Article of Polish archaeologists explaining the process of Slavic ethnogenesis:
Piontek J. 1992.
Using paleodemografic model for reconstruction of the historical process of Slavic ethnogenesis.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Archaeologica, 16, p. 285-299 Instytut Antropologii
ul. Fredry 10 61-701 Poznań
The problem of the Slavs ethnogenesis still remains a matter of great interest to researchers representing various fields of general anthropology.
The Ethnogenesis produced many fierce discussions, guided within a given field, or between representatives of different fields of history, biology, sociology, etc..
At present, we see a very difficult debate between archaeologists, who led a sharp dispute of Slavic ethnogenesis.
I believe that the dispute only superficially touches on the issues of the Slavic Ethnogenesis.
This is primarily a dispute about how to use modern archeology, or maybe prehistory.
This is a dispute about what should be taken on the basis of methodological analysis of archaeological data, how to build a synthetic and analytical approach, and then how to confirm or to combine information obtained from the results of other disciplines in the verification of ancient societies and early history.
For this reason, physical anthropologists - and I think also other representatives of disciplines that traditionally work with archeology - as recipients of research results and findings based on archeology are interested in what happens in modern archeology, and how these changes could facilitate mutual cooperation.
For the reasons above, I believe, that the vision created by archaeologists about the process of ethnogenesis of the Slavs are just a few of the many proposals, and must compete with the proposals offered by representatives of various disciplines of anthropology in general.
Moreover, neither the initial solutions accepted by archaeologists, neither the findings presented in the final conclusion on the reconstruction process of the origin of the Slavs can not be contradictory to the findings of other fields of researches about the old societies, which unfortunately happens.
Godłowski K. (1979): "... Demografia, jak antropologia są tymi dziedzinami studiów nad początkami Słowian, w których wnioskowanie jest obciążone zbyt wielką liczbą hipotetycznych niesprawdzalnych założeń, żeby można było z tego wywieść argumentację w pełni rozstrzygalną" (M. Parczewski 2000, s. 468).
Godłowski K: "... Demography, and anthropology are those areas of study of the origins of the Slavs, in which conclusions are burdened with too many unverified hypothetical assumptions, in order to be posibile to derive a strong argument" (M. Parczewski 2000, p. 468).
The main argument in the concept of Godłowski K. is:
"until their appearance the Slavs did not play a major role, ie people who lived in a small geographical area suddenly made an astounding historic career that spread in a very fast speed in geographycal areas several times larger than their original area of residence". (K. Godłowski 1979, s. 7).
From the standpoint of demographic changes we have to ask:
What factors (biological, cultural, social) contributed to the ability of such numerical growth that suddenly increases?
What exactly happened with the biological reproduction? - according to Godłowski - a group of 300 thousand Slavs - to be capable in period of 400-500 years to reach the figure of 7 million and 300 thousand people according to Hon. Łowmiański.
This question was made in connection with the research of Kurnatowski S. (1977).
In assessing the results of these studies, K. Godłowski (1979, p. 6) note that: "... Opierają się one na zbyt wielkiej ilości niepewnych danych i założeń, jeśli chodzi o obliczenie gęstości zaludnienia w oparciu o źródła archeologiczne, jak również w odniesieniu do mechanizmów rządzących rozrodczością populacji ludzkich znajdujących się w okresie gwałtownej ekspansji oraz ich zdolności asymilacyjnych"
"... They rely on too much unreliable data and assumptions regarding the calculation of population density on the basis of archaeological sources, as well in relation to the mechanisms that regulate the fertility of the human population in a period of rapid expansion and their ability for assimilation."
The theory of "rapid expansion" of Slav population is highly speculative and can not be obtained from the analysis of historical sources, since these studies do not indicate how from the arheometrical analysis we came to the level of structural and explanatory analysis. This transition requires, to build a theoretical model of investigation of this phenomenon (process), or reference to existing theoretical explanations in this case, the tests based on human ecology(Biodemography).
Godłowski K. (1979, p. 6) in a summary assessment of paleodemografic analysis concludes that: "W chwili obecnej mamy tu więc do czynienia z równaniem o wielu niewiadomych niż z argumentami, jakie mogą poważnie zaważyć na szali dyskusji na temat pierwotnych siedzib Słowian"
"... Currently, we are facing an equation on too many unknowns of the arguments that can seriously affect the point of debate about the original land of origin of the Slavs."
Such arguments should be submitted, which will explain the reasons for changes in the reproductive system of the Slavic population, how these sudden changes allowed such increase in the biological dynamics and the possibility of territorial expansion.
Unfortunately, these arguments can NOT be found in the reconstruction process of migration and settlement of the Slavs.
Piontek J. 1992.
Using paleodemografic model for reconstruction of the historical process of Slavic ethnogenesis.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Archaeologica, 16, p. 285-299 Instytut Antropologii
ul. Fredry 10 61-701 Poznań
The problem of the Slavs ethnogenesis still remains a matter of great interest to researchers representing various fields of general anthropology.
The Ethnogenesis produced many fierce discussions, guided within a given field, or between representatives of different fields of history, biology, sociology, etc..
At present, we see a very difficult debate between archaeologists, who led a sharp dispute of Slavic ethnogenesis.
I believe that the dispute only superficially touches on the issues of the Slavic Ethnogenesis.
This is primarily a dispute about how to use modern archeology, or maybe prehistory.
This is a dispute about what should be taken on the basis of methodological analysis of archaeological data, how to build a synthetic and analytical approach, and then how to confirm or to combine information obtained from the results of other disciplines in the verification of ancient societies and early history.
For this reason, physical anthropologists - and I think also other representatives of disciplines that traditionally work with archeology - as recipients of research results and findings based on archeology are interested in what happens in modern archeology, and how these changes could facilitate mutual cooperation.
For the reasons above, I believe, that the vision created by archaeologists about the process of ethnogenesis of the Slavs are just a few of the many proposals, and must compete with the proposals offered by representatives of various disciplines of anthropology in general.
Moreover, neither the initial solutions accepted by archaeologists, neither the findings presented in the final conclusion on the reconstruction process of the origin of the Slavs can not be contradictory to the findings of other fields of researches about the old societies, which unfortunately happens.
Godłowski K. (1979): "... Demografia, jak antropologia są tymi dziedzinami studiów nad początkami Słowian, w których wnioskowanie jest obciążone zbyt wielką liczbą hipotetycznych niesprawdzalnych założeń, żeby można było z tego wywieść argumentację w pełni rozstrzygalną" (M. Parczewski 2000, s. 468).
Godłowski K: "... Demography, and anthropology are those areas of study of the origins of the Slavs, in which conclusions are burdened with too many unverified hypothetical assumptions, in order to be posibile to derive a strong argument" (M. Parczewski 2000, p. 468).
The main argument in the concept of Godłowski K. is:
"until their appearance the Slavs did not play a major role, ie people who lived in a small geographical area suddenly made an astounding historic career that spread in a very fast speed in geographycal areas several times larger than their original area of residence". (K. Godłowski 1979, s. 7).
From the standpoint of demographic changes we have to ask:
What factors (biological, cultural, social) contributed to the ability of such numerical growth that suddenly increases?
What exactly happened with the biological reproduction? - according to Godłowski - a group of 300 thousand Slavs - to be capable in period of 400-500 years to reach the figure of 7 million and 300 thousand people according to Hon. Łowmiański.
This question was made in connection with the research of Kurnatowski S. (1977).
In assessing the results of these studies, K. Godłowski (1979, p. 6) note that: "... Opierają się one na zbyt wielkiej ilości niepewnych danych i założeń, jeśli chodzi o obliczenie gęstości zaludnienia w oparciu o źródła archeologiczne, jak również w odniesieniu do mechanizmów rządzących rozrodczością populacji ludzkich znajdujących się w okresie gwałtownej ekspansji oraz ich zdolności asymilacyjnych"
"... They rely on too much unreliable data and assumptions regarding the calculation of population density on the basis of archaeological sources, as well in relation to the mechanisms that regulate the fertility of the human population in a period of rapid expansion and their ability for assimilation."
The theory of "rapid expansion" of Slav population is highly speculative and can not be obtained from the analysis of historical sources, since these studies do not indicate how from the arheometrical analysis we came to the level of structural and explanatory analysis. This transition requires, to build a theoretical model of investigation of this phenomenon (process), or reference to existing theoretical explanations in this case, the tests based on human ecology(Biodemography).
Godłowski K. (1979, p. 6) in a summary assessment of paleodemografic analysis concludes that: "W chwili obecnej mamy tu więc do czynienia z równaniem o wielu niewiadomych niż z argumentami, jakie mogą poważnie zaważyć na szali dyskusji na temat pierwotnych siedzib Słowian"
"... Currently, we are facing an equation on too many unknowns of the arguments that can seriously affect the point of debate about the original land of origin of the Slavs."
Such arguments should be submitted, which will explain the reasons for changes in the reproductive system of the Slavic population, how these sudden changes allowed such increase in the biological dynamics and the possibility of territorial expansion.
Unfortunately, these arguments can NOT be found in the reconstruction process of migration and settlement of the Slavs.