Mak Govt Ambassadors who go beyond their powers & want Macedonian name change are out

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  • iceman
    • Sep 2008
    • 132

    Mak Govt Ambassadors who go beyond their powers & want Macedonian name change are out

    Maktel: Government will declare persona non grata the ambassadors of the US, EU, Germany, UK and Netherlands

    16.04.16 12:33
    Read: 3,014

    In the coming days will be declared persona non grata, the ambassadors of the US, EU, ​​Germany, UK and the Netherlands, reported portal Maktel citing sources from the Foreign Ministry.


    President Gjorge Ivanov sent orders to the MFA is preparing an action plan for the diplomatic war with the entire West in expelling the ambassadors of the US, EU, UK, Germany and the Netherlands, writes portal.

    "The plan was to try to explain to countries that Macedonia has a problem in their countries, but only has a problem with their ambassadors who have made an error in its operation and caught by the Macedonian politics and thus allegedly exceeded their powers.

    The plan was to move to buy time until the election sent new ambassadors to go and then to improve relations with these countries. It did plan and estimate how much will this cost the country and the regime that you get and what you lose by such a move.

    It assessed the part of the public will she accepted the move with enthusiasm because you nastapelo with strong media that the move is a rebellion against Macedonia cursed west who wants to change our name.

    This plan was sent among Stavrevski the Treasury to see if it led to the bankruptcy of the country and were required to prepare a plan for taking loans from China, Russia, India, Syria, Turkey, Hungary and other regimes and countries give support to regimes around the world.

    I do plan to sell Power Corporation and other gold chickens that can bring money to the survival of the regime after the expected impact of the IMF, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other banks and financial institutions are expected to close valves land in open conflict with the West.

    One of nepoznanicite was the reaction of DUI this operation if you know that all the time they advocate and represent as propazapadni oriented. Allegedly, Ali Ahmeti promised to make naudren in exchange for saving his men from going to prison for Telecom affair and other cases that are expected to open SLI.

    The move was inevitable because in parallel we will ukinelo SLI will zapechatele their offices and obvinitelkite you were literally thrown out on the street and declared certain political and unprofessional and unnecessary after the abolition of Ivanov.

    He did plan and how to improve relations with the West after the elections and whether the West will recognize them and if you do not recognize. Plans were made for instructions to all our ambassadors to lay on such a resolution and secession of western Macedonia and oversteer towards Russia and East ", writes portal Maktel.

    Ivanov yesterday sent a warning to the ambassadors.

    - I urge the international community to pay attention to why their actions may be misunderstood - said Ivanov.
    Last edited by iceman; 04-16-2016, 07:48 AM.