The family of the Arabian Emir Anemas in Crete was in the service of John Tzimisces, while George Maniaces, who reconquered Sicily (1038), bears a Turkish name.
The world's history: a survey of man's record, Volume 6 By Viscount James Bryce Bryce, page 50
I also see that J.B. Bury and Gibbons state the same thing.
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire, Volume 6 By Edward Gibbon page 184
Could it be true? I looked up how you say noble in Turkish and it's Asil. Maybe back in the 11th century Maniakes was the Turkish word for noble? It would be interesting if George was a Turk.
The world's history: a survey of man's record, Volume 6 By Viscount James Bryce Bryce, page 50
I also see that J.B. Bury and Gibbons state the same thing.
According to Vámbéry the name Maniakes is Turkish and means noble.
Could it be true? I looked up how you say noble in Turkish and it's Asil. Maybe back in the 11th century Maniakes was the Turkish word for noble? It would be interesting if George was a Turk.