Montenegro: Politics & Current Events

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  • Karposh
    • Aug 2015
    • 863

    Thanks for that Carlin, that's pretty much what I thought. With regard to the Serb view of Macedonians, I honestly don't believe they see the situation as being identical with how they view the Montenegrins. Although many of them, no doubt, feel that part of Macedonia, and by default, Macedonians as well, belong to Serbia and the Serbian nation because a Serbian empire once ruled over parts of Macedonian territory over 800 years ago, I think most Serbs don't actually believe we are one and the same with them, as they might perceive the Montenegrins to be. Not sure if, by "De-Serbianization of Macedonians" you mean post independence or during the Yugoslav days (in the sense that being "Macedonian" was somehow seen as a fake Yugoslav construct by the Serbs). I would call it posturing for political purposes. They have a position on Macedonia (remnant of the 19th Century) and they want to stick to it that's all. As far as Serb nationalists are concerned, Macedonia was once "Old Serbia" and the Macedonian language is merely Old Serbian. How much they actually believe this narrative, I can't say for certain...with the exception of the Vojslav Sheshel types of course.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13670

      Originally posted by Karposh View Post
      With regard to the Serb view of Macedonians, I honestly don't believe they see the situation as being identical with how they view the Montenegrins.
      Even the most moronic ultranationalist Serbs don't view the Macedonians as close to them as Montenegrins. They can't, there are too many differences between the two cases, not least the histories and languages.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Momce Makedonce
        • Jul 2012
        • 562

        Originally posted by Karposh View Post
        To be honest, I haven't really bothered to acquaint myself with the political situation in just doesn't interest me. However, since we're discussing them, does anyone really know how the Crnogorci feel about their national identity? I mean, do they actually have a strong sense of separate Montenegrin identity or do they consider themselves to be merely little Serbs?
        It seems a bit of a confusing picture, I know a Montenegrin family and they sort of identify as both. I find it strange, its like they are in between being Montenegrin as a seperate national identity and just being a subset of Serbs. They sometimes call themselves this and at other times call themselves that. I honestly don't really know but it reminds me of the relationship between Cypriots and Greeks, Cypriots will call themselves as such but also say things like "its pretty much Greek" or sometimes just say "its Greek". I don't know too much about Montenegrin history so can't really say much about them from a historical perspective.

        I only really know that one family so its hard to say what other Montenegrins think about their identity and what their attitude is. This particular family seems to have a similar attitude to Serbs in regard to being pro Yugoslav and having subtle condescending views toward Macedonians. To add further confusion this family has cousins who identify as Serb and come from Serbia.

        So basically I am not too sure. I would have to meet more of them rather than judge just based off this one family.
        "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


        • Carlin
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 3332

          You'd be surprised guys.
          Last edited by Carlin; 09-17-2020, 08:34 PM.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13670

            Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
            You'd be surprised guys.
            Carlin, the link you posted has been deleted. Don't give unwarranted publicity to such trash for the sole purpose of highlighting their idiocy, especially if it contains no revelation of worth or rebuttal from yourself. You could just simply note that such perspectives, moronic as they are, exist. Even still, nobody was denying there are Serbs who think Macedonians are a part of their nation. The point was that no matter how dumb they are or how many stupid claims they make, they can't logically view the Macedonians the same way they view the Montenegrins. There is a clear difference in language (whereas Serbian and Montenegrin are almost the same) and up until the 20th century there were several Montenegrin rulers referring to themselves as Serbs. Even the most ardent Serb nationalist couldn't argue otherwise without looking like a fool. The two cases are incomparable and the rambling of some deluded dipshit on youtube is not a valid counterargument.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Carlin
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 3332

              Unless I'm mistaken even RTS (Radio Television of Serbia) ran a program about the Brsjaci and Mijaci as Serbian tribes in "old Serbia".


              • Carlin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3332

                Fierce clashes in Cetinje, tear gas, shock bombs and shooting (VIDEO):

                Црногорската полиција почна денес рано наутро акција за разбивање на протестите на Цетиње против устоличувањето на митрополитот на Српската православна црква Јоаникие така што со солзавец ја разби групата демонстранти кои се наоѓаа на централниот плоштад на историската црногорска престолнина.

                Акцијата на полицијата почнала во 6 часот наутро, а медиумите во Подгорица пренесуваат дека полицијата користела солзавец и шок бомби за да ја разбрка групата од неколку стотици демонстранти кои од зората се собрале на централниот плоштад. Тие на полицијата фрлале камења и шишиња, а фрлен е и молотов коктел.

                Сепак, митрополитот црногорски-приморски Јоаникие е устоличен во Соборниот храм на Христовото воскресение во Цетиње.

                Српскиот патријарх Порфирие кажа дека Јоникие е избран за цногорско-приморски митрополит.

                „Тоа е голема должност и чест да се дојде на тронот на Свети Петар Цетињски и многу светци до денес. Не дојдовме тука нешто да грабнеме и загрозиме или не дај боже украдеме, дојдовме да го извршиме светиот чин на устоличувањето“, кажа Порфирие.

                Тој додаде дека „мирот тука е попотребен од што било друго.

                На Јоаникие му порача: „Вие не сте тука за да прашувате кој е кој и на кој народ му припаѓа. Тука сте да ги тапите остриците и да ги спојувате мостовите“.

                Вучиќ: Добро е што владата го смени ставот

                Претседателот на Србија Александар Вучиќ кажа дека е добро што владата на Црна Гора го сменила ставот и дозволила да се одржи устоличувањето на митрополитот Јоаникие.

                „Цетиње е место каде што постои изразена омраза кон сите кои припаѓаат на други народи освен на црногорскиот, но дури не би кажал дека тоа е вистинска омраза туку дека е поттикната од делата на политичарите“, кажа Вучиќ.


                • Liberator of Makedonija
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2014
                  • 1596

                  Recognition of medieval ties in Macedonian and Montenegrin royalty:

                  I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13670

                    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                    Recognition of medieval ties in Macedonian and Montenegrin royalty:

                    It would've actually meant something if he believed in his own people and history, but this is an empty gesture given that the northadonian moron who styles himself as the "president" of Macedonia pretends to be against concessions to Sofia but simultaneously sells out his country and culture from Athens to Brussels.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

