Rasmussen to work on finding solution to name dispute
its obviously that FOROG is loosing his backing from their fellowship
The New York Times: Rasmussen to work on finding solution to name dispute between Athens and Skopje
BRUSSELS, August 4. (MIA). NATO's new secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said that he would work to find a solution to the dispute over the name between Athens and Skopje which hinders Macedonia's admission into the Alliance, The New York Times reads Tuesday.
Rasmussen, as daily reads, pointed out this at Sunday's first address as new NATO chief in Brussels.
The New York Times reminds that Greece blocked Macedonia's entry into NATO at Bucharest Summit last year due to name dispute and Greece's insisting the country must not call itself simply Macedonia, which is also the name of a northern Greek region.
The New York Times: Rasmussen to work on finding solution to name dispute between Athens and Skopje
BRUSSELS, August 4. (MIA). NATO's new secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said that he would work to find a solution to the dispute over the name between Athens and Skopje which hinders Macedonia's admission into the Alliance, The New York Times reads Tuesday.
Rasmussen, as daily reads, pointed out this at Sunday's first address as new NATO chief in Brussels.
The New York Times reminds that Greece blocked Macedonia's entry into NATO at Bucharest Summit last year due to name dispute and Greece's insisting the country must not call itself simply Macedonia, which is also the name of a northern Greek region.
its obviously that FOROG is loosing his backing from their fellowship
