The New York Times,The Enigmatical Balkan Country,January 11,year 1908
The San Francisco Call,Monday,February 24,year 1903
The Fort Wayne News,Fort Wayne,Indiana,Tuesday,August 19,year 1913,page 2
The Winchester News, December 31,year 1908
New York Daily Tribune,September 7,year 1908
San Francisco February 24,year 1903
Chester Times,Chester Pennsylvania,October 05,year 1885
Chillicothe Constitution,Missouri,Wednesday,April 29,year 1925,page 40880
Deseret evening news (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) February 6, year 1903, Last Edition
Galveston Daily News,Galveston Texas,Friday,November 25,year 1898,Page 6
Las Vegas Optic,Las Vegas,New Mexico,Friday,October 14,1938,page 46
Lets try and collect as many newspaper references to us Macedonians and Macedonia in this thread.