COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • Dove
    • Aug 2018
    • 170

    The TGA has blacked out hundreds of pages of adverse event reporting - From Maria Zeee


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      Page 196 was incredible ... in the sense that it was the same as every other page. Black pages matter?
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • kompir
        • Jan 2015
        • 537

        Originally posted by Dove View Post

        The TGA has blacked out hundreds of pages of adverse event reporting - From Maria Zeee
        That's the TGA saying "fuck you".
        Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


        • kompir
          • Jan 2015
          • 537

          NZ High Court upholds challenge to police and NZDF vaccine mandates:

          Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Great news
            If only Australians had rights.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • kompir
              • Jan 2015
              • 537

              The Doherty Institute just destroyed what little credibility it had left:

              Doherty Institute researchers sound warning about more dangerous Covid variants to come

              The virus causing Covid is able to temporarily speed up its evolution to evade immune systems and spawn new waves of the pandemic, Doherty Institute researchers have found.

              As well as sounding a warning that more dangerous variants of Covid will continue to emerge well into the future, the finding also provides a path toward preventing them spreading from country to country.

              The Melbourne team led by Dr Sebastian Duchene found the SARS-CoV-2 virus was able to mutate into a more lethal new variant in just six weeks, despite other viruses typically taking a year or more to undergo such changes.

              Although SARS-CoV-2 generally evolves at a similar rate to other viruses and slower than the flu, Dr Duchene said it has the ability to temporarily undertake “short-lived mutational bursts” when it strikes an unvaccinated or non-immune population, allowing it to speed up its evolution “like someone pumping the accelerator on a car”.

              “If you infect a host over a long time, there will be this evolutionary arms race, which means the virus will be forced to innovate a lot and that innovation is ultimately mutation,” Dr Duchene said.

              “It will start coming up with a lots mutations to evade the immune system within one host … then when it comes out from this host who was infected for a long time to eventually infects somebody else, you have a very different virus because it has undergone this evolutionary arms race for a few weeks.”

              But because SARS-CoV-2 needs to large non-immune populations to speed up its mutation on a scale large enough to create a new variant, Dr Duchene said helping to vaccinate all corners of the globe as soon as possible may be able to halt further waves.

              Results of the Doherty research published in Molecular Biology and Evolution also show that an increased use of genetic sequencing of Covid infections in all nations is needed to detect the latest variants much more quickly than previously thought.

              In an exhaustive examination, the Doherty team traced the genetic changes of hundreds of genome sequences from SARS-CoV-2 strains to understand the mechanisms that resulted in new variants of concern.

              They discovered the mutations that resulted in the first four dangerous variants – Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta – occurred at a vastly accelerated evolutionary pace when given a chance to infect individuals for prolonged periods and then spread rapidly through unprotected populations.

              The acceleration was so strong that it took only six weeks for the mutations to take place resulting in the deadly Delta variant.

              “This shows that we need to address the evolution of the virus if we want to minimise the risk of variants appearing,” Dr Duchene said.

              “This is a good argument for better vaccine distribution worldwide.

              “It could be that somewhere around the world there is a variant emerging we haven’t seen because we have these surveillance blind spots where we just don’t know what is circling in some parts of the world.

              “Imagine if we detected Delta really early on you can just quarantine that and control it and it doesn’t spread around the world if we can detect it rapidly enough.”
              Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                They are compromised mouthpieces for big pharma and the government listens to them. Amazing global criminality.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Dove
                  • Aug 2018
                  • 170

                  SA Judicial Review

                  We are pleased provide the following JR update:

                  There are six plaintiffs in the proceedings – 2 nurses, 2 police officers, a childcare worker and a teacher.

                  The proceedings came before the Supreme Court on 17th February 2022. All of the Applicants were present. Simon Ower QC for the Applicants told the Court that it seemed that the Police Commissioner was not intending to give evidence and neither was Ms. Spurrier. Instead the Crown had filed an affidavit of another police officer who serves under Stevens which attempts to describe was what before Stevens when he made his vaccine -mandate Directions. Much of it is hearsay and will be the subject of objection by the Applicants. Simon Ower told the Court about the paucity of information the Crown had provided to date.

                  The trial will now commence on 17th March 2022 and continue on the 18th and the 24th March.

                  Importantly, following the hearing the Crown have consented to Protective Costs Order sought by the Applicants which caps the costs that can be awarded against them if they are unsuccessful in an amount of $50,000. This is the first time such an order has been made in South Australia and provides the Applicants with great peace of mind in these important proceedings brought in the public interest.

                  Mr. Ower also told the Court that the applicants would seek those arrangements be made to livestream the trial.


                  • Dove
                    • Aug 2018
                    • 170

                    An international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness

                    Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns about the WHO’s imminent imposition of a global dictatorship, under the guise of ‘pandemic preparedness,' that will overrule national governments and lead to nothing less than the enslavement of mankind


                    • kompir
                      • Jan 2015
                      • 537

                      I knew this bloke:

                      James Petrie: Ballarat High School teacher and Waubra Kangaroos player remembered after tragic death

                      Students have paid tribute to a Ballarat teacher who was a “role model inside and outside the school” after he tragically died over the weekend.

                      March 1, 2022 - 2:10PM
                      The Ballarat News

                      The Ballarat community has been devastated by the unexpected death of local footy player and schoolteacher James Petrie, at just 33.

                      Mr Petrie, a stalwart of the Waubra Kangaroos Football Netball Club, and a PE teacher at Ballarat High School, died over the weekend.

                      Club coach Matt James said on Monday his mate’s death came out of the blue, and had been shocking and devastating to those who knew him.

                      “He was just a really, really well liked, popular guy that was a real leader at our footy club,” Mr James said.

                      Mr Petrie played in the club’s 2019 premiership, and stayed with the club as a younger cohort of players came through the ranks in last year.

                      Mr Petrie had also previously coached the club’s under-18 side.

                      Mr James said: “He was, in a way — father figure is the wrong term — but just that little bit older than the majority of the group and was a real leader on and off the field.”

                      He praised Mr Petrie as the kind of club man who was “willing to get his hands dirty”, and said his death would be “raw” for a long time to come.

                      As news of his death spread, parents and students of Mr Petrie’s from Ballarat High School also paid tribute.

                      Speaking on behalf of his classmates, Isaac Jantzen said Mr Petrie had a way of “lighting up a room and putting a smile on all our faces”.

                      Isaac said Mr Petrie — known to many students as “Peach” — was a role model who “had a positive impact on all students at Ballarat High School”.

                      He said Mr Petrie drove his students to do their best, whether on or off the sporting field.

                      “Mr Petrie got satisfaction from seeing us students succeed,” Isaac said.

                      “This week, and the weeks to come, will be hard for all of us that were privileged enough to work alongside Peach. He will be sadly missed.”

                      A former student, Kate Tanti said Mr Petrie was “forever helping all of (his) students to be the best version of themselves”.

                      “If only I could have told you how much of an impact you had, not only on myself but everyone who got the chance to meet you,” she said.

                      Parent Sharon Klien said her son, Dylan, remembered Mr Petrie as “the best teacher he had ever had”.

                      She said Mr Petrie was always there for his students, and had supported her son through some tough times.

                      Ms Klien said she would be forever grateful for when Mr Petrie went out of his way to help her son when he was unwell at a school camp.

                      In a statement on Tuesday, Ballarat High School said it was with “extreme sadness and grief that we acknowledge the passing of a much-loved friend, colleague and teacher Mr James Petrie”.

                      “Our heartfelt condolences go to James’ family, his partner Jane, her family, friends, work and sporting colleagues,” the statement said.

                      Mr Petrie, born in Benalla in 1988, followed in the footsteps of his mother, Anne, and father, Julian, when he became a teacher.

                      His partner was also heavily involved with the Waubra Kangaroos.

                      One of four siblings, Mr Petrie had been a teacher for almost a decade and was a keen traveller, photographer and outdoorsman, having trekked the Kokoda Track with a group of students in 2019.
                      Guess what got him...
                      Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                      • Dove
                        • Aug 2018
                        • 170

                        Originally posted by kompir View Post
                        I knew this bloke: ... Guess what got him...
                        How tragic and sad. His whole life ahead of him but gone.


                        • Dove
                          • Aug 2018
                          • 170

                          The AVN Court Case continues today

                          Here are the details of the COURT ORDER from the last session.

                          AVN – Applicant
                          Secretary, Department of Health – Respondent

                          JUDGE: JUSTICE PERRY
                          DATE OF ORDER: 16 February 2022
                          WHERE MADE: Sydney

                          THE COURT ORDERS THAT:
                          1. The respondent file any notice of objection to competency by 4pm on Friday, 18 February 2022
                          2. On or before 4pm on Tuesday 22 February 2022, the applicant is to file and serve separate Concise Statements in accordance with paragraphs 6.5-6.7 of Practice Note ACLHR-1 addressing:
                          a) the claim for an order in the nature of mandamus and/or a declaration as sought in paragraphs 2 and 3 of the prayer for relief I the Originating Application (the applicant's mandamus case), including addressing the basis for the pleading at ground 9; and
                          b) the claim for an order quashing or setting aside the respondent's decision concerning the administration of the Cormirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine to 5 to 11 year-old children as sought in paragraph 4 of the prayer for relief in the Originating Application (the applicant's judicial review case).
                          3. On or before 4pm on Tuesday, 1 March 2022, the respondent is to file and serve separate Concise Statements in response to the applicant's Concise Statements, and any notices under s 78B of the Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth)
                          4. The matter is listed for case management at 4:15pm on Thursday, 3 March 2022.
                          5. Costs are reserved.
                          6. Liberty to apply on three days notice.


                          • Dove
                            • Aug 2018
                            • 170

                            This link gives some explanation about what happened in relation to the court order shown above.


                            • Dove
                              • Aug 2018
                              • 170

                              Class actions

                              This info is a bit old but here it is anyway.

                              Highlighting the Victoria part of the above page:

                              In Victoria; the Public Health Act 2008 VIC, is far more flexible than NSW, and it is also specific in that a vaccination order must be affected through section 117 of the Public Health Act. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on bringing a tortious claim against the Government; as such, this means, that if there is negligence, or a breach of statutory duty in making these mandates, then both the individuals as decision makers in Government, as well as the Government itself, can be made liable. For this reason, we are considering a Federal court action in Victoria, to challenge inconsistencies within the legislation, as well as liability for tortious conduct. This will also provide us the opportunity to put our extensively compiled evidence before the Court.


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15660

                                What's happening out there guys? Most people are really sick of the diminished freedoms. Many still want to be governed in this way though. Less people seem inclined to get boosted.

                                I am waiting for the Pfizer docs released with the last 24 hours to be reviewed. Might be some bombshells there.

                                In any case, stay safe and free my friends.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

