Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • Daskalot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 4345

    Originally posted by Imagination View Post

    Look at what your own minister says : 31% poverty !!! And Turkey has miserable standarts compared to Greece, read the statistics. Why should Greeks want Turkish citizenships ? Either they are Muslims or want to start a business there duh.... And to repeat, I'm not from Greece and stop asking that. You never said where you are from anyway. And just to tell you some interesting facts : a Greek fire police officer gets a pension around 45 or a bit more and 40 000 euro in a single day ! Will they give their state officials permanent jobs and contracts for life if they were so poor ? You shouldn't be so deceived. If Greeks go poor and lower their huge life standart, then I guess the rest of the Balkans will be like Africa...
    What is your take on the Bulgarification of Macedonia, would that be a positive thing according to you?
    Macedonian Truth Organisation


    • Bill77
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 4545

      Originally posted by Imagination View Post

      Look at what your own minister says : 31% poverty !!! And Turkey has miserable standarts compared to Greece, read the statistics. Why should Greeks want Turkish citizenships ? Either they are Muslims or want to start a business there duh.... And to repeat, I'm not from Greece and stop asking that. You never said where you are from anyway.
      Whos asking what?

      By the way, i am Macedonian who lives in Bulgarian illegal occupied land of Macedonia


      • Imagination
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 69

        Originally posted by Daskalot View Post
        What is your take on the Bulgarification of Macedonia, would that be a positive thing according to you?
        Changing the subject, are we ? Can't you say one thing on the topic ? I'm not answering anymore of these silly questions. Do whatever you want, but remember you're from the diaspora too and you don't know squat about the Macedonians in Macedonia. So go back talking about history while your people endure 31% poverty.


        • Daskalot
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 4345

          Originally posted by Imagination View Post
          Changing the subject, are we ? Can't you say one thing on the topic ? I'm not answering anymore of these silly questions. Do whatever you want, but remember you're from the diaspora too and you don't know squat about the Macedonians in Macedonia. So go back talking about history while your people endure 31% poverty.
          I am more in Macedonia than I am elsewhere in the world.
          So I know what the average Macedonian has to endure. Do you?
          I remember the 80s when bus loads of Bulgarians would cross the boarder and sell their stuff for almost nothing, do you remember this?
          Macedonian Truth Organisation


          • makedonin
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 1668

            Originally posted by Daskalot View Post
            I remember the 80s when bus loads of Bulgarians would cross the boarder and sell their stuff for almost nothing, do you remember this?
            Or their women would go for one chervena / 100 YU dinari and do what ever someone likes them to do!

            what a shame that was!
            To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


            • fyrOM
              • Feb 2010
              • 2180

              I cannot imagine the government are not imaginative in manipulation tactics to get around a lot of this. Their inaction is bemusing to say the least.

              For instance a lot of the mosques and other places the Albanians are trying to get hold of are not Albanian but Turkish and their pretence is that the Albanians are Muslim and hence their Muslim organization should control a Muslim building like a mosque. The argument appears to have merit but we know it is false.

              The government should have aided the Turkish minority and the Macedonian Muslims to get together to have a larger number and set their own NGO for religious matters and administration of mosques such that any ottoman era building is owned by them. When the Albanians try to spread their influence by claiming buildings the Turkish NGO can just say what does it have to do with you please leave. In this way their sphere of influence will be limited to only mosques built by the Albanians.

              I would think that if the Turkish NGO needed funds for reconstruction ect the Turkish government or religious organizations would be willing to help. By doing this the influence of any radical Muslim groups from outside wanting to help the Albanians is also curtailed. Its really not that difficult.


              • Imagination
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2011
                • 69

                Finally someone changed the subject ! My hero ! And I don't remember anything in the Eastern Bloc like that, makedonin, as there were so many job offers and places. What you just said is made up. But if you make up things like that it shows your level.
                Last edited by Imagination; 02-21-2011, 01:14 PM.


                • makedonin
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1668

                  Originally posted by Imagination View Post
                  Finally someone changed the subject ! My hero ! And I don't remember anything in the Eastern Bloc like that, makedonin, as there were so many job offers and places. What you just said is made up. But if you make up things like that it shows your level.
                  You can claim it as made up and I can't prove it, yet it is a well known fact since they were hoocking openly and were asking almost any adult that they thought has money. The Standard sentence was something like:"haide za edna chervena". It does not really matter if you believe it or not, those who were in east Macedonia in those times know what I say.
                  To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


                  • Big Bad Sven
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 1528

                    Originally posted by Imagination View Post
                    Macedonia will face a massive territory grab from Albania, because, as with Serbia, there will be a world call "Oh no, Albanians are being discriminated, they have so much population etc." The government should do whatever it can to reduce poverty in ROM as it is a problem. If the Macedonians live fine and the diasporans find ways to come back and live there, there won't be any problem. As for the Albanians, if Macedonia isn't in the EU by then, it could expel some part of them, but if they are in NATO or the EU - never. NATO does not need a small country as Macedonia, NATO is US - controlled , mainly, and one of the USA's bestest friends is Turkey, being a friend with Albania as they are the only Muslim nations in Europe and have very warm opinions to each other... In short, I don't think Turkey is a friend of Macedonia, but think of it this way : Macedonia is a landlocked country and all countries surrounding it have a nice army and can conquer it easily.... not to mention they hate ROM... But if Turkey protects Macedonia, it protects the Balkan powers from becoming too strong, and if they become too strong, there will never be a state like the Ottoman Empire... but if a not so strong Macedonia stays and the others fight for it, between themselves, it will be easier...
                    LOL what the hell do you know about macedonia? Your just scare mongering macedonians.

                    Turkey is a real ally of macedonia, and has been since macedonia's independence. Grease is a respected member in the EU???? LOL People in Austria/germany/slovenia/Czeh rep think of you guys as nothing more then black, lazy welfare grabbing nobody's. You guys are the disgrace of europe.
                    Last edited by Big Bad Sven; 02-23-2011, 12:39 AM.


                    • makedonche
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 3242

                      Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
                      LOL what the hell do you know about macedonia? Your just scare mongering macedonians.

                      Turkey is a real ally of macedonia, and has been since macedonia's independence. Grease is a respected member in the EU???? LOL People in Austria/germany/slovenia/Czeh rep think of you guys as nothing more then black, lazy welfare grabbing nobody's. You guts are the disgrace of europe.
                      .....and those are your good points!
                      On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                      • indigen
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2009
                        • 1558

                        ИВЗ не е сопственик на отоманските имоти?

                        Околу правото на сопственост врз отоманските објекти се судрија Исламска верска заедница и експертската јавност. ИВЗ се смета себеси за наследник на исламската заедница во Отоманската Империја, зашто немало прекин на верскиот живот.Експертската јавност го оспорува ова тврдење - ИВЗ нема континуитет, ни стекнато право на тој имот

                        Исламската верска заедница не може да биде сопственик, ниту пак полага право на наследство врз џамиите и вакафите од времето на Отоманската Империја, зашто тие се споменици на културата и како дел од националното богатство на државата имаат посебна заштита.

                        Ова е стручното мислење на професионалната јавност по острите побарувања на ИВЗ да им се врати имотот, кој бил изграден за време на турското владеење на овие простори, а национализиран во 1948 година.

                        - Тој континуитет на владение од времето на Отоманската Империја сега е прекинат, зашто уште од социјалистичко време тоа земјиште е претворено во државно и преминува во друг облик на сопственост. Објектите, пак, што ги побарува ИВЗ биле изградени за други цели и не биле наменети за верски објекти. Исламската верска заедница е формирана по 1945 година и не може по секоја цена да го врати тој имот, зашто има прекин на континуитетот, а нема ни стекнато право врз него - објаснува Осман Кадриу, професор по граѓанско право на универзитетот ФОН.

                        Поради тоа, отфрлените барања за денационализација на имотите што не се сопственост на ИВЗ или инсистирањето на процедурата за возобновување џамии од времето на Отоманската Империја на места што не се во сопственост на ИВЗ не треба да се сфати како дискриминација кон Албанците, туку е почитување на правните норми, велат експертите. Исламот, конечно, не е само албанска вера.

                        Цане Мојановски, поранешниот директор на комисијата на верски заедници, вели дека Отоманската Империја била цивилна структура, односно световна власт, а имотите од тоа време не може да ги поседува верска заедница.

                        - За време на Кралството Југославија, ИВЗ немала статус на верска заедница, зашто тие како верници имале само облик на организација. Затоа ИВЗ не треба да се изедначува со Отоманската Империја, која за време на нејзиното владеење им припаѓала на сите вероисповеди. Не знам дали Капан-ан и другите објекти што ги бара ИВЗ биле верски - додава Мојановски.

                        Според Јакуп Селимовски, поранешниот поглавар на ИВЗ, таа е наследник на исламската заедница во Отоманската Империја и нема прекин на верскиот живот, без разлика на тоа што се менувале општествените режими.

                        - Не сме наследници на државниот имот од отоманското време, туку на верските објекти и на имотот што бил подаруван за потребите на џамиите. ИВЗ била регистрирана како верска заедница онака како што барале законите во секој режим на владеење. Законот за денационализација не бара континуитет или историјат, туку тапии, а ние имаме тапија од Кралството Југославија дека сме сопственици на Капан-ан, кој бил одземен од ИВЗ во 1948 година. Ановите биле донации за верски објекти во функција на џамиите - истакнува Селимовски.

                        Според Исламската верска заедница, од појавата на исламот на нашите простори, муслиманите во Македонија непрекинато биле неделива исламска духовна целина, која ги наследила учењата на последната објавена книга - Куранот Керим и Сунетот на Пејгамбер. За да ги реализираат своите верски задачи, муслиманите се поврзале со единствената исламска заедница, независно од нивната национална и етничка припадност.

                        Исламската верска заедница била составен дел на исламската заедница во Кралството Југославија, а потоа и во Социјалистичка Федеративна Република Југославија. По распадот на поранешната државна заедница и по осамостојувањето на Република Македонија, оваа заедница продолжува да дејствува како независна верска заедница. ИВЗ е независна во организирањето на верскиот живот, во вакафите, во административно-финансиската дејност, како и во другите активности што произлегуваат од нејзиниот устав. Целта на оваа верска заедница е издигање на верската свест и оживотворување на исламот кај муслиманите.


                        За турската амбасада ИВЗ е наследничка на отоманскиот имот

                        Исламската заедница во Македонија може да се смета за наследничка на верската заедница од периодот на Османлиската Империја, а со тоа е и сопственичка на имотот од тој период

                        Ова е мислењето што го добивме од Амбасадата на Р. Турција во Македонија на прашањето дали ИВЗ може да се смета за наследничка на отоманските објекти на територијата на земјава. Турската заедница во Македонија, се вели во одговорот од амбасадата, позитивно ги прифаќа побарувањата на ИВЗ да им се врати земјиштето за време на турското владеење на овие простори, кое било национализирано во 1948 година.

                        - ИВЗ без прекин учествува во верскиот живот и правилно е себеси да се гледа како наследничка на верската заедница од времето на Отоманската Империја, зашто има континуитет на сопственоста на тој имот - одговара во краткото писмено соопштение Бахаетин Билдик, советник за верски прашања во турската амбасада.

                        Изминатиот период во јавноста имаше поделени реакции по ова прашање. Некои експерти сметаа дека ИВЗ не може да полага право на наследство врз џамиите и вакафите од Отоманската Империја, зашто тие се споменици на културата и како дел од националното богатство на државата подлежат на посебна заштита.

                        Од ИВЗ, пак, беа децидни дека не се гледаат како наследници на државниот имот од отоманското време, туку на верските објекти и на имотот што бил подаруван за потребите на џамиите. Во Исламската верска заедница, исто така, потенцираа и дека Законот за денационализација не бара континуитет или историјат, туку тапии, а тие имаат тапија од Кралството Југославија дека се сопственици на Капан-ан, кој бил одземен од ИВЗ во 1948 година.

                        број 21981 | среда 12.5.2010

                        For fair use only.

                        Thus those who see Turkey as "OUR GREAT FRIEND" should have a serious review of that attitude, IMHO!


                        I think these two articles are a good reference for this topic.


                        • fyrOM
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 2180

                          What a load of rubbish.

                          1. The ottoman empire was a FOREIGN occupational force.

                          2. As a foreign occupational force any law passed by them is only valid in the term of their occupation ie once they were removed they and any of their successors have NO legitimate jurisdiction and any laws passed by them cease to have any validity.

                          3. As the ottoman empire and all successors ceased to have authority at the removal of the foreign ottoman occupational force and do not hold jurisdiction from afar then all laws including titles pertaining to any ottoman identity or individual cease to exist and where no Macedonia entity or individual can show ownership all such land reverts to ownership by the state of Macedonia. Who gave the ottoman empire ownership of any land in order for them to sell or gift to anyone.

                          4. The foremost rule above all is we are not here to reinstate the foreign occupational Ottoman empire.

                          5. Therefore all claims by any entity or individual claiming succession of the ottoman empire is invalid

                          6. Therefore All claims including titles by any ottoman empire entity or individual or successor are invalid.

                          7. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia was a foreign occupational force…re no remaining authority like the ottoman empire hence we are not here to reinstate the foreign occupational force of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and any law including title to any non Macedonian entity or individual is invalid.

                          8. SFR Yugoslavia by deed of breach of trust to the prevailing provisional Macedonian authority of the time is a foreign occupational force and likewise any and all laws ceased to have authority at the time of liberation from Yugoslavia.

                          9. SR Macedonia was an entity formed by SFR Yugoslavia hence as per point 8 any and all laws including title can be declared invalid by the independent entity Republic of Macedonia.

                          Thus the ICM as an ottoman empire entity has No validity.
                          Any reincorporation or bestowment of validity by the Kingdom of Yugoslavia or SFR Yugoslavia or SR Macedonia are invalid therefore not only are any and all claims by the ICM are invalid but the ICM itself as a self declared ottoman empire successor is invalid.

                          The Turkish embassy or government as a foreign entity has No authority in any of these matters and thus their views are irrelevant.

                          These matters should have been taken into account when RoM became independent of Yugoslavia.

                          When is Macedonia going to have a government who in their absolute legitimate right going to claim what is legally and morally theirs.
                          Last edited by fyrOM; 03-02-2011, 06:59 AM.


                          • Niko777
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 1895

                            Only in Macedonia would the government allow such stupid ridiculous claims to be brought up..... UPDATE The Ottoman Empire is dead! All Ottoman monuments are the property of the Republic of Macedonia and should be protected as cultural heritage!!! They should not be given to some group of radical religious fanatics! That's like the Muslim community in Greece claiming ownership of the White Tower in Solun - ridiculous!


                            • julie
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2009
                              • 3869

                              The Macedonian muslims should have the right to the Ottoman buildings, not the Albanians
                              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                              • Niko777
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2010
                                • 1895

                                Just some examples of the mentality of Albanians in Macedonia:
                                These are people who are optimistic about (their) future. They are by far one of the most entrepreneurial ethnic groups in Macedonia and are investing lots of (foreign) money in their home towns. Therefore they are also taking over the country economically. Just some pics to illustrate my point:


                                New Albanian owned restaurants and hotels are popping up everywhere.

                                This one is opened by an Albanian who returned from working in the USA and opened up a restaurant/banquet hall.

                                Here is another structure, built by an Albanian who returned from working in Austria:

                                2 Albanian brothers from Prespa, who after working for years in the USA have returned to Struga and are investing in an 8 level casino/restaurant/hotel complex:

                                New apartments built by a (domestic) Albanian owned construction company:


                                In Tetovo it is the same situation, except Albanians are investing more in residential structures. After working and getting experience abroad they come back to Macedonia and start a construction company. Here is what they have transformed Tetovo's main streets into:

                                I don't think any other city in Macedonia (besides Skopje) have seen a construction boom this big. Bitola apparently is Macedonia's second largest city and the diaspora has tens of thousands of Bitolchani, but Bitola has never seen any construction like this. Don't be surprised if Tetovo replaces Bitola as the second largest city in the next census.

