Macedonia and the European Union

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  • julie
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 3869

    Prolet, I am anti EU entry. I have said all along, Macedonia will change its name , get rooted up the butt, and not get in anyway. Its the way its run, the EU and NAto are puppets, their strings are pulled by their US masters, its never going to happen, as long as US lies in bed with grks, and as long as US foreign policy dictates they can invade, divide and conquer any country of the world, just because they can. They did it with Rom, and am sure they quite enjoy watching the Balkans in a destabilised state.
    Macedonia MUST STOP negotating our name. I have said this all along, tourism and private enterprise needs to be encouraged in RoM, with foreign private business investment. We have open borders already, the Euro is accepted in RoM, why do we need to get into the EU? Why do we need to gain entry into NATO? za stramota, US already use Macedonian boys as cannon fodder, why does Macedonia need more boys need to be used as ammunition all in the name of bullshit US foreign policy - chasing Bush business partner Bin Laden in Afghanistan?? joke. more like the sudden "discovery" of trillion dollar mining industry for yanka dooda. Enough asking me questions Prolet. You know my stance on what I think of the EU
    Macedonia has done TOO much already, we have lost our flag, and now our name is on the drawing table, all with the ramkovist UMD and government , I would not be surprised if the shiptari sit at the same table with our politicans. Money is changing hands, and promises are being made, to the detriment of the continuity of our existence
    Macedonia has to stop. Or be lost forever
    "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


    • Bill77
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 4545

      Euro-Commissioner Stefan Fule said Tuesday before the European Parliament

      Brussels, 9 November 2010 (MIA) - Euro-Commissioner Stefan Fule said Tuesday before the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs that he hasn't lost enthusiasm when it comes to a solution of the name dispute, which blocks Macedonia's path towards the European Union.

      "Contacts between the two PMs can bring changes and solution to the name problem", stressed Fule in response to MEPs' questions, adding he would not go into debate which of the two parties concerned was right or wrong.

      I'm going to stop right here for a second.
      he would not go into debate which of the two parties concerned was right or wrong.
      Well this is where the problem is. You together with the other fascist pricks need to point out who's right or wrong and end this bullshit once and for all. Its the only way this will be solved. If you believe greece is at wrong, gaff the bastards mouths and don't take anymore notice of the rat bags. If you believe Macedonia is wrong, tell the imbeciles (Macedonian Government) they have no hope and spell it out for them, and we can then walk away and then surprise surprise, no more issue.


      He sent messages to Greek and Macedonian Prime Ministers, George Papandreou and Nikola Gruevski respectively, that they should be aware of the stake in play.

      And what message might that have been????
      whould it be bullshit such as "Macedonias future ie economy and stability is at stake????
      Well that will scare Papandreou.....only after he wipes the smile on his face upon hearing your message.


      Fule hopes that Papandreou will perceive how the issue reflects on his position over the European integration of Western Balkan countries, whereas his Macedonian counterpart should know there is no plan B for Macedonia.

      The Enlargement Commissioner voiced readiness to get involved, if asked, alongside EC President Jose Manuel Barroso in the negotiating process between the two countries and provide their contribution.

      "However, until the process is guided by the two PMs, I am an optimist that a solution to the name issue will be reached in the near future", concluded Fule.

      You are an optimist?????
      You are a fool. A fascist brainless idiot.


      • Frank
        • Mar 2010
        • 687

        When you have the following ingredients:

        A: The Macedonian Public fully supportive of EU membership - and you must be very angry with the sheer ignorance and selfish nature of everyday Macedonians
        B: A Government and National Policy who see the EU as the only Road to travel
        C: The ICG, Brussels and Macedonian Media and other dogs on the side road promoting the Lie and Myth that Macedonia outside of the structures of the EU and NATO will lead to our Instability

        There is NO hope

        I have as early as 1993 been bitterly opposed to EU and NATO membership not just for emotional reasons but very real reasons

        In fact I support a Bloody revolution against European Capitals and the EU which is much worse than the Former Soviet Union in fact there is nothing Democratic about this Union and then they promote this vulgar concept of a European Citizen to denationalise every State

        Macedonia for the Macedoniand and death to the Babylon Whore Europe


        • Onur
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2010
          • 2389

          Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View Post
          We will not get in the EU even if we changed our name.

          This depends on whether they want you in their empire or not. I believe it wouldn't be a major problem for EU to get 2 million populated ROM but nevertheless this Dutch guy doesn't wanna see any other member from Balkans and we know he is not alone on this.

          If they would have wanted you inside EU, neither ROM`s name nor any other problem wouldn't be an issue. You know, they accepted Greek Cyprus after 2-3 years of negotiation process even tough Cyprus is not in Europe geographically and Cyprus was divided for 30 years and had territorial dispute too. Btw one of the major necessity for becoming a member in EU laws is "the candidate cannot become a member of EU if she has territorial disputes". But none of this was a problem for Cyprus. So, your naming dispute is nothing comparing to the problems of Cyprus when they became a member. Bulgaria is another example too. Bulgaria is the most poorest and most corrupt country in Europe but none of this was a problem while they became member again. I wonder how many economical criteria Bulgaria had met when they became a member??? If they had met any at all!!!

          But if they don't want you to see in EU, then they can create 1000s of obstacles to block your path since it`s their empire and it`s up to them for whom to get or not.

          I already posted a msg about this here;

          Originally posted by Onur View Post
          There can be some lessons for Macedonia about Turkey`s 50+ years of journey with EU.

          First of all, Cyprus issue is a major example for EU`s hypocrisy and double-standards. EU says that Cyprus issue is the biggest obstacle for Turkey`s accession since 1990s. Turkish Cyprus government did negotiations with them for two years under the supervision of UN and everything was set up and agreed for the formation of new Cyprus federation of Greeks and Turks. Greek Cypriots was also doing negotiations for EU membership at that time. When everything was agreed between Turkish and Greek side, time for the referendum on both sides has been decided but all of a sudden EU leaders announced that they can accept Greek Cyprus to the EU no matter if they agree on the resolution of Cyprus problem or not!!!

          Also, Cyprus issue wasn't considered as a problem at all while accepting Cyprus herself in to the EU but for decades, Cyprus issue is considered as major obstacle for Turkey`s membership. How can we define this situation besides a double-standard?

          Turkey is too big; When they accepted ex-USSR countries like Poland, Hungary and 6-7 other small states few years ago all at the same time, they were poorer than Turkey economically and their total population was higher than Turkey but this wasn't a problem again.

          it's on another continent; Last time i checked, Cyprus was not in the Europe geographically but this wasn't a problem again.

          too Muslim; So, do we need to ask 80 million people to convert as christians to be a member of EU? If yes, then EU is a christian only club like some says.

          All in all, I think first and foremost lesson for Macedonia would be; even if you accept all Greek demands now to be able to start negotiations for EU, this doesn't mean that everything will be OK for the future because your negotiation process can be stalled or delayed any time they wish and you would possibly face new set of demands.
          Last edited by Onur; 11-10-2010, 05:09 AM.


          • makedonin
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 1668

            Originally posted by Onur View Post
            If they would have wanted you inside EU, neither ROM`s name nor any other problem wouldn't be an issue.
            That is exactly how it is...

            The current state of affairs is that they hold us on the leash... Our wish to enter the Club makes us easy to manipulate... They don't need us in their Club that is for sure, and they certainly don't want us to look somewhere else for our interest either and in that way allow some other party to mix their fingers on Balkan soil... So they will hold us on the leash with empty promisses and hold us back from entering with the name...

            It is for us to let go... not them...
            To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


            • julie
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 3869

              Frank - I support a Bloody revolution against European Capitals and the EU which is much worse than the Former Soviet Union in fact there is nothing Democratic about this Union and then they promote this vulgar concept of a European Citizen to denationalise every State

              I hear you. A revolution, total anarchy, and not just the EU, but their master, the anti-christ who lead them.

              Bill, totally agree with your post, he is a fascist svinja, it does not matter either way, it has NOTHING to do with the name Macedonia, the EU will NEVER allow Macedonia entry into the bullshit club. Never. It is merely an excuse.
              Cant they wake up?? From this slumber and stupor, the thick imbecilic retarded traitorous leaders are signing our death warrant. Why cant everyone see that. After they give the name away , the shiptari ke go rasparchat i toa parche shto ostane slobodno. Toa e tsela rabota.
              They want to see a Europe with no borders, and Macedonia is the mouse, the cat is playing and toying with it and teasing it. The mouse will never win that game
              the mouse will be eaten until nothing is left of it.
              How fucken thick is everyone that is out there, its a ploy and part of their strategy to DIVIDE what is left of us. With UMD support (any UMD members out there, start thinking with your thick heads, you are supporting the annihilation of our very existence just so their god = king gets a feather in his cap with the farked up US congress, and plants his ever so regal cat self there after he has eaten his mouse)
              US is going to nail the coffin and close the deal, I already feel alot has already happened behind closed doors.

              To all thagt support the framework agreement and changing the Macedonian name, fuck you
              I am sick and tired of ego centric self serving manipulative so called leaders wanting to be my godfather in changing my name.
              Macedonia has existed for millenia, the oldest Lake in the world is Lake Ohrid. SO in this 21st century , we give it away?????

              Anfd this dickweed that BIll has posted with his rants, says a SOLUTION must be found. For there to be a solution, one must concur there is a PROBLEM. Can someone tell me why there is a problem, and who decided that it is a problem for there to be a solution to compromise ???
              Yes. The framework agreement . The one that UMD fully support the RoM government.
              I have a solution. The PROBLEM is the RoM government with UMD support and other traiterous ramkovists out there. ELIMINATE the problem, that is the solution, we keep our name.
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


              • Prolet
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2009
                • 5241

                Onur, First of all congratulations on your 1000th post, your contribution has been wonderful in this forum.

                Bill, I have to get this out of my chest "Fuck The EU" mameto nivno. Especially now after this.

                СКАНДАЛОЗНО: Исчезна терминот „македонски“ од извештајот на ЕУ
                Среда, 10 Ноември 2010 11:50

                Претседателот на Република Македонија утрово итно го повика евро амбасадорот Ерван Фуере на консултации за да реагира на терминологијата користена во извештајот на Европската Унија за Македонија. Во извештајот е нарушена досегашната редовна пракса на Европската Унија во комуникација со Македонија за користење на терминот македонски.

                Во извештајот терминит „македонски„ не се спомнува ниту еднаш, освен кога се користи целата привремена референца.

                Властите од Европската Унија, во извештајот избегнувале да го користат и зборот македонски институции, и преферирале користење на термините државни или локални органи.

                Истото се однесува и за терминот Македонски јазик.

                Од сето ова произлегува дека терминот „македонски„ дефинитивно е отфрлен од европските власти, и дека притисокот во врска со спорот со името се пренесува само на нашата страна.

                Дали ова значи дека Грција и на дело во Европската Унија го спроведува негирањето на македонскиот идентитет, а не само на нашето уставно име?

                За споредба во хрватскиот извештај над седумдесет пати се споменува придавката „хрватски“, а да биде трагедијата уште поголема терминот „македонски“ се споменува и во извештајот за Албанија каде се именува македонското малцинство со ова име.

                МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                • Onur
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 2389

                  Originally posted by Prolet View Post
                  Onur, First of all congratulations on your 1000th post, your contribution has been wonderful in this forum.

                  Thanks Prolet. It`s actually double sided cuz you guys post some valuable information here by quoting books and i used some of these for my presentations in university.


                  • DirtyCodingHabitz
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 835

                    this Dutch guy doesn't wanna see any other member from Balkans and we know he is not alone on this.
                    It's not about the Balkans. He doesn't want the EU to expand so it collapses once the members start leaving. And yes, he's not alone on this.


                    • Pelister
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2742

                      Drop the E.U. Drop Greece.



                      • fyrOM
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 2180

                        Like in any negotiation you need to know when to get out…that time is coming very soon.
                        Macedonians should be preparing for this inevitability and to flood newspapers radio ect everywhere in the world in support of RoM if his happens.


                        • Vangelovski
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 8533

                          EU 2010 Progress Report on Macedonia

                          Some highlights:



                          As regards minorities, the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA) remains crucial for ensuring continued inter-ethnic cooperation and political stability. The legislative framework for protecting non-majority communities is largely in place. The government has engaged constructively in dialogue with the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities on support for the integration of ethnic communities through education. Subsequently, in early October the government adopted a strategy on Integrated Education. This aims to follow a balanced and phased approach aimed at raising the overall quality of education, promoting the learning of each others languages and increasing inter-ethnic interaction between pupils. Nonetheless, so far, despite the efforts of the government the separation of pupils along ethnic lines in several schools or language shifts persists.


                          Relations with Greece continued to be close, notably in the economic sphere. Relations between the two countries continue to be adversely affected by the unresolved name issue. The country remains engaged in talks under the auspices of the UN in order to resolve it. Actions and statements which could negatively impact on good neighbourly relations should be avoided. The direct meetings at the highest political levels are positive steps, although this momentum has not yet led to concrete results. Maintaining good neighbourly relations, including a negotiated and mutually acceptable solution to the name issue, under the auspices of the UN, remains essential.

                          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                          • Prolet
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 5241

                            Here is the EU Report feedback on the other countries in the Balkans that are applying for EU Membership.

                            Macedonia: Unsteady progress and paralysed by naming row

                            Macedonia fulfils the political criteria for EU membership but has made "uneven" progress with reforms during the last year, the commission report on the country concludes. In 2009, Macedonia had been praised for its reforms, prompting Brussels to recommend the start of accession talks with the EU.

                            Negotiations were then blocked by Greece because of the unresolved name dispute between the two countries. This year, the commission is more critical but does not revoke last year's opinion on the start of accession talks.

                            The commission says that a solution for the naming issue remains essential if the country is to continue smoothly on its way towards EU membership. The seven bilateral meetings between the Macedonian and Greek prime ministers over the course of the last few months are described as "positive steps". But there is also a warning for Macedonia to avoid "actions and statements which could negatively impact on good neighbourly relations."

                            Although the political criteria have been fulfilled, the commission points out that "further efforts are needed in most areas related to the political criteria." The authors are particularly concerned about the "independence of the judiciary, reform of public administration and freedom of expression in the media. Political dialogue needs to be strengthened."

                            For the first time, Brussels sees freedom of expression in danger in Macedonia, with media that remain divided along ethnic and political lines. Even though the report assesses the area in general as well protected, it notes that intimidation of journalists is of concern and that "little progress is made in ensuring transparent, independent and diverse media."

                            The report notes only limited improvement in the Macedonian judiciary and raises concerns about its independence and impartiality.

                            Public administration is deemed another problematic area. Even if some relevant laws have been adopted, the administration's transparency, professionalism and independence remain doubtful. "There has been undue political interference in recruitment and promotions at all levels," the report states.

                            The Macedonian economy has suffered little from the worldwide crisis since its financial sector is hardly exposed to toxic international assets. However, the commission notes the country's very high unemployment rate (over 30 percent), particularly among young people.

                            It points to Macedonia's institutional weaknesses in the economic sector and recalls that "deficiencies in the rule of law continue to have a negative bearing on the business climate."

                            Last edited by Prolet; 11-13-2010, 05:50 AM.
                            МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                            • Phoenix
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 4671

                              Here is the EU Report feedback on the other countries in the Balkans that are applying for EU Membership.

                              Macedonia: Unsteady progress and paralysed by naming row

                              Macedonia fulfils the political criteria for EU membership but has made "uneven" progress with reforms during the last year, the commission report on the country concludes. In 2009, Macedonia had been praised for its reforms, prompting Brussels to recommend the start of accession talks with the EU.

                              Negotiations were then blocked by Greece because of the unresolved name dispute between the two countries. This year, the commission is more critical but does not revoke last year's opinion on the start of accession talks.

                              The commission says that a solution for the naming issue remains essential if the country is to continue smoothly on its way towards EU membership. The seven bilateral meetings between the Macedonian and Greek prime ministers over the course of the last few months are described as "positive steps". But there is also a warning for Macedonia to avoid "actions and statements which could negatively impact on good neighbourly relations."

                              Although the political criteria have been fulfilled, the commission points out that "further efforts are needed in most areas related to the political criteria." The authors are particularly concerned about the "independence of the judiciary, reform of public administration and freedom of expression in the media. Political dialogue needs to be strengthened."

                              For the first time, Brussels sees freedom of expression in danger in Macedonia, with media that remain divided along ethnic and political lines. Even though the report assesses the area in general as well protected, it notes that intimidation of journalists is of concern and that "little progress is made in ensuring transparent, independent and diverse media."

                              The report notes only limited improvement in the Macedonian judiciary and raises concerns about its independence and impartiality.

                              Public administration is deemed another problematic area. Even if some relevant laws have been adopted, the administration's transparency, professionalism and independence remain doubtful. "There has been undue political interference in recruitment and promotions at all levels," the report states.

                              The Macedonian economy has suffered little from the worldwide crisis since its financial sector is hardly exposed to toxic international assets. However, the commission notes the country's very high unemployment rate (over 30 percent), particularly among young people.

                              It points to Macedonia's institutional weaknesses in the economic sector and recalls that "deficiencies in the rule of law continue to have a negative bearing on the business climate."

                              Get Fucked...


                              • blackcactus
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 242

                                Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                                Get Fucked...
                                I second that statement
                                The one who tells the story rules the World - Hopi proverb

                                “Your highness, when I said that you are like a stream of bat's piss, I only meant that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark” - Monty Python

