Macedonia and the European Union

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    EU Makes a Strong Case why Macedonia should Stay Away

    Greece collapsed economically, terrorists are roaming from Athens to Solun killing journalists and politicians at any location they please, including their homes. Citizens are on 24/7 nation-wide strikes and gasoline outages makes Greece look like Somalia (apology to Somalia, I understand it’s easy to get gasoline there). The latest out of Athens is that the army is patrolling gas stations?

    Last week, Spain’s unemployment hit 20%, and it is expected to collapse just like Greece. Ireland, Hungary, Portugal all claim to be on the verge of becoming ‘hellenized’, economically of course. So far, all of the above mentioned countries that struggle are part of the EU. France and Germany don't struggle (yet) because they control EU's financials.

    Greece’s population went nuts against all of their 'austerity' measures. People will see their pensions slashed, salaries reduced, taxes hiked, longer work hours, and cannot retire early as they used to. By 2018, the retirement age is expected to hit 75. Why all this in Greece? Because it was ordered to do so by the EU. Hell, the EU ordered Greece to start issuing receipts to customers after they purchase an item. Receipts and taxes were both foreign terms until few weeks ago.

    Macedonia is negotiating an entrance in the EU, but needs to change the name because Greece wants us to.
    Is there anyone sane at the EU who believes Greece wants to settle the name issue? What negotiations, what UN, what EU? Greece can’t find itself on a map, because they can’t afford one, and if they could afford one, won’t be able to get to an Atlas store without the Army helping them get to a gas station. Their journalists and policemen are shot at and killed, their Government has yet to explain to its population they need to pay taxes, and we, the Macedonians, are negotiation with Greece to enter the EU? Doesn't this qualify for madness?

    The EU claims “We don’t want to import problems inside the Union”. Really? Is the EU aware that Greece is a member of their Union, which by virtue means EU already has problems? Is the EU aware that Greece has been in turmoil because they can’t accept European laws?
    While Macedonia has already accepted/passed EU laws (without people getting murdered), it’s still not good enough because we are outside of the Union, but for Greece is all right not to accept European standards, because they are already in the Union?

    The conclusion is obvious. Macedonia doesn’t have a competent (sane) side to negotiate with. It would be better and more realistic for the UN to take over negotiations from Greece, or cut off all negotiations because this is leading nowhere. Greece has not yet developed as a country. It needs few decades of maturity in every aspect (economics, social, moral, historical...) to consider itself a country.

    Lastly, the Macedonian Government should be more aware of Bulgaria than Greece. While Greece has become certifiably dangerous to themselves and the countries around them, Bulgaria on the other hand may outgrease Greece.

    Sofia at the moment is quiet and causes no ‘problems’ to Macedonia in its EU integration because Greece is taking care of this for them. Hypothetically, lets say Greece is not a problem, Bulgaria will create a million Spaska Mitreva cases, as a prevention to any EU integration. The San Stefano dream (which in fact was a Russian plan), is more alive in Sofia today than ever before.
    I like this guy!
    "Ireland, Hungary and Portugal on the verge of becoming ‘hellenized’ " ..... priceless!
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • fyrOM
      • Feb 2010
      • 2180

      Greece can’t find itself on a map ishalah da se zbrisat od svetot nikoj da mozi da I najdi.

      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
      I like this guy!
      "Ireland, Hungary and Portugal on the verge of becoming ‘hellenized’ " ..... priceless!
      Wasn’t it all you need to do is think Greek to be able to claim you’re Greek. I guess too many souvlakis will do it to you. That’s why I prefer doner kebabs.

      I haven’t had a souvlaki for over 10 years. A group of us went to a takeaway shop to buy some souvlakis and some in our group were speaking Macedonian. Ofcourse not all of the souvlakis could be made at exactly the same time and the first two got their souvlakis and not having much manners started chomping into them when the guy put up two more on the counter. All of a sudden one of our group who spoke Greek started yelling something in Greek at the two guys behind the counter and threw his souvlaki at them. Immediately we are trying to calm him down and find out what’s wrong. In English now he tells us the first guy said to the other this meats too raw we should cook it a bit on the grill if they don’t want to wait from the spit. The second guy had said don’t worry too good for these animals stuff them because he heard some of the group speaking Macedonian initially. Doner kebabs ever since.

      Its an excellent article. Maybe by the time RoM gets to getting in the eu their wont be an eu to get in.


      • Makedonska_Kafana
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2010
        • 2642

        Macedonian trust to join EU drops

        In Macedonia falling confidence in the EU

        Almost two thirds of Macedonians believe that EU membership is good for the country and would benefit from it, but trust, however, fell by three percent compared to the previous survey Eurobarometer, which regularly conducts European statistical office Eurostat. According to the survey, 60 percent of Macedonian citizens believe that EU membership is good for the country, 11 percent of that is bad, and 27 neither one nor the other. Unlike the previous poll by Eurostat last fall, the number of those who believe that EU integration is less good for six percent of those with a contrary opinion is increased by two percent. Although there is a decrease of three percent, the number of those who believe that EU membership will bring benefits to the country is 73 percent. Unlike the Macedonians, less than half the EU population, 49 percent believe their country's membership in the Union is good. Expressed distrust towards the EU 47 per cent of Europeans and Britons are najnezadovolni with 68 percent and Greece with 56 percent. Regarding the economic situation, almost the same relations in Macedonia and the EU. In Macedonia, 76 percent of citizens think that it is bad, and the EU think that 77 percent of respondents. That situation is considered a good 23 percent of Macedonians and 22 percent of EU residents. The financial health of their families as well half of the respondents assessed the Macedonian citizens and 64 percent of EU citizens. Contrary opinions have 48 percent of Macedonians and 34 percent of the residents of the Union. What most concerns the Macedonians and the citizens of EU unemployment and economic situation. Unemployment as the biggest problem point out 63 percent of Macedonian citizens and 46 percent of EU residents. Economic situation, meanwhile, are worried about 46 percent of Macedonians from 40 percent of EU citizens. The same percentage, 24, and the citizens of Macedonia and EU residents are hoping for improvement in next 12 months, after 35 believe that the situation will remain the same, while 36 percent expect deterioration. About 75 percent of Macedonians and the residents of the EU as it deems necessary additional reform measures for overcoming the crisis.

        More than half of the Macedonian citizens, 56 percent are ready to live a worse time if it brought a higher standard for the next generations. The percentage in the EU is 46th The survey was conducted from 5 to 28 May this year in the EU member states to countries that are candidates Croatia, Macedonia, Turkey and Iceland, as in the Turkish part of Cyprus. END

        * There is signs that joining the EU will not only be bad in the short term but would get much worse in the long term due to lack of REAL money - EU is in the RED and they're searching for suckers to join the pyramid and bail out countries like Greece.
        Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 08-31-2010, 11:14 PM.

        Macedonia for the Macedonians


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          Is there a link to this?
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Frank
            • Mar 2010
            • 687

            The second time in a 4 months no doubt the EU bearcats will scare monger whilst their servants the Macedonian Govt will insist this isn’t the real picture and ignore the views of the general Public

            The other day I heard the infamous ICG make an apology again on behalf of Albanian extremism saying Macedonia outside of the EU fold increases the chance of conflict.
            Last edited by Frank; 09-01-2010, 05:02 AM.


            • Bratot
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2855

              I already posted this information on this thread:

              Former German Ambassador to Macedonia, Hans Lottar Stepan in an interview with Mia, Mina, A1, says Macedonia should not under any circumstances yield to Greece. He also calls Macedonia a victim of Europes 20th century conspiracies. - Your Excellency, for your book The Macedonian knot, you have received numerous
              The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


              • Makedonska_Kafana
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2010
                • 2642

                Originally posted by Bratot View Post
                I already posted this information on this thread:

                Sorry, I'm trying to get use to looking at the board and may miss some.

                Macedonia for the Macedonians


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Brussels concerned by Macedonian attitude

                  Brussels concerned by Macedonian attitude

                  SVETLANA JOVANOVSKA

                  10.09.2010 @ 17:37 CET

                  'It is time for a decision on the Macedonian name issue' was the message delivered in no uncertain terms by EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso to Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov during a meeting in Brussels.

                  Macedonia received a positive assessment from the Commission last November on its general preparedness for EU membership, clearing the way for the country to start EU membership talks. In the EU Council, however, the move was blocked by Greece, which is grumbling over the long-standing name issue.

                  Greece, whose northern province is also called Macedonia, wants the ex-Yugoslav country to add a geographical determinant to its official name "Republic of Macedonia" before Athens gives the green light for EU membership negotiations. The two countries have been engaged in bilateral negotiations under UN auspices since 1995 but so far without any tangible results. Instead, Macedonia and Greece continue to goad each other with nationalistic statements and actions.

                  The Macedonian President had come to Brussels hoping to persuade his interlocutors to let his country negotiate EU membership while continuing efforts to resolve the name dispute with Athens. He hoped in vain. Mr Barroso had to disappoint his guest by pointing out that EU Council rules require unanimity in enlargement issues meaning the name issue must be solved as quickly as possible.

                  "I call for a solution to the name issue, it is time for a decision," Mr Barroso said, adding that he is optimistic this could soon take place. His optimism, he said, is based on the bilateral contacts between Skopje and Athens. The Macedonian and Greek prime ministers have met several times this year, raising hopes that the dispute could be solved after 17 years and that the path towards the European Union would be opened for Macedonia.

                  Mr Barroso reminded Mr Ivanov that the positive annual report on Macedonia issued by the Commission last year as well as visa liberalisation were meant not only as recognition of reform efforts undertaken but also and even more as an encouragement to solve the name dispute. (Oh good kindergarten politics - Risto the Great) "Unfortunately, this didn't happen", Mr Baroso said. EU enlargement commissioner Stefan Füle and the President of the EU Council Herman Van Rompuy sent out the same message.

                  Brussels diplomats say they are confused by the Macedonian attitude. For a long time, Greece had been the hesitant party, trying to avoid a solution.

                  "This time, the position of Greece is very clear, we have the impression that they have moved and made an effort in the right direction and we wait for Skopje's response which is not coming", one diplomat said.

                  Athens has indicated that the solution should be a geographical determinant to the name. (The Republic of Macedonia already uses a geographical determinant ... "Macedonia" - Risto the Great) Skopje insists that the Macedonian identity of its citizens needs to be protected but has not offered a proposal of its own.

                  Brussels is concerned about Macedonia's future in Europe. The trouble is, another diplomat said, that time is running out. "Macedonia could simply fall off the agenda," he warned. Diplomats are tired of the verbal assurances repeating that Macedonia wants a solution while there are no clear signs of political will backing it up.

                  At the same time, the reform process is not doing too well. Progress slowed down in the course of the last year. Mr Barroso reminded his Macedonian guest that huge efforts are needed to establish political dialogue between the government and the opposition, to reform the judiciary and public administration and to fight against crime and corruption.

                  Encouraged by the recent Serbian breakthrough on Kosovo, which might open the way for Belgrade to obtain EU candidate status next year, diplomats in Brussels hope that Skopje as well will show more courage in dealing with Greece.
                  For the millionth time, Greece does not have a northern province called Macedonia.

                  Let me get this right, Macedonia received a positive annual report in November last year ... but at the same time "progress slowed down in the course of the last year in relation to reforms". Well Mr Barroso, Macedonia absolutely wiped the EU off the table economically last year. But all that will be swept aside if Macedonia changes its name, then it will be lucky enough to not be allowed to make decisions like Slovakia and bail out Greece next door ... then Spain, then Portugal etc. It is like a cash strapped person giving more security to the bank to appease them. Macedonia will be the "more security" very soon.

                  I have no idea what the Serbian breakthrough is. Can anyone help me here?
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Tadic has been talking pro EU for a while, but yesterday he again said that Serbia will never recognise Kosovo after the troubles in Mitrovica. By 'breakthrough' these European idiots mean selling out.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Onur
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 2389

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      yesterday he again said that Serbia will never recognise Kosovo after the troubles in Mitrovica.

                      You mean the incident arose after the Turkey vs. Serbia basketball game? It was that big?

                      Edit: Ok, just read it now. 7 injured, one of them was French police who has been injured by gun shot. Btw, in comments section at Turkish news websites, one person says that he was in Mitrovica, celebrating around after the game, then few Albanians crosses a bridge where the Serbs lives and waves the Turkish flag and chants, trying to piss them off and thats how the things started.

                      Stupid people. It`s sad that they have ridicules animosity vs. each other and foreigner French police tries to stop their fight in their own country. Cant they see the irony there? stop by and think like "WTF we doin here"...
                      Last edited by Onur; 09-12-2010, 07:44 PM.


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        The fight between ethnic Albanians and Serbs arose after the game. The fact that Serb leaders keep harping on about Serbia never recognising Kosovo yet at the same time working towards EU entry is just a typical example of how fickle Balkan politicians are.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • fyrOM
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 2180

                          In a different thread I said the game Gruevski is playing is fraught with danger and has a limited life until the reforms are considered up to scratch and then the hard word will really be on.

                          This is why in the past I was lenient towards the negotiations but it is getting very close to this tipping point and why we need to get out of the negotiation now or very soon. The strangest things happen sometimes people have accidents or ballot boxes show completely different results. I think Gruevski needs to remember he is a big fish in a very small pond but in the wider world there are far bigger fish out there. A contingency plan for being out of the eu should already have been worked on as it would be a very brave politician who as the eu calls it made a brave decision in the negotiations.

                          One thing puzzle me Is I keep reading Greece has moved and made an effort in the right direction. What effort or direction. They have stuck to their guns demanding a change of name for all things. The only thing I can think of is their Claytons concession of allowing the word Macedonia to be included with other words to makeup the final name. It’s a joke of a concession because it fulfils all their goals and Macedonia gets a suicide pill and the right to walk the eu as a ghost with no respect to be a dogs body for eu and nato missions and a cash cow to bail out eu debts ie Greece and a land for eu businesses to plunder her natural resources. The eu is sounding better by the minute or is that the minutes are ticking for Macedonia. Get out while the getting is still good.


                          • Makedonetz
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1080

                            that made me chuckle....greece is sitting by waiting not making any noise@! They are the thorn that is not allowing us.....ahhhh are we holding up the process for greece to sink......well we will need to just wait a tad bit longer never and let greece explode like a goat with bad gas!
                            Makedoncite se borat
                            za svoite pravdini!

                            "The one who works for joining of Macedonia to Bulgaria,Greece or Serbia can consider himself as a good Bulgarian, Greek or Serb, but not a good Macedonian"
                            - Goce Delchev


                            • Risto the Great
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 15660

                              Originally posted by OziMak View Post
                              One thing puzzle me Is I keep reading Greece has moved and made an effort in the right direction. What effort or direction. They have stuck to their guns demanding a change of name for all things.
                              Good point!
                              Risto the Great
                              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

