Rate of suicides has ‘doubled’

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  • Bill77
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 4545

    Rate of suicides has ‘doubled’

    Rate of suicides has ‘doubled’ in Greece

    The past few months have seen a sharp rise in the number of people taking their own lives, according to a nongovernmental organization that runs a helpline for those considering suicide.

    According to Aris Violatzis of the NGO Klimaka, the number of suicides “have doubled if not tripled” over the past year. Violatzis said the rate had increased to more than two suicides per day this year, as compared to one per day in 2009. And these are just the suicides that are recorded, Violatzis said, adding that the real number was likely to be higher as the stigma attached to suicide means they are often not reported.

    Klimaka, which operates the 1018 telephone helpline, said it was receiving around 25 calls a day, compared to an average of 10 per day last year. Asked whether the spike in suicides was linked to the financial crisis, Violatzis said he believed it was a contributing factor. “Suicide is a multifaceted phenomenon – we cannot link it exclusively to the crisis,” he said, noting however that the environment influences our actions. As for the profile of most victims, Klimaka said they are chiefly “productive people with responsibilities, financial obligations, families, loans.” According to Violatzis, many of the victims are “men who are no longer earning enough money to provide for their families and feel they no longer have a role to play – people who are going through an identity crisis.” There are also many who take their lives due to deep-seated psychological problems or depression, he added.

    In a related development, the refusal of the bishop of Kozani to allow a local woman who committed suicide to be buried by the village priest, in accordance with Orthodox tradition, has provoked anger and debate. The woman, who had reportedly been depressed since her son’s death earlier this year, drowned last Friday after jumping into Polyfytos Lake. The parish priest from her village refused to lead a procession of mourners transferring her body from her home to the local cemetery but conducted a service over her grave after the funeral.

    There are two things i wish to mention here.

    1) I have no doubt the financial crisis has much to play part in this increase of the suicide rate. There is a Macedonian saying "chojek od magare moze na kojn da se kachi. ama nemozi od kojn do magare da slezi." well it goes something like that.

    You see, this is the situation with the Greeks. They were use to a certain life style. Then came along the formation of EU together with the euro. Life style had to change. It sounded good at the time. Along came inflation, lies and corruption now that this mighty euro is circulated. The rich got richer while the poor did it even tougher than before.

    Many were riding donkeys before the Euro was introduced then all of the sudden, they started driving Merc's. Life style has changed for these newly Merc drivers and there's no looking back. Now that this financial crisis has hit hard, the spoiled Greeks can not afford the Mercedes anymore and now have to revert to a donkey again. Oh the humiliation, of riding a donkey again. Questions are asked, "how do you use a shovel" in order to dig and grow there own vegies again to survive. Reality hit that they have to work till a later age like the rest of the world does, in order to receive a pension, and thats if they have any jobs available. 30% unemployed in the Lerin region was the cry back in 05 (would be worse now ofcourse)

    There is another Macedonian saying, "koga kje kopash nov bunar, nemoj da plukash na stariot"

    But those that kept there donkeys, do not find it as tough. They will survive due to their honest work and self dependence. These spoiled Greeks use to laugh and mock the Macedonians over the border, mainly due to ROM not being a EU member, therefor (in there warped mind) we somehow had a primitive culture (we lacked major signs of economic development or modernity). Now they come over to shop, relax, dine, bye fuel, use our facilities. Oh the shame, and how painful it must be for them to realise and admit ROM are better off.

    2) finally, i want to briefly mention the rules of the Greek church. I will admit that the Macedonian Orthodox church has the same tradition where a deceased who commited suicide, can not be buried by the priest, or the coffin enter the church. This is shameful and it would be very disturbing to the rest of the family. I am against this tradition and it must change. Suicide is a sin, i understand that. But they must refuse everyone that has sinned and in that case, no one should be buried by a priest.
    Last edited by Bill77; 08-04-2010, 06:45 AM.
  • Frank
    • Mar 2010
    • 687

    Its a real shame that number can't be a steady 100 or more a day


    • fyrOM
      • Feb 2010
      • 2180

      Is this a bad thing.
      Frank even at that rate it would take a long time. Where’s a natural disaster when you need one.


      • Frank
        • Mar 2010
        • 687

        The only thing that can safe Helarse is a Natural Disaster u would see the whole World going out to help them to rebuild for FREE

        That is why I prefer the suicide option


        • sf.
          • Jan 2010
          • 387

          Greece has one of the lowest (officially declared) suicide rates in the world, so any movement in the numbers results in huge % changes.
          Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. - Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)


          • Rogi
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 2343

            I wonder how much Orthodoxy and suicide being a sin, plays in 1) the actual Rate of suicide and 2) the official declaration of suicide.


            • Prolet
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2009
              • 5241

              Originally posted by sf. View Post
              Greece has one of the lowest (officially declared) suicide rates in the world, so any movement in the numbers results in huge % changes.

              Thats because they could spend as much as they like, get 13 i 14ti plati, bonuses for easter and christmas, retire at 50 who would want to commit suicide? Nobody commits suicide when they have a good life style.
              МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


              • Stojacanec
                • Dec 2009
                • 809

                Suicide is a tragedy to happen to anybody. But putting that aside, I have no sympothy for the Greeks that look at us Macedonians as an inferior race while at the same time they feed of the Government generocity and only look at themselves through convex mirrors.

                Unfortunately for those people it is 12.00 midnight and their Mercs are changing back to a Magare.


                • Bij
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 905

                  this thread is ridiculous. suicide is hardly something to make fun of, greeks or not greeks.

                  leave the death-wish mentality to the greeks, we've always been better than them. don't start acting like buffoons now.


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116

                    I have to agree with bijj it's no fun commiting suicide.we have to know why people are doing it if a lot of people are needlessly dying is the government doing something to prevent it .So inessence we need to know who is doing it & why are they doing it.
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • Frank
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 687

                      Greeks are not worthy to be seen as humans the way they treat us


                      • Bij
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 905

                        Originally posted by Frank View Post
                        Greeks are not worthy to be seen as humans the way they treat us
                        so we go down to their level?


                        • Bill77
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 4545

                          I only posted this article to be anti EU and a lesson for many Macedonians not to get carried away with promises politicians make and never forget the basic or simple things in life.

                          My intention was not for people to find some comfort in hearing people taking their own lives even if it they are Greek lives.
                          I am glad that the ground is colappsing under there feet and and they deserve it. Let them come back to reality.

                          But being satisfied with some dieing, does not sit right with me. But each to their own.


                          • Frank
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 687

                            It never ceases to amaze me toghen up people our neigbours our friends all would no doubt in the world take great pleasure in our demise Macedonians need to stop taking the higher moral ground what good does it continue to do for us for shit sakes

                            There is nothing u can say to a Macedonian to stop thier want for the EU they will be roudely shocked ever the day it happens. Shit i tried to explain to a Macedonian we pay taxes to keep the street lights on they just couldnt get it
                            Last edited by Frank; 08-05-2010, 12:43 PM.


                            • Bij
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 905

                              Originally posted by Frank View Post
                              It never ceases to amaze me toghen up people our neigbours our friends all would no doubt in the world take great pleasure in our demise Macedonians need to stop taking the higher moral ground what good does it continue to do for us for shit sakes

                              There is nothing u can say to a Macedonian to stop thier want for the EU they will be roudely shocked ever the day it happens. Shit i tried to explain to a Macedonian we pay taxes to keep the street lights on they just couldnt get it
                              wow, frank. when did you get hurt so badly that you stopped believing in God?

