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  • Epirot
    • Mar 2010
    • 399

    Originally posted by julie View Post
    You say nothing about the Macedonians in Albania being threatened with fines for declaring themselves Macedonian .
    Please, julie, back up your words with a concrete example? Give me at least any case when Macedonians are penalized with fines for declaring their ethnicity? As long as you do not bring up any example, I am afraid you're just clutching at straws.

    You make it sound like a privilege , their basic human rights which are still nowhere near the rights Albanians and the refugees are awarded .
    I sincerely beg you to read well my post because I never said that their rights are privileges. On the contrary, I rightfully criticized attitudes of some members here who consider the rights given to Albanians as privileges.

    but you seem to think it is fair for Albanians who never stepped foot on Macedonian soil should have that right ?
    What's wrong with you, julie. Why do you prejudice me on things that I never said? where the hell did I say that Albanians who never stepped foot on Macedonia should be registered as citizens?

    Your politician was an u ck terrorist
    Really? Then why your elected politicians do not consider him as such? All of them established coalitions with his party, but I never heard any statement of them that Ahmeti is a terrorist or something similar. If Ahmeti was terrorist, I am pretty sure that nobody would co-operate with him.

    The way your brothers treat Macedonians with contempt is truly disgusting . I am not an isolated incident
    Julie it seem that you're totally out of reality! I am sorry to say that but you got no clue what your blameless brothers are really doing in regards with Albanians. Take a look to the racist chants of your brothers and then gives conclusions:

    Are not disgusting for you such ethnic slurs like: "Za siptari gasna komora" or "Mrtov siptar, dobar siptar"? I would not be worried if such racist celebrations were merely isolated incidents. Unfortunately this is not the case. Such a racism has exceeded football stadiums and is taking place among your people...
    Last edited by Epirot; 10-18-2011, 07:21 AM.


    • Epirot
      • Mar 2010
      • 399

      Originally posted by George S. View Post
      We know the albanians tried to show that the turks were albanian..
      Last time I checked out the reactions of Turks, they were quite anxious for being pressured to declare themselves as Macedonians.

      Turks: We are pressure to register as Macedonians

      Binding of Turkish Associations in Macedonia has confirmed that there is great pressure to declare Macedonian Turks in the census of population. Chairman of the organizing associations, Baki said Sulejman exclusively INA news agency that has great pressure to registrants that are Turks and field record to the population of Macedonia declared and registered as a Muslim and not to express their ethnicity.
      So why you're trying to portray your side as blameless for everything?
      Last edited by Epirot; 10-18-2011, 07:21 AM.


      • vojnik
        • Apr 2011
        • 307

        epirot if you actually believe ahmeti and co are not terrorists them you have issues. People that are given such rights like the albanians in macedonia have now after they attacked to state are classified as privileges.


        • Epirot
          • Mar 2010
          • 399

          Originally posted by makedonche View Post
          How many of the appx. 300,000 that sought refuge from Kosovo atrocities by going to Macedonia, actually remained in Macedonia and are not yet citizens?
          You should immediately read the reports of international community about the Albanian refugees in Macedonia. If you abandon your beliefs and decide to read carefully just one international report in regards with this matter, you would already know that they were completely turn back in their homes, just after NATO troops entered in Kosova. No Albanian refugee has remained in Macedonia. Your government or institutions never raised such a problem for the simple reason that it does not exist.

          How many of these still travel between Kosovo & Macedonia, without Macedonian passports?
          I'll consider this statement as pointless, unless you bring any relevant document by the authorities who in this case are to be trusted. Did they notice that Albanians are traveling without Macedonian passports?

          This is not hatred, this is democracy in action( unless you believe lobbying is illegal and not a fundamental democratic right) and a proposed solution to a breeding problem!
          I was not talking about lobbying per se. Who did mention the "sterilization" and similar slurs? Is this a fundamental democratic right? I am afraid not...

          Furthermore for the last time kindly refer me to the "racist slurs" you refer to or my next post may not be as forgiving or diplomatic!
          Your comment contained among others this sentence:

          I was going to lobby for them asll to be sterilised originally
          they are Macedonians and this is a Macedonian Forum! - unless of course if you threaten us with terrorist tactics to turn this into a Albanio-Macedonian Forum.
          I know that this forum is Macedonian and I respect it. But this does not mean that I should tolerate any ethnic insult to my people, does it?


          • julie
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 3869

            Originally posted by makedonche View Post
            This is good, now perhaps you can get them to change all the countries signs and allow Macedonian flags to be flown everywhere, and while we are at it how about we change the consitiution and have Macedonian as an official second language and recognised on passports and oh yeah - we want the minister of defence to be Macedonian too!
            Makedonche, yes, yes and yes!!!!
            Epirot, why not,? They are human to !!!

            Makedonche, you forgot something - change the capital of Albania to something Macedonian!!!!

            Because we are human too, and we can be like Switzerland in Albania, to use Epirot example!
            "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


            • ProMKD
              • Oct 2011
              • 367

              This Epirot guy is a f***ing joke! Don't post videos of our fans singing kasna komora za siptari! How about I post the video of the Macedonian flag being taken down by shiptar fans at a soccer match in Kichevo? Same thing you monkey!

              You people are completely uncivilized, want only to destroy our country and claim it as your own, and to make it another hell-hole within Europe, like kosovo and albania.

              Branko Crvenkovski HIMSELF gave citizenships to shiptars from kosovo in the most recent election that he won, in order to garnish votes. Let's not even discuss the amount of kosovo refugees that remained and were awarded citizenship, which you stupidly deny.

              You tell us to read "international reports", what, you mean the reports made by 'internationals', like the ones that tell us we will be accepted into the EU, so long as we give up our right to self identification? No thanks, I have no use for these "international" people.

              Forget Macedonians, as far as the entire green earth is concerned, gasna komora za shiptari is the best thing that could happen since Jesus Christ. Amen.
              Support tourism to Macedonia!


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                Epirot, just like you have in the past, you have involved yourself in politicial discussions in an attempt to justify the position of Albanian extremists with respect to Macedonia. I suggest you stick to the history section of this forum before you continue down this path and keep saying the wrong things again and again. A lot of what you have written is pure apologetic dribble, and we have had these discussions with you several times in the past. You are in a Macedonian forum, and we don't appreciate what the extremists among your people have done to Macedonia, nor do we appreciate people coming here and supporting such extremism, even if it is in a subtle way like yours.

                Macedonians want a Macedonian Macedonia, with equal civic rights for its minorities. Not a plastic Macedonian-Albanian federation. Get it through your head. I really can't be bothered digging up the same facts and articles that refuted your warped perceptions last time. Go back to the previous threads or stop wasting peoples time with cyclic debates that lead to nowhere.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Epirot, you seem to have replied to everyone except me. I am feeling lonely. Do you deny ethnic Albanian political parties (in Macedonia) have challenged Macedonia's sovereignty repeatedly?
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                  • makedonche
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 3242


                    You should immediately read the reports of international community about the Albanian refugees in Macedonia. If you abandon your beliefs and decide to read carefully just one international report in regards with this matter, you would already know that they were completely turn back in their homes, just after NATO troops entered in Kosova. No Albanian refugee has remained in Macedonia. Your government or institutions never raised such a problem for the simple reason that it does not exist.
                    I have read many international reports, obviously different ones to what you are reading, I have yet to read an accurate, extensive, detailed objective report from any international organisation! - they are all half baked or incomplete or innacurate or one sided, so using them as a reference is laughable!
                    I have no intention of abandaning my beliefs because I source my information from the very people witnessing first hand what has happened and what is happening! If you believe that all the refugees were comletely turned back in their homes after NATO troops entered then you need to have a seious look at your beliefs or at the very least your sources of information!
                    Many refugees have remained in Macedonia, my government is co-ruled by Albanians, hence no investigation into how many refugees stayed behind - I would hazard a guess and say enough refugees to ensure Albanians constituted 20-25% of the population- coincidentally!

                    I'll consider this statement as pointless, unless you bring any relevant document by the authorities who in this case are to be trusted. Did they notice that Albanians are traveling without Macedonian passports?
                    Feel free to consider anything you like as pointless, when you have time I will arrange for you to meet some of these travellers who just happen to be back in Macedonia when there is a census up and coming, don't be too concerned about documents - you can actually witness it for yourself!

                    I was not talking about lobbying per se. Who did mention the "sterilization" and similar slurs? Is this a fundamental democratic right? I am afraid not...
                    I was talking about lobbying, here is the entire post......"I was going to lobby for them asll to be sterilised originally"
                    As anyone with half a brain can see the point being made is "lobbying for sterilisation"...nowhere does it state that I am going to Macedonia with a sterilisation kit and start sterilizing all Albanians! - as I said earlier it is within my democratic rights to lobby for anything I want to!

                    Furthermore for the last time kindly refer me to the "racist slurs" you refer to or my next post may not be as forgiving or diplomatic!

                    Your comment contained among others this sentence:

                    I was going to lobby for them asll to be sterilised originally
                    Once again you seem to be having comprehension difficulties here - explain exactly what is racist about the above? One more time for you - it is my demcratic right to lobby for anything I choose, just because I am lobbying it doesn't mean it's going to happen or that I am actually going to do it! Furthermore you have taken the comment way out of context, it was a tongue in cheek remark designed for humourous purposes!

                    I know that this forum is Macedonian and I respect it. But this does not mean that I should tolerate any ethnic insult to my people, does it?
                    No you shouldn't tolerate any ethnic insult to your people, but you shouldn't try to defend them from factual evidence of illegal, immoral and unjust behaviours either! Just as it is my right to defend Macedonians from ethnic insult, from terrorist organisations that have gained a foothold in my country's government and forced a change of constitution/passports/education system to name just a few things.
                    I'ts all fine and well for you to defend your people from ethnic insult but you seem to be averse to others doing the same for their people! Which other European country has had to tolerate an uprising from a terrorist organisation, be forced to give them greater minority rights and then have to tolerate the same terrorists building monuments/memorials to these terrorists who murdered members of the indigeneous population? This question needs to be answered if you have the integrity or intestinal fortitude!
                    On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                    • julie
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 3869

                      Epirot- Julie it seem that you're totally out of reality!
                      Then call me a liar, and my husband a liar, you have nothing to say about me being ridiculed and spat on?
                      Truth is, my reality, I DESPISE the uncivilised heathens with a passion! I despise the "international" (my guess is the FA and IA) laws that have denigrated and eroded my people's right to a sovereign nation. Like i said, I have not had an issue with the minorities that have lived peacefully in Macedonia, but your heathen refugee brothers who you condone their nationalistic AND TERRITORIAL claim upon my nation.
                      You are defending the actions of heathens and national terrorists, which makes you no better than them
                      "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        Here is a little reminder for our friend Epirot:

                        The Macedonian public prosection, continues to ignore Thaci's public threats. "You will obey the Albanians and you will ask what else needs to be done," proclaimed Thaci for TV Sitel. As if waking from a bad dream Thaci continued his rant claiming there would be a certain war, and the Macedonians will lose.
                        There are several more examples where Albanian extremists (or perhaps they aren't extremists "anymore", but the norm) have made similar claims and gestures, in total disrespect for the Macedonian state.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • George S.
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 10116

                          SOM you have said it epirot & his ilk show total disrespect to us macedonians & they can't even admit that even.I wouldn't waste my time or spit on these people as they have no respect or common curtesy for their fellow man.It's reciprical you would expect respect after all it's our country.I don't particularly relish the thought of some dopey smart arse albanian who doesn't respect me to take my country away.I look forward to the day this sort of vermin is annihilated off the face of the planet.A bit harsh but that's reality.
                          Why do i sound so harsh because all they want is our land & they supported the terrorists in 2001 not law & order or respect for the country they live in.
                          Last edited by George S.; 10-19-2011, 09:33 PM. Reason: ed
                          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                          GOTSE DELCEV


                          • Epirot
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 399

                            Originally posted by ProMKD View Post
                            This Epirot guy is a f***ing joke! Same thing you monkey!
                            Why the insults, ProMKD? You're really mentally challenged since you did not pursuit the flow of debate here and even dare to give idiotic comments.

                            Don't post videos of our fans singing kasna komora za siptari!
                            Why? because truth hurts to you...

                            You people are completely uncivilized, want only to destroy our country and claim it as your own, and to make it another hell-hole within Europe, like kosovo and albania.
                            Give me a break, you mentally midget! I am fully convinced with the high civilization you personally possess

                            Branko Crvenkovski HIMSELF gave citizenships to shiptars from kosovo in the most recent election that he won, in order to garnish votes.
                            This does not even need a comment! I am wondering why you continuously and miserably failed to back up your fragile claim with a relevant document who expressively said that Crvenkovski "the traitor" gave citizenship to Albanians from Kosova. Dude, its not my fault that you suffer seriously from a kind of schizophrenia, which make you entirely unable to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences.

                            You tell us to read "international reports", what, you mean the reports made by 'internationals', like the ones that tell us we will be accepted into the EU, so long as we give up our right to self identification?
                            No you clown! I am drawing your attention to the international reports because they do represent the most impartial side in regard with internal situation in Macedonia. But a dummy like you thinks that even these international reports were paid by Ali Ahmeti and the rest of 'terrorists'.

                            as far as the entire green earth is concerned, gasna komora za shiptari is the best thing that could happen since Jesus Christ. Amen
                            Be carefully boy! I am afraid you will burn the first in your 'gasna komora'...


                            • Epirot
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 399

                              Originally posted by julie View Post
                              you have nothing to say about me being ridiculed and spat on?
                              And what specifically you expect from me to do in that case? Should I kill them? I am sorry that this happen to you, but in no way you cannot draw a generalization to blame all the Albanians, can you?

                              You are defending the actions of heathens and national terrorists, which makes you no better than them
                              I am not taking any side, julie! I am simply expressing my different opinion. What's wrong with that? My intention in that thread is to give a more balanced picture about what's really happening to Macedonia. I am quite tired hearing same insults again and again for Albanians. Why you do not even take a look to your side. It's not that blameless as you claim.


                              • Epirot
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 399

                                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                                Epirot, you seem to have replied to everyone except me. I am feeling lonely. Do you deny ethnic Albanian political parties (in Macedonia) have challenged Macedonia's sovereignty repeatedly?
                                Risto, if the Albanian political parties are going to challenge Macedonia's sovereignty, then why they're functioning within Macedonia's institutions. In the moment they manage to be part of the political system of a country, they automatically accept all the rules, including the sovereignty. From 2001 until know, I did not see any attempt of Albanian parties to separate themselves from Macedonian institutions and to establish new ones, just like Serbs did in Bosnia and north of Kosova.

