Smilkovci Lake Killings

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    I don't think so, I mean, who are we.......we're not even supposed to be commenting on these affairs according to some dumb Macedonians.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • ProMKD
      • Oct 2011
      • 367

      If I were in charge, you bet I'd break this protest up and arrest these hooligans for wearing "islam will dominate" shirts, that is racist and inciting ethnicr/religious hatred.

      But, I wonder if there is actually a legal reason to stop citizens from protesting? I guess once they start throwing rocks and becoming 'rioters' than they have a right to break this up - which the DIDN'T.
      Support tourism to Macedonia!


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13675

        While it is quite pathetic to see people demonstrating in support of those murderers, in some ways it was to be expected (both due to their warped ideology and the government's weakling and treacherous politicians). But I am more concerned about the almost complete lack of outward expression by local Macedonians who claim that their country is full of "patriotic" people who "love" Macedonia. Where in the hell are they all? Why aren't they demonstrating? Why aren't they counter-demonstrating against the supporters of those murderers? I certainly don't want them to go out and hurt others, but at the very least they could make their presence known.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • Čento
          • Mar 2012
          • 128

          Originally posted by the lion will roar View Post

          listen to this guy at 2:17sec, he thinks that we macedonians think that only the albanians in macedonia are terrorists....

          You are wrong shiptar, we also think that there are albanian terrorists in albania and especially in kosovo...
          Keep crying the victim..mameto vase

          Копилиња гнасни! Сакаат да ни ја дестабилизираат Македоннија, абе више се срамам. Кога Македонците од секој навивачем клуб протестираа, беа само 400 до 700 луѓе. А види ги Шиптарите да им го ебам племето кавказко, одма илјади изпадна да протестираат. Треба да се прави нешто, ова е брука више. Замислете Црнци во Америка, или Турци во Германија да протестираат со 5 илјади и више пред една Влада, што не е нејзина!? Замислите, абе Странци се а прават што сакаат!

          Веќе немам зборови, извинете ако вака пишувам. Македонијо, освести се молим те...
          Jас не познавам друг народ кој повеќе страдал од предавствата на своите синови - изроди како македонскиот

          Гоце Делчев


          • Voltron
            • Jan 2011
            • 1362

            For what its worth, the Albanians think their kin in Macedonia are wack jobs.
            The guy with the Islam dominate shirt and the other retard with the Green islamic banner need to be waterboarded until they understand where they are at. Unbelievable.


            • Voltron
              • Jan 2011
              • 1362

              Or better yet get yourselves a nice rendition programe going on. Start kidnapping these nutcases off the street and when these retards start seeing people disappearing they just might put 2 + 2 together. When questions start rising as to where these people disappeared to just shrug and point to Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan where their loyalites lie.


              • United MKD
                • Jul 2011
                • 547

                It's all over this country has gone to the rubbish so far deep it's not coming back I'm ashamed of it and the people in it, as Komita said better off we cease to exist. Glup glup narod nemam zborovi, neznam sto drugo da kazam.


                • ProMKD
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 367

                  I wish there was an answer to what it would take to wake up the people
                  Support tourism to Macedonia!


                  • Brian
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1130

                    Tomche Makedonche Post279

                    My suspicion for this matter is that the authorities believe that the two individuals who have sought asylum in Kosovo are the culprits behind the executions, and in an attempt to flush them out and have them return back to RoM in order to be questioned/trialed for the crime, they have arrested the culprits relatives and close associates to be trialed and sentenced in their place, essentially a threat.

                    If this turns out to be the case, then RoM really is f*cked under this kind of leadership strategy…
                    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                    If this is the case, and I don't know if it is (but one of the articles posted by United MKD suggests it may be), then its a gross violation of human rights and a breakdown (if it ever existed in the first place) of the rule of law - regardless of what ethnicity the suspects are.
                    Why do you think this Vangelovski???

                    I don't like arguing with anyone but cannot keep quiet when I see things like the above.

                    I can understand the comment from our Albanian 'friend' Tomche Makedonche because he is part of the greater adgenda (physical/political/information/opinion war) but I cannot understand it from Macedonians.

                    A commonly said thing on the MTO is 'why are there laws for everyone else and 'special' laws/exemptions for Albanians' to which everyone thinks is wrong.

                    In any country the law is ALL participants in a crime are equally guilty - remember "pre the fact" and "after the fact" and "material support" and "logistical support".

                    Do you think that ONLY the guys who actually pulled the triger are guilty?

                    If we start from the shooters and work backwards what about
                    - anyone who 'found' victims to kill ie would you steel a car and ready yourself to go to a remote location on the off-chance you might find someone to kill?
                    - anyone who kept lookout
                    - anyone who drove the get-away car, if any
                    - anyone who provided the car, if any
                    - anyone who provided the guns, if any
                    - anyone who provided a hide-out house
                    - anyone who watched the rout that would be taken for traffic/police
                    - anyone who helped them plan it
                    - anyone who paid for it

                    they ARE ALL EQUALLY guilty AS MUCH AS the shooters.

                    If you remember from the videos of the raids they found significant weapons in all the homes. Everyone is guilty in this act of terrorism even if only a few members of the group actually pulled the trigger.

                    Think about it, if someone kills someone and goes home bloodied to his wife who provides him with a shower and new cloths even if she really didn't know what he was going to do when he went out earlier is equally guilty as him. If he goes to his cousin's house to shower and borrows their car to escape the cousin is equally guilty even if he originally did not know the crime was about to happen.

                    The Albanians protesting want a "tele i pod volot", let's not give it to them.

                    Public opinion can push political opinion which can push physical reality.
                    Let's all of us guard where public opinion is being driven.
                    Last edited by Brian; 05-04-2012, 03:49 PM.


                    • Brian
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1130

                      Originally posted by Komita View Post
                      10,000 albanians protesting, macedonians nowhere we should cease to exist.

                      da vi ebam mater makedonska
                      I can understand you have frustrations -justified - but please be careful of what you wish - negative voices can lead to negative thoughts in those who hear/read them adding to the sense of helplessness which can lead to inaction. Macedonians in RoM are paralysed/asleep enough without adding to their stupor.


                      • Niko777
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 1895

                        @ 16 seconds: some people in the protests were waving Turkish flags. Something to keep in mind.

                        Shqiptarët proteste ne Shkup - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme - YouTube


                        • ProMKD
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 367

                          Brian, I'm pretty sure what Vangelovski said was "if they were 100% innocent, it's a violation to arrest them to 'flush' out their relatives" which is accurate.

                          In my opinion, no relative of these morons is innocent, that's just how albanians work. For Macedonians, it's possible, but not for them.

                          As for the "i give up" comments - toughen up all of you.
                          Support tourism to Macedonia!


                          • Niko777
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 1895

                            As for the "i give up" comments - toughen up all of you.
                            It's not that we ourselves are "giving up". It's just that we have lost faith in those Macedonians in the Republic.


                            • Ljubanec
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 125

                              Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                              It's not that we ourselves are "giving up". It's just that we have lost faith in those Macedonians in the Republic.
                              Self loathing is not a very attractive way to cope.......It also explains why there were so many Albanians protesting the innocence of those terrorists and so few Macedonians protesting the murder of those 5 Macedonian fisherman.

                              Maybe those that want to whine and cry should get together with a few boxes of kleenex and cry on each other's shoulder.

                              Best Cry Ever - YouTube


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15660

                                What a surreal turn of events.
                                Here we have 5 Macedonians killed simply because they were Macedonian. Any other country would have used this as a means to flush out all internal terrorist activity. Instead we have the ethnic Albanians using this as another opportunity to highlight their apparent injustices.

                                Wake up RoMacedonians, this is a war on all levels. Your government is your enemy way more than those Arab wannabes.

                                Dear Macedonians of Macedonia.
                                You have been let down by your government.
                                You have lost your voice and you have lost the vigour to stand up for your rights. Worse yet, you are losing your identity.

                                Stand up and have some self-respect.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

