Islamist Terrorism in the West

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  • Vangelovski
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 8533

    Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia View Post
    Yeh, all these conspiracy theorists take these kind of opportunities to get cheap publicity. They fail to acknowledge that people are still in mourning and are very sensitive to the issue at hand. The last thing we need is for people to start telling these victims that their own government plotted this horrific crime. The investigation is still in its early stages, so who knows how this idiot has already pieced together the entire puzzle.
    He pieced it together before he even knew it happened. I'm sure its a standard theory he uses for everything.
    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

    The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


    • Phoenix
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 4671

      Apparently 1 suspect has been shot dead and the other is on the run...


      • Bill77
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2009
        • 4545

        Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
        Apparently 1 suspect has been shot dead and the other is on the run...

        A massive shoot out, 1 cop dead and 1 fighting for his life.
        1 suspect dead the other escaped but also one arrested so it could be a third suspect or someone at the wrong place wrong time.

        FBI labeled the escape a terrorist who came to the US to kill many people.
        During the police chase, the suspects were lobbing grenades and another pressure cooker device out of the hijacked car aiming at pursuing police.

        Amazing.......I'm watching it on Fox News like its some Hollywood movie.


        • Phoenix
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 4671

          Originally posted by Bill77 View Post

          A massive shoot out, 1 cop dead and 1 fighting for his life.
          1 suspect dead the other escaped but also one arrested so it could be a third suspect or someone at the wrong place wrong time.

          FBI labeled the escape a terrorist who came to the US to kill many people.
          During the police chase, the suspects were lobbing grenades and another pressure cooker device out of the hijacked car aiming at pursuing police.

          Amazing.......I'm watching it on Fox News like its some Hollywood movie.
          I've just switched it on, (before the Swans V Cats game starts)...thanks Bill.

          Looks like those two suspects were always going to go down fighting...could get bloody

          Wow...looks like they're shutting down Watertown, MA...

          Man, it's like something from 'Die Hard'...
          Last edited by Phoenix; 04-19-2013, 04:41 AM.


          • Bill77
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2009
            • 4545

            The two suspects have just been named. They are two Chechen brothers.

            Didn't the US support a free independant Islamist state of Chechnya?

            Za grevota narodo.......ama Amerika si go baraja. Ajde sega ushte nake gi galat albancite vo Makedonia itije ne koj den kje mu se svrtat.
            Last edited by Bill77; 04-19-2013, 06:20 AM.


            • TrueMacedonian
              • Jan 2009
              • 3823

              I've been watching CNN and they have been interviewing the Tsarnaev brothers friends and family. It's amazing that no one suspected a thing. What is more amazing is no NWO or false flag attack


              • Gocka
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2012
                • 2306

                This is a constantly developing story and new details emerge every 10 minutes.

                So far the one brother is dead (the older one) the younger one is at large.

                Everyone they interview about the younger brother who is on the run says that he was quiet, a good kid, never showed anger, never talked about politics. So in short anyone who knew him is shocked.

                They found an apartment with explosives, that's still unfolding.

                I'm sure they will catch him very soon, if he hasn't committed suicide yet.

                Something tells me they did not plan this alone. They were heavily equipped and their actions were well planned. I wouldn't be surprised if they are part of some cell that's within the USA. They didn't just wake up one day and decide to start making bombs.

                I think they had help and we may soon find out that others were implicated.


                • julie
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 3869

                  call me cynical, but bombing the Boston marathon surely would receive worldwide it time for another US invasion in another country....

                  Heartbreaking with the deaths, and of the poor young darling, and athletes losing limbs, this is a sick world we live in
                  "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                  • Big Bad Sven
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 1528

                    Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                    The two suspects have just been named. They are two Chechen brothers.

                    Didn't the US support a free independant Islamist state of Chechnya?

                    Za grevota narodo.......ama Amerika si go baraja. Ajde sega ushte nake gi galat albancite vo Makedonia itije ne koj den kje mu se svrtat.
                    Its funny how these little things keep coming back to bite america in the ass.

                    They have a recent history of backing the wrong horse, and it coming back to bite them in the ass.

                    I was watching CNN or some over shitty news channel, and they were talking about how the Chechens were freedom fighters back in Chechnia against Russia but these guys are terrorists in the states LOLOLOLOLOL

                    Apparently the 'russian empire' is falling apart and Chechnia will be free soon


                    • Big Bad Sven
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 1528

                      Have you guys seen some comments about the boston bombers:

                      Woman and homosexuals getting upset that the bombers have been killed or captured because they are simply good looking LOL

                      If a short, fat, ugly balding man like me did this, people would be spitting on my grave and i would be seen as the next Hitler


                      • EgejskaMakedonia
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2010
                        • 1665

                        If I recall correctly, the 19 year old perpetrator was described by colleagues as a normal person. I think he may have been a medical student as well. Makes you really wonder what they were thinking in doing something so horrible, and how people could have such sinister motives.

                        One of the real disturbing facts is that the two brothers returned to school the next day as if nothing had happened. You hear of soldiers taking the lives of enemy soldiers in a war suffering from all kinds of post-traumatic disorders, yet these two seem to have no moral conscience at all.


                        • vicsinad
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2011
                          • 2337

                          Another disturbing aspect of this case is that the FBI at the bare minimum interviewed and investigated the older brother in 2011 at the request of a foreign government (probably Russia) for having ties to extremist organizations. Did they take the brother off the FBI radar, or were they continuing to hound and track him as the bombers' mother suggests?

                          It could show that the FBI missed the mark on this one. Or, as with 50 of the 150 terrorist cases in the past ten years in the US, there may have been some sort of FBI involvement. Those 50 cases are all examples where FBI agents approached suspects, gave them money and/or bomb-making materials (most of the time fake materials) and then the person would try to blow something up (such as the Oregon Christmas Tree bomber). As soon as the guy attempted to bomb the event, the FBI would bust him.

                          Considering it is far-fetched that the FBI would actually give these suspects real bomb-making materials and not fake material, I doubt that that was the case. But I'm suspicious as to what the FBI knew and how it slipped. Maybe, if it was Russia requesting investigation, they said "eh, it's Russia, we want the Chechens to continue fighting Russia, so we'll let this guy go." Or maybe they just didn't to their job correctly. Yet, the bombers' mom insists they were tracking most of her son's moves. That may be paranoia and denial, but still...interesting.

                          Maybe more disturbing is the 9,000 police and federal agents going house to house with no warrants and ordering people to stay in doors or to leave their houses. There have been many more criminals in the US history who have posed an ongoing and dangerous threat to citizens, and never was a manhunt of this scale organized, nor were rights so blatantly violated. Sure, the bomber is dangerous. So 9000 police were searching houses and patting down residents and their search showed up empty...and then 10 minutes after they lift the ban, a woman goes outside and supposedly sees puddles of blood by her neighbor's boat (how could the police and their dogs miss blood?) and the bomber is captured? It was an unnecessary spectacle.

                          On top of it, they don't read him his Miranda Rights after arresting him because they claim he poses a threat to public safety (which is a legal exception). Yet, upon his arrest, the police are telling everyone in Boston that it's safe to move about now. If he admits anything in custody before being read his rights, and then he appeals his case, a judge could rule that all his statement are inadmissible in the court if he finds that, once handcuffed, the bomber did not pose a threat to society.


                          • Gocka
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 2306

                            Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                            Another disturbing aspect of this case is that the FBI at the bare minimum interviewed and investigated the older brother in 2011 at the request of a foreign government (probably Russia) for having ties to extremist organizations. Did they take the brother off the FBI radar, or were they continuing to hound and track him as the bombers' mother suggests?

                            It could show that the FBI missed the mark on this one. Or, as with 50 of the 150 terrorist cases in the past ten years in the US, there may have been some sort of FBI involvement. Those 50 cases are all examples where FBI agents approached suspects, gave them money and/or bomb-making materials (most of the time fake materials) and then the person would try to blow something up (such as the Oregon Christmas Tree bomber). As soon as the guy attempted to bomb the event, the FBI would bust him.

                            Considering it is far-fetched that the FBI would actually give these suspects real bomb-making materials and not fake material, I doubt that that was the case. But I'm suspicious as to what the FBI knew and how it slipped. Maybe, if it was Russia requesting investigation, they said "eh, it's Russia, we want the Chechens to continue fighting Russia, so we'll let this guy go." Or maybe they just didn't to their job correctly. Yet, the bombers' mom insists they were tracking most of her son's moves. That may be paranoia and denial, but still...interesting.

                            Maybe more disturbing is the 9,000 police and federal agents going house to house with no warrants and ordering people to stay in doors or to leave their houses. There have been many more criminals in the US history who have posed an ongoing and dangerous threat to citizens, and never was a manhunt of this scale organized, nor were rights so blatantly violated. Sure, the bomber is dangerous. So 9000 police were searching houses and patting down residents and their search showed up empty...and then 10 minutes after they lift the ban, a woman goes outside and supposedly sees puddles of blood by her neighbor's boat (how could the police and their dogs miss blood?) and the bomber is captured? It was an unnecessary spectacle.

                            On top of it, they don't read him his Miranda Rights after arresting him because they claim he poses a threat to public safety (which is a legal exception). Yet, upon his arrest, the police are telling everyone in Boston that it's safe to move about now. If he admits anything in custody before being read his rights, and then he appeals his case, a judge could rule that all his statement are inadmissible in the court if he finds that, once handcuffed, the bomber did not pose a threat to society.

                            I said the same thing about the massive police force and the searching. In total 4 people died and 3 were from the initial bombing. He was a 19 year old kid who got lucky with his brother and they made it out to be like they are chasing James Bond. No one has even mentioned the precedence that this set for the future. This is the first event of its kind that I can remember in the USA, and I think now it may not be the last. We have had serial killers, and all types of psychos and bad people on the loose and never saw anything close to this kind of response.

                            A 19 year old severely wounded who weights a whole 130lbs when wet caused such an ongoing threat that they could not take 15 seconds to read him his Miranda rights? Keeping in mind he's a citizen not a resident.

                            Makes you wonder what the future holds.


                            • vicsinad
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2011
                              • 2337

                              Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                              I said the same thing about the massive police force and the searching. In total 4 people died and 3 were from the initial bombing. He was a 19 year old kid who got lucky with his brother and they made it out to be like they are chasing James Bond. No one has even mentioned the precedence that this set for the future. This is the first event of its kind that I can remember in the USA, and I think now it may not be the last. We have had serial killers, and all types of psychos and bad people on the loose and never saw anything close to this kind of response.

                              A 19 year old severely wounded who weights a whole 130lbs when wet caused such an ongoing threat that they could not take 15 seconds to read him his Miranda rights? Keeping in mind he's a citizen not a resident.

                              Makes you wonder what the future holds.
                              Exactly. Terrorism happens and has happened plenty in the U.S. Now it's as if the federal government is exploiting the situation...just to test how far they can go. Putting aside international consequences, they used 9/11 to justify the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, torture, two costly wars, and drone attacks. Now we have Congressmen suggesting "cameras on every street corner" and to treat the terrorist as an "enemy combatant." We have warrant-less searches, evacuation orders and no need for Miranda Rights (who knows how far they can extend the public safety exception?).

                              It does indeed make me wonder.


                              • Phoenix
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 4671

                                Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                                ...Maybe more disturbing is the 9,000 police and federal agents going house to house with no warrants and ordering people to stay in doors or to leave their houses. There have been many more criminals in the US history who have posed an ongoing and dangerous threat to citizens, and never was a manhunt of this scale organized, nor were rights so blatantly violated. Sure, the bomber is dangerous. So 9000 police were searching houses and patting down residents and their search showed up empty...and then 10 minutes after they lift the ban, a woman goes outside and supposedly sees puddles of blood by her neighbor's boat (how could the police and their dogs miss blood?) and the bomber is captured? It was an unnecessary spectacle.

                                On top of it, they don't read him his Miranda Rights after arresting him because they claim he poses a threat to public safety (which is a legal exception). Yet, upon his arrest, the police are telling everyone in Boston that it's safe to move about now. If he admits anything in custody before being read his rights, and then he appeals his case, a judge could rule that all his statement are inadmissible in the court if he finds that, once handcuffed, the bomber did not pose a threat to society.
                                What do you suggest would have been a better response to this threat,
                                considering 3 people lost their lives and over one hundred were injured.
                                You've questioned the FBI's initial handling of the investigation into the older Tsarnaev's activities and associations after the tip off from a Russian intelligence service, insinuating that more could have been done and yet the complete lockdown in Watertown that led to a quick capture of the alleged bomber was too much for your liking.

                                I don't get it.

                                I think I'd appreciate such a strong police presence in my town if an unknown number of crazy mothefuckers were on the loose with IED's and armed to the teeth.

