COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • kompir
    • Jan 2015
    • 537

    Yuri, do you have thoughts on the matter that weren't fed to you by the mainstream media and a government that is guilty of crimes against humanity?
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    • Phoenix
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 4671

      Originally posted by YuriB View Post
      COVID19 vs. Flu: Covid is way more infectious, way more deadly and most importantly, no one has resistance to it being a new virus. Hence, within less than 2 years, Covid has caused a minimum of 5M deaths..
      The distinction you need to make is the argument of dying with covid OR dying from covid.

      For example, the recent passing of Colin Powell has largely been reported in the MSM as a covid death...allegedly he also had other comorbidities -including cancer and Parkinson's disease which both compromise the immune system, throw in his age and possibly very poor recent health and it becomes a dart throwing exercise to determine what actually killed him.


      • Dove
        • Aug 2018
        • 170

        Originally posted by YuriB View Post

        Because covid is new, therefore, we first need to develop an acceptable level of herd immunity before going back to normal. This can happen through immunization, which will protect most people and especially the vulnerable, or it can happen naturally, by letting the virus blaze through the community (and kill our old parents and grandparents plus any vulnerable youth in the process).
        AUG 12 2021
        Here’s why herd immunity from Covid is ‘mythical’ with the delta variant

        Sir Andrew Pollard, head of the Oxford Vaccine Group, told British lawmakers Tuesday that as Covid vaccines did not stop the spread of the virus entirely — with vaccinated people still able to be infected and transmit the virus — the idea of achieving herd immunity was “mythical.”

        “And that does mean that anyone who’s still unvaccinated, at some point, will meet the virus. That might not be this month or next month, it might be next year, but at some point they will meet the virus and we don’t have anything that will stop that transmission.”

        Achieving herd immunity with Covid vaccines when the highly infectious delta variant is spreading is likely to be impossible, leading experts say.

        Therefore, you will not necessarily protect the vulnerable, you just affect the timing. Obviously you need more than the vaccine. As American Doctors have been telling us - treat early.


        • Phoenix
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 4671

          Originally posted by YuriB View Post
          ...We still need masks until we reach an acceptable level of herd immunity even if double vaccinated. The vaccine is not a guarantee one cannot catch and transmit covid, but it definitely lessens the risk. It is really about probability...
          If you think protection from respiratory infection is guaranteed by a cheap, ill fitting, incorrectly worn and shitty mask that you buy in packs of 50, I feel sorry for you.
          If you prefer the safety of the designer, handmade face-panty style that matches your favourite frock, you are sadly deluded and you have been misled.

          Masking is nothing more than covid theatre.
          Mask mandates are used as a psychological trigger to reinforce the mantra of - "we are all in this together" which ultimately creates Stockholm syndrome whereby the citizenry develop a positive acceptance of these ridiculous edicts.

          To illustrate the disputed efficacy of masks you only need to review the history and mixed messaging from health bureaucrats the world over...remember when masks were not necessary, I do...remember when double and triple masking was encouraged, I do...I even remember politicians espousing that ANY face covering was acceptable...really, any face covering, including a bandana wrapped around your face was once upon a time a great idea and this was apparently going to stop the virus.

          All masks are NOT created equal, they vary greatly in quality and effectiveness and even the highest quality of mask will be rendered useless if it fails to fit the users face almost perfectly.

          In hospital settings, individuals go through a comprehensive fitting test to determine which of the many brands of surgical grade masks best fit the unique facial features of each person.

          They undergo a process of elimination, trying on brand after brand until suitable masks are identified.
          Each mask is tried on and a salt vapour is introduced into a room that simulates an airborne virus, the test mask that the user is wearing is connected to an instrument that detects if the vapour has passed the mask barrier and real-time data is displayed on a computer determining the effectiveness of the particular brand of mask within a defined tolerance range and ultimately the pass or fail result of the mask.

          This can be a lengthy process to identify the best fitting mask for the individual as most masks are manufactured on a one-size-fits-all basis whilst no 2 faces are alike.

          Even the brand and model of surgical mask that has been identified as best suited to an individuals face can have compromised effectiveness if it is not worn correctly, if the straps are twisted or the periphery of the mask is kinked instead of sitting flush against the wearers cheeks will reduce its effectiveness dramatically.

          So what is the effectiveness of the ubiquitous, cheap-arse, ill fitting, blue mask or the designer homemade face-panty, how are they handled, are they worn below the nose or under the chin, how often are they replaced, washed and how are they stored...all of these things matter if you are concerned with infection control, particularly when combatting a virus that has aerosol/airborne/droplet transmission modes (I still don't think they've agreed on its most likely state of transmission)

          The threads making up masks were once described at the microscopic level as being similar to the scaffolding that surrounds a building, in relative terms that would make the virus the size of marbles, if you were to throw the marbles (virus) in the direction of the building, occasionally a marble would hit the 'scaffolding' (mask fibres) but the overwhelming majority of marbles would pass through and hit the building...(infect the individual)

          The gaps in the cheap blue masks and homemade face-panties are much larger than the tiny size of the virus, factor in the abysmal fit and quality of these masks, the lack of discipline and knowledge of how to wear a mask correctly (by most people) and the whole endeavour becomes nothing better than a futile shit-show...we are muzzled like fucking dogs in the great outdoors and people think wearing masks outside (and while driving a car on their own) is keeping them safe...what a fucking circus.


          • kompir
            • Jan 2015
            • 537

            ^ Further to this, one only needs to see the sorts of masks employed by panel beaters in their spray booths (and how much they cost) to filter out aerosol paint.
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            • Spirit
              • May 2015
              • 154

              It’s amazing how many people I see still wearing masks even though the mandate for masks outdoors here in NSW has been lifted. The state government even admitted that they were pressured into enforcing this ridiculous mandate by the mainstream media


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                Masking is nothing more than covid theatre.
                Mask mandates are used as a psychological trigger to reinforce the mantra of - "we are all in this together" which ultimately creates Stockholm syndrome whereby the citizenry develop a positive acceptance of these ridiculous edicts.
                I see them as nothing more than advertisements for Pfizer.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Originally posted by YuriB View Post
                  The vaccine is not a guarantee one cannot catch and transmit covid, but it definitely lessens the risk. It is really about probability.
                  Again with the latent advertising. How do you genuinely know it lessens the risk? Deaths in Israel suggest otherwise. And since precisely what date in your life did you ever call something a vaccine when you could catch or still transmit the disease after having been vaccinated. See what happened there? You just accepted a brand new kind of normal without batting an eyelid. I suspect you will believe anything.

                  Originally posted by YuriB View Post
                  We have all been making sacrifices over the past two years. The selfishness, in my opinion, comes solely from the so called freedom/libertarian block. Especially, those who actually accept vaccines but want to use this opportunity to play the sovereign citizen act. Personally, I have more respect for antivaccers. They are at least in their heads convinced that they protect their health.
                  In your head, you believe the vaccine will protect your health. Your head is filled with the things Google and MSM tell you and you accept them as fact. Brilliant scientists are being censored so a very specific agenda can be presented right now. Why are these brilliant scientists being censored? You have remained very general and broad in your responses. It is a cop-out and makes it rather pointless debating with you.

                  I genuinely believe people will become very sick over time after they have been vaccinated. These untested vaccines are new and have already violated every testing protocol that was previously in place (including animal and human tests in addition to tainted control groups). They do not get full approval for use until 2023 here in Australia. They will be subject to vigorous review and decisions will be made at that point in time. Any sane person would at least wait until then, because only at that point in time will you be able to sue someone.

                  Sovereign, my arse. Logical, yep.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Karposh
                    • Aug 2015
                    • 863

                    Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                    If you think protection from respiratory infection is guaranteed by a cheap, ill fitting, incorrectly worn and shitty mask that you buy in packs of 50, I feel sorry for you.
                    If you prefer the safety of the designer, handmade face-panty style that matches your favourite frock, you are sadly deluded and you have been misled.

                    Masking is nothing more than covid theatre.
                    Mask mandates are used as a psychological trigger to reinforce the mantra of - "we are all in this together" which ultimately creates Stockholm syndrome whereby the citizenry develop a positive acceptance of these ridiculous edicts.

                    To illustrate the disputed efficacy of masks you only need to review the history and mixed messaging from health bureaucrats the world over...remember when masks were not necessary, I do...remember when double and triple masking was encouraged, I do...I even remember politicians espousing that ANY face covering was acceptable...really, any face covering, including a bandana wrapped around your face was once upon a time a great idea and this was apparently going to stop the virus.

                    All masks are NOT created equal, they vary greatly in quality and effectiveness and even the highest quality of mask will be rendered useless if it fails to fit the users face almost perfectly.

                    In hospital settings, individuals go through a comprehensive fitting test to determine which of the many brands of surgical grade masks best fit the unique facial features of each person.

                    They undergo a process of elimination, trying on brand after brand until suitable masks are identified.
                    Each mask is tried on and a salt vapour is introduced into a room that simulates an airborne virus, the test mask that the user is wearing is connected to an instrument that detects if the vapour has passed the mask barrier and real-time data is displayed on a computer determining the effectiveness of the particular brand of mask within a defined tolerance range and ultimately the pass or fail result of the mask.

                    This can be a lengthy process to identify the best fitting mask for the individual as most masks are manufactured on a one-size-fits-all basis whilst no 2 faces are alike.

                    Even the brand and model of surgical mask that has been identified as best suited to an individuals face can have compromised effectiveness if it is not worn correctly, if the straps are twisted or the periphery of the mask is kinked instead of sitting flush against the wearers cheeks will reduce its effectiveness dramatically.

                    So what is the effectiveness of the ubiquitous, cheap-arse, ill fitting, blue mask or the designer homemade face-panty, how are they handled, are they worn below the nose or under the chin, how often are they replaced, washed and how are they stored...all of these things matter if you are concerned with infection control, particularly when combatting a virus that has aerosol/airborne/droplet transmission modes (I still don't think they've agreed on its most likely state of transmission)

                    The threads making up masks were once described at the microscopic level as being similar to the scaffolding that surrounds a building, in relative terms that would make the virus the size of marbles, if you were to throw the marbles (virus) in the direction of the building, occasionally a marble would hit the 'scaffolding' (mask fibres) but the overwhelming majority of marbles would pass through and hit the building...(infect the individual)

                    The gaps in the cheap blue masks and homemade face-panties are much larger than the tiny size of the virus, factor in the abysmal fit and quality of these masks, the lack of discipline and knowledge of how to wear a mask correctly (by most people) and the whole endeavour becomes nothing better than a futile shit-show...we are muzzled like fucking dogs in the great outdoors and people think wearing masks outside (and while driving a car on their own) is keeping them safe...what a fucking circus.
                    I wish we could run full page advertisements of this in every major newspaper of the country to educate all the brainwashed zombies out there.

                    I don't know who came up with this analogy first but the best comparison I've heard so far of the efficacy of a piece of cheap cloth being able to stop a virus from infecting us is with that of a pair of undies being able to stop a fart.


                    • kompir
                      • Jan 2015
                      • 537

                      Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                      I wish we could run full page advertisements of this in every major newspaper of the country to educate all the brainwashed zombies out there.

                      I don't know who came up with this analogy first but the best comparison I've heard so far of the efficacy of a piece of cheap cloth being able to stop a virus from infecting us is with that of a pair of undies being able to stop a fart.
                      When this shitshow was just warming up, I played out that scenario to a severely retarded krava at a petrol station. Seeing the colour drain away from her face was priceless.
                      Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                      • YuriB
                        Junior Member
                        • Jan 2019
                        • 54

                        The viruses don't just travel as individual units in the air. They are inside droplets of a few tens of micrometers wide. These droplets are made by spray produced when we talk, cough, sneeze, etc. The droplets are large enough to be caught be a mesh surface, especially if it is hydrophilic (attracts water).
                        A Greek supporting self-determination of Macedonians!


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          I bet you just kept nodding and agreeing when Fauci kept flip-flopping on his notions about mask myths and suppositions.

                          Pfizerphylic (attracted to Pfizer)
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • Dove
                            • Aug 2018
                            • 170

                            Originally posted by YuriB View Post
                            The viruses don't just travel as individual units in the air. They are inside droplets of a few tens of micrometers wide. These droplets are made by spray produced when we talk, cough, sneeze, etc. The droplets are large enough to be caught be a mesh surface, especially if it is hydrophilic (attracts water).
                            Yuri, wearing a mask as required poses no issue for me. Do you think I can rely on wearing a standard mask to prevent me from catching COVID? Should I have 100'% confidence that if I sanitise my hands, keep them away from my face, wear a mask as required that I will not catch COVID?


                            • Phoenix
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 4671

                              Originally posted by YuriB View Post
                              The viruses don't just travel as individual units in the air. They are inside droplets of a few tens of micrometers wide. These droplets are made by spray produced when we talk, cough, sneeze, etc. The droplets are large enough to be caught be a mesh surface, especially if it is hydrophilic (attracts water).
                              I think you are missing the point here.
                              I was discussing the nonsense of mask edicts, particularly when applied to their mandated use in outdoor settings, where social distancing can be easily maintained and the general ill discipline and knowledge of appropriate mask use in the first place, like keeping one in your back pocket for a few days or using one that has been laying around in the back seat of your car for a week or two.

                              You have described the behaviour of viruses (i.e. that they attach themselves to larger particles) and are subsequently "caught" by the surface of the mask...yep, can't disagree with the premise of that when viewed through the prism of theory but what about the people wanting their mask to match their outfit each day so they make their own and those who are keeping the same disposable mask for weeks at a do those masks maintain an effective long term electrostatic absorption capability, even if they had such a property in the first place.

                              A lack of electrostatic absorption, ill fitting and their general unhygienic treatment and you have to seriously doubt their true ability to combat any virus...but lets fine and arrest people for sitting in a park on their own without a mask don't think it gets anymore anti-science than that.


                              • Dove
                                • Aug 2018
                                • 170

                                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                                I am sure you have researched how useless PCR tests are and understand what Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR test) was saying about them.
                                Do you have a reference for what Kary Mullis said, I have checked but cannot find it?

                                Has anyone done a study on how useless PCR Tests are? I have seen it reported that it is one error in 500 and the report can show false positives.
                                Last edited by Dove; 10-20-2021, 11:25 PM. Reason: adding a question

