Racist supermarket and a blood center by Golden Dawn in Greece

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2010
    • 2642

    Originally posted by julie View Post
    What is the definition of an ethnic Greek?
    Goats anti sheep

    Macedonia for the Macedonians


    • Onur
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2010
      • 2389

      "Blood for Greeks only" campaign intensifies in Greece. It`s been reported that many Greek donors specifically asking for their blood to be given only to Greeks but no other;

      Golden Dawn request all-Greek blood bank
      Health officials have condemned the call for an all-Greek blood bank made by members of extreme right-wing party Golden Dawn on June 11.

      In the neighborhood of Loutsa, Golden Dawn members hung posters encouraging Greeks to donate their blood specifically for fellow Greek citizens. It was reported that several citizens donated blood at the local Sotiria hospital, requesting that their blood only be given to Greeks.

      Head of the hospital Yiannis Stefanou said that these requests would never be tolerated. He stated that all blood donations would be "available to any patient in need regardless of race, color, and party."

      The National Association of Hospital Doctors (EINAP) also issued a statement stressing that the “sacred character of the donation process and disposal of blood” must be safeguarded according to universal and international standards. EINAP also said that they expect official statements denying Golden Dawn’s movement directly from hospitals as well as from the Ministry of Health.

      It looks like the doctors in Greece are expecting a reaction from the new Greek government but they are silent to this racist campaign for a month.
      Last edited by Onur; 07-13-2012, 07:09 AM.


      • Phoenix
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 4671

        Originally posted by Onur View Post
        "Blood for Greeks only" campaign intensifies in Greece. It`s been reported that many Greek donors specifically asking for their blood to be given only to Greeks but no other;

        It looks like the doctors in Greece are expecting a reaction from the new Greek government but they are silent to this racist campaign for a month.
        There was a saying... "Only in America" when some silly news event was reported from the US, something unusual or just simply bizarre...guess what?


        • Sime
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2009
          • 11

          Originally posted by julie View Post
          What is the definition of an ethnic Greek?
          ethinc greek aka Turk.
          IP dip dog shit the greeks are full of it ..........


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            What a joke a blood bank of only greeks.You'd be strugling to find a greek.Is the greek one a better blood type???.
            Are they trying to create a aryian race??
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • The LION will ROAR
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2009
              • 3231

              Greece's Golden Dawn attack market vendors

              Video: Greek Nazi group goes after immigrants in Athens
              Saturday, 08 September 2012

              Greek Nazi group "Golden Dawn" roaming through Athens, attacking businesses of people who look like "immigrants", or "foreigners". Two of Golden Dawn's members involved in the attacks are also members of Greek Parliament - Panayotis Iliopulos and Yorgos Germenis.

              Where are the police... No where to be seen....?
              Oh thats right most of them voted for the Golden (shower) party...
              Last edited by The LION will ROAR; 09-09-2012, 06:37 PM.
              The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


              • fatso
                • Sep 2008
                • 301

                While Onur sits back and enjoys his threads about Greece ...he should look in the mirror and see the ugly face of Turkey.


                • fatso
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 301


                  There are hundreds of these accounts ......but our friend Onur chooses to look the other way and deny all.

                  Turkish Weekly reports about reoccurring incidents of religious and ethnically based violence, signs of the Turkish society becoming more and more intolerant


                  • The LION will ROAR
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 3231

                    Fatso why don't you start a thread on turkey...instead of polluting it in here,
                    this is a topic about greeks continuing to be violent and a Racist nation...

                    Last edited by The LION will ROAR; 09-10-2012, 08:25 AM.
                    The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                    • fatso
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 301

                      Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View Post
                      Fatso why don't you start a thread on turkey...instead of polluting it in here,
                      this is a topic about greeks continuing to be violent and a Racist nation...

                      I have no problem if a Macedonian was to start this thread ....but when a hypocrite Turk posts threads like these and is either oblivious or a denier to what the Turks have done and are doing .....my guess is he is a denier..

                      For that reason , I will continue polluting his threads.

