Smilkovci Lake Killings

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  • Gocka
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 2306

    The source has nothing to do with it being anti Macedonian, and most of your posts have some kind of conspiratorial anti Macedonian theme that consistently absolves Albanians of any blame and makes Macedonians look like the aggressors.

    Originally posted by Albo View Post
    Gocka calm down... this came from Macedonian media.. written by Macedonian journalist in Macedonia..

    Its not unfortunate, its rampant. So why do Albanians constantly think its a conspiracy when Albanians engage in violent or terrorist behavior? Albanians have a violent culture blood feuds, rebel groups, mafia groups, and terrorist sympathizers. These are all documented and real instances of Albanians being violent, so then why when Albanians get caught red handed in any one of these acts, its never the fault of the violent Albanian, its always a conspiracy. There are documented cases of Albanian Islamic radicals attempting terrorist attacks in the USA, Germany, and Italy, so why is it such an impossibility that they could attempt one in Macedonia?

    As for Albanians joining isis.. yes unfortunately there have been Albanians who have and are part of isis.. but they need to be charged accordingly and thrown in jail.. according to the facts..

    The same goes for anyone guilty of a crime or organising a crime as tragic as the Smilkovci murders..
    You named places where Albanians live, have you asked a German, an Italian, and an American what they think about Albanians? They all think you are a bunch of Mafia criminals, which isn't far from the truth.

    Ammm.. Italy, Germany, USA, Turkey, Switzerland, Greece just off the top of my head..

    No, that's what sniveling cowards do. The Turks made you Muslims, and you were more than happy to be the bitches of the Turks so they could throw you a bone now and then. Your explanation below exemplifies why the entire Balkans hates you people. You are a bunch of lapdog cowards who love picking fights as long as you can outnumber your victim. One day your masters will lose interest in you and then we will see what kind of men you are.

    Well I would have thought all small peoples would aim to maximize their full potential on the international stage strategically,economically politically.. especially when your surrounded by unfriendly neighbors- building strategic alliances and playing the "useful idiot" as you say unfortunately necessary to prosper and survive in the modern world.. especially in the Balkans..


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      Originally posted by Albo View Post
      Smilkovci - Who are the real monsters?!
      Rather than throwing up more questions, why don't you answer some. You can begin with providing your own opinion on who you think murdered those Macedonians in cold blood. Who are the real monsters, Albo?
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Liberator of Makedonija
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2014
        • 1597

        Originally posted by Albo View Post
        Ammm.. Italy, Germany, USA, Turkey, Switzerland, Greece just off the top of my head..
        Can't speak for all of those countries but Albanians are definantly not looked-upon positively in Italy and Greece, really don't know how you can claim otherwise.
        I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          Prosecutor: Albanians hold heroin market in Switzerland

          Originally posted by Albo View Post
          Ammm.. Italy, Germany, USA, Turkey, Switzerland, Greece just off the top of my head..

          Geneva cantonal prosecutor Yves Bertosa urged Albanian authorities to take certain measures to rectify the image that Europe and the world have about their citizens.

          Bertosa, as reported by Albanian daily “Presheva jonë”, said that “Albania is European Colombia”. Speaking about the image of Albanians in Switzerland he said that Albanians have their “bad” sides, pointing out that “Albanian gangs hold the heroin market in Switzerland in their hands”.

          “The smuggling network consists mostly of people coming from Albania and Kosovo and their mafia is the most active,” said Bertosa stressing that Albanian authorities would have to take measures to improve the image that Europe and the world have about them.

          He said that Albania is a country that has “sunk in corruption” and in which “organized crime is at a high level”.

          “We consider Albanians in our country as a community that is important and well integrated in our society,” said the prosecutor, noting that they are freedom-loving, working, but despite that, he said, they are “not angels”.

          In addition to drug trafficking, they are involved in the “sex industry, trafficking, cigarette smuggling and car theft. This is why Albanian and Kosovo authorities, countries sunk in corruption and organized crime, have to do more to combat these phenomena in order to improve the image, not only of their countries, but also Albanians in Switzerland and the diaspora,” said Bertosa.
          Are you living in an alternate reality Albo? The above is a highly typical example of the general sentiment towards Albanians in Europe. You should be doing more to dispel the notion that Albanians of the Balkans and Diaspora are nothing more than criminals.

          When I say (to Europeans) that ethnic Albanians are part of Macedonia's problem, I do not need to say anything more. They will tell me of their problems with Albanians in their own countries. If you deny this, you should be grateful for the jolt I have given you from the real world.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Redsun
            • Jul 2013
            • 409

            Arrested and imprisoned in England Albanian MP's son for cocaine trafficking
            Oculus News, daily independent Core News From Albania, Kosovo and Balkans; Albanian Culture, Albanian Tourism, Education and Service Information.

            London Court sentenced a few days ago with more than 40 years in prison a group of Albanians for drug trafficking.
            The decision was made after is confirmed that four Albanians, Amarildo Fufi 25, Besmir Berberi 35, Mario Xhafa 26 and another in the role of the distributor were smuggling and distributing narcotics while he rekuestruar 2 million pounds before dry home.
            According to British media, the Albanian group is led by the 25-year-old Fufi, born 11.9.1992.

            Albanian media learned from reliable sources from the State Police that the head of the Albanian group according to British security authorities, namely the 25-year-old Amarildo Fufi, is the son of a deputy in the Parliament.

            It is about the MP Mhill Fufi, who is part of Albanian Democratic Party (DP), but when DP expelled him in November 2016 he joined the Albanian Republican Party.

            The 25-year-old lives from several years in London and he managed to take his friend him a year earlier before they were detained in September 2016./Oculus News


            • Redsun
              • Jul 2013
              • 409

              EU organised crime fears after Albanian who came to UK illegally is nabbed in £1.5million coke bust

              AN Albanian refused entry to Britain six weeks ago was under arrest last
              night after £1.5million of cocaine was seized by cops.

              The suspect, 21, was held with another Albanian when the National Crime Agency
              busted a drugs ring on Friday.

              The arrests came as Cabinet heavyweights Theresa May and Michael Gove issued
              warnings about the threat to the UK from gangsters from Albania, currently
              bidding to join the EU.

              The Sun can reveal how the 21-year-old attempted to enter Britain at Stanstead
              Airport, Essex, six weeks ago but was turned away.

              He is thought to have sneaked into the UK a fortnight ago with false identity

              The man was arrested following an investigation into an organised crime
              network involved in the large-scale supply of Class A drugs in London.

              He was nabbed in Stanmore, North West London, where police seized 3kg of
              cocaine at a handover and 10kg at a nearby address.

              Once cut, the high-purity cocaine would be worth around £1.5million on the

              One source said: “One of the two men arrested is a 21-year-old Albanian who
              tried to come into Britain six weeks ago but was turned back at Stanstead.

              “Within a matter of a just a few weeks he was able to come into the country
              illegally and arrested over a big drug job.

              “It begs the question over how he was able to get into the UK so soon

              Last week Home Secretary Theresa May – who supports staying in the EU – warned
              of the dangers of gangsters arriving from countries currently applying for
              membership of the European Union.

              Mrs May said Albania, Serbia and Turkey had “poor populations and serious
              problems with organised crime, corruption, and sometimes even terrorism”.

              She added: “We have to ask ourselves, is it really right that the EU should
              just continue to expand, conferring upon all new member states all the
              rights of membership?”

              Ten per cent of European prisoners in UK jails are said to come from Albania.

              And leading Brexit campaigner Michael Gove suggested the ranks of Albanian
              gangsters already in Britain will only expand once the country joins the EU.

              Writing in the Daily Mail, Mr Gove said: “The Home Secretary knows the problem
              is very far from diminishing.”

              The NCA confirmed two Albanian nationals were arrested on Friday night.


              • tchaiku
                • Nov 2016
                • 786

                Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                Can't speak for all of those countries but Albanians are definantly not looked-upon positively in Italy and Greece, really don't know how you can claim otherwise.
                Only Turkey from the list is the right option.


                • Dejan
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 591

                  Like it or not, I don't know anyone (being Macedonian or otherwise) who doesn't think that albanians have a reputation for being 'dodgy violent c**ts' as a whole.

                  What a celebratory reputation to have!
                  You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

                  A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


                  • Redsun
                    • Jul 2013
                    • 409

                    They have a reputation as drug dealers and terrorists.

                    Mother Jones Magazine Jan-Feb 2000

                    Human trafficking, heroin distribution and corruption.

                    Last week, an elected official was gunned down outside his home in Northern Kosovo. The killing, which everyone is desperately trying to avoid calling an assassination, is the latest in a series of undesirable things to have happened within the country...
                    Last edited by Redsun; 04-25-2017, 05:56 AM.


                    • Redsun
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 409

                      Albanians in English prison, look how proud they are. Beggars and thief's, they hold out one hand to beg for charity and steal with the other.

                      Gangsters posing with eagle hands.

                      Last edited by Redsun; 04-25-2017, 06:05 AM.


                      • tchaiku
                        • Nov 2016
                        • 786

                        Redsun - we know about Albanian Mafia, what is the point of all this?

                        Originally posted by Dejan View Post
                        Like it or not, I don't know anyone (being Macedonian or otherwise) who doesn't think that albanians have a reputation for being 'dodgy violent c**ts' as a whole.

                        What a celebratory reputation to have!
                        Certainly it is not a privilege to have this reputation or to be an Albanian.
                        So stop acting like we get some sort of a special cake like you usually do.


                        • Gocka
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2012
                          • 2306

                          The point was that your kin Albo seems to think it was impossible that Albanians could purported the Smillkovci massacre, or if you follow his posts, he seems to think Albanians are incapable of committing any violent acts. He constantly absolves Albanians of any wrong doing and shifts the blame to anyone and everyone else.

                          We just wanted to point out that Albanians throughout the world have a well documented and long record of both criminal and terrorist activity. So why pretend like Albanians are these angels who are always provoked by the big bad "Slavs", or that it was some kind of set up. Albanians are more than capable of acting violently and everyone knows that except Albo, and the brainwashed Kosovars and Albanians in Macedonia.

                          The special cake you speak of is real and it has to do with the support Albanians got both in 2001 in Macedonia and in Kosovo before that, from the West. Even today in Macedonia the west keeps demanding that Macedonia further accommodate ridiculous Albanian demands.

                          Originally posted by tchaiku View Post
                          Redsun - we know about Albanian Mafia, what is the point of all this?


                          Certainly it is not a privilege to have this reputation or to be an Albanian.
                          So stop acting like we get some sort of a special cake like you usually do.


                          • tchaiku
                            • Nov 2016
                            • 786

                            Gocka you need learn more about Milosevic and other Serbian policies on Kosovar Albanians before the Kosovo war.


                            • Albo
                              • May 2014
                              • 304

                              Seriously... I mean seriously.. your simply diverting attention from the topic at play here...

                              We are talking about the Smilkovci case where it stinks of A GOVERNMENT PLANED AND ORCHESTRATED MURDER OF INNOCENT PEOPLE - and then making up a STORY.. ON HOW THIS WAS ALL DONE IN THE NAME OF
                              " ALBANIAN ISLAMIC TERRORISM "

                              Whilst really trying to covering up massive corruption and theft they had been part of.. and had been caught red handed..

                              Your giving me examples of individual acts of criminality by random people of no official status...

                              Your pointing out Albanians as all being violent and extreme criminals..
                              I'm not denying that Albanians have a negative reputation in this field.. but

                              You name me any other field eg. MUSIC, CULTURE, SPORT, THE ARTS, MEDICINE, SCIENCE, BUSINESS ect..

                              Tell me another balkan people who have as many well known worldwide people who excel on the world stage..
                              Name me a field where we don't have the most well successful people in the Balkans!?

                              Anyway back to the topic...
                              Part 3


                              • mklion
                                • Jun 2014
                                • 100

                                Originally posted by Albo View Post
                                Seriously... I mean seriously.. your simply diverting attention from the topic at play here...

                                We are talking about the Smilkovci case where it stinks of A GOVERNMENT PLANED AND ORCHESTRATED MURDER OF INNOCENT PEOPLE - and then making up a STORY.. ON HOW THIS WAS ALL DONE IN THE NAME OF
                                " ALBANIAN ISLAMIC TERRORISM "

                                Whilst really trying to covering up massive corruption and theft they had been part of.. and had been caught red handed..

                                Your giving me examples of individual acts of criminality by random people of no official status...

                                Your pointing out Albanians as all being violent and extreme criminals..
                                I'm not denying that Albanians have a negative reputation in this field.. but

                                You name me any other field eg. MUSIC, CULTURE, SPORT, THE ARTS, MEDICINE, SCIENCE, BUSINESS ect..

                                Tell me another balkan people who have as many well known worldwide people who excel on the world stage..
                                Name me a field where we don't have the most well successful people in the Balkans!?

                                Anyway back to the topic...
                                Part 3


                                Buddy you have zero evidence of any coverup. Why would some random Failbanian on an internet forum have evidence and know intimate details about some secret government conspiracy and coverup about the Smilkovci murders. Lmfao.

                                Hey did you guys know 9/11 was an inside job too?

                                As far as the "ALBANIAN IS BEST CULTURE AND WE WIN ALL OF BALKANS CONTEST FOREVER!!!!!" joke if the Albanians are the best at everything then why have so many albanians emigrated out of Albania a Kosovo and Macedonia in search for a better life ?

                                LoL. What a joke. Actually Albania and the Albanians are a joke.
                                Last edited by mklion; 04-25-2017, 11:26 PM.

