Macedonians Storm Parliament

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  • Karposh
    • Aug 2015
    • 863

    Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
    When Gruevski placed Xhaferi in charge of the army, I didn't see a single protester come out to voice their concern towards Gruevski or against the Albanianization of the nation's military.

    Zaev places Xhaferi as speaker of the assembly and total chaos erupts.

    Please, someone put Xhaferi back in charge of the army!

    Under Gruevski's government, Albanian signs were installed in the Municipality of Centar where there are only 1,465 Albanians (3% of the population). Funny how no one protested.

    Official documents were also issued in the Albanian language under Gruevski's government. In Rankovce Municipality in eastern Macedonia, where there are ZERO Albanians (0% of the population), traffic licences were issued in Albanian. Funny how no one dared to protest against Gruevski/DPMNE on this issue.
    The only way I can explain that, I suppose, is that this latest move was seen as the straw that finally broke the camel's back. People have said it many times on this forum that we Macedonians are notoriously good at taking shit all the time (from everyone). We just put up with it. Finally, enough is enough I guess. All those treacherous acts by our politicians in the past (and present) have finally started to wear thin with Macedonians and the resentment has started to bubble through the extremely thick Macedonian skin.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      I don't see Serbs as being any different to Greeks or Bulgarians. I'll never offer any of them an universal support. Individuals are another matter of course.

      I couldn't care less about their supposed well meaning intentions. I've seen the respect Serbs receive from Macedonians from RoMacedonia. It's a Yugo remnant and doesn't apply for any other Macedonians.

      Originally posted by Karposh View Post
      I would much prefer to let the Red-Star fans know that their support is appreciated. Disrespecting and insulting their well-meaning intentions is not cool at all. And, if they happen to side with the Greeks tomorrow, when the wind blows in from a different direction, well then, that's a judgement we can reserve for another day. But, on its merit today, the Serbian sentiments are welcome and a little decorum would be the order of the day I would suggest.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • vicsinad
        Senior Member
        • May 2011
        • 2337

        Originally posted by Karposh View Post
        I would much prefer to let the Red-Star fans know that their support is appreciated. Disrespecting and insulting their well-meaning intentions is not cool at all. And, if they happen to side with the Greeks tomorrow, when the wind blows in from a different direction, well then, that's a judgement we can reserve for another day. But, on its merit today, the Serbian sentiments are welcome and a little decorum would be the order of the day I would suggest.
        I wasn't disrespecting the Serbs. I was making a point about who is really behind the assault on Macedonia's politicians yesterday. It wasn't the average Macedonian citizen rebelling against the current Macedonian system. It was DPMNE's associates.

        So what kind of Macedonian movement will it be when its Ustashe-sympathizers, Belgrade soccer fans, and DPMNE associates taking down parliament?

        Not a Macedonian one.
        Last edited by vicsinad; 04-28-2017, 12:17 PM.


        • vicsinad
          Senior Member
          • May 2011
          • 2337

          Originally posted by Karposh View Post
          Finally, enough is enough I guess. All those treacherous acts by our politicians in the past (and present) have finally started to wear thin with Macedonians and the resentment has started to bubble through the extremely thick Macedonian skin.
          Correction: only the treacherous acts of SDSM politicians. Treacherous acts of DPMNE politicians don't phase the current protesters. I wonder why?


          • Carlin
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 3332

            I just found this on youtube .. just sharing - Заев: "Ќе ја водам оваа земја затоа што верувам дека вреди `се за што се залагаме"


            • vicsinad
              Senior Member
              • May 2011
              • 2337

              Zaev claims Ahemit's absence from Parliament yesterday was no accident:

              Заев: Ахмети вчера беше отсутен намерно, со причина, координирано и договорено (ВИДЕО)
              Отсуството на Али Ахмети беше осмислено, и со причина. Причината претпоставувам дека самите можете да ја извлечете со анализа. Тоа беше координирано и договорено, со намера да не биде присутен таму, одговори Зоран Заев на денешната прес-конференција на прашањето како го коментира отсуството на лидерот на ДУИ, Али Ахмети, негов коалиционен партнер, на вчерашните немири во Собранието.


              • Niko777
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2010
                • 1895

                It seems the Gruevski-Ahmeti partnership is a lot stronger than anyone would have previously thought. It doesn't surprise me though. If people here recall during the last local elections DPMNE supporters were gathering people from Pustec to vote in municipalities where they were losing to SDSM candidates. They completely ignored the Municipality of Kichevo where Macedonians lost to DUI's candidate for mayor with a slim margin and hence starting a new process of Albanianization in that town.


                • vicsinad
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2011
                  • 2337

                  Looks like the HOS-shirt guy is associated with the brilliant and admirable "Vlado Chernozemski" club.

                  Macedonia's finest taking down parliament.

                  Last edited by vicsinad; 04-28-2017, 02:02 PM.


                  • Gocka
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 2306

                    Then people wonder why the diaspora has no credibility, I'll tell you why, because its collectively full of shit. Last month we would have loved to hang Grujo, now I'm supposed to pretend that he is going to be the protector of democracy and sovereignty in Macedonia?

                    I wouldn't be surprised if the dudes in masks were DUI affiliates, awfully big coincidence that Ahmeti wasn't there and Sela of all people is beaten to a pulp, while Zaev gets a scratch and Xaferi not even that much.

                    Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                    Looks like the HOS-shirt guy is associated with the brilliant and admirable "Vlado Chernozemski" club.

                    Macedonia's finest taking down parliament.



                    • Niko777
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 1895

                      The Economist: Macedonian nationalists storm the parliament to hold on to power

                      A party backed by Russia fears that losing office might mean jail for some of its leaders



                      • Karposh
                        • Aug 2015
                        • 863

                        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                        I don't see Serbs as being any different to Greeks or Bulgarians. I'll never offer any of them an universal support. Individuals are another matter of course.

                        I couldn't care less about their supposed well meaning intentions. I've seen the respect Serbs receive from Macedonians from RoMacedonia. It's a Yugo remnant and doesn't apply for any other Macedonians.
                        You have missed the point I was trying to make Risto...Yet again. I wasn't offering my universal support for Serbia and the Serbs but expressing my token of appreciation to some of them for offering their support to us. Whether a Serb, a Bulgarian, Greek or North Korean, for that matter, stands up to declare that they are prepared to fight alongside Macedonians for Macedonia, then I will tell them thankyou for the gesture and let them know that it is appreciated. Individuals or a whole bunch of them (my appreciation is not limited to just a few).
                        Incidentally, you're wrong about some kind of Yugoslav nostalgia that I might be experiencing. No doubt it applies to some but Yugoslav nostalgia doesn't apply to me either and I'm not even from Aegean Macedonia.


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          My experience is that when we talk about the wolves who conspired to steal Macedonia, Serbs are not placed in the same category as the rest by RoMacedonians. Some misplaced nostalgia seems to get in the way.

                          But I genuinely feel better to learn that you would applaud any nation's assistance. Thanks for the clarification.

                          I would just tell all of them to move along. That's it's a Macedonian issue that needs to be dealt with by Macedonians.

                          In fact, this could be a nation building or defining moment.

                          But who are we kidding?
                          Last edited by Risto the Great; 04-28-2017, 07:37 PM.
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • Pelagonija
                            • Mar 2017
                            • 533

                            The apathy on this forum is rather disappointing. It seems that the Macedonian people are resigned to the the fact Macedonia will become a Federal state and Macedonians as a people will continue to lose control of more lands to the egg heads.

                            Can anyone logically tell me why we even left Yugoslavia? If our people are so incompetent and have a government which they deserve then why not just;

                            1- Partition Macedonia on Ethnic lines and make a mini ethnically clean state.
                            2- Merge with Serbia or Bulgaria? Keep our christian culture.

                            FFS the US are even having congressional discussions regarding money spent and interference in Macedonia.. but hey it's ok let's accept it as Gruo is just as bad.

                            Not sure what this triggered this artificial crisis, though I can assure you Gruo must have pissed off his western overlords by siding with Russia on what ever reason.. whether that was not supporting sanctions against Russia or whatever. ZZ and Gruo are both farked and corrupted hence makes no logic.

                            Macedonians are truly the dumbest people. And sorry if I offended anyone re merger with RS of BG, I know how TITO taught our parents hatred against our neighbours for expansionist purposes..

                            Bloody bizzare it's ok we merge with the Albanians.


                            • Pelagonija
                              • Mar 2017
                              • 533


                              All this is a battle between the gay liberal left and right..

                              Both are corrupt yet the fact is the right is closer to ones nationalistic tendencies. History, what has the left given us? EU, multiculturalism, communism, marriage equality and the end of moral values, but hey it's ok.. they have made us fight over nothing and the albs will be the winners

