и повеќе амбасади во земјава.
                                Во писмото се вели, меѓу другото, дека тие изразуваат сочувство со семејствата на жртвите и сметаат дека убијците треба што поскоро да се соочат со правдата, но протестираат поради навредите кои биле упатени до Албанците со исламска вероисповест.
                                Писмото ќе биде упатено до претседателот Иванов, американската амбасада, претставништвата на ЕУ и на ОБСЕ, амбасадите на Албанија, Турција и Косово.
                                Се очекува да демонстрираат пред судовите, а потоа да се упатат кон владата.

                                Стотина протестираа во Куманово
                                Велат дека никој не ги организирал, се собрале спонтано. Не сме против казнување на виновниците, доколку се докаже дека се вистинските убијци ние тоа ќе го подржиме но, не прифаќаме со полициските акции и понатаму да се сее страв меѓу албанското население - велат луѓето кои денеска излегоа да протестираат.
                                Стотина кумановци од албанска етничка припадност по петочната миса во џамијата се собраа пред судот за да ги изразат револтот против министерството за внатрешни работи коешто според нив не праведно приведувало лица осомничени за убиствата кај Смилковско езеро. Велат дека никој не ги организирал, се собрале спонтано.

                                Протести на албанците во Скопје и Куманово - YouTube

