Macedonia and the European Union

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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    Originally posted by Gocka View Post
    The naivety of it all is infuriating. All the focus was put on the name and Greece, for 25 years that's all anyone paid attention to. Even Bulgaria didn't get the chance to block Macedonia (I'm certain they would have). Despite the obvious hurdles of Greece and Bulgaria, does anyone really believe Macedonia is anywhere near EU standards anyway. Are these people that delusional that they thought it was purely the name holding them back? If Macedonia was such a shoe in for EU entry, the EU would have put pressure on Greece to back off and allow Macedonia entry.

    I've been saying for years that the EU was always using the likes of Bulgaria and Greece as an excuse to not admit Macedonia, I never believed they actually wanted that to happen. I'm convinced they never thought we would be stupid enough to change our name.

    Why would the EU want the likes of Macedonia and Albania in the EU? So western Europe can further drive down the value of their local labor markets. Or so they can admit a couple million welfare cases. Or so the Albanian mafia can more easily smuggle drugs, weapons, and organs. Neither country has anything to offer, and they would both require huge amounts of EU funds to bring them anywhere near EU standards. Then there is their shit judicial, and political systems.

    Again, how can anyone be so delusional and naive that they could believe that the door was closed for 25 years purely because of a depute over the word North.

    We have to be the most short sighted people on the planet.
    I do agree with you - but this is also a blatant case of EU/France "betrayal" as they did not keep their promises to Macedonia. Recall Macron's "timely" address to the Macedonians in the lead up to the referendum vote (or numerous EU politicians paying a visit, also just before the referendum). Whether or not Macedonia has anything to offer, the state of the judicial and political systems - the EU leaders dangled the "carrot" of membership as an incentive for Macedonia to resolve the name dispute.

    It looks like there will be elections in April of 2020 (interestingly the Census was to take place next April as well - it will likely be cancelled as a result).

    North Macedonia to hold snap polls in April


    North Macedonia's political leaders agreed on Sunday to hold early elections in April, after the EU blocked the start of membership talks.

    "We have reached a consensus for the elections to be held on April 12, 2020," Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said after the meeting of main political leaders with President Stevo Pendarovski.

    European Union leaders on Friday failed to agree on opening Skopje's accession negotiations, mostly because of opposition from France.

    The issue is now on hold until next spring.

    Zaev on Saturday proposed a snap election as the EU decision, which he called a "historic mistake", scrambled what had been the key policy goal of his cabinet.

    Zaev will resign on January 3 and a technical government will be appointed, political leaders decided.

    Under the law, the prime minister must resign 100 days ahead of the polls, and a technical government that will include both the ruling coalition and the opposition is to be voted in by the parliament.

    However, "the unanimous view of all parties is that Euro-Atlantic integration is our goal... and these aspirations of the country will remain," Zaev told reporters after the meeting.

    Friday's move by the EU triggered a wave of anger and disappointment, not just in North Macedonia and Albania -- whose membership bid was also put on hold -- but among EU officials and leaders who had lobbied hard to open the talks.

    Zaev and his Social Democrats came to power in 2017, ousting the right-wing party of former strongman Nikola Gruevski, who had dominated the country for a decade.

    Since then, his government has poured all of its political capital into putting North Macedonia on a path to NATO and EU membership.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      I have no idea why Zaev would want to call the snap elections. I suspect he is already bent over a wok and taking it from a barrage of pandas right now. The EU was not the money scam he hoped it would be so China would be looking very attractive right now.

      It is hilarious that it didn't even get to Bulgaria and Greece denying entry to Macedonia (which was and is inevitable).

      Zaev resigning is a noble yet curious thing to do and he should have done it years ago. Given the suggestion of nobility, I can only assume he already has what he (criminally) needs and will slip away quietly before the truth comes out.

      Northadonia continues to amaze me with the rewards it accumulates for its utter capitulation at every challenge. I am not sure it can go any lower but feel more is yet to come.

      And wait until this generation of (Y) Insta Twits and Snaps and Tik Toks start taking the reigns. They will make Zaev look like a grand statesman.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Gocka
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 2306

        Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
        I do agree with you - but this is also a blatant case of EU/France "betrayal" as they did not keep their promises to Macedonia.
        It certainly looks like a betrayal, but I would also contend that we don't know for sure what was or wasn't promised before and after the name change. We know of the public facing statements but nothing of the backroom discussions. For all we know this may have been the plan all along.

        I for one never believed EU entry was on the cards only because it made no sense for the EU.

        Maybe Zaev has already benefited financially whether directly from the likes of Greece or even the EU itself, or indirectly by helping out his own business interests while he had power and access.

        Also being that most of the EU talks were held with a handle full of EU officials, I don't see how Zaev could have been promised or felt assured that EU entry was a done deal post name change. Its not like he had gotten assurances form every party in Europe.

        In the end I can only classify it all as treachery, or naivety. Either they new exactly what they are doing it and had been personally rewarded for playing along, or they were incredibly naive to think that an organization that forced you to violate your own human rights could be fully trusted to be an honest and moral partner. If the EU had any integrity it would have never encouraged Macedonians to pick between isolation or cultural suicide.

        We got exactly what we deserved. We entered into this situation 25 years ago without a shred of dignity and that is exactly where we find ourselves today. No dignity and nothing to show for it.

        I just hope Macedonians for once can open their eyes and realize that until you respect yourself, no one else will.


        • Carlin
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 3332

          France is pushing the E.U. toward strategic disaster


          By Carl Bildt
          Oct. 25, 2019

          There is little doubt that Brexit is a strategic disaster for the European Union. But too few seem to understand that the E.U. is heading toward another strategic disaster — this time in the Balkans.

          Last week, France intervened to veto the opening of E.U. accession negotiations with North Macedonia, against the repeated recommendation of the European Commission and the will of other member states. In doing so, it might have brought the E.U.’s decade-long strategic approach toward the Balkans crashing down.

          Since the end of the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s, an E.U. priority has been to bring long-term stability to this troubled part of the continent. To end wars is one thing, but to build genuine peace requires long-term effort, particularly around peaceful integration.

          In 2003, as part of the Thessaloniki summit, E.U. leaders formally committed their countries to opening the E.U. for membership to all the countries in the Western Balkans. Ever since, this has been the lighthouse that has inspired and guided the policies pursued in the region seeking to reform economies and societies, overcome the divisions of the past and prepare for the European future of tomorrow.

          It certainly hasn’t been easy, and progress has been slow in a number of areas. But in a region always torn between the forces of disintegration and integration, the balance has clearly shifted from the former to the latter, largely thanks to the European perspective.

          That project has been put in jeopardy by France’s decision on North Macedonia. No one was under the impression that membership in the E.U. for North Macedonia was in any way imminent. It was a question of starting a decade-long process of negotiations and reforms inspired by that prospect.

          In fact, the 2018 Prespa Agreement between North Macedonia and Greece that solved the countries’ long-standing name dispute was supposed to be a de facto precondition for starting on the E.U. path. Now the word from Paris is that this will have to wait until there are some unspecified reforms to the E.U. in the years and perhaps decades ahead.

          That’s bad in itself, but the implications of the decision go much further. The French veto was not just a veto against North Macedonia and Albania, but also against the entire enlargement process in the Western Balkans, effectively sinking the entire policy. This might not have been spelled out explicitly but, implicitly, it was also a veto against Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia.

          This will inevitably have implications for other outstanding issues in the region. With the opportunity to integrate, Serbia was supposed to choose between its future with Europe and its past with Kosovo, thereby normalizing relations between the two. If Europe closes the door, this becomes immeasurably more difficult. And with all of its tensions, the future of Bosnia would of course be much more stable if the country was embedded in the structures of Europe.

          French President Emmanuel Macron speaks in eloquent terms about the responsibilities of Europe and wants to position himself as the figure launching the E.U. on a new trajectory of global relevance. That is all fine and good — and urgently needed — but hardly compatible with shooting down the credibility of the E.U. in Europe itself.

          It should be remembered that the last time a more substantial overhaul of the E.U. was attempted, with the so-called Constitutional Treaty, it was brought down by a referendum in France in 2005. No one has since dared to revive those efforts. And whether Paris is sincere about its willingness to open up to new members in the future is open to doubt. Few, I fear, will be ready to count on it.

          France may never have been an enthusiastic supporter of the enlargement of the E.U., but it has generally accepted the process and lived happily with the result. Yet France did what it could to block the prospects of Turkey acceding during its years of promising democratic reforms and European aspirations. Although other factors were certainly at work, this played a role in propelling Turkey in a distinctly different direction. While Turkey in the past was a strategic opportunity for Europe, it has now turned into a strategic danger for the West.

          Looking ahead, the risk is that the same might happen in the Balkans. And while its countries will remain economically dependent on the E.U., the inevitable slowing of needed reforms and integration will likely force even more young people from the Balkans to seek their future in the E.U. Those that remain might well be more allured by the dangerous policies of nationalism and nostalgia. Deprived of a future, they might seek a return to the past.

          After all, it’s the Balkans. We have seen this happen before.

          Carl Bildt is a former prime minister of Sweden and a contributing columnist for The Post.
          Last edited by Carlin; 10-26-2019, 11:34 PM.


          • Karposh
            • Aug 2015
            • 863

            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
            Because Bulgaria and Greece in the EU are forging ahead and living large now? What on Earth will improve for them in the EU? Maybe they can work elsewhere I guess. But the Macedonian whores are already doing that without the EU. It's a nation of whores, perhaps more energy can be devoted to that!
            That seems to be the main objective as far as I can see (especially among the young). As a matter of fact, I just learnt (to my horror) that my younger cousin in Bitola just took out a Bulgarian passport. His mum defended the move as the only hope for him to have any kind of future by using his recently acquired Bulgarian passport as a ticket to escape the misery and make a life for himself abroad. I spared her from any self-righteous condemnation coming from my part but my disappointment was, and still is, palpable. As far as I'm concerned, renouncing your Macedonian identity (even if it is for economic gain and you don't really mean it) and swearing allegiance to Bulgaria with a pledge of becoming a loyal Bulgarian is no different than when many Christian Macedonian made the same pledge to renounce their faith and become Muslims about a century and a half ago. There's just no coming back from that...even if it was just a token gesture. You are permanently and dishonourably tainted. Some will argue that the hardships were so difficult that their conversion is completely understandable and even excusable. I'm not one of those people. The fact is, it was easier to become a Muslim than enduring the sufferings of a Christian enslaved by an Islamic overlord. Well, as most Christians know and will readily tell you, to be a Christian is to embrace the suffering. It's about enduring whatever life throws at you and never losing your faith or turning away from it. Unfortunately, the same is true of being Macedonian. It's not easy being Macedonian but that's no excuse for betrayal. I know that may sound easy for me to say from the comforts of my Sydney home but I'm trying very hard to empathise with those people and put myself in their shoes. Would I take that same Bulgarian road if I were in their situation? I honestly don't think I would.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              I don't know. Getting a Bulgarian passport or changing your name to North Macedonia seem to be as bad as each other. Perhaps seeking the passport represents an active selling of your soul. But as we know ... Macedonians know what they are .... even after the rest of the world has long forgotten or cared. I honestly do not know if I would have sought a Bulgarian passport if I lived there all my life and knew no better.

              Even if I did seek the passport, I would have hoped I was a better Macedonian than the people who have allowed the current level of treachery to thrive unabated.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Carlin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3332

                Macron opens door to North Macedonia, Albania EU accession talks

                MUNICH — French President Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday that if the results of an EU Commission report in March on North Macedonia and Albania were positive, he …

                French President Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday that if the results of an EU Commission report in March on North Macedonia and Albania were positive, he would back opening negotiations for them to join the bloc.

                “We are waiting for the report in March… depending on that if the results are positive and confidence is established then we should be in a position to open the negotiations,” Macron told the Munich Security Conference.


                • GStojanov
                  Junior Member
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 69

                  A petition to protect Macedonian Language and Minorities in EU

                  I found this well written petition to protest the Bulgarian attacks on the Macedonian language and Macedonian minority in Bulgaria:


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Originally posted by GStojanov View Post
                    I found this well written petition to protest the Bulgarian attacks on the Macedonian language and Macedonian minority in Bulgaria:

                    The text of the petition below. I wonder if they ever received a response.
                    The Macedonian Language is a Reality

                    Makedonski intelektualci started this petition to Diplomatic Representatives of the European Union’s Member States in the Republic of N. Macedonia

                    To the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Macedonia
                    To the Diplomatic Representatives of the European Union’s Member States in the Republic of Macedonia

                    Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Excellencies,

                    We, a group of Macedonian intellectuals, have decided to publicly protest the demands and the ultimatums included in the Declaration of the Parliament of Republic of Bulgaria, which were qualified as “concerning and problematic” even by many Bulgarian intellectuals. The following is what disconcert us the most in this Declaration – and also contradicts the EU’s own standards and norms:

                    1. The attempt to problematize the Macedonian language, by stating:”… the term ‘Macedonian language’ should not appear anywhere in the EU documents; if unavoidable, the term ‘the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia’ should be used.” Further on, the Declaration states that “…should an absolute necessity of using the term ‘Macedonian language’ in EU documents and decisions arise, an asterisk should point to a footnote specifying that the use of the term is in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia (…) and elucidating that the lingual form declared as a constitutional language of Republic of North Macedonia is related to the evolution of the Bulgarian language and its dialects by the codification in 1944.”

                    2. “(…) to renounce the support or demand for recognition of the Macedonian minority in the Republic of Bulgaria”; and

                    3. “Systematic removal of the qualifier ‘Bulgarian fascist occupier’ from all monuments and memorial plaques”.

                    Regarding the first item, we underscore the fact that the Macedonian language is a historic reality, an official language of this country, spoken by over three million people - citizens of our country, of the neighboring countries and members of the diaspora throughout the European, American, and the Australian continents. It is absolutely and ultimately humiliating to us, the Macedonians, to conceal with a syntagma (‘official language of the Republic of North Macedonia’), a language that has an abundant written tradition as the Macedonian language does, instead of honoring it with its genuine name. We consider the proposal of an EU Member State, the Republic of Bulgaria, as indecent, offensive, contrary to all international legal standards relevant to this issue and, as most important, contradictory to the European Union’s founding values and law. Our country and our language are not in the process of forming, they both have a long tradition.

                    The Macedonian language is described as a Slavic language genealogically, and a Balkan language typologically. From this aspect, it is the “most Balkan” one in this lingual union. Due to the historical events and the division of the region of Macedonia into three parts after the Balkan Wars in 1913, the Macedonians only completed the codification and the standardization of their language after the Second World War. The Slavic studies generally accept the Macedonian theory (of Vatroslav Oblak and Vatroslav Jagic) about the basis of the proto-Slavic language, that is the language on which the brothers Cyril and Methodius translated the Greek religious books, in order to facilitate the spread of Christianity among the Slavic people. According to this theory, the first Slavic written literary language is based on the Macedonian dialect from the surroundings of Thessalonica.

                    Over the centuries, Macedonia is a habitat to a fertile scriptural activity, carried through by two medieval scribing schools which the science recognizes as the Ohrid and the Kratovo-Lesnovo literary schools. The scriptural activities virtually ceased with Macedonia falling under the Ottoman authority, however, the process was never completely abandoned. The scriptures created in the 15th and 16th century (Tikvesh Collection, the Krnin Damaskin[1]) offer evidence and correspond numerous colloquial language traits, used to the end of bringing the texts with religious content closer to the ordinary people. The effort, on its part, also distinguishes these texts from the medieval pattern designed by the culture activists as St. Cyril, St. Methodius, St. Clement and St. Naum as the central figures of our early medieval era. While 19th century Europe witnesses the flourishing of romanticism, rationalism and enlightenment it had also appeared in Macedonia, featured in the works of Kiril Pejcinovic and Joakim Krcovski. The second half of the 19th century, a period of the Renaissance and national awakening, introduced significant literary names, as Konstantin and Dimitar Miladinov, Rajko Zinzifov, Grigor Prlicev, Gjorgjija Pulevski, and others. Our eastern neighbor is seeking to seize the entire 19th century by claiming that all our activists from the time were, in fact, Bulgarians. The truth is that, deprived of statehood and standardized language, common Macedonians exhibited their identity through the church. Since the Ohrid Archiepiscopacy was abolished by the end of the 18th century, the Macedonians opted either for the Bulgarian Exarchate or the Greek Patriarchy.

                    At the beginning of the 20th century, Of the Macedonian Matters, a very significant booklet by Krste Misirkov was published, explicating the distinctiveness of the Macedonian people and the Macedonian language. Half a century later, Misirkov’s idea of the Macedonian literary language finally materialized: the dialects of the ethnic Central Macedonia, following the line Veles – Prilep – Bitola – Ohrid, were used as a basis for the standardization. Today, the Macedonian language is taught at all levels of the Macedonian educational system, and it is applied in all areas of the contemporary cultural life. The Macedonian language has already developed all functional styles. It is inscribed in the UN subcommittee UNGEGN’s Register of Countries and Languages and the Latin transcription of the Macedonian Cyrillic alphabet was adopted by a resolution at the Third UNGEGN Conference in Athens in 1977. In 1992, at a congress in Rio de Janeiro, the International PEN Center adopted a special resolution by which it recognizes the Macedonian language, literature, culture, and nation. The Macedonian language is represented in the European Linguistic Atlas (ALE), established under UNESCO patronage. The Macedonian dialects are also inscribed in the Pan-Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA), which is one of the largest international projects by the Slavic Linguistic Council, under the auspices of the International Committee of Slavists. The project was carried out by the science academies of all Slavic countries – OLA, which represents 13 national academies of science and/or associated institutions. The Macedonian language is also used by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) and on Google, which introduced the language to its translation tool ten years ago. An enormous volume of artistic and scientific literature is written in Macedonian language.
                    The notions Macedonian and Macedonian language are deeply engraved in the minds of all people living in our country. The erasing of these basic attributes of our identity means erasing the collective memory, embodied in our historical, folkloric, and cultural traditions. Regarding the second item, “… renouncing the support or demand for recognition of the Macedonian minority in the Republic of Bulgaria”: Is there really a need to tell you what does this mean? Do you know of any European state without minorities, including ethnic and linguistic minorities? Doesn’t the Bulgarian request violate basic international and European legal standards regarding citizens’ and human rights to self-identification and self-determination?

                    We do expect that the EU institutions, as well as EU’s Member States, to react principally to the overt ethnic chauvinism of the Bulgarian Parliament, of course, in the name of the Euro-integration and the good neighborly relations, and by following the best experiences of the Union’s previous enlargements. Let us remind you that with respect to the Euro-integration processes of our own country, the EU constantly reiterates the significance of the minorities and their rights. By way of the Framework Agreement of 2001, we were obliged to implement solutions that exceed the international standards for minorities’ rights by far and large, as opposed to the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the EU without any such conditioning on minorities, including the Macedonian one. Bulgaria was tolerated even when the International Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled that the country violates the rights of the Macedonian minority with the case of OMO Ilinden.

                    Regarding the third item, that is the systematic removal of the qualifier “Bulgarian fascist occupier” from all monuments and memorial plaques, we strongly believe that conditioning the EU membership by falsifying notorious and indisputable historical facts of our common European history from the period of WWII, and replacing it with some politically constructed “common history until 1944” is unprecedented in the entire process of European integration! The illegitimate insistence to accept such false reinterpretation of the historical past and the cultural heritage of the nation, from the medieval era up to date, goes as far as to impose, “replacement of the informative texts and other markings, including the historical and cultural monuments”, also including adjustments of the “official statements and comments” by the political representatives, by all Macedonian state institutions, and by the media financed by the state. This all represents a vulgar abuse of the bilateral agreement, and of the process of the European integration of our country, something that is extremely unacceptable for the 21st century Europe.

                    There are virtually no European nations that did not experience dark periods in their histories. However, civilized Europe did not erase them, did not falsify them, and did not conceal them; on the contrary, it had recognized them, it had asked for forgiveness, and now they serve as historical lessons. Contrary to the current scandalous agenda, we do expect the Republic of Bulgaria to follow the bright example of the other EU Member States, and to express her historical apology for this hard and tragic period of our common European history. The neighboring Republic of Bulgaria owes an apology to the Macedonians and to the Macedonian Jews for the crimes committed during the Bulgarian occupation of Macedonia in the Second World War.
                    Considering the afore stated, we ask you to convey our positions and strong protest to Brussels, and to the governments of the Member States that you represent in our country. These are the positions of the majority of Macedonians, home and abroad, and by the citizens of our country from all the other ethnic groups. At this occasion, we also plead, not only to you, but to all the European diplomats in the country, to the politicians in the EU institutions, and in the EU Member States, to strongly condemn such provocations and conditioning by an EU Member State. Bilateral agreements and decrees, absent mutual respect, do not suffice for good neighborly relations and friendship. The EU Member States should support their neighbors on their European path, not pressuring and conditioning them in a manner that is unprecedented in the history of the EU Enlargement, and thoroughly contradicting the EU’ s foundational values and EU law.

                    Yours Sincerely,

                    Аcademician Prof. Dr. Katica Kulavkova, Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts (MANU);
                    Аcademician Prof. Dr. Vitomir Mitevski, MANU;
                    Аcademician Prof. Dr. Georgi Pop-Atanasov, MANU;
                    Аcademician Dr. Zuzana Topolinjska, MANU;
                    Аcademician Dr. Zhivko Popov, MANU;
                    Prof. Dr. Marjan Markovikj, MANU;
                    Prof. Dr. Elka Jacheva – Ulchar, Institute for the Macedonian Language “Krste Misirkov” – Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Gjurkova, Institute for the Macedonian Language “Krste Misirkov” – Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Simona Gruevska – Madzoska, Institute for the Macedonian Language “Krste Misirkov” – Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Velika Stojkova Serafimovska, Institute for Folklore “Marko Cepenkov” – Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova, Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Karolina Ristova – Aasterud, Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Katerina Zdravkova, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Aldo Kliman, Writer;
                    Prof. Dr. Maja Angelovska – Panova, Institute for National History – Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Mitko Panov, Institute for National History – Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Katerina Todoroska, Institute for National History – Skopje;
                    Zhivko Grozdanoski, writer
                    Frosina Parmakovska, writer
                    Dr. Emil Niami, Russian center, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Petar Andonovski, Writer;
                    Ivana Nasteski, M.A., An Art Teacher;
                    Prof. Darija Andovska, M.A., Composer, Faculty of Music Art, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Nikola Pijanmanov, An Artist;
                    Boban Karapejovski, M.A, Faculty of Philology, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Ljupcho Todorovski – Upa, An Actor;
                    Prof. Dr. Ganka Cvetanova, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Prof.Dr. Marijana Markovikj, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Eleonora Serafimovska, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Ilija Velev, Institute for Macedonian Literature – Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Slavica Veleva, Faculty of Philology, UKIM, Skopje;
                    Prof. Dr. Valentina Mironska, Institute for Macedonian Literature – Skopje;

                    [1] In Orthodox scriptures, “damaskin” is a specific type of religious text written in colloquial language.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13675

                      SKOPJE (North Macedonia), July 2 (SeeNews) - The European Commission (EC) said it has presented to the European Union member states the draft negotiating frameworks for North Macedonia and Albania, thus paving the way to the formal opening of the accession negotiations with each country. The proposals which establish the guidelines and principles for the accession negotiations with the candidate countries were built on a revised enlargement methodology aimed to make the accession process more credible, with a stronger political steer, more dynamic and predictable, the Commission said in a statement on Wednesday. In the next stage, the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU will present the agreed general EU position in the first inter-governmental conference with each country, marking the formal start of the accession negotiations. In March, EU member states reached a political agreement on opening accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania. The European Council granted the status of EU candidate member state to Albania in 2014 and to North Macedonia in 2005.
                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        Кој услов треба да го исполни Европа, за да стане Македонија членка на ЕУ?

                        СКИЦИ ЗА ЧОВЕКОТ Обично се зборува кои услови треба да ги исполни Македонија за да стане членка на ЕУ. Но никој не зборува кои услови треба да ги исполни ЕУ за да стане Македонија нејзина членка. А има барем еден, без кој Европа не ја заслужува Македонија: ЕУ треба да научи да прави мезе. Да […]

                        Од Венко Андоновски


                        СКИЦИ ЗА ЧОВЕКОТ

                        Обично се зборува кои услови треба да ги исполни Македонија за да стане членка на ЕУ. Но никој не зборува кои услови треба да ги исполни ЕУ за да стане Македонија нејзина членка. А има барем еден, без кој Европа не ја заслужува Македонија: ЕУ треба да научи да прави мезе. Да ја разбере метафизичката и чувствена содржина на тој изворно ориентален, а потоа и македонизиран ритуал. Без тоа, ЕУ и Македонија никогаш нема да се разберат. Со други зборови, Европа треба да го научи она што пред дваесетина години го научи Дејвид Боуен, симпатичен Британец, кој како од небо да падна на нашиот Филолошки факултет, како лектор по англиски јазик. Остана во сеќавањето како еден од најдобрите лектори на Катедрата за англистика (покрај веќе легендарните Пеги и Греам Рид и Ричард Гофран), но и како човек што, како и споменатите тројца, многу брзо се „помакедончи“ и разви силна љубов кон Македонија и Македонците. Овој тогашен младич, висок, сув како ластегарка и со тен карактеристичен за британската магла и пабовите, научи македонски за неколку месеци. Ја засака македонската жолта, засака една Наташа со која подоцна се ожени, а нѐ засака и нас, професорите на Филолошкиот факултет, како да сме негово семејство. Подоцна разбравме дека избегал од Британија зашто неговиот „медитерански“ темперамент не бил најдобро разбран од најблиските.

                        Лекторот Дејвид Боуен беше легенда на нашиот факултет. Од многуте анегдоти, ќе искористам само една. Кога учеше македонски, во тие први три-четири месеци, тој, за разлика од многу Македонци, сфати дека секоја јазична грешка скапо чини. Еден ден дојде во факултетското бифе со видливи траги од пет прсти на левиот образ. Седев со професорот Гане Тодоровски кога Дејвид седна и збунет ни раскажа што се случило. Тие денови низ Македонија маршираа странски мисии што се грижеа за мирот. Некои весници тенденциозно пишуваа дека тие војници се непријателски и ги предупредуваа македонските девојчиња да внимаваат, зашто странците нудат пари за да ги спознаат рајските сласти на љубовта, а најверојатно пренесуваат и сексуални болести. Е тоа утро, Дејвид застанал на трафиката кај МАНУ (сега е урната) и ја прашал убавата продавачка, на македонски (со англиски акцент), дали имаат цигари „57“ (му беа омилени). Таа му дала, тој тргнал накај Факултетот, но установил дека нема запалка.

                        Ама немал веќе ни пари. Затоа се вратил кај девојката и со оној негов секогаш конспиративен поглед, нетипичен за индискретните Македонци, ѝ рекол дека нема запалка. Па ја прашал дали таа има. А таа му плеснала таква шлаканица што образот му се вжарил до увото. Дејвид прашуваше: „Зошто девојката ми удри шлаканица?“ Јас и професорот гледавме во него збунето. И кога професорот го праша Дејвида што точно ѝ рекол, тој рече: „Ѝ реков дека немам никакво воспаление, дека немам пари, и ја прашав дали таа има воспаление, па да ми даде.“ И, кога по урнебесно смеење професорот му рече дека „воспаление“ не е запалка, Дејвид се плесна по челото. Девојката најверојатно помислила дека ја прашува дали е гинеколошки чиста и дека ѝ бара секс, иако нема пари. „Другпат барај кибрит, не запалка“, го посоветува професорот Гане.

                        Е тој Дејвид, тој македонољуб од Британија го барам секогаш во лицата на европските напудрени ментори што доаѓаат овде да ни солат ум како што ние солиме зелка пред да ја ставиме да се кисели во каца. И не го наоѓам. На нивните лица наоѓам само суета како хемороид пред пукање. Од нивните гримаси се чита дека нѐ сметаат за дивјаци. Имав една таква многу непријатна средба, на која под маската на „незадолжителен интелектуален разговор“ мене и група македонски интелектуалци нѐ пердашеше лично Кристијан Даниелсон, поради нашето македонољубие, кое нему му личело на национализам. А тоа македонољубие не беше ништо поголемо од она на Дејвид Боуен. Мизерија: човек на толку висока европска позиција, а не разликува патриотизам од национализам и шовинизам.

                        Дејвид брзо го замени вискито со македонска жолта и тогаш се соочи со еден од најважните културни кодови на Македонецот, мезето: симболот на неговата богата сиромаштија. Како од две-три градинарски култури да направиш раскош за сите папили и сетила на устата? Па уште да го ставиш во една колективна чинија од која секој црпе колку што му треба (не повеќе од потребното!), тренирајќи ја највисоката мудрост во животот – воздржаноста. Оти мудроста и не е ништо друго туку да го земеш само најнеопходното – сѐ друго е вишок што оптоварува и расчовечува. По тоа, мезето е спротивно на капитализмот, кој граба повеќе од потребното. И да – не е мезето во чинијата и во продуктите, ниту во нивниот број, ниту во нивната екстравагантност, туку во разговорот меѓу оние Што мезетат. Опуштено, со аргументи, со слушање на другиот. Мезето е највисока школа на демократијата: осет и чувство за другиот.
                        Никогаш нема да ја заборавам сцената кога Дејвид првпат направи мезе кај него дома. Откако нѐ послужи со македонска жолта, од кујната донесе огромна чинија со големина за мегапица. На неа, на четири страни, како да се тоа страните на светот, имаше ставено по една четвртина варено јајце, по една четвртина краставица и по една мала лажичка рендана свежа зелка.

                        Повеќе празно одошто полно. Гордо погледна и со некаков свечен поглед рече: „А?!“ Беше јасно дека лекторот ќе мора да оди на поправен испит. Ние, тројцата гости, го зедовме мезето, го зедовме и Дејвид за рака и влеговме во кујната. Потоа сето тоа го туривме во една длабока чинија. Нарендавме уште една цела зелка, исечкавме краставички, дотуривме уште три-четири варени јајца, и сето тоа го измешавме во заедничката чинија. Потоа се вративме и седнавме.
                        Дејвид брзо сфати дека неговиот прагматизам и западното индивидуалистичко воспитување пресудиле да направи не едно заедничко мезе, туку четири мали закуски. Сфати дека со тоа е промашена колективистичката филозофија на мезето. Брзо се разбравме, зашто ги имаше читано и „Ориенталзимот“ на Едвард Сајд и есејот на Клод Леви Строс за готвачкиот триаголник, па му беше позната тезата дека култното варено пиле послужено во Лондон ја отсликува културолошката штедливост на Британците, наспроти печеното прасе на балканскиот човек, кое е културолошка слика на расипништвото: хранливите материи се губат при печењето, за разлика од варењето. Мезето, пак, е нешто трето: расипништво на сиромаштијата, максимален минимализам, рембоовско растројство на сетилата речиси од ништо. Кога завршивме, Дејвид само рече: „Јасно, јасно“. Од тој ден стана мезе-мајстор.

                        Затоа, Европејците, пред да ја примат Македонија, ќе мора да се откажат од прагматизмот и од западниот егоизам, кој неоправдано го викаат „индивидуализам“. Далеку се тие од личност. За нив личност е човек што е послушно шрафче под контрола, вградено во огромната бирократска метафизичка машина наречена ЕУ. Не разбираат дека најсилните личности имаат смисла за колектив: за Другиот, различниот, за мезе. Ете, тој услов треба да го исполни ЕУ за да нѐ прими. Затоа, полека. Ќе им треба доста време. Да нѐ разберат и како луѓе и како култура, не само како политичка машина.

                        П.С.: Само што ја завршив колумнава, ја здогледав новата тетратка на син ми. На корицата е Елвис Присли, со цитат: „Талентот е она што може да ги продаде вашите чувства“. Е тоа е разликата. Кај нас талент е да ги изразиш чувствата, не да ги продадеш.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          Затоа, Европејците, пред да ја примат Македонија, ќе мора да се откажат од прагматизмот и од западниот егоизам, кој неоправдано го викаат „индивидуализам“. Далеку се тие од личност. За нив личност е човек што е послушно шрафче под контрола, вградено во огромната бирократска метафизичка машина наречена ЕУ. Не разбираат дека најсилните личности имаат смисла за колектив: за Другиот, различниот, за мезе. Ете, тој услов треба да го исполни ЕУ за да нѐ прими. Затоа, полека. Ќе им треба доста време. Да нѐ разберат и како луѓе и како култура, не само како политичка машина.
                          Тие не треба од ништо да се откажат. Ниту имаат таква намера. Туку, Македонија, односно предавниците што се на власт, ќе треба да се наведнат пред нивните европски сопственици, и, ако им се бендиса, тогаш можно е да се прима нашата поробена татковина во таков недоверлив сојуз. Иначе, тоа што е пишано е само интересна приказна.....можеби во сон, но вистината е инаква.
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Soldier of Macedon
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 13675

                            Here is the country that Zaev is placating as he begs for EU membership.

                            Voters are going to the polls in Bulgaria for the second time in three months. Elections in the spring were inconclusive. No party won enough support to form...

                            Bulgaria (along with Romania) joined the EU in 2007, as a prize, in no small part, for betraying Serbia less than a decade earlier, when they prevented the Russian military from resupplying its troops that were stationed in Kosovo. Its geographical position also made it a convenient buffer to hinder influence from Russia. Clearly, merit had little to do with it as Bulgaria is no better than most other countries in the Balkans. Is it any surprise then, having made it in the clique under such circumstances, that after almost 15 years of membership, it still has the highest level of corruption in the EU? Politicians from western Europe consider Bulgaria an embarrassment yet pretend to be astonished at the state of affairs that still prevail in that country. They may claim EU membership benefits their poorer cousins in the Balkans and helps them aspire to greater standards, but their actions only fuel further corruption and degradation.

                            What are some of the EU's more noticeable deliverables in Bulgaria? Providing financial incentives that are selectively regulated (whilst certain matters of trade are overregulated) to a bunch of corrupt peasants feigning as politicians on the one hand, and creating conditions that entice ambitious people to leave their own country and seek their fortunes in western Europe on the other. Rather than helping to foster an environment in which people want to stay and improve their own country, the EU throws money at the problem and rewards the unscrupulous officials who remain behind. It's all about control and so long as poorer countries in the Balkans remain perpetually indebted and subservient to the richer countries in the EU, it will never be an even playing field, no matter how many people are walking the streets of Sofia or Skopje with smartphones in blissful ignorance.

                            I mean, does anybody in their right mind really believe that those richer countries want the poorer countries to successfully compete with them? It is their game, played by their rules. There's a reason why those pretentious wankers refer to the Balkans as the 'backyard' of Europe. Whilst there will no doubt be people who will benefit from EU membership if they go to western Europe, their country will be the ultimate loser. This is what has happened to Bulgaria. This is what will happen to Macedonia. There is a real lesson to be learnt by the departure of the United Kingdom from the EU. Her people jumped out of the ship as it began to sink, whereas those in Macedonia, should they ever make it into that quasi-Fourth Reich they think is the promised land, are still eager to end up like the violinists on the Titanic.

                            Watch this heart-wrenching violin scene that made you weep while watching “Titanic” #Titanic #Violin #HeartRending #Emotional #HeartWrenching

                            Wake up, Macedonians. Get your house in order if you want positive change. Nobody respects a country that doesn't respect itself.
                            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                            • Spirit
                              • May 2015
                              • 154

                              I've always said it, what Germany couldn't do in WWII and that is conquer Europe, they eventually did it years later financially through the so called EU


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15660

                                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                                Wake up, Macedonians. Get your house in order if you want positive change. Nobody respects a country that doesn't respect itself.
                                Reject the EU on all terms. Tax intellectual property at 5% and the corporations who rule the world will tell the nations who have been enemies of Macedonia to back off. They will be in the cradle of Europe. I would do it in an instant, there is nothing to lose for Macedonia.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

