U.S. Politics, Elections & Culture issues

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675


    Protests erupted in major cities across the U.S. on Friday evening into early Saturday morning after a Kenosha, Wisconsin, court acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse of all charges against him.
    This is what MSM lies and misinformation leads to, and the rioters and looters are happy to oblige. Below is from the same article:
    Hundreds of demonstrators marched across New York City’s Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan on Friday night, blocking traffic after the verdict. At one point, the protesters took a knee and held a moment of silence on the bridge in deference to Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26 — the two men Rittenhouse fatally shot last year.
    In what world does it make any sense to take a knee for a dead child rapist? Morons.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675


      Jussie Smollett was found guilty on 5 out of 6 charges at his hate crime hoax trial. After a contentious week of witness testimony, counsel arguments and deliberation, the jury found Smollett guilty on the first five counts, and he was acquitted on a sixth count of lying to a detective weeks after Smollett said he was attacked. Smollett was stoic as the jury read the verdict. The actor sat upright and stared straight ahead without showing any outward emotion........The 39-year-old "Empire" alum was charged with six counts of disorderly conduct related to false statements to Chicago police officers about a 2019 hate crime against him. In 2019, he claimed that two men attacked him due to his skin color and sexual orientation. He was found guilty of telling a police officer he was a hate crime victim, telling an officer he was a battery victim, telling a detective he was a hate crime victim, telling a detective he was a battery victim and then telling a detective again he was battery victim. He was not found guilty on a sixth charge of telling a second detective he was an aggravated battery victim.
      Jussie Smollett is a race hustler who staged a "hate crime" without any regard for what may have transpired thereafter, such as the possibility of innocent people going to prison or worse. He deliberately fomented racial tensions in a stupid pursuit of fame. He is also a ​narcissistic idiot who has lied throughout this whole ordeal and continues to refuse owning up to the truth. This is yet another case where dozens of democrat politicians and leftist celebrities openly supported a hoax. A few of them have reluctantly (but ever so mildly) walked back some of their statements, whereas others who were particularly vocal at the beginning of this fiasco, like the current president and his equally useless VP, have remained silent. Some have even made excuses for this coward by suggesting the hoax was somehow justified as it served to highlight a "major issue" in the U.S. Apparently, it is common for white vigilantes wearing MAGA hats to hunt down racial minorities who are homosexual, in cities that vote overwhelmingly democrat no less. Go figure. Too bad his "assailants" were Nigerian guys that he paid to "attack" him. Leftist lunacy aside, most people in the African-American community and the broader American community know that he is a lying clown. This court case merely proved it beyond a reasonable doubt in the eyes of the law. But the circus may continue, as his lawyer, who is taking advantage of the acquittal on the 6th count (which is otherwise peripheral), is already talking of an appeal for this racist scumbag.

      For those that haven't been following, watch this skit by Dave Chappelle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZXoErL2124
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Karposh
        • Aug 2015
        • 863

        Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
        For those that haven't been following, watch this skit by Dave Chappelle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZXoErL2124
        I had no idea who this Jussie Smollett character was until I watched Chapelle's stand up skit about him a few months back which prompted me to look him up. Dave Chapelle called it 2 years before Smollett's trial that he was a lying piece of shit while, surprise, surprise, all of left-leaning America made it out to be the crime of the century and even went so far as to label anyone who didn't immediately buy into the bullshit as a racist, despite it being, from the very start, a highly implausible story. From the lying media to the Democrat elites such as Biden and Kamala, they all voiced their disgust and outrage at these bigoted and homophobic, Trump supporting, MAGA-wearing, deplorables.

        America, just like Australia and the rest of the western world, needs to completely shun the mainstream media. They are pushing such an evil left-wing narrative that is so nauseatingly incredulous that even when they get caught out on their lies and bias, they persist with their narrative nevertheless.

        When it was clear from the court case that Kyle Rittenhouse was not a white supremacist, did not cross state lines do attack BLM protesters, and did not randomly attack black protesters, they persisted with all that garbage regardless.

        When that black guy ran over women and children who were participating in a Christmas parade, the mainstream media in America described it as an "SUV ploughing into a Christmas parade". This was, of course, a career criminal and a BLM activist who had recently bashed his missus and tried to run her over as well. However, it didn't fit their narrative so they sold it as a car making a conscious decision to take out a bunch of white folk. When they tried to be objective, they said he was running from the police as a result of an earlier incident. The police quickly put an end to that bit of false reporting and confirmed that was not the case. They have since gone conspicuously silent on this event and yet we are still hearing about the January 6th "insurrection" even though the only person that actually died from any intentional use of force on that day was one lady that was shot by the Capitol police.


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          Originally posted by Karposh View Post
          This was, of course, a career criminal and a BLM activist who had recently bashed his missus and tried to run her over as well. However, it didn't fit their narrative so they sold it as a car making a conscious decision to take out a bunch of white folk.
          Yeah, the initial reporting on that incident was disgraceful. How hard is it for the media to be honest these days, whether the perpetrator is white, black or whatever, if he's a piece of trash then just call a spade a spade. Instead they treat their audience like a bunch of simpletons who will readily accept whatever narrative they craft. They have gotten away with it for too long and even many people on the left are waking up to the woke idiocy and propaganda.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            All articles from this year alone. Who knows WTF is going on at that network.

            Jeffrey Toobin returned to CNN on Thursday afternoon and admitted that masturbating during a Zoom call — which got him fired from the New Yorker and led to a leave of absence from the network — was “deeply moronic and indefensible.”

            A former co-worker of Chris Cuomo made a sexual misconduct allegation against the former CNN anchor, who was fired Saturday for misleading the cable network about the extent of the role he played trying to mitigate the sexual harassment accusations that took down his brother, former Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

            A man who accused CNN’s Don Lemon of assaulting him in a Hamptons bar three years ago claimed that the alleged behavior could be part of a “pattern.” Accuser Dustin Hice made the comments on Monday’s “The Megyn Kelly Show” even as Lemon’s attorneys have fought back against Hice’s lawsuit in court filings, accusing the ex-bartender of withholding texts, deleting social media posts and hiding a witness who contradicted his claims. Hice claimed in his suit that Lemon had put his hand down his own pants, rubbed his private parts and then shoved his fingers into Hice’s face.

            A veteran CNN producer who worked “shoulder to shoulder” with ex-anchor Chris Cuomo has been fired after it was revealed he bragged about luring girls as young as 7 to his home for “sexual subservience” training, the network confirmed. John Griffin, 44, was indicted Friday by a federal grand jury in Vermont for attempting to “induce minors to engage in unlawful sexual activity,” according to the Justice Department. CNN announced his suspension that same day.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • kompir
              • Jan 2015
              • 537

              Hard-left Democrats plot to unseat ‘failing’ Joe Biden

              Joe Biden faces the prospect of a primary challenge from the left wing of the Democratic Party amid unrest over his age, poll ratings and failure to push through his legislative agenda.

              The president enters 2022 in a vulnerable position, with polling indicating the Republicans are well-placed to seize control of the House of Representatives in November’s midterms.

              Biden was dealt a serious blow last month when Joe Manchin, a Democratic senator from the conservative state of West Virginia, all but doomed the flagship “Built Back Better” plan, which had been the linchpin of his domestic agenda. Adding to the uncertainty surrounding the White House is Biden’s age: he will be 82 shortly after the 2024 presidential election.

              Corbin Trent, co-founder of the progressive No Excuses political action committee – and former communications director for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a leading light on the American left – told Politico: “He’s deeply unpopular. He’s old as shit. He’s largely been ineffective. And I think he’ll probably get demolished in the midterms. DC is filled with people who want to be president.”

              It is considered unlikely that any prominent progressive politician would take the risk of challenging Biden. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, for example, have wielded significant influence in the president’s administration. Instead, a challenge could come from lesser-known candidates with little to lose. They could include the former Sanders campaign co-chairman Nina Turner, or Marianne Williamson, a 2020 presidential hopeful who later endorsed Sanders. Joe Sanberg, an entrepreneur in favour of raising the minimum wage to dollars 18 an hour, was another touted as a possible challenger by Politico, though a spokesman denied he would consider running.

              Any contest would have echoes of 1980 when another struggling Democratic president, Jimmy Carter, had to see off a primary challenge from Ted Kennedy. Carter entered the presidential election later that year in a weakened state and lost to Ronald Reagan.

              Jeff Weaver, Sanders’s former presidential campaign manager, predicted that a progressive would emerge to take on Biden. However, he said this would not be a “repudiation” of the president but proof of the party’s shift to the left.

              “Progressives are ultimately ascendant,” Weaver said. “And if nothing else, a progressive running who gets a lot of support will demonstrate that the ideas that the progressive movement embraces are, in fact, popular.”

              Biden was not the progressive choice for president but has largely been praised by the left while in office. He recently supported making an exception to the Senate filibuster rules in order to pass voting rights legislation, a key issue for that wing of the party.

              Should the president decide not to run for re-election, it is considered likely that a strong list of progressive candidates would emerge, possibly including Ocasio-Cortez, who would be 35 and therefore just old enough to qualify.

              Politico reported that progressives will not stand aside if Biden declines to run and throws his support behind Kamala Harris, his vice-president. Harris has endured her own struggles with low poll ratings.

              One in three back violence against government

              More than one in three Americans believe violence against the government can at times be justified, a New Year’s Day poll suggests.

              The figure is higher among Republicans, at 40 per cent, and independent voters, on 41 per cent, but only 23 per cent of Democrats feel that way, according to the Washington Post-University of Maryland survey.

              The percentage of American adults who say violence is justified in some circumstances has been rising steadily: in 2015, a poll found that 23 per cent of respondents were in favour while in 2010 the figure was just 16 per cent.

              A majority, 62 per cent, still believe that violence against the government can never be justified, but that number has dropped since the 1990s, when it was as high as 90 per cent.

              It is almost a year since Donald Trump supporters, fired up by his false claims of election fraud, attacked the US Capitol building in an attempt to stop the process formalising Joe Biden’s victory.
              Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


              • kompir
                • Jan 2015
                • 537

                ‘What’s the plan?’: Australia needs to prepare for the collapse of American democracy

                American democracy has always been uneven. A nation founded on dispossession and enslavement, still grappling with the living legacies of those terrible injustices, cannot honestly call itself a true democracy. It was not until the 1960s that the United States took genuine steps towards inclusive democracy, with the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts. Half a century later, those hard-won victories now face the biggest threats of their relatively short existence.

                As the US commemorates the first anniversary of the failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021, the focus is overwhelmingly on how to stop those threats from being realised.

                The signs aren’t exactly heartening. Right-wing media continues to promote the “big lie” about the 2020 election, very deliberately laying the groundwork for the next one, voting rights reform is wobbling, and the almost daily revelations from the January 6 congressional investigation are having very little impact.

                Meanwhile, the big reforms that need to happen to strengthen American democracy – from the Supreme Court, to voting rights, to media control – are either stalling or not on the agenda.

                The undoing of the United States’ democratic legacy, and the loss of even its imperfect democracy, would be catastrophic for the United States – and for the rest of the world, too. As much as the focus should be on what failure might mean for Americans themselves, the implications are far, far wider.

                If, as historians, political scientists and even some members of Congress are warning, January 6 and Donald Trump’s campaign to subvert the election was a test run for the November 2022 mid-terms or the 2024 presidential elections – what does that mean for the rest of us?

                Foreign policy experts might worry about the consequences for American “credibility”. They might wonder about how backsliding democracy in America could encourage bad actors elsewhere, or which grasping powers might seek to fill a United States-shaped hole in global power structures.

                Those concerns belie a sense of normality that simply does not apply in this scenario. Handwringing about American credibility is nothing new. What is new is just how close American democracy is to catastrophic collapse.

                For better and worse, American power shapes our everyday lives. The United States plays the leading role in the fate of our politics, economics, and environment.

                What happens if all of that might falls into the hands of a leader installed by fascists and conspiracy theorists into an office that already has too much power and too little accountability?

                The rest of the world wonders. In Canada, debate is already raging over what one of the United States’ closest neighbours and allies should do if those expert predictions are realised. Europeans – already practiced at distancing themselves from their great protector when a little buffer is required – look warily across the Atlantic, sceptical of Joe Biden’s efforts to renew democracy abroad while his administration fails to do the hard work at home.

                In Australia, meanwhile: silence.

                This country is, as we have been told repeatedly by successive prime ministers and presidents of all major parties on both sides of the Pacific, the United States’ best friend in the world.

                So, what’s the plan, if the apparently fundamental value of democracy we share with that very best of friends disappears overnight, as it very nearly did one year ago?

                Australia is more closely integrated with the American military industrial complex than most of the rest of the world. Our continent hosts several “joint” defence facilities, including the one at Pine Gap. Australia is a member of the “Five Eyes” intelligence (spying) architecture. Every year, over 2,000 US Marines spend a rotation in the Northern Territory. And through AUKUS, Australia is being further integrated into an aggressive forward “defence” strategy in the Pacific. What does it mean for us, if our so-called “partner” in all this can no longer be called a democracy?

                Australia is already deeply implicated in the exercise of American power. That security enmeshment has long had loud, enthusiastic champions – too many of whom are also enthusiastic about the forces behind January 6. Underneath that is, surely, the accompanying assumption that even if the worst were to happen, the United States would remain on our side.

                And well it might. The implications of that, too, are devastating. What happens to us, or to other people, if American democracy collapses and a new kind of power suddenly has those “joint” facilities at its disposal? Could we extract ourselves? Would our government even want to? And what would be the implications for our own domestic politics, as local versions of the January 6 rioters are already starting their own fires?

                President Biden’s hope is that America’s “better angels” will always prevail over its “darkest impulses”. We’d better hope so too, because right now, hope is all we’ve got.
                Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  I stopped reading after this:

                  As the US commemorates the first anniversary of the failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021, the focus is overwhelmingly on how to stop those threats from being realised.
                  If we believe this, then perhaps we will believe anything.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                  • kompir
                    • Jan 2015
                    • 537

                    I didn't post it because it was accurate Risto, I posted it because the MIC is trying to light the tyres on a civil war over there.
                    Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      Originally posted by kompir View Post
                      I didn't post it because it was accurate Risto, I posted it because the MIC is trying to light the tyres on a civil war over there.
                      I understand. The civil unrest was created to get Biden in. They need it to continue if Brandon is gonna stay licking ice creams.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        Kamala Harris equates January 6th to Pearl Harbor and 9/11


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          Sick fucking people. Maybe they need someone like Chris Hansen to pay them a visit, after he deals with his own legal issues.

                          USA Today published an article on Monday that argued about the misconceptions the public has on pedophiles, which ignited a firestorm of backlash on social media. The article was originally titled, "What the public keeps getting wrong about pedophilia" written by national correspondent Alia E. Dastagir. Throughout the article, Dastagir cites researchers who study pedophilia who argue that pedophilia, or the attraction to minors, is "misunderstood" as being synonymous with child sexual abuse.

                          "Pedophilia is viewed as among the most horrifying social ills. But scientists who study the sexual disorder say it is also among the most misunderstood," Dastagir wrote. "When most of the public thinks of pedophilia, they assume it's synonymous with child sexual abuse, a pervasive social problem that has exploded to crisis levels online. Researchers who study pedophilia say the term describes an attraction, not an action, and using it interchangeably with ‘abuse’ fuels misperceptions."

                          USA Today promoted the piece with several tweets throughout Tuesday. "When most of the public thinks of pedophilia, they assume it's synonymous with child sexual abuse. A pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to children, but not all pedophiles abuse kids, and some people who sexually abuse kids are not pedophiles," one tweet read. Critics wasted no time in slamming USA Today for publishing the article with many claiming they are attempting to normalize pedophilia.

                          Newsbusters’ Curtis Houck tweeted, "Ah, yes. Here we go with the liberal media celebrating and trying to normalize pedophilia. That's right, folks. @USAToday, trying to destigmatize...grown adults having sex with little kids." "USA TODAY TRIES TO "UNDERSTAND" PEDOPHILES!!! To me (and probably anyone who has been watching) this is nothing more than the first step of trying to normalize this kind of behavior," Donald Trump Jr. wrote.

                          After intense backlash on Twitter, USA Today deleted the original Twitter thread and posted a new thread to explain. "A previous thread did not include all information and the story it was written about is behind a paywall. We made the decision to delete the thread," USA Today wrote. "The initial thread lacked the context that was within the story and we made the decision the pull down the entire thread." The article, however, remained on the site, but the title was changed to "The complicated research behind pedophilia."
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Karposh
                            • Aug 2015
                            • 863

                            Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                            Sick fucking people. Maybe they need someone like Chris Hansen to pay them a visit, after he deals with his own legal issues.
                            Just give it time SoM. It won't be long now before many will accuse you of being bigoted and narrow-minded for harbouring such hateful views. I've noticed this attempt at trying to normalise pedophilia happening quite a lot lately. They're slowly throwing it out there and hoping it will eventually get accepted and normalised. The more people remain silent when these sickos express their seemingly harmless and innocent opinions, the sooner these sick perversions will become mainstream.

                            The slippery slope conservatives spoke about when the whole same-sex marriage debate was going on was blasted and ridiculed by mainstream media and now it's slowly becoming a reality. I can't remember the exact name (& I'm not about to google it) but there is actually a group advocating for their acceptance as people who are attracted to children. I think they call themselves MAPs - Minor Attracted People. This is their preferred term rather than the harsh-sounding "PEDOPHILES". It's disgusting, it needs to be called out and these sickos need to be chemically castrated or, better still, shot point-blank.


                            • Karposh
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 863

                              Originally posted by Carlin View Post
                              Kamala Harris equates January 6th to Pearl Harbor and 9/11
                              What was most surprising about the January 6th "anniversary", as if it needed to be commemorated as such (it was barely a riot), was Ted Cruise, the Republican senator saying it was a terrorist act. Tucker Carlson called him out on his show for it and Ted, realising he fucked up, went on Tucker's show to try and explain himself the very next day. He tried to explain his brain fart by saying it was "sloppy" of him to use the word "terrorist" to describe the events of January 6th and that he didn't really mean it to which Tucker shred him to pieces. Ted Cruise is apparently a lawyer who is acutely aware that words carry meaning and that he would never choose to use such a loaded word as "terrorist". "So why did you say it?" was Tucker's question to Ted. His response was pathetic and killed off any credibility he may have had thus far with conservatives.


                              • Soldier of Macedon
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 13675

                                Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                                What was most surprising about the January 6th "anniversary", as if it needed to be commemorated as such (it was barely a riot), was Ted Cruise, the Republican senator saying it was a terrorist act. Tucker Carlson called him out on his show for it and Ted, realising he fucked up, went on Tucker's show to try and explain himself the very next day. He tried to explain his brain fart by saying it was "sloppy" of him to use the word "terrorist" to describe the events of January 6th and that he didn't really mean it to which Tucker shred him to pieces. Ted Cruise is apparently a lawyer who is acutely aware that words carry meaning and that he would never choose to use such a loaded word as "terrorist". "So why did you say it?" was Tucker's question to Ted. His response was pathetic and killed off any credibility he may have had thus far with conservatives.
                                Some democrats were comparing the incident of January 6 with 9/11 and Pearl Harbour. One even drew some weird connection with Nazi concentration camps. A disgraceful trivialisation of what people had to endure in the past. Some of the things that happened that day were wrong, but they are so desperate to highlight this one disruptive event carried out by conservatives, where no building was burnt and no person was killed by the people who entered the capital, and where there is credible evidence that an infiltrator was instigating the crowd - a crowd supposedly made up of insurrectionists. Yet, for months prior, American cities were under duress, buildings were on fire and people were killed by rioting mobs aligned with the left. These people, of course, were characterised as peaceful protesters. Go figure. Tucker Carlson's documentary on the incident of January 6 is revealing. I was disappointed in Ted Cruz. I thought he showed a lot of thick skin to get over the distasteful exchanges he had with Trump during the primaries for the 2016 elections and he actually worked constructively with the latter thereafter. That earned him respect, but his recent comments were pathetic and he was rightly called out by Tucker Carlson.
                                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

