Greece demands Macedonia to rewrite history

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  • Stevce
    • Jan 2016
    • 200

    Greece demands Macedonia to rewrite history

    This is fucking idiotic. Macedonian textbooks are to be rewritten where the division of Macedonian excludes any negative historical facts which make Greece look negatively. Namely expulsion of people, language and so on. Their priority is to remove the maps of ethnic Macedonia, but also the texts that talk about the division of the country into The Balkan wars.

    Last edited by Stevce; 04-10-2020, 06:03 AM.
  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    The Severedonians wanted this.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • GStojanov
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2010
      • 69

      This will be rejected by the Macedonian society, just as the Bulgarian aspirations to monopolize Goce Delchev was rejected.


      • maco2envy
        • Jan 2015
        • 288

        Many periods connect us with the Greek side [...] When the Slavic masses settled here on the territory of the former Eastern Roman Empire, we lived with those people
        A very despicable thing to say, even by northmacedonian standards.


        • Solun
          • Sep 2012
          • 166

          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
          The Severedonians wanted this.
          I wouldn't say all. Just Zaev's Severdonians.


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Originally posted by Solun View Post
            I wouldn't say all. Just Zaev's Severdonians.
            I would say that anyone over there who secretly thought things would improve after the NATO entry were completely to blame. And I would guess that was a huge majority of Macedonians.

            Originally posted by GStojanov
            This will be rejected by the Macedonian society, just as the Bulgarian aspirations to monopolize Goce Delchev was rejected.
            In one generation, it won't even be an issue to reject. The ventilator is a good example of how quickly people forget.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Gocka
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2012
              • 2306

              Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
              I would say that anyone over there who secretly thought things would improve after the NATO entry were completely to blame. And I would guess that was a huge majority of Macedonians.

              In one generation, it won't even be an issue to reject. The ventilator is a good example of how quickly people forget.
              Bingo and bingo again. There are Zaev supporters and there is an even bigger group who dont care who is in charge or what is done as long as they get into the EU and free money falls from the heavens.

              Macedonians have never rejected anything. It's always on to the next battle and the old ones are quickly forgotten. It was the flag, it was fyrom, it was the ohrid framework agreement, it was north macedonia, in the future it will be historical figures and events. Until we reach the point where we have a completely new identity and history. At some point it will all be normalized and no one will remember what we were even fighting about.

