DPA Leader shocked in Tirana
Friday, 09 October 2009
Albanian intellectuals attacked the leader of Macedonia’s DPA party in last night’s political debate on Tirana's, popular TV channel Klan.
While speaking about the Encyclopćdia, Thaci unexpectedly received a major slap for the behavior of Albanians and ethnic Albanian parties in Macedonia.
”Hatred towards their own contry, extreme Islamism, extremely low culture". These were the qualifications which several Albanian intellectuals used in attacking Thaci, who had come to expect certain political benefits by the Albanian media during his visit.
Thaci’s assessment that the Encyclopćdia was a political provocation by the Macedonian Government was met with dismay by the participants in the debate, who sharply attacked Thaci and the Albanians in Macedonia as “ungrateful towards the state in which they live”.
- Macedonia is the only state in the Balkans where there is internal denial. Albanians always deny the state even fought against it. You made war in the middle of Europe and took up arms against your own country. To this day you ambush Macedonian policemen - said Maks Velo, Albanian writer - critic.
According to Mr Velo, there is a frightening, extreme Islamism among the Albanian parties in Macedonia and it is not a coincidence that DPA’s leader Mendux Thaci is on the U.S. blacklist for years.
- The mosques in the villages in Macedonia seem like Iranian missiles. If the Albanians there can not climb to a higher cultural level of social life, not to discriminate against women, to build civil society, you will never be able to go up against the Macedonians in any way, especially not intellectually. With minarets you are not going in Europe. We must achieve greater cultural and economic level,- said Velo to Thaci who clearly wished he wasn’t there.
Fatos Lubonja, a critic, however, pointed out that there are two visions of Albanians in the Balkans. The first is for a Greater Albania, which is a vision shared by ethnic Albanian Parties in Macedonia who believe Albania would feed the other territories as Serbia fed Kosovo.
- Europe says Kosovo is a country with six stars, and Macedonia will not be divided. This is where the opposition is born. When will we learn our lesson that divisions do not lead anywhere, but only to war and discontent – said Lubonja. So I think it is good for you to identify yoursellf as Macedonian. To live in Yugoslavia and then in Macedonia and to speak and work against the state in which you live, it is a cultural disadvantage, it is wrong.
The vision of the Balkans must be a European one. We won’t enter EU as Albanians rather with Serbia and Macedonia. – concluded Fatos Lubonja.
DPA’s leader Thaci appeared flabbergasted wearing a sour smile on his face. He had hoped to gain political points by visiting Tirana. On his last visit to the Albanian capital, Mr. Thaci had lobbied Albanian politicians to be against Macedonia’s admission to NATO.
Thanks to Currency Trader for bringing this article to my attention.