COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • kompir
    • Jan 2015
    • 537

    I'm not a religious man by any stretch, but these cockroaches will reap what they have sown.

    Mожеби не денес, можеби не утре, овие свињи ќе ја платат најскапата цена за злосторството што го направиле против светот.
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    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      So I posted in another thread about foreign armies legislated (in December 2020) to operate in Australia under full immunity in times of emergency.
      Here you go:
      Just joking. It is Australia who passed the legislation enabling this recently. And we laugh at Macedonia. But don't worry, it can only happen in other emergencies. A pity they never defined other emergencies. Complete immunity no less.

      Well, Victoria signed up to the "Strong Cities Network".

      If you are hearing rumours of almost criminal strong-arm tactics of police who can't speak English, start digging. I might dig further, but there are all the Soros/Gates links and world police theories floating about. Sadly, videos of "police" looking non-Australian at the Victorian covid protests adds weight to this kind of treachery. I believe the legislation has already been utilised for the purpose of hate against citizens of Australia.

      September 12, 2020 TLB Staff Spotlight, Tyranny, WORLD 0 Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project We came across this website on Twitter, (Twitter link.) Its latest blog, which we’re republishing below, makes a very important connection between its OUTSOURCED police force and the Strong Cities Network, funded by globalists like Soros.
      Last edited by Risto the Great; 10-09-2021, 03:07 PM.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • kompir
        • Jan 2015
        • 537

        The bill in question never passed, it would have created a horrible overreach in the powers of the clown car occupants but there was no mention of foreign forces being used to "help".

        The Strong Cities Network is a bullshit front to wash money for Soros. Having said that, Soros is middle management at best, people are too hung up on him and Gates. In the grand scheme of things, they are part of the "useful idiot" brigade. Whoever it was that ushered in the beer virus shit show was someone far above Soros' pay grade.
        Last edited by kompir; 10-09-2021, 07:55 AM.
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        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          Definitely passed. Received royal assent December 2020

          Helpful information Text of bill First reading: Text of the bill as introduced into the Parliament Third reading: Prepared if the bill is amended by the house in which it was introduced. This version of the bill is then considered by the second house. As passed by
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Originally posted by kompir View Post
            The bill in question never passed, it would have created a horrible overreach in the powers of the clown car occupants but there was no mention of foreign forces being used to "help".
            I might sound crazy, but that is pretty close to angry. Here is the actual legislation about foreign forces:

            (4) The Chief of the Defence Force, or the Secretary, may, in writing, authorise a person, or each person in a class of persons, to perform duties in respect of the provision of assistance mentioned in subsection (1), if the person, or each person in the class of persons, is any of the following:

            (a) an APS employee or other employee of the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority or agency;

            (b) a member of the naval, military or air force of a foreign country, or a member of a foreign police force (however described).
            Are you referring to something else?
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              The WEF and the Pandemic

              How is the Davos World Economic Forum involved in the coronavirus pandemic?

              Published: October 6, 2021 (upd.)

              How is the Davos World Economic Forum involved in the coronavirus pandemic?

              The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) is a premier forum for governments, global corporations and international entrepreneurs. Founded in 1971 by engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, the WEF describes its mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world”. According to its website, “moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”

              The WEF has been involved in the coronavirus pandemic in several ways.

              First, the WEF was, together with the Gates Foundation, a sponsor of the prescient “Event 201” coronavirus pandemic simulation exercise, held in New York City on October 18, 2019 – the same day as the opening of the Wuhan Military World Games, seen by some as “ground zero” of the global pandemic. China itself has argued that US military athletes may have brought the virus to Wuhan.

              Second, the WEF has been a leading proponent of digital biometric identity systems, arguing that they will make societies and industries more efficient, more productive and more secure. In July 2019, the WEF started a project to “shape the future of travel with biometric-enabled digital traveler identity management”. In addition, the WEF collaborates with the ID2020 alliance, which is funded by the Gates and Rockefeller foundations and runs a program to “provide digital ID with vaccines”. In particular, ID2020 sees the vaccination of children as “an entry point for digital identity.”

              Third, WEF founder Klaus Schwab is the author of the book COVID-19: The Great Reset, published in July 2020, which argues that the coronavirus pandemic can and should be used for an “economic, societal, geopolitical, environmental and technological reset”, including, in particular, advancing global governance, accelerating digital transformation, and tackling climate change.

              Finally, the WEF has been running, since 1993, a program called “Global Leaders for Tomorrow”, rebranded, in 2004, as “Young Global Leaders”. This program aims at identifying, selecting and promoting future global leaders in both business and politics. Indeed, quite a few “Young Global Leaders” have later managed to become Presidents, Prime Ministers, or CEOs (see below).

              During the coronavirus pandemic, several WEF Global Leaders and Global Shapers (a junior program of the Global Leaders) have played prominent roles, typically promoting zero-covid strategies, lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates. This may have been a (largely failed) attempt to protect public health and the economy, or it may have been an attempt to advance the global transformation agenda outlined above, or perhaps both.

              In this regard, some notable Young Leaders include Jeffrey Zients (US White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator), Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna), Jeremy Howard (founder of influential lobby group “Masks for All”), Leana Wen (zero-covid CNN medical analyst), Eric Feigl-Ding (zero-covid Twitter personality), Gavin Newsom (Governor of California, selected in 2005), Devi Sridhar (British zero-covid professor), Jacinda Ardern (Prime Minister of New Zealand), French President Emanuel Macron (selected one year prior to his election in 2017), Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (selected back in 1993), and German Health Minister Jens Spahn.

              To get a full overview of their members, see Global Leaders for Tomorrow and Young Global Leaders on WikiSpooks (a Wiki focusing on covert power structures) as well as the official Young Global Leaders website. For an overview of some notable members in politics and the media, see below.

              In conclusion, the Davos World Economic Forum has indeed been involved in the strategic management of the coronavirus pandemic, with a major emphasis on using the pandemic as a catalyst for digital transformation and the global introduction of digital identity systems.
              Further links available on the above link provided.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • kompir
                • Jan 2015
                • 537

                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                Definitely passed. Received royal assent December 2020

                I tried looking for it but didn't find anything. Mame nivno...
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                • kompir
                  • Jan 2015
                  • 537

                  Background: Data on breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant infections are limited.Methods: We studied breakthrough infections among healthcare workers of

                  Findings: Between 11th–25th June 2021 (week 7–8 after dose 2), 69 healthcare workers were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 62 participated in the clinical study. 49 were (pre)symptomatic with one requiring oxygen supplementation. All recovered uneventfully. 23 complete-genome sequences were obtained. They all belonged to the Delta variant, and were phylogenetically distinct from the contemporary Delta variant sequences obtained from community transmission cases, suggestive of ongoing transmission between the workers. Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020. Time from diagnosis to PCR negative was 8–33 days (median: 21). Neutralizing antibody levels after vaccination and at diagnosis of the cases were lower than those in the matched uninfected controls. There was no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels and viral loads or the development of symptoms.

                  Interpretation: Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people. Physical distancing measures remain critical to reduce SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant transmission.
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                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Vietnam was handling covid extremely well until they started vaccinating. The above study looks to be performed by Vietnamese researchers. It is almost common knowledge now that being vaccinated makes zero difference to infection.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      Around 80% of the adult population of Vermont, USA is fully vaccinated against Covid-19, but despite this the state is currently experiencing a huge surge in new hospitalisations for Covid-19 that …

                      The most Vaccinated state in the USA sees huge surge in Covid-19 Hospitalisations & Deaths, with 76% of them among the fully vaccinated population

                      Around 80% of the adult population of Vermont, USA is fully vaccinated against Covid-19, but despite this the state is currently experiencing a huge surge in new hospitalisations for Covid-19 that is comparable to the levels seen during winter 2020/2021.

                      Of the 33 people in Vermont who died after testing positive for Covid-19 in the month of September, 8 were unvaccinated and 25 were fully vaccinated, meaning 76% of deaths in the state during September were among the fully vaccinated population.

                      “I think it’s clearly frustrating for all of us,” lamented Michael Pieciak, commissioner of the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation, which monitors virus statistics for the state.

                      Right now, the number of hospitalisation cases in Vermont is also at record levels. The state recorded September as its second deadliest month, and October might set a new record, with the rate of new Covid-19 deaths per 100,000 of the population increasing by 85% over the previous week as of October 1st according to official CDC data.

                      This is despite 80% of the adult population of Vermont being fully vaccinated, with many also having had a third “booster” shot.

                      If the Covid-19 injections really were 95% effective as claimed by the vaccine manufacturers, then Vermont would be the healthiest state in the USA right now. Instead, Vermont is fast becoming the sickest state in the country.

                      The state recorded the highest rate of hospitalisations per 100,000 residents on October 1st, a 16% increase on the number of hospitalisations recorded in the previous week and the highest seen since winter 20/21. Which is worrying considering official CDC data shows that there was also a 50% increase in the number of hospitals with staff shortages.

                      Governor Phil Scott, a Republican, lifted Vermont’s state of emergency back in June 2021 once at least 80 percent of the state’s population had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 injection. This reliance upon the vaccine to save the state has clearly failed.

                      “We can’t be in a perpetual state of emergency,” Scott announced this week.

                      Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut, the three states that follow right behind Vermont in terms of vaccine compliance, are all seeing a similar surge in new hospitalisations and deaths.

                      On September 23rd, UMass Memorial Health, the largest health system in central Massachusetts, reached full capacity in its intensive care unit with 150 patients requiring critical care and only 144 beds set up in ICU.

                      UMass Memorial Health President and CEO, Dr. Eric Dickson cited an increase in Covid-19 cases as the issue, despite high vaccination uptake in the state. of Massachusetts.

                      Connecticut, the second-most-vaccinated state in America, is likewise seeing a massive surge in hospitalisations and deaths – so much so that the state legislature recently extended the Governor’s emergency powers to respond to this latest “wave” of the virus.

                      Things are not looking good this winter for those who have had the Covid-19 vaccine.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • kompir
                        • Jan 2015
                        • 537

                        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                        Vietnam was handling covid extremely well until they started vaccinating. The above study looks to be performed by Vietnamese researchers. It is almost common knowledge now that being vaccinated makes zero difference to infection.
                        I'm glad you picked up on that Risto, Thailand is in the same boat.

                        Just got word a cousin of the wife died a week after his second shot of Pfizer in Bitola, total heart failure.
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                        • Karposh
                          • Aug 2015
                          • 863

                          So they've apparently given us our freedom today 11/10/2021 in Sydney - officially "Freedom Day". A nice little carrot by the powers that be for the masses to enjoy as a reward for their cooperation and compliance thus far. They were going on about it in a work meeting today and I swear I felt myself starting to just about vomit at the utter absurdity of it all. What is wrong with these people (and it seems to be the majority of Australian society)? Excited about what exactly? We've been granted freedom to do what exactly? How is it freedom when we are still forced to walk around with a muzzle strapped on our faces and having to give away our personal details before we can be allowed to buy anything from the shops?

                          No, this is far from freedom. Communism is alive and well and it is thriving in Australia today to the disbelief of the rest of the world. As a matter of fact, you've been very vocal in your opinions about this RtG and I commend you for it but you have to wonder if the thought police are not monitoring what we say, even here on this Macedonian site. I've seen plenty of examples around to suggest that that is indeed the case. They won't like what I think most of us are saying on here. Their fact checkers will have us believe that everything we are saying is just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories and we had better watch what we continue to say or else.


                          • kompir
                            • Jan 2015
                            • 537

                            Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                            So they've apparently given us our freedom today 11/10/2021 in Sydney - officially "Freedom Day". A nice little carrot by the powers that be for the masses to enjoy as a reward for their cooperation and compliance thus far. They were going on about it in a work meeting today and I swear I felt myself starting to just about vomit at the utter absurdity of it all. What is wrong with these people (and it seems to be the majority of Australian society)? Excited about what exactly? We've been granted freedom to do what exactly? How is it freedom when we are still forced to walk around with a muzzle strapped on our faces and having to give away our personal details before we can be allowed to buy anything from the shops?

                            No, this is far from freedom. Communism is alive and well and it is thriving in Australia today to the disbelief of the rest of the world. As a matter of fact, you've been very vocal in your opinions about this RtG and I commend you for it but you have to wonder if the thought police are not monitoring what we say, even here on this Macedonian site. I've seen plenty of examples around to suggest that that is indeed the case. They won't like what I think most of us are saying on here. Their fact checkers will have us believe that everything we are saying is just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories and we had better watch what we continue to say or else.
                            These banditi need to be called out for what they are, criminals of the worst kind, for their criminality is under the guise of assistance and "the greater good". I don't think Risto gives a shit about whether the thought police are monitoring, I sure don't.

                            These criminals need to be held accountable above and beyond the ballot box, for the decisions and decrees they and their unelected bureaucrats made go beyond voting.
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                            • Karposh
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 863

                              Originally posted by kompir View Post
                              These banditi need to be called out for what they are, criminals of the worst kind, for their criminality is under the guise of assistance and "the greater good". I don't think Risto gives a shit about whether the thought police are monitoring, I sure don't.

                              These criminals need to be held accountable above and beyond the ballot box, for the decisions and decrees they and their unelected bureaucrats made go beyond voting.
                              Couldn't agree with you more my friend. Fuck Labor & fuck the Liberals! I hope to God we can vote them all out! Make sure you all vote for the United Australia Party under Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly. These two individuals have been ridiculed and painted out to be the biggest baffoons of our time by MSM but they are two of the most honest men in Australian politics at the moment and I can't wait to get to the ballot box when the time comes.


                              • kompir
                                • Jan 2015
                                • 537

                                Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                                Couldn't agree with you more my friend. Fuck Labor & fuck the Liberals! I hope to God we can vote them all out! Make sure you all vote for the United Australia Party under Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly. These two individuals have been ridiculed and painted out to be the biggest baffoons of our time by MSM but they are two of the most honest men in Australian politics at the moment and I can't wait to get to the ballot box when the time comes.
                                I think this transcends voting Karposh, the Australian legal and political system allowed this to happen, by way of enabling unelected individuals to be delegated powers they have no business wielding. Not only that, the governments across this country took their cues from "foreign advisors" without doing any research or investigation using their own people and own health departments.
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