Sudeni za Makedonija - Judged for Macedonia

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    Sudeni za Makedonija - Judged for Macedonia

    This book documents the events surrounding the time of Yugoslavia during and post WWII. Several interviews are taken with participants of battles, prisoners of war, political prisoners and others that demonstrate a markedly different picture to the commonly accepted version of events. The advent of the Macedonian Republic within Yugoslavia was filled with a cruel mix of optimism, terror and betrayal, which has left an impact on the psyche of many Macedonians long after the dissolution of the Yugoslav Federation.

    There are several texts, if any others have the books (came in 2 parts) please feel free to post segments which you find interesting or historically relevant. To begin with, let us see what Mishe Karevski has to say, the nephew of the great Macedonian leader Nikola Karev, who still resides in Krushevo with his family as his ancestors before him.
    Striko mi Nikola Karev beshe pretsedatel na Krushevskata Republika. Trojcata (mishe and friends) megju sebe razgovaravme: zoshto da se sudat lugje zatoa shto bile za samostojna i obedineta Makedonija koga so taa ideja Makedonskite revolucioneri se borea vo minatoto, a nivnata ideja ne e celosno ostvarena so osloboduvanjeto samo na Vardarskiot del, rodniot grad na Goce Delchev ushte e pod ropstvo; nasekade se zboruvashe samo za polozhbata na Slovenite vo Italija i vo Avstrija, a shtom se spomnat Makedoncite pod sosednite drzhavi se sudat i se zatvoraat lugjeto; se shto e Makedonsko se potisnuva, duri i denot Ilinden ne se slavi, proglasen e za raboten den itn.
    In the quoted text the nephew of Nikola Karev describes how he observed the Macedonian cause and the liberation of the Aegean become secondary in importance compared to the cause of the Slovenes in Italy and Austria, due to the support the latter received from the Yugoslav Federation. Macedonian patriotism was forcibly rejected by the Yugoslav authorities as the anti-Macedonian disease spread among the more naive and easily led segments of the population. In Mishe's own words, "Everything that was Macedonian was taken down, even the day of Ilinden was not celebrated, instead being declared as a working day".

    The next quote is from an interview taken with Risto Jankoski, who talks about an incident regarding a fellow 'Yugoslav' citizen, a Serb named Dragan Kesic:
    Kako vojnik vo Pula, od eden srbin, Dragan Kesic, bev navreden. Mi reche shto se kochoperam koga nie Makedoncite sme im bile slugi na srbite. Duri i neshto polosho: Vie ste robovi na Srbite, mi reche i mi opcu majka makedonska. Nishto ne mi ostanuvashe, osven da go udram i za toa bevme na raport. Blagodarenie na iskrenosta na ochevidecot Muric ne bev kaznat. No od se najmnogu me boleshe pcovkata, me pecheshe navredata deka nie Makedoncite sme im bile slugi, robovi na srbite vo Jugoslovenskata Armija zashto sme nemale svoja vojska. Kako sme nemale svoja vojska?! Se do 1945 godina si imavme vojska, taa ja oslobodi Republika Makedonija, no ni ja rasturija.
    After being insulted by the Serb in the most dispicable way, the Macedonian, reacting the way all good sons of Macedonia should, hit him and dropped him like a sack of shit. He escaped prosecution due to a good friend called Muric, another Serb. Risto says that "....the insult that the Macedonians were their slaves was burning me, slaves to the Yugoslav Army because we did not have our own army. How did we not have our own army?! All up until the year 1945 we had our own army, that is what liberated the Republic of Macedonia, but they broke it apart."

    This was a dark time for the Macedonians, again, to be full of hope and then have it torn away. Long live Macedonia, the Macedonian people, and the Macedonian language, in all its glory.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
  • Dimko-piperkata
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 1876

    very good stuff !

    heres another example how the serbian occupators tried to delete our macedonian history!

    Angelina Markus - URGES to LIE her pupils under YU regime
    YouTube - Angelina Markus - URGES to LIE her pupils under YU regime
    1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
    2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      Some more texts from Sudeni za Makedonija, and the interviews of former Macedonian fighters and political prisoners from WWII.

      Се сеќавам на едно доаѓање на Лазар Колишевски во затворот. Во негова чест не построија. Одеше од човек на човек и секого го прашуваше зошто и колку е осуден. Секому од нам ВМРО-вците ни велеше: Малќy ти дале! -- Стојан Попов, Слепче, Демирхисарско.


      Se sekyavam na edno doagyanye na Lazar Kolishevski vo zatvorot. Vo negova chest ne postroiya. Odeshe od chovek na chovek i sekogo go prashuvashe zoshto i kolku e osuden. Sekomu od nam VMRO-vtsite ni veleshe: Malky ti dale! -- Stoyan Popov, Slepche, Demirhisarsko.
      I remember one time when Lazar Kolishevski visited the prison. In his honour they made us line up. He went from man to man and asked everyone why and how long they were sentenced. To all of us VMRO members he said: They gave you too little! -- From Stojan Popov, who hails from the village of Slepche in the Demirhisar region of Macedonia.

      I would have to assume that our current president is the equivalent of Kolishevski, so-called Macedonian patriots who are willing to sell out as soon as the new 'power' in the region reigns supreme. Apparently some segments of Macedonian society still praise Kolishevski as a 'good' Macedonian Yes, as 'good' as his treatment of Macedonian fighters who became political prisoners for advocating a free and united Macedonia.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Jankovska
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1774

        In Yugoslavija we were left out of everything, it was Serbia, Serbia and sometimes Croatia. I remember that most of the news were Serbian, the lottery was as well and most programs. We used to watch Bolji Zivot,Zikina Dinastija etc. As for our vojvodi they were never mentioned and there was so little material in the school books. Goce Delcev, Dame Gruev, Nikola Karev were not names you really studied at school, it was Tito, Tito and only Tito. Every house had Tito's photo on the wall, that's how brainwashed they were. People would usually call Goce Delcev a Bulgarian, komiti were bad bad bad. It's like we didn't exist before Yugoslavia and now we had to follow those rules and shut up. No one went to church or married in church etc which is something that bothers me now. In Yugoslavia you had to do a registry office to get married, why do we have to do it still if you marry in church? I mean in the UK if you marry in church your marriage is registered but in Macedonia still isn't, you still have to do the commie way and go down to the registry office. I will never forget when asked at school the capitals of our country, not the capital, the capitals and you had to know them. The biggest two rivers in our country are Dunav i Sava, the biggest city Belgrade etc. All bullshit. Than when we split people were unsure about a lot of our history and I don't blame them. They brainwashed us for over 50 years, made us give up our history and everything and we came out really confused.


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          Here is how Vlado Veljanovski (from page 490 onwards) recalls his time in Idrizovo. He was a Macedonian fighter from WWII and a part of the renewed VMRO group that sought to realise a united and free Macedonian state.

          Vo Idrizovo lezhev so Gjorgji Karev, brat na Nikola Karev.........Iako imashe 75 godini, toj nekako izdrzhuvashe.......toj mene mi veleshe: Abre vnuchko Vlado, mene ovie kuchinja kje me jadat, a kje bidesh svedok oti nema da me pushtat. Kje me ubijat. Zboruvashe za Zlateta Biljanovski, togash toj beshe minister za vnatreshni raboti: Toj se kje stori za da me ubijat. Karev zboruvashe oti bil obvinet od srbomani i oti nemal nikakvo krivichno gi ukinuvaa paketite shto ni sleduvaa od doma, ni ukinuvaa viduvanje so domashnite i ni vikaa deka tie bile za VMRO, a nie sme bile za Vancho Mihailov. Nie vednash se sprotivstavuvavme. Gjorgji Karev gi znaeshe nashite stradanja, pa zatoa mene mi se doveruvashe.
          Gjorgji Karev, the brother of Nikola Karev, was murdered in prison by srboman animals and traitors. The same dogs under the head of Kolishevski that deliberately excluded the memory of his brother Nikola Karev from the Macedonian national anthem.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Big Bad Sven
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2009
            • 1528

            Wow this is a great source. Currently there has been very little written about the period between after WW2 to 1969, the most brutal and horrible years of the Socialist republic of Macedonia. Im assuming so little has been written because of all of the pro yugo-commie Macedonians out there still. When they all retire and die I think more of the truth will come out, that Tito’s little paradise was in fact a eternal nightmare for the Macedonians.

            That book is so right about Yugoslavia being more serious and involved in trying to get Trieste from Italy for the Slovenes. Tito was half Sloven so of course he would put more effort for his own people. Those Yugoslav idiots, grease was in total disarray after WW2 and prime for the picking, and we had many eager young Macedonians who wanted to liberate Solun. I read a English soldiers memoirs a few years ago and he stated that because grease was in such a bad shape after WW2 that if the Yugoslav army invaded grease they would easily occupy Aegean Macedonia.

            It would have been easier and quicker to liberate Aegean Macedonia then try take on Italy and Austria who were still military powers and supported by the US and Britain. Looks like the great Tito wasn’t as smart as we were brainwashed into thinking….
            Its because of Tito’s half assed efforts in the “greek civil” war that so many Macedonians lost their lives and land in Aegean Macedonia.

            I hate it when I hear old Macedonian farts harp on about how great Yugoslavia was back in the day, and it pisses me off when I see their stupid kids go and see Ceca with their Serbian “friends” when she comes to Australia.
            Some people never learn….


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              BBS, when I have a chance I will post more from the book, unfortunately I only have one part of it, there is another part which I don't, but am trying to obtain it from my relatives in Macedonia.The memoirs and reflections of some of the people make the following clear:

              1) Macedonians formed a renewed group named VMRO who fought to liberate Macedonia themselves, in the spirit of Goce Delcev.

              2) When the fascist Germans and Bulgars were expelled from Macedonia, there was every expectation that a united Macedonia would come to fruition, even in the context of a federative Yugoslavia (which was to include Bulgaria also, and thus truly making it a united entity consisting of all persons speaking languages that belong to the South Slavic group).

              3) Macedonians were betrayed by Tito, who sent our soldiers to fight Serbia's battles and made an agreement with Stalin to reinstate the artificial border that split Macedonia in half.

              4) This paved the way for serbophile Macedonians sympathetic to Tito to acquire the highest ranks in Macedonia's political institutions and treat their own kinsmen as sub-human, sending to prison anybody that expressed their Macedonian nationalism outside of the 'norms' as layed out by the federal authorities from Belgrade.

              5) True Macedonian patriots such as Karev's family, Chento and others were send to Idrizovo, a stain on the collective memory of Macedonians which has sadly been wiped away after years of living the apparent 'good life' in conjunction with our 'brothers' from the other republics.

              The result? At the time our real heroes were viewed as traitors by the officials in Macedonia, while the real traitors like Kolishevski are still viewed by some segments of our society as heroes. When people talk about the "good times" of Yugoslavia, they surely can't be talking about the 40's and 50's. Perhaps the bread crumbs thrown our way during the 60's and 70's were enough to persuade the simple-minded, the 80's was all rock n' roll in Yugo-land and the 90's.....well. Some Macedonians are still of the belief that Tito 'gave' us something, he gave nothing, instead, he took away our ability to defend ourselves and made us the slaves which that dog of a Serb referred to in one of the above quotes.

              Any Macedonian that thinks we should have remained within Yugoslavia suffers from an inferiority complex that is most probably beyond repair. In about a quarter of a century many of our people were convinced that our brethren are located in the Serbian north rather than the Macedonian south, west and east. Thankfully this has changed, but again, there linger the nostalgic types that need to read into what really happened in Macedonia during the early years of 'bratstvo i edinstvo' and realise how close we were to achieving the goals set out by our ancestors during the 19th and 20th century, when being a Macedonian was something to be gloriously proud of.

              Then realise how Tito and Yugoslavia are directly responsible for ensuring we never achieved those goals.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Prolet
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2009
                • 5241

                SOM, This has to be one of the best threads in this forum, its very sad indeed so many people have died and even been tortured for our country.

                I have a friend from Bitola who's grand father's brother was hanged by the nazis in WW2 along with Stiv Naumov's brother Gjorgjija (5 people were hanged all up) Its very sad reading about these stories.
                МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                • vojnik
                  • Apr 2011
                  • 307

                  Sudeni Za Makedonija by Stojan Risteski

                  I was just wondering if anyone has read through the book Sudeni Za Makedonija by Stojan Risteski. I have it at home but have never had time to really go through it in much detail just wondering if other members have read through it or heard anything about it etc. Apparently it is a very good book which has accounts on people throughout various villages which were killed etc fighting for Macedonian people you have never heard of even villages most are not familiar with. The kind of stuff that was silenced by the Yugoslav sympathizers etc. So if anyone has anything about it please share


                  • Momce Makedonce
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 562

                    This really is a great thread and one that all pro Yugo Macedonians should read and perhaps that will make their brains tick a bit more.

                    FUCK Yugoslavia, it`s shit ideology, everything it stood for and all the terrible things that proud Macedonians had to endure under it`s regime. I really hope that all those who think Yugoslavia was "the best" can one day realise how terrible and stupid it really was.

                    It really astounds me that some of our people actually glorify this silly Yugoslavia and all it`s propaganda. They really do need to be filled in on the details they are obviously missing.
                    "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


                    • Momce Makedonce
                      • Jul 2012
                      • 562

                      Osudeni za Makedonija (1945-1993) 1/2 - YouTube

                      Osudeni za Makedonija (1945-1993) 2/2 - YouTube
                      "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev

