'Legend' himself, Pasko Kuzman detained over selling national treasures

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  • MKPrilep
    • Mar 2009
    • 284

    'Legend' himself, Pasko Kuzman detained over selling national treasures

    Former Director of Macedonia's Archeological & Cultural heritage was detained this morning, on suspicions of abusing his position, helping individuals and groups transfer artefacts out of the country (to Greece) by drastically reducing their value.

    Policea action dubbed "Falanga 2" resulted in the detention of 19 people, including Pasko Kuzman, police inspectors and other Government employees.

    - The fact that Government employees who were tasked to protect our cultural heritage were involved in these criminal activities says it all. They precisely knew which artefacts were the most valuable and will achieve the highest price on the black market. Investigation is ongoing, however my assumption is that documents were forged for some artefacts in order to lower their price drastically so they can be sent out of the country - said MoI head Gordan Jankulovska.

    Kuzman was a beloved figure in Macedonia was frequently on the news, unearthed numerous artefacts with his team and had a substantial annual archeological budget, sadly some habits don't go away.

    Ako e ova vistina da go obesat!! Od vakvki dusmani makedonija straduva!
  • Bill77
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 4545

    This news has Absalutely floored me.
    Wow wow wow.

    Never in a million years would I have expected this.


    • Big Bad Sven
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2009
      • 1528

      LOL modern day makedonski rabota

      You know your country and people are fucked up if one of your heroes\cult figure/most respected people robs his own people and history for a bit of extra money

      This country has gone to the dogs, seems like a lot of people there have no morals or self respect. We are a disgrace


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        you know the saying someone will sell their mother for money ,well this is it.Many things found in rom could actually refute greek claims.These people are just traitors to the cause.Thank goodnes for the special taskforce to try & stop all this.But on the otherside of coin how many people find macedonian artificts on their property & do the right thing & hand them to the authorities.?
        Pasko kuzman can be described as nothing but a thief & a charlattan.Should be locked up in jail & the key thrown away.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Gocka
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2012
          • 2306

          I really hope this isn't true. If it is then it just further confirms what I have been feeling lately, that there is no hope left.


          • makedonche
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 3242

            Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
            LOL modern day makedonski rabota

            You know your country and people are fucked up if one of your heroes\cult figure/most respected people robs his own people and history for a bit of extra money

            This country has gone to the dogs, seems like a lot of people there have no morals or self respect. We are a disgrace
            If it is true then it is a complete disgrace since throughout history one of the prevailing differences between us and the southern neighbours has been the Macedonians distinct sense of morality, whilst the southerners can't even spell it!
            On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              I would feel it is par for the course for that backward nation. I hope it isn't true though.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


              • iceman
                • Sep 2008
                • 132

                I can just imagine how many these Macedonian artefacts the "Greek" settlers have displayed as "their own" all over the world.
                An Absolute disgrace , a complete sell out of the Macedonian race and its history , for what ? a few dollars.


                • George S.
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 10116

                  spot on iceman.Especially how the greeks are saying that everything found on the greek side has got greek writing.But everything found in ROM has got "slavic writing".So the greeks are doctoring their finds.
                  Last edited by George S.; 07-17-2013, 07:25 AM.
                  "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                  GOTSE DELCEV


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116


                    en candidates for the post of Pasco

                    Headmistress at The protection of cultural heritage, which until recently was Pasko Kuzman as Acting after his term ends, and who is now under house arrest on charges of illegal mining of nearheoloshko land is the responsibility of the Government.

                    So we were told that the selection of a new director is underway.

                    "Within the first public call for the hiring of managerial positions, which was released a month and a half, is envisaged position of Director of Administration. Than that we have received bids of about thirty people, their written submissions were reviewed and no completed the first phase of interviews, in which all candidates were able to directly present their views, ideas, views, programs before professional teams consisting of office holders in state institutions. After this phase, there is a narrow selection of candidates and determined about a dozen candidates that will be done further interview ", said spokesman Alexander Georgiev.

                    Once you choose the proposed candidate, he will need to confirm the cabinet meeting, according to Georgiev, would be in the near future.

                    Expert committees that implement the procedure are satisfied with the quality of candidates, and logs quick solution for this feature, which is supposed to continue with capital activities began Kuzman, who is retired eight months, as St. Clement University Plaoshnik completion of Archaeological Museum, Skopje Fortress-astronomical observation Universe Today, and many other open sites across the country. (To M.).

                    18.07.2013, 15:33

                    Десет кандидати за местото на Паско

                    Ди*рек*тор*ска*та функција во Управата за заштита на културното наследство, на која до неодамна беше Паско Кузман како в.д. откако му заврши мандатот, а кој сега е во до*ма*шен притвор по кривична пријава за нелегално ископување на неархеолошко зем*јиш*те, е во надлежност на Владата.

                    От*та*му ни рекоа дека постапката за избор на нов директор е во тек.

                    "Во рамките на првиот јавен повик за пријавување за ангажирање на раководни по*зи*ции, кој беше објавен пред месец и половина, предвидена е и позицијата директор на Уп*ра*ва*та. Во однос на истата имаме добиено кандидатури од околу триесетина лица, нив*ни*те писмени поднесоци беа разгледани и веќе е завршена и првата фаза на ин*тер*вјуа, во која сите кандидати имаа можност непосредно да ги претстават нивните ста*во*ви, идеи, погледи, програми пред стручни тимови, составени од носители на фун*кции во државните институции. По оваа фаза, направена е потесна селекција на кан*ди*да*ти*те и се определени околу десетина кандидати со кои ќе биде направено до*пол*ни*тел*но интервју", ни рече портпаролот Александар Ѓорѓиев.

                    От*ка*ко ќе се избере предлог-кандидатот, тој ќе треба да се потврди на владина сед*ни*ца што, според Ѓорѓиев, би било во блиска иднина.

                    Струч*ни*те комисии кои ја спроведуваат постапката се задоволни од квалитетот на кан*ди*да*ти*те, и се најавува брзо решение за оваа функција, која би требало да про*дол*жи со капиталните активности кои ги започна Кузман, кој брзо решение за оваа функција, која би требало да про*дол*жи со капиталните активности кои ги започна Кузман, кој во пензија е осум ме*се*ци, како Светиклиментовиот универзитет на Плаошник, довршување на Ар*хе*о*лош*ки*от музеј, Скопското кале, археоастрономската опсервација Кокино, како и многуте дру*ги отворени локалитети низ земјава. (М. За.)
                    Last edited by George S.; 07-19-2013, 12:11 AM.
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • Orovnichanec
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 410

                      I talked to a reporter from MIA earlier this week, and Pasko is not in trouble for selling artifacts he is in trouble for selling a license to another person to dig, and that man sold artifacts.
                      "Oh, Macedonians! It is time we realized that the greatest demon Macedonia must battle against is none other than Bulgaria" - Krste Petkov Misirkov

