COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    Кој и зошто им дозволи влез и фотографирање на Бујар Османи и Неџати Јакупи на Инфективна?

    Вчера бев дежурен на Клиника. Џафери не е позитивен на корона, одговори Османи на прашањето – во...

    Вчера бев дежурен на Клиника. Џафери не е позитивен на корона, одговори Османи на прашањето – во кое својство бил на Инфективната клиника и дали се дозволени посети и фотографирање во екот на епидемијата со ковид-19
    Кој и зошто им дозволил влез и фотографирање на Клиниката за инфективни болести на вицепремиерот за европски прашања Бујар Османи и на директорот на Клиниката за торакална и васкуларна хирургија, Неџати Јакупи, е прашањето кое се отвори во јавноста откако Османи вчера на “Фејсбук” објави фотографија со претседателот на Собранието, Талат Џафери, хоспитализиран во болничка соба.

    Османи, кој е и хирург на Дигестивната клиника, за „360 степени“ вели дека бил дежурен на работа. На прашањето во кое својство бил на Инфективната клиника и дали се дозволени посети и фотографирање, тој вели дека Џафери е негативен на ковид-19.

    Османи избегнува директен одговор за тоа кој му дозволил влез на Инфективна и дали се дозволени посети, макар и од доктори на други клиники, а не се осврнува ниту на делот од прашањето за фотографирањето со хоспитализиран пациент.

    Од почетокот на пандемијата, болничките посети се забранети и строго регулирани во сите болници низ државата. „360 степени“ се обиде да стапи во контакт и со директорката на Инфективната клиника, Милена Стефановиќ, која не одговори во кое својство Османи и Јакупи биле во посета на Џафери, кој им го дозволил тоа, а дополнително и кој им дозволил да фотографираат и јавно да објават фотографија?

    Инаку, на објавата под фотографијата пишува „Еднаш борец, секогаш борец“.

    Џафери е сместен на Инфективната клиника од 24 јули. Тој беше примен со повеќе симптоми кои укажувале на присуство на коронавирусот, имал и пневмонија, но досегашните тестови за ковид-19, според информациите од неговиот кабинет, се со негативен резултат.

    Од кабинетот на Џафери вчера информираа дека неговата здравствена состојба е стабилна, но потребен му е одмор, со оглед на набиената агенда во изминатиот период за време на изборите.

    Русија тврди дека прва ќе има вакцина против коронавирус и тоа многу брзо


    Русија планира да биде првата држава во светот што ќе одобри вакцина против коронавирусот. Тие планираат да го сторат тоа за помалку од две недели и покрај загриженоста за нејзината безбедност, ефективност и околу тоа дали Русија пропуштила да одработи некои есенцијални делови во нејзиниот развој, дознава Си-ен-ен.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      'Shock and awe': Victoria declares state of disaster, six-week Melbourne curfew and stage four restrictions

      Victoria has declared a state of disaster and stage four restrictions are now in place, including a police-enforced curfew in metro Melbourne. Under "shock and awe" state of disaster provisions, an 8pm - 5am curfew has been by police and soldiers across Melbourne, starting tonight and continuing daily for at least six weeks. The state of disaster declaration means Victoria Police and others have been granted additional powers, and the government can also suspend various acts of the parliament. There have been 671 new coronavirus cases recorded in Victoria overnight - the state's second worst day on record - and a further seven deaths. The stay at home restrictions for metro Melbourne have been enhanced and there are now additional limits to the four reasons residents are allowed to leave. "Only one person will be able to go shopping once per day and they will need to secure the goods and services that are what you need within a 5km radius," Premier Daniel Andrews said. "In terms of exercise, recreation is now no longer allowed. You will be able to have one hour of exercise, no further than 5km from your home. That means it's fresh air. It's a jog. It's a walk. It's in your local neighbourhood." On the curfew, Mr Andrews added: "Police will be out in force and you will be stopped and you will be asked and need to demonstrate that you are lawfully out and you are not breaching that curfew. "Going to a mate's place, visiting friends, being out and about for no good reason, all that will do is spread this virus." Mr Andrews said he would elaborate on punishments for breaking curfew at tomorrow's briefing, but a $10,000 fine is possible.

      The ramping up of measures was driven by 700 mystery cases, with authorities unable to track and trace the source of those infections, and a complacency from some Victorians. From Wednesday, all students in metro Melbourne, including Year 11 and 12, will return to remote learning. Also confirming childcare centres in Melbourne would close, Victorian Education Minister James Merlino acknowledged the impact stage 4 would have on students and families. He said the Year 12 General Achievement Test will move from the end of Term Three to the start of Term Four. There was no change to any VCE exams and ATARs would be delivered by the end of the year, he said. From midnight next Wednesday, regional Victoria will move to stage three restrictions. Mitchell Shire will stay at stage three. "That's stay at home, except for the four reasons to leaving," Mr Andrews said. "That will mean restaurants, cafes, bars, gyms, a whole range of other settings will need to close from midnight next Wednesday. Changes to force the temporary closure of many business and industries in stage-four zones of Victoria will be expanded upon tomorrow. "I want to ensure all Victorians supermarkets, the butcher, the baker, food, beverage, groceries, those types of settings, there will be no impact there." "There will be some industries, some settings that can continue and it is business as usual. "Others will have to modify the way they operate and perhaps do less. Others will have to close."

      Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton likened the curfew and stage 4 restrictions to "shock and awe" tactics, a phrase used during the US invasion of Iraq. "I think everyone can see how serious this is," Prof Sutton said. "A state of disaster that's being declared; there's a curfew in place; significant changes in education and significant changes in workplaces tomorrow. "In part, there's shock and awe here for people to genuinely understand that it's a super challenging phase that we're in." Prof Sutton said people had experienced "fatigue" and were complacent about socially distancing and other actions. "I think the message is loud and clear now." Prof. Sutton said he couldn't guarantee stage four would stem the pandemic, but he was optimistic. "I'm hoping this will mark a significant difference to how much transmission is occurring," Prof Sutton said. "It's a significant step-up and these are very broad and deep measures. So I can absolutely see cases decreasing. "But in terms of the guarantee, government and public service cannot make a guarantee." He estimated 20,000 cases have been averted over the period since stage three restrictions have been in place. "But it wasn't enough." The seven new deaths takes Australia's death toll to 209. The fatalities included three women in their 70s, two women in their 80s, one man in his 90s and one woman in her 90s. Of those deaths, six were connected to aged care.
      Victoria had this under control but for the incompetence of certain members of our government, which enabled the poor form of others.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Karposh
        • Aug 2015
        • 863

        All state Vs state jokes aside, what is going on with Victoria lately?...Especially Melbourne? Has the Victorian Government and their police force gone completely mad and drunk on power? Talk about overreach of power. There's a growing list of disturbing examples where the behaviour of Victorian police is, alarmingly, very reminiscent of old Soviet-style police tactics that were used to instill fear in its citizens and keep them in check. Here is the latest example of this heavy-handed type of policing that is completely over-the-top and unnecessary.

        Footage emerging from an outer-Melbourne checkpoint of a woman being forcibly dragged from her car is “terrorism pure and simple," according to Sky News host...

        There's another video doing the rounds where the police stop to interrogate a man about why he is standing on the street without a mask on. "I was taking the bins out", he explained. WTF?! Is this really Australia we are living in?


        • Karposh
          • Aug 2015
          • 863

          More on the Victorian police force, courtesy of Sky News Australia. I can't stand Australian mainstream media anymore (they're all a bunch of smug, leftist wankers) so I tend to look to this channel these days for my daily dose of everyday news.

          Sky News host Chris Kenny says the idea that Victorian police, who did nothing to stop BLM protests during the last lockdown, should go so hard with a zero t...

          It was only the other day that the Victorian chief of police made an analogy, in a press conference, that every time his police have to arrest anti lock-down protesters, it is like a dog returning back to eat its vomit. Well, speaking of dog vomit, if there is one show in this country that can be aptly described as absolute dog vomit, it is channel 10's leftist pile of shit, "The Project". Sky News host Chris Kenny makes a point of this particular show's leftist hypocrisy in the video that I have just linked.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Originally posted by Karposh View Post
            More on the Victorian police force, courtesy of Sky News Australia. I can't stand Australian mainstream media anymore (they're all a bunch of smug, leftist wankers) so I tend to look to this channel these days for my daily dose of everyday news.
            Same here (re MSM in Australia). Some of the recent events in Victoria have been shameful indeed and one wonders why such a heavy-handed approach wasn't taken for other acts of protest earlier in the year. Anyway, the hotel quarantine inquiry has been turned into an absolute debacle where nobody from the Victorian government is taking responsibility for the disaster which led to hundreds of deaths, thousands of infections and millions of impacted lives.


            Premier Daniel Andrews has expressed disappointment that nobody at the top of his government appears to know who decided private security guards should be used in the state's quarantine hotels. In an appearance on Friday afternoon at the inquiry into the quarantine hotels system, Mr Andrews also said Health Minister Jenny Mikakos was primarily responsible for the troubled system - directly contradicting evidence she gave on Thursday.

            Mr Andrews said collective decision-making did not remove accountability, adding that when cabinet made a decision he, as the chair, was the decision-maker......Asked who made the decision to engage private security, Mr Andrews' said in a statement: "I do not know who made that decision". "After National Cabinet made its decision, I expected there that there would be a mix of different personnel playing different roles in the program, including members of Victoria Police..............

            On Friday, Mr Andrews said he didn't turn his mind to how the original mandatory quarantine system would be enforced. "That would not be a matter I would turn my mind to," he told the inquiry. Ms Ellyard then read a transcript of a March 27 press conference announcing the hotel quarantine program in which he said police and private security would be available to monitor guests in the hotels and asked him why he would say that if he had not considered enforcement. Mr Andrews replied: "I'm not certain why I mentioned police, private security and our health team. Those three groups of people and not a fourth or a fifth group ... on the specifics I can't clarify for you our outline for you why I chose those three groups.

            Mr Andrews said there should have been no confusion about who was in charge of hotel quarantine and who was accountable.....The Premier wrote that at the start of the hotels initiative, he regarded Ms Mikakos and Jobs Minister Pakula as responsible for informing Cabinet about the hotels program. Soon after, the Health Department was made lead government agency in charge of the quarantine hotels.......Mr Andrews wrote that, while he believed Ms Mikakos was in control of the hotel quarantine program, he ultimately took responsibility. "As Premier and chair of the Crisis Cabinet Council, I regard myself as being ultimately accountable for the Victorian government and any decisions made about the structure and operation of the program," he wrote.

            Ms Ellyard said the government's contracts with security firms, hotels and cleaners put the responsibilities on those businesses, and not the government, for PPE and infection control. "I'm certainly aware of that now, Ms Ellyard," Mr Andrews responded. Ms Ellyard asked if that would be a substantial risk that those matters had been outsourced. "Yes," Mr Andrews replied.

            Ms Mikakos told the inquiry on Thursday that she only made inquiries about the progress of the hotels program once outbreaks had occurred at the Rydges on Swanston hotel in late May. She said she was not aware private security guards were working in hotels until that point........Thursday's testimony from Ms Mikakos that she only knew about security guards working in quarantine hotels in May was under intense scrutiny on Friday. Ms Mikakos was present for a press conference with Mr Pakula at the end of March where the use of security guards was discussed. A government spokeswoman said Ms Mikakos said "categorically denies" that she had misled the inquiry.
            Either some of these miserable people are blatantly lying to cover their own arses or this is one of the most uncoordinated and incompetent governments in the history of Victoria. And the memory loss of Andrews and Mikakos is comical. There are statements from a number of others in the link where many of them seem to be turning on each other. Whilst Andrews claims accountability as the leader of the party, nobody is taking responsibility. So the state continues with lockdowns, curfews and other extreme restrictions as if it's a third-world dictatorship. Socialism, 21st century-style. The only saving grace is that the number of deaths and infected cases is steadily declining so hopefully a sense of normality can return to Victoria soon.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Phoenix
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 4671

              Originally posted by Karposh View Post
              More on the Victorian police force, courtesy of Sky News Australia. I can't stand Australian mainstream media anymore (they're all a bunch of smug, leftist wankers) so I tend to look to this channel these days for my daily dose of everyday news...
              The mainstream media in Australia is a disgrace and in keeping with the low standards set in most western countries today...from the CNN model of reporting the anarchy across the USA today as being "largely peaceful demonstrations" to the media kowtowing in Victoria where very few media organisations are challenging Andrews escalating totalitarianism and his abject lack of accountability...

              Covid-19 - the pandemic of stupidity.


              • kompir
                • Jan 2015
                • 537

                Some observations and information I have come across regarding the beer virus.

                - A business partner of mine came back from MKD four weeks ago and likened the current political situation in Victoria to a mix of MKD cronyism and USSR style policing.
                - I have it on good authority that the real reason for the curfew in Melbourne was to round up specific "undesirables" and have them dealt with under the cover of darkness. This will make the news within weeks.
                - The legal challenge to the curfew will be expanded to cover the legality of every single restriction and lockdown measure instituted by Andrews and co.

                And as for the media in Australia... they are reprehensible and have shown their true colours as mouthpieces for the government. If there was any doubt about this prior to beer virus 2020, they removed all doubt.
                Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Originally posted by kompir View Post
                  - I have it on good authority that the real reason for the curfew in Melbourne was to round up specific "undesirables" and have them dealt with under the cover of darkness. This will make the news within weeks.
                  I find that ridiculously difficult to believe.

                  Anyway, I was bored and researched how many Flu deaths occurred in Australia in 2019. It was 902 flu related deaths.

                  I note we are at 888 deaths as of today from Covid this year. (800 in Victoria alone) I also note a client of mine said her grandmother was dying from cancer in Victoria. She died as expected and was reported as dying from CV19. I strongly doubt the 800 figure in Victoria.

                  The only thing I can be sure of is, "why the fuck are we destroying the future of multiple generations of our country for something as pathetic and minor as this?"

                  Something is going on, but I don't think it is Kompir's suggestion above.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Carlin
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 3332

                    BREAKING: President Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

                    STOCK FUTURES PLUNGE: Futures plunged by more than 1.6%, or 500 Dow points after President Trump confirmed through a tweet that he and the first lady tested positive for coronavirus


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      Saw that earlier. Probably safe to say it is a PR nightmare. But it could be used to his advantage (assuming he does not die from it).
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • Phoenix
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4671

                        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                        ...Anyway, I was bored and researched how many Flu deaths occurred in Australia in 2019. It was 902 flu related deaths...
                        In 2017 there were 1,255 deaths due to influenza...


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                          In 2017 there were 1,255 deaths due to influenza...

                          That was the highest year ever for Australia.
                          I don't recall anyone shutting the country down and giving free money to everyone back then.
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • JPMKD
                            • Mar 2016
                            • 101

                            Originally posted by Carlin15183886
                            BREAKING: President Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

                            STOCK FUTURES PLUNGE: Futures plunged by more than 1.6%, or 500 Dow points after President Trump confirmed through a tweet that he and the first lady tested positive for coronavirus
                            News says he's on the upswing. Or his doctor does, that is certain. I'd expect he'd get as close to the best treatment so, not a huge shock. But they do say the first 5 or 6 days will tell the trend
                            it is said.
                            An office at the hospital. Kinda reminds me of Bois Johnson popping
                            into a built-in apartment when he got it,
                            Not a Northadonian


                            • Carlin
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 3332

                              Markets plunge amid looming lockdowns in Europe.

                              Protests and clashes erupt across Italy over anti-covid measures:

                              Police disperse demonstrators in Rome with water cannons:

