Smilkovci Lake Killings

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
    Has anyone considered any of the numerous crime gangs involved in drug and human trafficking?
    Interesting point, though if it was for the purpose of human or organ trafficking they wouldn't have binded and killed them (yet). I can't see what the motivation would be for drug traffickers, unless they were on some sort of 'power trip' at the time and did it for their own sick idea of 'fun'. Perhaps it is a combination of 'revenge' by Albanian extremists for the recent events during and after the carnival and an attempt to provoke a response from the Macedonians, with the ultimate aim of starting another conflict and furthering their irredentism. Or perhaps (unlikely, but anything is possible) it was just a bunch of fucking idiots and ethnicity was irrelevant.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • United MKD
      • Jul 2011
      • 547

      Sums it all up.


      • BalkanBruno
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2012
        • 9

        Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
        Police: At least 3 shooters involved in massacre

        Footsteps, vehicle tracks, different calibre weapons all point to the fact the heinous crime committed on Thursday was done by at least three shooters, said Minister of Interior Gordana Jankulovska during a press conference earlier today.

        Police also confirmed all four Macedonians were tied up, shot at (executed) from very close range. The fifth man Borce Stefkovski who according to police was witness to the crime was killed just as brutally as the rest. He too was shot multiple times in the head.

        Police has summoned nearly 50 people for questioning.

        Local officials as well as police are urging citizens to be vigilant, remain calm while police is investigating. Police has opened a '199' phone line urging citizens to call should they have any tips to the crime.

        Police also confirmed all four Macedonians were tied up, shot at (executed) from very close range. The fifth man Borce Stefkovski who according to police was witness to the crime was killed just as brutally as the rest. He too was shot multiple times in the head.
        Oh lord they even killed the witness? i am sad that this is happening, but this all due to the immigration polices.


        • BalkanBruno
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2012
          • 9

          Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
          The fact that four kids were EXECUTED and shot in the head is alarming, i am surprised there has not been more out rage in macedonia. The last time people were executed was in WW2 and in the 2001 conflict.... Time for people to start waking up on whats happening next

          I agree with you on that because if Macedonians dont wake up sorry for me saying this but Macedonia will look like Kosovo in a few years if there isn't anything been done.

          The Albanians with the backup of the puppet western countries and NATO and America the Albanians dream of a great Albania will come true.

          They wont stop it until they will claim parts of Greece as well.


          • Zarni
            • May 2011
            • 672

            A deliberate provocation from the shiptar movements in Macedonia and open a wider conflict between the shiptari and the state.
            I suggested this from the outset a Terrorist Group from Kosovo, if proven true Macedonian Authorities need to have all rights to hunt them down

            The Macedonian angles killed had no criminal past and were model citizens
            not for a second is this a petty drug hit

            It is great the Macedonian Police have know allot of traces of the crime to work with, good willing they will be captured soon this crime must be solved it is more important then the attempted assassination of Gligorov


            • Zarni
              • May 2011
              • 672

              It's incredible how the perpetrators can escape so easily. Worse yet, the Macedonian government will likely receive no assistance by Albanian and Kosovo authorities
              Dont be so sure about the regime in Kosovo they have EU signed obligations now not to mention for 4 years there is a Permanently placed Macedonian Police Intelligence Office in Pristina (and it isnt the Macedonian embassy either) the KLA regime has to cooperate whether they like it or not.


              • Zarni
                • May 2011
                • 672

                I am concerned about revenge attacks, no doubt Macedonian Churchs will be target very soon and Border Police have to remain at hight of alert readiness


                • Big Bad Sven
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 1528

                  Originally posted by BalkanBruno View Post

                  They wont stop it until they will claim parts of Greece as well.
                  Nah Greece is safe, they did the smart thing, they assimilated orthodox albanians into modern grks with the power of god, and kicked out all of the muslims to turkey and destroyed all of their mosques. Dumb macedonians did the wrong thing trying to make friends with these people and allowed their culture to flourish.

                  Plus greece supports the shiptars in macedonia, i bet you dont hear that in belgrade


                  • Big Bad Sven
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 1528

                    Were are the macedonian shiptars protesting against this type of killing of innocents? It seems like only the macedonians care about this vile crime.

                    Remember we had macedonians protest together with the shiptars in gostivar against "police brutality" against the 2 drug dealing shiptars that were killed by the policeman, yet when ever it comes to a macedonian being hurt or killed the shiptars amazingly remained quite

                    Goes to show how much the shiptars really care about macedonians. They dont give a ratts ass about macedonians, they only care bout themselves the selfish bastards.


                    • Vangelovski
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 8533

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      Interesting point, though if it was for the purpose of human or organ trafficking they wouldn't have binded and killed them (yet). I can't see what the motivation would be for drug traffickers, unless they were on some sort of 'power trip' at the time and did it for their own sick idea of 'fun'. Perhaps it is a combination of 'revenge' by Albanian extremists for the recent events during and after the carnival and an attempt to provoke a response from the Macedonians, with the ultimate aim of starting another conflict and furthering their irredentism. Or perhaps (unlikely, but anything is possible) it was just a bunch of fucking idiots and ethnicity was irrelevant.
                      My suggestion was that the culprits aren't even Albanian or if they were it was not ethnically motivated and that these guys were simply killed for criminal intentions, such as turf warfare. To be honest, I haven't seen anything in the media suggesting it was ethnically motivated.
                      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                      • Phoenix
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4671

                        Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                        My suggestion was that the culprits aren't even Albanian or if they were it was not ethnically motivated and that these guys were simply killed for criminal intentions, such as turf warfare. To be honest, I haven't seen anything in the media suggesting it was ethnically motivated.
                        I agree that it could be a number of reasons for this crime but the manner in which the four guys were killed was extremely barbaric by all accounts, almost execution style and the fact that the alleged witness was also killed shows a particularly cold and calculated crime being played out.

                        I still think its related to the police parking incident.

                        One needs to question the credibility of anything released by the authorities in Macedonia and how this is then reported in the Macedonian media...I think they both go out of their way to play down these ethnic crimes, mostly detrimental to the Macedonian side.


                        • Vangelovski
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 8533

                          Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                          I agree that it could be a number of reasons for this crime but the manner in which the four guys were killed was extremely barbaric by all accounts, almost execution style and the fact that the alleged witness was also killed shows a particularly cold and calculated crime being played out.

                          I still think its related to the police parking incident.

                          One needs to question the credibility of anything released by the authorities in Macedonia and how this is then reported in the Macedonian media...I think they both go out of their way to play down these ethnic crimes, mostly detrimental to the Macedonian side.
                          It could well turn out to be ethnically motivated, but until we have further information, my feeling is that its organised crime related. It just looks too much like a traditional 'mob hit' to me. Ethnic violence tends to be much less execution style (unless of course its done by state security forces committing genocide), usually done in a manner that will attract others to the 'cause' and targeted at an easily recognisable enemy.
                          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                          • ProMKD
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 367

                            My vote is for foreign intelligence services attempting to destabilize Macedonia. Whether they used shiptar shooters or not
                            Support tourism to Macedonia!


                            • Čento
                              • Mar 2012
                              • 128

                              Macedonian incidents in the middle of Skopje by Macedonian Hooligan fans - YouTube
                              Jас не познавам друг народ кој повеќе страдал од предавствата на своите синови - изроди како македонскиот

                              Гоце Делчев


                              • Volk
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 894

                                Originally posted by ProMKD View Post
                                My vote is for foreign intelligence services attempting to destabilize Macedonia. Whether they used shiptar shooters or not
                                Spot on... UCK was created by the German secret services and trained and equipped by US and UK services... This is now well documented...

                                Only a fool would think that 5 people (4 almost kids) would be executed the way they were without a greater agenda.
                                Makedonija vo Srce

