Violence in the USA

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  • VMRO
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    Is it safe to assume all the antifa people are fighting to give the USA back to the native Indians?
    I don't think they have thought that far ahead...

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  • Risto the Great
    Is it safe to assume all the antifa people are fighting to give the USA back to the native Indians?

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  • Carlin
    Protesters tore down a George Washington statue and set a fire on its head

    A crowd of protesters gathered around a statue of George Washington in Portland, Oregon, on Thursday night and lit a fire on its head before pulling it to the ground.

    (CNN) - A crowd of protesters gathered around a statue of George Washington in Portland, Oregon, on Thursday night and lit a fire on its head before pulling it to the ground.

    Photos and video from the scene showed that the statue was spray painted with "Genocidal Colonist," "You're on native lands," "BLM" and "Big Floyd" -- presumably referring to George Floyd, who died last month at the hands of Minneapolis police.

    It was also tagged with 1619, which is a reference to the year the first slaves were brought to what is now the United States.
    Portland Police said the group ran off and there have been no arrests.

    On Sunday, protesters pulled down a statue of Thomas Jefferson outside of a Portland high school named after the third president and spray painted "slave owner" and George Floyd's name on its base, CNN affiliate KOIN reported.

    Both Washington and Jefferson owned hundreds of slaves during their lifetimes.

    Police said hundreds of people held a peaceful rally on Thursday night outside Jefferson High School. Many people there told KOIN that they were ending that event early to rest up for Friday's Juneteenth celebrations commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.
    People around the country are reconsidering the legacies of the founding fathers and other historic figures in response to the massive Black Lives Matter protests against systematic racism and injustice.

    Many cities have moved to take down statues and monuments honoring Confederate figures, and monuments to Christopher Columbus have been criticized because of the explorer's cruel treatment of indigenous people.
    It's a debate that is going on worldwide. Anti-racism protesters in Britain pulled down a statue of slave trader Edward Colston and threw it in a river. Other controversial figures -- including Winston Churchill -- have been targeted. Belgium has also begun removing statues of former King Leopold II for his brutal exploitation of Africa.

    Last edited by Carlin; 06-19-2020, 01:26 PM.

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  • Risto the Great
    What father of three doesn't go home to his three and prefers to sleep in a drive thru of a fast food chain?

    I think there is hope for me. I might be remembered as a saint!

    Was it an over-reaction to shoot the guy after taking a police officer's weapon? I genuinely don't think a white person would have been treated any different in that situation.

    Who knows.

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  • Carlin
    In a response to above, it seems that some Atlanta police officers are not responding to calls in protest.


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  • Soldier of Macedon
    The police bodycam has been released. Prosecutors will decide in the coming days if charges are to be pressed.

    The Atlanta police officer who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks in the car park of a fast-food restaurant has been charged with murder and a warrant issued for his arrest. Officer Garrett Rolfe, who fired the fatal shots, faces 11 charges, including felony murder and one for aggravated assault, after video footage appeared to show him kicking Mr Brooks and standing on his shoulders as he lay dying. Fellow officer Devin Brosnan, who was also on scene and has been put on administrative leave, has been charged with three counts, including a failure to administer timely medical assistance. Paul Howard, Fulton County District Attorney, revealed in a press conference announcing the charges on Wednesday that Mr Brosnan, 26, has agreed to testify against Mr Rolfe, 27.

    Mr Brooks, who is black, was shot on Friday night after staff at a Wendy’s restaurant called police when they found him sleeping in his car, blocking a drive-through lane. The 27-year-old father-of-three attempted to flee officers Rolfe and Brosnan as they tried to arrest Mr Brooks after he failed a sobriety test. Mr Brooks stole a Taser from one of the officers and attempted to fire it in their direction as he ran. He was shot twice in the back. An autopsy ruled his death as homicide. "Mr Brooks was running away at the time the shot was fired," Mr Howard told reporters. "We concluded that, at the time that Mr Brooks was shot, he did not pose an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury to the officers."

    Mr Brooks’ killing reignited protests in Atlanta, Georgia, after days of worldwide demonstrations against racism and police brutality prompted by the death of George Floyd, an African American, in Minneapolis police custody on May 25. Family members, who are preparing for his funeral, say the two officers should have continued to pursue him as he ran away instead of shooting him. His widow, Tomika Miller, had called for the officers to be jailed. “If it was my husband who shot them, he would be in jail,” she said. “He would be doing a life sentence. They need to be put away.” Matt Whitaker, former Acting Attorney General, said that he finds it difficult to see how the fatal shooting of Mr Brooks was "justified." “The community of Atlanta is, obviously, going to put a lot of pressure for justice in Mr. Brooks' case,” Mr Whitaker said. “We’ve all seen the video. We’ve all seen what happened and, I think, it is hard to believe that this killing was justified given all of the video evidence that we have all seen until this point."

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    The shock was widespread when the statue of Robert the Bruce close to the Battle of Bannockburn site was vandalised with graffiti calling one of Scotland’s national heroes a racist.

    The statue of one of Scotland’s national heroes was targeted by anti-racism campaigners with graffiti alluding to the Black Lives Matter protest and carrying the words: “Robert was a racist bring down the statue”. But why was the First King of Scots and leader of Scotland’s forces during much of the first Wars of Independence come under attack by anti-racism campaigners?

    A statement from the Battle of Bannockburn Experience visitor centre has attempted to illuminate the issues surrounding the vandalism, the racism claims and why Bruce has been portrayed in this way. While it is was not immediately apparent what the graffiti was referencing, it may relate to the fact that Bruce had his heart taken on a crusade following his death in 1329, the centre said. The statement added: “Sir James Douglas, who was an experience Scottish war leader and had been personally knighted by the king at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, led a company of seven other knights and 20 squires to southern Spain, where they joined the army of King Alfonso XI of Castile on campaign against the Muslim emirate of Granada. “Douglas and his companions were killed at the Battle of Teba in 1330, fighting troops that would have been predominantly (perhaps exclusively) black. “Some modern histories have sought to present the Scots’ intention as being a peaceful pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem that was merely diverted to warfare in Spain when passage to the Holy Land proved too difficult to manage. “However, it is clear from contemporary sources, such as the safe conduct Edward III had produced so that Douglas’s party could pass through England on their way to the Continent in 1329, or the absolution given by the pope for the removal of the king’s heart, that the Scots intention had been to do battle ‘against Saracens’.” ‘Saracens’ was a word used in medieval Christendom as a ‘catch-all term for Muslims’ and was certainly not a term that anyone every applied to themselves, the centre said. While the religious motivations behind the actions of the Douglas party were obvious, they should not be used to obscure the racial element of the conflict that Scots were involving themselves with, the statement added.

    It said: “Medieval discussions of ‘race’ were not as systemised or rigidly structured as they would become in later centuries. But recent scholarship has shown that colour prejudice existed in the medieval period add that the development of the deeply flawed racial discourse that would emerge in the early modern period had already begun. “The extent to which these broad European trends directly impacted the Scottish political community in general, and King Robert in particular, is limited somewhat by a lack of Scottish sources that discuss the issue. “However, the Scots were certainly well aware of an engaged with ideas from outwith the kingdom and were thus susceptible to this kind of thinking.” It was important that black visitors to the Battle of Bannockburn Visitor Centre felt ‘safe and welcome’, the statement continued. “The Battle of Bannockburn was a hugely significant moment in Scottish history and is part of a heritage that black Scots have as much right to share in as anyone else. We hope that the statue of King Robert stands as a tribute to his achievement in June 1314 and as a representation of the enormous contribution he made in shaping Scotland’s history in the 14th Century and beyond.

    “We are committed to promoting public engagement with his remarkable life story, both the positives and the negatives, in an open and inclusive way, as we seek to be responsive to concerns about our efforts to achieve this,” it said. The centre was “very disappointed” about the vandalism at the Bruce statue at Bannockburn at a time when the National Trust for Scotland, the conservation charity that owns the site, is facing serious financial hardship.
    Wow. It's almost like the Battle of Bannockburn Experience visitor centre is accusing its own people of medieval racism for helping fellow Christians in Spain to fight against the Arab and North African Muslims who invaded the Iberian peninsula, as if the colour of those invaders featured more in the minds of Scottish warriors than supporting the liberation of their co-religionists. This statement and the graffiti on Robert the Bruce's statue is stupid on a multitude of levels.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
    What do these people expect when they resist arrest, steal a police weapon, flee and then try to use that weapon against the police? They need a reality check.
    The police bodycam has been released. Prosecutors will decide in the coming days if charges are to be pressed.

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  • Vangelovski
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    I would like to see how this event is reconciled with those who yell "defund the police".
    Through dialectics. Hegel, Marx's mentor, had an answer to this problem - probably because he knew that some clever clot would one day raise the obvious about socialism.

    Dialectics - the resolution of a contradiction between two ideas through synthesis.

    Thesis: Disband the police
    Antithesis: We need the police
    Marxist dialectic solution: Disband the police because we need them.

    Simple really. If anyone has any further questions, imprison or shoot them.
    Last edited by Vangelovski; 06-15-2020, 02:16 AM.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
    Wild Shootout in Washington D.C. Neighborhood Captured on Video:
    I would like to see how this event is reconciled with those who yell "defund the police".

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  • Vangelovski
    Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
    Wild Shootout in Washington D.C. Neighborhood Captured on Video:
    That wasn't a shootout. Someone sneezed and everyone panicked.

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  • Carlin
    Wild Shootout in Washington D.C. Neighborhood Captured on Video:
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
    The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
    By the time the Soy-viet Union runs its course, I suspect some people will be trying those Asian snail creams to make themselves whiter.

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  • Carlin
    Rayshard Brooks' autopsy shows he was shot in the back twice.
    The two officers involved in the fatal shooting, Garrett Rolfe and Devin Bronsan, were fired and placed on administrative duty, respectively.



    The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects

    Last edited by Carlin; 06-14-2020, 06:55 PM.

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  • Carlin
    California Investigates Hangings of 2 Black Men


    By VOA News
    June 14, 2020

    Officials in two Southern California communities are investigating the hanging deaths of two African American men.

    The body of 24-year-old Robert Fuller was found last week in Palmdale, hanging from a tree near City Hall.

    Late last month, the body of Malcolm Harsch, who was 38, was also found hanging from a tree in Victorville, near a homeless campsite.

    Authorities in both locations initially suspected the men had committed suicide but are now reserving final decisions in response to community uproar and pending further investigation.

    Thousands of people turned out Saturday in Palmdale for a memorial for Fuller. Diamond Alexander, Fuller’s sister, said, “We just want the truth. My brother was not suicidal. He was a survivor.”

    One woman told the Los Angeles Times that while officials suspected “suicide,” she suspected “a lynching.”

    The Harsch family has issued a statement, saying that they “want justice, not comfortable excuses.” They added, “There are many ways to die but considering the current racial tension, a Black man hanging himself from a tree definitely doesn’t sit well with us right now.”

    The U.S. has experienced protests across the country recently in response to the death of George Floyd, an African American man who died after a police officer pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes.

    America has a long history with hanging or lynching black people. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, a museum in Montgomery, Alabama, says it is a “national memorial acknowledging the victims of racial terror lynchings.”

    The museum says on its website that the memorial “is a sacred space for truth-telling and reflection about racial terror in America and its legacy.”

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