Macedonians Storm Parliament

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  • Bill77
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 4545

    Dear oh dear........

    This man once boasted he "Will be eating people alive" and gives us this pose
    Is responsible for Macedonias future.... Let that sink in.


    • Phoenix
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 4671

      Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
      Dear oh dear........

      This man once boasted he "Will be eating people alive" and gives us this pose
      Is responsible for Macedonias future.... Let that sink in.

      Clearly still exhibiting the symptoms of having an altered conscious state, after having a camera tripod smashed across his head...god damn that bloke for not hitting Zaev harder...


      • Vangelovski
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 8533

        Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
        Clearly still exhibiting the symptoms of having an altered conscious state, after having a camera tripod smashed across his head...god damn that bloke for not hitting Zaev harder...
        Zaev telling his mates how it went down...
        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


        • Redsun
          • Jul 2013
          • 409

          As a result of what has happened recently, have any new parties formed?


          • makgerman
            • Nov 2009
            • 145

            Originally posted by Redsun View Post
            As a result of what has happened recently, have any new parties formed?
            Something I have been trying to put out across to many Macedonians in Macedonia and here in Australia.

            The biggest problem is convincing them as they are strictly DPMNE or SDS party orientated always blaming the other party.

            Gruevski and Co have supported corruption and the terrorists without the courage to object to the West's demands that are against Macedonia's interests.

            Zaevi is and will be remembered as one of the many, if not the biggest traitors in our history - which means the quicker we get him out of poltics the better it will be for everyone in Macedonia.

            I personally believe "Za Zaednicka Makedonija" protesters have a good purpose for everyone in Macedonia of all races and what they protest against is valid. Their main problem is they don't have a Plan B.

            They have realised that EU/NATO/US and all of our neighbours don't give a damn about our values or on whether we are around as a nation tomorrow.

            Many of the protestors and ordinary people following the news have also realised that DPMNE, SDS and all Albanian parties are not to be trusted. It is an ideal time to convince the same people to create the third party. The third party should represent the honest swinging voters that can also act as the "police party" whose main policy will be to represent all Macedonians and it's minorities under the current borders and to improve the quality of their lives.
            Finding a leader who can put this message across to the pepole should be their main purpose right now.

            That's my opinion only.
            Last edited by makgerman; 05-05-2017, 07:24 PM. Reason: Spelling/Grammar


            • vicsinad
              Senior Member
              • May 2011
              • 2337

              Serbian news is reporting that since December, 800 KLA fighters have moved into Macedonia...Serbian police state they informed Macedonian police . (I put the Serbian title than the google translate below).

              "U Makedoniju s KiM ušlo 800 naoružanih veterana OVK"

              Srpske službe bezbednosti otkrile su da je oko 800 naoružanih veterana ozloglašene OVK sa Kosova i Metohije ušlo na teritoriju Makedonije.

              "In Macedonia, with whom entered 800 armed veterans of the KLA"

              Serbian security services found that about 800 armed veterans of the notorious KLA in Kosovo and Metohija has entered the territory of Macedonia.

              As "Vecernje Novosti", this maneuver was carried out on two occasions, according to operative data, Albanian extremists were equipped with automatic rifles. On the Macedonian territory threw themselves in groups and secretly transferred and loaded weapons.

              How to convey our well-informed sources, the first movement of former members of the KLA to Macedonia registered late last year and timed to coincide with a meeting of representatives of all Albanians in the region, held in Albania on 23 December.

              Practically applied the same scenario as when once ready foci in the southern Serbian province, a weapons horse-drawn vehicles and on horses transported from Albania into Kosovo, write "News" and added that in this secret meeting whistle for aggressive revival of the "Great Albania ".

              Also present were the political leaders of Albanians from Kosovo, south of central Serbia, Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro, as well as veterans of the notorious KLA and its branches - Liberation Army of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, the paper said.

              Our services are second sweep of extremists from Kosovo recorded a month and a half. According to intelligence information, the two main corridors of movement of these groups - to the municipalities of Lipkovo and Aracinovo, on the north and south of Macedonia. Surprisingly, the Macedonian authorities had taken no action although they Serbian security officials informed.

              According to the information sheet, one channel, one to the villages of Lipkovo, which are located in the north of Macedonia and touch with the territory of the southern Serbian province, a few days ago was cut.

              Military Security Agency (VBA) last week seized the south of central Serbia large quantity of weapons that are assumed to be illegal should be transported to Macedonia. Arsenal was discovered in the municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac.

              The implementation of this action, it is assumed that she was going "under the baton" of a new generation of extreme Albanians in southern Serbia, leading to "an army of criminals" (engaged in the smuggling of narcotics, weapons and migrants) and that, if necessary, can easily be transformed into a terrorist organization.

              Selamakedonskih Aracinovo and Lipkovo municipalities, which are the majority of Albanians, afflicted by the crisis and in March 2016, when the information appears that there was a decline in terrorist groups from Kosovo.

              Then, the Macedonian police say that there is no room for panic and that was after the check established that there was no decline. According to the official version, during the search of multiple locations found only group of asylum seekers who are residents kept in captivity against their will, write "News".
              Last edited by vicsinad; 05-05-2017, 08:57 PM.


              • Pelagonija
                • Mar 2017
                • 533

                Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                Clearly still exhibiting the symptoms of having an altered conscious state, after having a camera tripod smashed across his head...god damn that bloke for not hitting Zaev harder...
                Almost threw up when i saw this pic..

                For the love of god, cant he just call gruo and say listen mate.. lets just call it a draw and step down from politics.. ill take you to my villa in greece and we'll go fishing whislt the kids play together.. im sure they have enough money..

                Speaking of alternatives.. Not sure why stojance didnt get more votes? he at least a lost a kidney for MKD.. maybe we could start a crowd funding campaign and get behind a third party alternative..


                • Phoenix
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4671

                  Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                  .. maybe we could start a crowd funding campaign and get behind a third party alternative..
                  ...they'd steal the money and run.

                  I'm convinced this entire mess has everything to do with money and very little to do with any sense of pride, Macedonian nationalism or sovereignty over the Macedonian state.

                  Both main Macedonian parties have proven their willingness to lie down with dogs, if it means the continual fleecing of the state, uninterrupted and with total impunity.

                  Meanwhile, that wretched lot that sides with Zaev will strip themselves of all dignity in exchange for promises of fools gold...


                  • DraganOfStip
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 1253

                    Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                    Not sure why stojance didnt get more votes? he at least a lost a kidney for MKD...
                    IMO he may be the only genuine person out there of all the vultures fighting for a piece of the corpse.
                    He almost lost his life for this country and as gratitude he and his wife were fired from the police and left on their own. That's no way to treat a war hero.
                    I think the reason he got little votes is because he sided with Ljubco Vojvoda and Brat Ljube, who are equally as bad as Grujo or Zajko. I don't justify this decision of his, but I can somehow understand it considering Dostoinstvo has small membership and I guess he just needed the support from other parties to accumulate more votes.
                    He needs to detach himself of any affiliation with these traitors and form a genuine patriotic party. A bit more advertising and field activities would be a good first step into winning voters. Unlike the above, he has proven himself when the country needed him the most and hasn't betrayed the national interests. He has no criminal past and isn't involved in any political schemes (that I know of). So if anyone deserves a shot,I believe it's him.
                    ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                    ― George Orwell


                    • vicsinad
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2011
                      • 2337

                      Originally posted by Tomche Makedonche View Post
                      Just wanted to touch on this to highlight where I believe our thoughts differ with this option. I think the assumption here is that when Zajko forms government, the first item on his list would be implementing the demands in the Tirana Platform. Whilst this may be the case, I think it would be pretty idiotic for SDS to approach it in this fashion. I think their priority would be to disperse the current nationalistic movement by replacing it with something else, and the best way to do it is through distraction, and the best distraction is to go ahead with what SDS’s platform has espoused for the past two years, prosecuting the DPNE leadership to hold them to account for the corruption exposed through the wiretaps. The public prosecution of the DPNE leadership will serve to distance SDS from the Tirana platform by promoting the perception that the Tirana platform was not really the primary concern or big deal that DPNE tried to make it out to be. The prosecution of DPNE’s leadership will obviously take a while, lets just say about a year, and throughout that period will become the centre of media and public attention. In the meantime, SDS will be rewarding their affiliates and supporters with the usual positions in government and the public sector, effectively attaining the type of financial leverage over their own supporters that DPNE currently hold on their supporters (again the state will continue to be captured by the political elite, the only thing changing being the captor). By the end of that 12 month process, with the DPNE leadership effectively incarcerated, effectively rendering the only government opposition in dysfunctional tatters, with public opinion and their supporter base disenfranchised, and financial leverage attained over SDS’s own supporter base, well then that would probably be the most opportune time to put into effect the implementation of the Tirana Platform as agreed when forming government, most likely under the table, in small drips, no different to what DPNE have, and most likely would have, been doing.
                      I think all bets are on that Tirana Platform will be on full sprint from the start line. Even "leftist-SDSM" commentators are calling out Albania's decision:

                      Meta invites new Speaker of Macedonian Parliament Talat Xhaferi to Albania
                      By Sonila Mehmeti
                      Posted on 14:12 - 6 May 2017

                      meta-696x464-300x200TIRANA, May 6 (ATA) – Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta has extended an official invitation to the new Speaker of Macedonian Parliament Talat Xhaferi. In a message addressed to Xhaferi, Meta asserts his readiness to foster the relations between the two parliaments.

                      “I avail myself of the opportunity to express my congratulations on your election and invite you to make an official visit to Albania at the head of a parliamentary delegation. Macedonia is an important neighbor, also thanks to Albanian state-building factor,” Meta is quoted as saying in his message.

                      Putting emphasis on further consolidation of cross-parliamentary relations, Meta says: All we stand for is peace, stability and prosperity for all citizens of Macedonia and our cooperation will help carry its European prospect forward,” the incumbent Parliament Speaker of Albania is quoted as saying.

                      I think SDSM supporters and more passive/inactive Macedonians will continue to react against the Tirana Platform now that it shows no signs of being put on hold.


                      • vicsinad
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2011
                        • 2337

                        “SDS was quiet when the Albanian flag was placed in the cabinet of the president of the Parliament. Now SDS is quiet after Talat Xhaferi’s statement that he will make the Albanian language official on the whole territory and the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia will be the third Parliament in the region where the sessions will be held in the Albanian language” said the VMRO-DPMNE’s regular morning press release.

                        The press release states that “this time the whole of the country is becoming a victim of an anti-state behavior on part of Zaev and SDS.”

                        -In order to save themselves from a responsibility for done crimes, Zaev and SDS are ready to sell the state and national interests of Macedonia – said the press release.
                        "SDS was quiet when the Albanian flag was placed in the cabinet of the president of the Parliament. Now SDS is quiet after Talat Xhaferi's statement that he will make the Albanian language official on


                        • Gocka
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2012
                          • 2306

                          The "revolt" seems to have died down a bit, or maybe everyone was busy this weekend?


                          • Albo
                            • May 2014
                            • 304

                            Autocracy has Fallen in Macedonia - Nationalism Has Not - See more at:



                            • mklion
                              • Jun 2014
                              • 100

                              What I find really strange in all of this is that we saw pics of a bloodied Sela who looked almost unrecognizable all podujan in the face.

                              A week​ or so later his face is (although extremely ugly) all healed up

                              Very strange. I'm not much into conspiracy theories but something feels weird about this.


                              • Phoenix
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 4671

                                Originally posted by mklion View Post
                                What I find really strange in all of this is that we saw pics of a bloodied Sela who looked almost unrecognizable all podujan in the face.

                                A week​ or so later his face is (although extremely ugly) all healed up

                                Very strange. I'm not much into conspiracy theories but something feels weird about this.

                                I've been arguing this point since his pictures were first posted on this theory is that it was either totally staged or he merely suffered a very minor facial injury.

                                I'm leaning toward the staged theory...because the pics don't make too much sense...consider when he's removed from parliament by his arms and legs and his face, like a limp rag doll and his face is COMPLETELY covered in blood...and yet his white business shirt and his suit are blood free...I'm tipping if your face is unrecognisable with so much blood and you're a limp blob, you've probably copped a fairly brutal beating that would result in deep lacerations of the face, a broken nose possibly or perhaps broken teeth or a combination of all three...and yet his face was covered in blood but not a drop of blood on his white shirt...with a beating like that his clothing would've been dyed blood red...even the pics of his subsequent medical treatment didn't make any sense from a first aid or medical protocol sense for somebody who was allegedly "fighting for his life"...

                                He could've suffered a very minor facial injury that was far worse than it looked because of the propensity for the face to bleed profusely (consider even the slightest razor cut when you shave with a blunt razor) due to the many blood vessels close to the skin surface on the face and head.
                                Perhaps he copped a minor cut to the face or he might be a natural bleeder even with a slight knock to the nose...he rubs blood all over his face, makes himself relatively unrecognisable and gets his goons to rush him out of harms way and he continue with the lie from a position of safety, great fodder for the imbecile element within the shiptar goat fucking community that see such cowardice as 'martyrdom'...
                                Last edited by Phoenix; 05-08-2017, 08:47 AM.

