Treaty of Nuilly, 1919 - any questions?

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  • TrueMacedonian
    • Jan 2009
    • 3823

    Thessalo-diki I am happy you are participating more and more on here. How about we fully explore this forum then and what it has to offer - would you care to join us here or are you selectively looking to deny the existance of Macedonians like you did elsewhere where I banned you?


    • thessalo-niki
      • Jun 2010
      • 191

      Why did you ban me? (that goes for all three times)
      Odysseas Elytis - Our name is our soul


      • TrueMacedonian
        • Jan 2009
        • 3823

        Originally posted by thessalo-niki View Post
        Why did you ban me? (that goes for all three times)
        Odysseas Elytis - Our name is our soul
        Because of you're game online to deny my people what is their God given birth right.


        • sf.
          • Jan 2010
          • 387

          ТМ, овој мора да мисли дека сме будали.
          Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. - Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)


          • TrueMacedonian
            • Jan 2009
            • 3823

            sf toj e glupav. Toj misle deka e pameten koga toj e tolku glupav.


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Originally posted by thessaloniki
              OK, no one did it officially in Bucharest or Neuilly Treaty.
              The 'great' powers weren't interested in hearing Macedonian concerns, irresepective if the report came from their own people or Macedonians themselves.
              The Greeks will not admit the Slav language in churches or schools; the inhabitants of Macedonia are in the great majority Slavs; they call themselves Macedonians, and what they desire and what we ardently desire for them is an autonomy under European control…….The only hope I can foresee is in strong autonomy, which neither Greeks nor Bulgars nor Serbs would dare attack; then the Macedonians, who are really intelligent and docile when they are well treated. would peacefully develop this beautiful fertile country... Surely Europe will not leave Macedonia under people whom the Macedonians hate, and whom they will continually fight.......Sister Augustine Bewicke on the Macedonian autonomy St. Paul's Hospital, Salonika, Public Record Office (London) - FO 608/44. Peace Conference (British delegation), January 4, 1919.
              To His Excellency, Monsieur Clemanceau, President of the Council: It is duty of my honour, as a delegate of the Macedonian Committees to the High Peace Conference, to protest against the manoeuvres of certain suspicious persons who claim to speak in the name of Macedonia and represent some so-called "Executive Committee of the Macedonian Societies". Let me be allowed to indicate that the Macedonian emigrants to Bulgaria have over the past 30 years created quite a small class of Macedonians Bulgarized to such a point that they sacrifice completely the interests of their native land to those of Bulgaria. People who have two homelands are generally suspicious………Hence I have the honour to point out that the only Macedonian Societies free from any Bulgarian political influence, or any other, and representing loyally the whole of Macedonia, without distinction of language or religion, are the Macedonian Committees, which starting from the 1893 constituted the IMRO... It is in their name, and by no means in the name of Bulgaria or the Bulgarians, that I have already had the honour to request and now I am requesting again from Your Excellency to grant me an audience so that I may present to You the desires of the Macedonian people...
              Protest from the Provisional representative of the IMRO to the Paris Peace Conference, April 10, 1919; Archimandrite Paul Christoff, General Vicar of Thrace, delegate of the Macedonian Committees. A. Lainovich, Jugoslavika u biblioteci za savremenu - medzhunarodnu dokumentaciju u Parizu - Godishen zbornik na FF, 24-25 (1972-73) pp. 88-89
              Assembled at its plenary session and working in the name of the whole of the Macedonian people, without serving any foreign policy, energetically protest against the clause allowing the Macedonians the right to opt for Bulgarian nationality. We do not want to be made instruments of Bulgarian irredentism in Macedonia. Macedonia has never been a part of the present Bulgarian Kingdom. The Bulgarian diplomats, who bear part of the responsibilities for the misfortunes of the Macedonian population, are by no means qualified to intercede in favour of our cause and have no right to do it…….
              Telegram from the General Council of the Macedonian Societies in Switzerland to the Peace Conference in Paris; Secretary: Bl. Bojadziev; Vice-Persident: G. Nikolov Lj. Lape, Aktivnosta na Glavniot odbor, p. 190, November 18, 1919
              The Macedonians never received an audience.

              I wasn't trying to negate the independent Macedonian identity, rather asking you to support it with evidence.
              What's the difference? The MTO forum is literally FULL of information relating to the Macedonian people, their heritage, identity, language, etc. Your questions are as stupidly racist as the inidividual that has conjured them, is that your aim here, to question the Macedonian identity? If so, you'd best slither back to your sewer right now, or I can send you there myself.

              Or, you can address all of the threads and questions about the Greek identity, which you have conveniently avoided. Take my word for it, your value here is ZERO and you will be forgotten within a few minutes after I ban you permanently, just like the rest of the racist maggots before you.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • thessalo-niki
                • Jun 2010
                • 191

                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                What's the difference? The MTO forum is literally FULL of information relating to the Macedonian people, their heritage, identity, language, etc.
                That implies that the answer was already given elsewhere. Where?
                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                Your questions are as stupidly racist as the individual that has conjured them, is that your aim here, to question the Macedonian identity? If so, you'd best slither back to your sewer right now, or I can send you there myself.
                Well, at least among a few kilos of threats and insults you DID post some grams of information. I'll be back on the essence of the thread.
                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                Or, you can address all of the threads and questions about the Greek identity, which you have conveniently avoided. Take my word for it, your value here is ZERO and you will be forgotten within a few minutes after I ban you permanently, just like the rest of the racist maggots before you.
                I think I'm the only Greek user in the forum, so I can't give all the answers alone. Maybe if you hadn't banned about 30(?) Greek users before me, you'd have more input. My attitude is... as anybody's. I read all threads, I don't really know when and why exactly I decide to enter a post and how to interact with other posters. You can keep your advice (when it has the tone of an order). I'll keep posting where I want to, though I think I can make a special favour, if it's so important for you.
                Odysseas Elytis - Our name is our soul


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  The answers are all over the forum, use the search function you wombat. By the way, you're not the only Greek here, and even if you were, that doesn't exempt your stupidity. But I have a feeling that you won't be told for much longer.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Liberator of Makedonija
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2014
                    • 1597

                    Any more info on these societies from Switzerland? I've only seen them mentioned in diplomatic negotiations.
                    I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.

