Macedonia and the European Union

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  • Daskalot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 4345

    Norwegian press, Dagbladet:

    Makedonia ett skritt nærmere EU-medlemskap

    Og Kroatia nærmer seg mållinjen.

    EU-kommisjonen anbefaler at det innledes forhandlinger med Makedonia om medlemskap i unionen. Samtidig nærmer Kroatia seg mållinjen.

    - Vi kan nå anbefale at det åpnes forhandlinger om medlemskap med Den tidligere jugoslaviske republikken Makedonia, sa utvidelseskommissær Olli Rehn onsdag.

    Rehn sier at Makedonia nå i tilstrekkelig grad oppfyller de politiske og økonomiske kriteriene for å innlede samtaler om medlemskap.

    Men fortsatt gjenstår blant annet en strid med Hellas om landets navn, som grekerne ikke anerkjenner.

    - Jeg håper myndighetene i Skopje ser dette som en anledning til å bilegge navnestriden som har vært med oss de siste 18 årene, sa Rehn.

    Forslaget om forhandlinger må støttes av alle 27 EU-land før samtalene kan starte. Makedonia søkte om medlemskap i 2005.

    Det har lenge vært opplest og vedtatt at EU først må få på plass sin nye Lisboa-traktat før nye utvidelser av Unionen kommer på tale. Men i sin årlige gjennomgang av situasjonen for gruppen av EU-aspiranter, kunne Rehn slå fast at prosessen for alle landene er på sporet.
    Kroatia først

    Først i løypa ligger Kroatia, som Rehn anslår kan være klart til å vurderes for opptak neste år.

    - Kroatia nærmer seg målstreken, fastslo Rehn.

    - Men landet må forbedre seg i kampen mot korrupsjon og organisert kriminalitet. Landet må også gi FNs krigsforbryterdomstol for det tidligere Jugoslavia (ICTY) tilgang til dokumenter, sa Rehn.

    Den ferskeste kandidaten, Island, kan komme i mål på samme tid som Kroatia, ifølge Rehn.

    - Det er mulig at Kommisjonen kan presentere sin mening om Island før jul, sa Rehn til nyhetsbyrået Reuters. Deretter er det opp til EUs medlemsland å åpne for forhandlinger.

    - Islands søknad gir en ny dimensjon til vår dagsorden for utvidelse, ikke bare geografisk, men også når det gjelder EUs rolle som en økonomisk stabiliserende kraft, sa Rehn.

    Translated by Google translate:
    Macedonia one step closer to EU membership

    And Croatia is approaching the finish line.

    The European Commission recommends opening negotiations with Macedonia's membership in the union. At the same time Croatia is approaching the finish line.

    - We can now recommend that it will open negotiations for membership with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, said enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn on Wednesday.

    Rehn says that Macedonia now sufficiently fulfills the political and economic criteria to begin talks on membership.
    Name Conflict

    But still remaining including a dispute with Greece about its name, as the Greeks do not recognize.

    - I hope the authorities in Skopje sees this as an opportunity to settle the name dispute that has been with us over the past 18 years, said Rehn.

    The proposal for negotiations must be supported by all 27 EU countries before talks can start. Macedonia applied for membership in 2005.

    It has long been read and approved the EU must first put in place its new Lisbon Treaty before the new expansion of the Union comes the voice. But in its annual review of the situation for the group of EU aspirants, could Rehn to establish that the process for all countries are on track.
    Croatia only

    First, the trail is Croatia, which Rehn estimates may be ready to be considered for admission next year.

    - Croatia is approaching the finish line, "said Rehn.

    - But the country must improve itself in the fight against corruption and organized crime. The country must also give the UN Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) access to documents, said Rehn.

    The latest candidate, Iceland, can reach the goal at the same time as Croatia, according to Rehn.

    - It is possible that the Commission can present its opinion on the Island before Christmas, said Rehn told Reuters. Then it is up to EU member states to open negotiations.

    - Iceland's application adds a new dimension to our agenda for expansion, not only geographically, but also as regards the EU's role as a stabilizing economic force, "said Rehn.

    As you can see Scandinavian press tells a different story, the name is still on the agenda.
    Macedonian Truth Organisation


    • Daskalot
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 4345

      In other words, change your name and the EU will accept you.

      No can do.
      Macedonian Truth Organisation


      • TrueMacedonian
        • Jan 2009
        • 3823

        I agree. And let me state something here as well. I personally do not think that the EU is a worthy organization for Macedonia to join. I am opposed to it joing the EU for many more reasons than just the name issue. Europe is looking to write a revisionist history which excludes "dirty slavic history". I know people who think I am crazy for stating this. But there is evidence of the following here -

        I know where many people think joining the EU is a great thing. However I personally see it as a wrong move which will look to eliminate an identity that withstood many many obstacles and hardships in the making. One which needed no German or Western 'assistance'. One in which people like Pulevski, a self-taught Macedonian, states that Macedonians are Macedonian and their language is Macedonian and they live in Macedonia.
        So I hope Macedonia never joins this organization. I know it's invariably hard to just say "to hell with the EU and NATO" in the world of politics and that it's much harder for politicians to state things like this. But in my humble opinion Macedonia should not look any further into the EU. If it means a name change then we don't want it.


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          The EU holds little excitement for me.
          But we now have a situation where the USA has unhealthy influence and control in Macedonia. To not get into the EU might be more damaging in the short term.

          Naturally it would be better to get away from the USA as well. Hence my often stated desire for Macedonia to put on its best lingerie and start looking for numerous "friends".
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • TrueMacedonian
            • Jan 2009
            • 3823

            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
            The EU holds little excitement for me.
            But we now have a situation where the USA has unhealthy influence and control in Macedonia. To not get into the EU might be more damaging in the short term.

            Naturally it would be better to get away from the USA as well. Hence my often stated desire for Macedonia to put on its best lingerie and start looking for numerous "friends".
            I agree RTG. I hope Australia gets its act together and recognizes Macedonia. Australia could really be a good friend for Macedonia to have as well as an influential one.
            Turkey is a natural ally for Macedonia and I am proud that Macedonia has a very good relationship with them. I am also happy that Russia is an ally of Macedonia as well. Unfortunately Western Europe is a craphole when it comes to Macedonia. Ireland is a good friend to Macedonia, but racist France agrees with modern "greece's" stance on Macedonia. It's really not a place for Macedonia to be in the EU. Macedonia under US influence is probably better than Macedonia with a name change in the EU with 's for friends.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
              's for friends.
              No truer words!

              I am deeply concerned with the USA influence in Macedonia at the moment. If we become too sidelined from the EU, then the USA will continue to greet Macedonia with open arms and unprotected sex.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • TrueMacedonian
                • Jan 2009
                • 3823

                LOL RTG I love your choice of words and analogies lol.


                • Bill77
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 4545

                  Hello to every one here. My first post.

                  I am finding Daskalot above scandanavian quotes somewhat disapointing, Not towards Daskalot, but the EU sentiment acording to the articles. infact i am finding it confusing.
                  I just came across an article which i will attach the link below, where it states Bilateral issues should not obstruct EU accession. This conclusion is part of the EU Draft Enlargement Strategy, which the european commission should adopt and publish during this week. So i am just scratching my head and trying to come up with answers to the following questions,

                  A) why such conflicting reports coming out. Are EU realy united?
                  B) Why is there no follow up on this report made on idi vidi web site. it is a major issue
                  C) Did i read the idi vidi report (below) corectly?
                  D) Does anyone else know anything about the claims made on the report on idi vidi



                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Welcome Bill, I am sure that some of the others here can provide some answers to your questions. I have personally become tired of all the conflicting stories, hard to tell what exactly is going on, but then again, nothing much seems to have changed.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Bill77
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 4545

                      Thanks Soldier, well it shows,
                      A) we can't depend on the circus called EU
                      B) we can't rely on some web sites.

                      anyway since i am here, can i ask for instructions on how to attach a PDF file to a post? certain albanians on a greek site need to be educated......... well i don't like my chances in teaching thick heads something but at least i will serve truth and justice.


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        I am not sure if it is even possible for a PDF attachment, I think it may have to be a link. One of the other admins like Daskalot or Orovnichanec might know more.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Jankovska
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1774

                          This is how I see it. The EU and America are g'z i gaki. Tony Blair is going to become a president of the EU in he next few weeks, Tony is the closest person to ex George and Obama himself (he was the first person Obama spoke to when he became president). America is tired of Europe playing 'power' so America will take it in it's own hands, Blair being in control.
                          We all know and should not be suprised that we have been asked to come to a compromise about our name before EU entry, this is not a shock, we knew this.
                          Do we need the EU? I'd say yes for protection and nothing more. You all seem to forget the Albanian question here and we saw ourselves how well Russia 'saved' the Serbs.
                          For anything else, we are better off without it.


                          • Bill77
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 4545

                            Originally posted by Jankovska View Post
                            This is how I see it. The EU and America are g'z i gaki. Tony Blair is going to become a president of the EU in he next few weeks, Tony is the closest person to ex George and Obama himself (he was the first person Obama spoke to when he became president). America is tired of Europe playing 'power' so America will take it in it's own hands, Blair being in control.
                            We all know and should not be suprised that we have been asked to come to a compromise about our name before EU entry, this is not a shock, we knew this.
                            Do we need the EU? I'd say yes for protection and nothing more. You all seem to forget the Albanian question here and we saw ourselves how well Russia 'saved' the Serbs.
                            For anything else, we are better off without it.
                            Yes not only that, can you imagine what the euro curency would do to A)our inflation and standerd of living B) tourism afordability C) international buisiness owners (who would have to raise wages to meet standard of living) Would find operating a factory in macedonia not viable anymore. Also like to add that there is no guarentee eu would bring more factories or buisiness to macedonia. I am not an economist. i could be very wrong. Just trying to use common sence.

                            Lastly re Blair, he was a staunch suporter of ours and don't forget he was in power when the UK recognised our country under the name of Macedonia. I also remember his last speach in front of th EC just before the uk had to give up the presidency seat, Blair kept on refering to us as Macedonia. He strongly urged the EU to enlarge the comunity and include macedonia. I will never forget it. it was broudcast live on BBC.


                            • Bill77
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 4545

                              Regarding US, love them or hate them, They are the most important to have on our side. All we need is for them to have national interest in our country, Be it defence or financial, and they will defend it. Lets face it UN And EU have lost there credability after they could not stop the us atacking Iraq. And look at the UN"s eforts in sarajevo. Kids were getting shot at there feet and the un could not do anything about it. They were not alowed to fire back. They are as useful as having tits with balls.


                              • Jankovska
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 1774

                                Entering EU will not better the life of Macedonians, it will make it worse. Look at Bulgaria, whose life is better? I have the opportunity to see it because I always fly to Sofia before travelling to Macedonia, cheaper for me. Life has developed in Sofia but people are poor. they have European prices with Bulgarian wages. The same will happen in Macedonia. Curruption is even worse because the little money the EU sends everyone wants to get their hands on them and everyone is looking for 'vrski'. The poor people win Nothing and the richer will get richer.
                                As for Blair the guy is a bullshitter as much as Bush and Obama and Putin and the rest of the power crazy politicians in the World. Those people will step on their mother's head for power, trust me no one will give a shit about Macedonia, bez nas sonce gree.
                                The only benefit for Macedonia, as I said is stability and sorting the Albanian question while in thr EU<

