Gallup International: Macedonians most religious in Europe?
Macedonians are the most religious nation in Europe, shows global survey of the Gallup International Religiosity and Atheism Index, which was carried out in Nov. and Dec. 2011 among 52.000 respondents in 57 countries in the world.
Ninety percent of the polled Macedonians responded to be religious.
After nationals of Macedonia the most religious in Europe are Romanians (89%), Moldavians (83%), Poles (81%), Serbs (77%) and Italians (73%).
According to Global Religiosity Index, Macedonians are on fourth place. The most religious are nationals of Ghana, Nigeria, Armenia and Fiji, Gallup survey reads.
Non-believers are mostly concentrated in East Asia, where 47% of the Chinese and 31% of the Japanese say they are atheists and 30% of the Czechs. Survey finds that only 1% of the Macedonians consider themselves atheists.
Macedonians are the most religious nation in Europe, shows global survey of the Gallup International Religiosity and Atheism Index, which was carried out in Nov. and Dec. 2011 among 52.000 respondents in 57 countries in the world.
Ninety percent of the polled Macedonians responded to be religious.
After nationals of Macedonia the most religious in Europe are Romanians (89%), Moldavians (83%), Poles (81%), Serbs (77%) and Italians (73%).
According to Global Religiosity Index, Macedonians are on fourth place. The most religious are nationals of Ghana, Nigeria, Armenia and Fiji, Gallup survey reads.
Non-believers are mostly concentrated in East Asia, where 47% of the Chinese and 31% of the Japanese say they are atheists and 30% of the Czechs. Survey finds that only 1% of the Macedonians consider themselves atheists.