This is great stuff Serdarot.
Macedonians in Russian and other "slavic" Sources
Originally posted by osiris View Postserdarot please dont take offense at my suggestion, you are posting very important stuff here and it should be as accessible as possible to all our readers, thats as all i meant.
And we can try help as much we can with searching, translating, etc, etc...
Also, if we keep researching, thinking, writing, speaking, exchanging knowledge and experiance, and develope ourself, our enemies can blow in our "bagpipes"
Makedonskata dUma i Makedonija (so Makedonci) ke Zivee :rmacedonia
/offtopik on:
And We are not Alone.
Beside some "dark moments" in the History, and crimes made from our neighbors, there are groups developing and "traditionaly having" some strong relations with each of them, not speaking about the pathetic "-mani" or "-fili", but normal friendships, mixed marriages, migrants / settlers, etc.
We actualy have supporters and friends in many countries / nations, sometime in far away places like Japan, Finland, "somewhere-on-earth-stan".
So it we stand solid on our ground and don´t accept some humiliating change of National / Ethnic Name , Identity, language name, and state it clear to all our neighbors that they all had their Times of Glory in the History, but should take their hands away from Our part, Name, Identity, complete Historical and Cultural Heritage, sooner or later they will have to "swallow" it on one or other way.
Specialy those who alredy changed their name in some earlier times
The History is clearly showing that when someone is trying to rule us, b-sh1t is happening not only there.
/offtopik off :P
Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.
About Aleksandar Makedonski
Библиотека для чтения, Band 171 , 1862
About Aleksandar... How he was called
"prosto Aleksandro(m) Makedonski(m)"
Macedonia AND Grecia, Aleksandar on Macedonian Throne, the Greek rebellion in South.
Also VERY important, to notice that he / they faced danger from the "Barbarski sosedi na Sever" (Barbaric neighbors from the north) , and for the Paeonians, Tribales, Slavonians / Panonians it could not be said they were "barbaric" or hostile. (in that period)
And the Macedonians... who got close with the Persians
Makedoniani -> Makedonjani = MacedoniansLast edited by Serdarot; 04-07-2010, 11:13 PM.Bratot:
Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.
Чтения в императорском обществе истории и древностей российских при московскему универзитету - 1866
Book 4 - Pages 14-15-16 and etc.
Ельпидифор Васильевич Барсов, Императорское общество истории и древносте и росси иских (Москов, Р.С.Ф.С.Р.)
picture 1 + picture 2:
- writing about the Christians who were tortured / killed / expelled by the Bulgarian Knez Mortagon (O-Murtag-on), it says big part of them were "rodom Slavjani" (ethnic Slavs? lol), who were expelled from Thrakia / Macedonia, but had their origins in Macedonia ("proizhodili iz Makedonii" = originate / come from Macedonia) ... (Macedonians? )
- from the same "Slavjani" (Macedonians?) comes the later Emperor Vasilie / Basileus
-writing about "Slavs" Christians in Grecia, who used the "greek" cript, JUST as the Croats, Cheh and other used Latin, till Metodie´s time.
* - writing about the "Slavic" roots of Justinian
Macedonian "slavs" obviously not equal with Bulgars, probably hostile to eachother periodicaly, paid them tributes / taxes...
Last edited by Serdarot; 04-08-2010, 11:29 AM.Bratot:
Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.
В древнерусской церковной практике буква шта ù (øò), обозначавшая звук в соответствии с указанными праславянскими сочетаниями, читалась как [ш?т?ш?]. По мнению А. М.
Селищева, такое чтение установилось под влиянием македонских книжников,
распространявших грамотность в Древней Руси в конце X-XI веке и именно так произносивших этот звук в своем родном говоре. На Руси книжное произношение [ш?т?ш?] имело искусственный характер. Оно не совпадало ни со старославянской традицией, ни с древнерусским разговорным употреблением.
The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot