Pasko Kuzman promoting "Macedonian-Hellenistic period" - anti-Macedonian propaganda?

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  • indigen
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 1558

    Pasko Kuzman promoting "Macedonian-Hellenistic period" - anti-Macedonian propaganda?

    Relief (megharic) ceramic cups with representation of the solar
    symbol of the ancient Macedonians (2nd century BC), discovered
    in the same cistern.

    Samuil’s Fortress (Pasko Kuzman)

    Portrait of a man (cavalier), dated in
    the 1st century BC, discovered in a
    cistern from the Macedonian-Hellenistic
    , later used as a deposit. It is a
    bronze find with realistic features of
    the expression.

    Samuil’s Fortress (Pasko Kuzman)

    Списание за Домът,Семейството и Туризма.


    Pasko has same mindset as Maknews (L.U.)! For clarification, (run by Slavko Mangovski and Co.) had/has a history section termed Macedonistic and same content was also hosted on the former website (together with J.G.'s Ancient Macedonians site) where it was renamed "Hellenistic"!

    Now, Lubi is a good Macedonian (he does, and continues to do, a lot of good work) at heart but ideologically is not always my "cup of tea"!

    Macedonians need MACEDONIAN IDEOLOGY!

    Alexander enters Babylon
    a coin found in Afghanistan

    Further info that came to light subsequently to posting this post and the discussions that ensued in this topic thread:
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    If not now, when? Is Pasko Kuzman another tool for Gruevski?
    Pasko Kuzman seems to have led (or enjoyed) a very "evolving" and varied political past in his career.

    I have been doing some Google research on him and the following are part of my discoveries:

    ВМРО-ДПМНЕ формира "влада во сенка"

    Извршниот комитет на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ назначил претседатели на повеќе партиски
    комисии, со што, практично, формира партиска "влада во сенка".

    За претседател на комисијата за надворешни работи е назначен Слободан Чашуле, за
    меѓународна соработка Сашко Кедев, за урбанизам, градежништво и транспорт Спасен
    Ѓорѓевски, за здравство Чедомир Димитровски, а за европска интеграција Елизабета
    Канческа-Милевска. Партискиот ресор за култура му е доделен на археологот Паско
    за образование на Марија Ташева, за животна средина на Методија
    Мирчевски, за информатика и телекомуникации на Зоран Трајчевски, за социјални
    прашања, работни односи и вработеност на Кирил Тодоровски. Секторот за физичка
    култура му е доделен на кошаркарот Петар Наумовски, а за мали и средни
    претпријатија - Митко Кржовски.

    Претседател на Форумот за урбанизам е архитектот Јован Стефановски-Жан, а
    копретседатели на комисии за социјални прашања и за здравство се Светлана
    Јакимовска и Борче Георгиевски. (Б.Ѓ.)

    Број 2335 (сабота, 20 декември 2003)

    „.....Таквите тврдења на Кузман се паушални и теденциозни и злонамерни од причина што
    граганите на Охрид ја знаат политичката определеност на Петрески, иако во
    секојдневниот живот не го чувствуваат Петрески како човек кој ги застапува
    интересите само на членството на својата партија. Но до ден денес не е дефинирана
    политичката определеност на Кузман од причина што своевремено комунист, до 1997
    год, член на СДСМ и одборник од СДСМ-ПДП во општина Охрид па член на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ
    од 1998 год. па од 2003 год. член на ВМРО-НП.

    Ај сега најдиго политичкиот крај на припадност на политичките пратии на Паско
    Недај боже да се формира некоја нова политичка опција која ке биде на
    власт и дедај боже таја политичка опција да пропагира некоја друга теза за
    постанокот на Македонците што тогаш ке постане нашиот Индиана

    Денесовски Сашо - Новинар
    ВМРО НП ќе бара интерпелација на Стефановски
    Александра Бубевска

    По кривичната пријава против Паско Кузман, поранешен директор на Завод и музеи Охрид за злоупотреба на службената положба, ВМРО-НП ќе достави предлог во собранието за интерпелација на министерот за култура Благој Стефановски.

    Познатиот археолог Кузман се сомничи дека без тендер, со непосредна спогодба, спротивно на законот за јавни набавки потрошил околу 2 милиони и 300.000 евра државни пари, склучувајќи договор со фирмата „Митан пром“ за реставрација на споменици на културата. Во ВМРО-НП сметаат дека тој не го прекршил законот.

    „Според законот за заштита на културното наследство ние немаме потреба од тендер. Единствено запазена е формата кај г-дин Паско Кузман. Имено кога се копа во Самоилова тврдина или на Плаошник вие не знаете што ќе најдете таму и веднаш за 2 дена да направите тендер“, вели Валентина Божиновска ВМРО-НП.

    Паско Кузман, кој учествуваше во првите редови на мирните протести против, како што тврдеше ВМРО-НП, изборната измама во Охрид, не се огласува во јавноста за кривичната пријава против него. Веста за кривичната пријава против него предизвика жестоки реакции во јавноста.

    Во петицијата, вработените во заводот од Охрид, тврдат дека неколку пати се вршела ревизија на документацијата и не биле пронајдени неправилности во работењето. Од петицијата се огради сегашниот директор на заводот Јован Трца кој во мандатот на Кузман бил правник во Заводот.

    Во одбрана на Паско Кузман застанаа познати интелектуалци како Венко Андоновски и професорката Вера Битракова. Македонското археолошко друштво смета дека тој е неправедно понижен и недокажано осуден.

    Во времето кога Паско Кузман беше директор на охридскиот завод возобновена е Светиклиментовата црква на Плаошник и античкиот театар, реставрирана е охридската тврдина, отворен е лапидариумот и галеријата на икони.

    А1 Македонија е член на Групацијата А1 Телеком Австрија, водечки провајдер за комуникациски и дигитални решенија во Централна и Источна Европа.

    Last but no least is the following poem dedicated to TITO:


    Колку пати во изгревот сонот се содржи
    Толку пати посилно Денот ќе засвети
    Нашиот ден. И овде во нас се всели
    Центарот на светот од оган румен излезен.
    Во него сме. И гледаме гордо на сите страни
    Качувајќи се нагоре слегувајќи од планините
    Од историјата кон Стожерот со поглед напред
    Од иднината кон Обелискот со песна одзади
    В гранит збрани но' во една голема Душа
    Големата прегратка на љубовта во вселената
    Во песната содржани сме. Твојата песна
    Меѓу двата пола северниот и јужниот
    Во сржта на патот меѓу истокот и западот
    Одејќи ко' алки сврзани во долг синџир од пеења
    Од исконот и легендата кон Изворот и Звездата.
    Во сите знаења влезена е вистинската визија на светот.
    Влезено е името Твое
    И наше и сечие кој Човек се вика
    Колку пати во изгревот сонот се содржи
    Толку пати посилно Денот ќе засвети
    Нашиот ден.
    Колку пати во слободата ТИТО се содржи
    Толку пати посилно Неговото име зрачи
    Нашето име.

    Zaebancii na negova smetka tuka.

    Last edited by indigen; 12-19-2011, 12:12 AM. Reason: Added some info and corrected my topic heading (to having an ! instead of ? at the end) to what it was originally.
  • Sovius
    • Apr 2009
    • 241

    The Samnitian Empire spread Romanism throughout Europe?


    • I of Macedon
      • Sep 2008
      • 222

      this is not anti macedonian propaganda, this is nit picking, and what kuzman does is all for macedonia, its culture and its history
      No need to sit in the shade, because we stand under our own sun


      • Bratot
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 2855

        Althout I would prefer if he used just Macedonistic era I don't see this as anti-macedonian propaganda.

        Anyway I also have some reserve about the glorification of Kuzman personality
        The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


        • Volk
          • Sep 2008
          • 894

          hellenistic is the term academics use, simply replacing it with Makedonistic makes us seam extremist can give credibility that we are trying to steal 'greek' history. This is simply a face that we have to live with, although I dont see internally why we can let go of everything 'helenistic'
          Makedonija vo Srce


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Hellenistic is EXTREMELY different from Hellenic.
            If the foolish modern Greeks heard Macedonian or Macedonistic, they would argue how Greek it is. But the academics call it Hellenistic which clearly means it was not Hellenic. It is one the best proofs about the nature of the era.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Dejan
              • Sep 2008
              • 591

              hellenistic doesn't mean hellenic
              You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

              A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


              • indigen
                Senior Member
                • May 2009
                • 1558

                Gandeto: Macedonian history must be freed from the absurd Greek attachments

                Macedonian history must be freed from the absurd Greek attachments

                April 06, 2009

                Recorded history, unlike any other discipline, suffers from intrusive erosion in objectivity. Due to its ingrained proclivity to allow intimate personal feelings to seep into its content, the final version thus produced is almost always colored by various degrees of subjective anomalies. The extent to which these external tendencies compromise the historical veracity of the content and contaminate the truth, will depend largely upon the employed degree of subjectivity.

                To rectify these situations and avoid promulgation of residual historical inaccuracies—the sources for future potential troubles—periodic "truth-checks", like controlled forest fires, ought to be performed; the found misconceptions need to be redefined and recommended changes must be implemented.
                But coming closer to that elusive creature called truth, is neither easy nor without sacrifices. Admittedly, it is a proven fact that it takes a lot more courage to acknowledge the errors of our ways than to continue to promote them. But start we must; somehow, somewhere—even with a few feeble kernels of hope at hand—we must, because not starting is not only unwise and dangerous with lasting calamitous consequences for our future generations who will inherit the mass, but it is also a sure sign of deliberate shortsightedness and an admission of cowardice.

                And thus, I call upon the western intellectuals in general and the western philhellenes in particular to separate their personal sentimental attachments to Greek history, to do the only honorary thing left and treat Macedonia and Macedonian history as a separate and comprehensive study that it is, and that it certainly deserves to be. The conflicting statements left strewn in the literature in the past hundred or so years—are the result of biased and subjective influences—and have not only caused political discourse and confusion, but bring about contradictions, fuel tensions and cause unnecessary hateful speculations.



                • indigen
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 1558

                  Originally posted by Sovius View Post
                  The Samnitian Empire spread Romanism throughout Europe?
                  In my issue it is a political period (Macedonian rule, in MACEDONIA!) we are talking about and there are probably very few (if any) comparable situations we could find to effectively compare with today. Mongolia might be one such case (?).

                  The Romans waged three "MACEDONIAN WARS" to "LIBERATE" the "GREEKS" from the "MACEDONIAN YOKE"! I do NOT see any case for "Macedonian-Hellenistic" anything in the structure of the Macedonian state of the Antigonid Dynasty - IT WAS SIMPLY MACEDONIAN!



                  • indigen
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2009
                    • 1558

                    Originally posted by Bratot View Post
                    Althout I would prefer if he used just Macedonistic era I don't see this as anti-macedonian propaganda.

                    Anyway I also have some reserve about the glorification of Kuzman personality
                    Brate, you should not just prefer "Macedonistic era" (Macedonian Era/Period might be even a better designation when talking about the Antigonid Dynasty ruling in Macedonia) but should INSIST - UNCOMPROMISINGLY!

                    Was it not this same Pasko who was in a TV duel a few months ago with Ljubche bugarcheto supposedly defending the position of Macedonian/Macedonistic era for the same period? From what I saw on A1 video clip excerpts, they were both more than pathetic. It would seem that L.G. "convinced" him to back off?! :-)

                    If memory serves me correctly, Pasko Kuzamn used to use the "Hellenistic" designation some 8 years ago (and most likely before and after that time) and turned off many right-thinking Macedonian patriots from ever considering him anything special or competent to represent/promote effectively our rich Macedonian heritage.



                    • indigen
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 1558

                      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                      Hellenistic is EXTREMELY different from Hellenic.
                      If the foolish modern Greeks heard Macedonian or Macedonistic, they would argue how Greek it is. But the academics call it Hellenistic which clearly means it was not Hellenic. It is one the best proofs about the nature of the era.
                      RTG, I am a bit disappointed to hear this position coming from a Macedonian living in Australia!!! I would be even more disappointed if you were living here, as an adult, for the last 20 years or so and experienced the trials and tribulations of our community in that time!



                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Indigen, there is nothing to be disappointed about. You appear to be making the fundamental mistake that mentioning something like "Hellenistic" means it has something to do with modern Greeks. This is not the case and I certainly don't want to defend a stance like that. In other words, we could both be arguing over something even though we both agree with each other completely.

                        For 20 years before your 20 years of trial and tribulation, I have been suffering further attacks on my identity. I understand your anger.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • indigen
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2009
                          • 1558

                          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                          Indigen, there is nothing to be disappointed about. You appear to be making the fundamental mistake that mentioning something like "Hellenistic" means it has something to do with modern Greeks. This is not the case and I certainly don't want to defend a stance like that. In other words, we could both be arguing over something even though we both agree with each other completely.
                          I will again quote Gandeto: "...Macedonian history must be freed from the absurd Greek attachments..." in order to clarify my point.

                          For those who posted for the benefit of my education about the meaning of "Hellenistic", I know what it means and encompasses and I reject its use in regards to anything relating to Macedonian/Macedonistic era/period - always!

                          As for the philosophical approach that "Hellenistic" (or anything relating to ancient "Greeks") does not mean it has something to do with modern Greeks, it is an old tactic of the "Slav" school of thought (SDS/Gligorov era argument) that did the rounds in the early 1990's and its worth is limited, IMO. It can be used to undermine Greek arrogance but it should never substitute Macedonian assertive action.

                          For 20 years before your 20 years of trial and tribulation, I have been suffering further attacks on my identity. I understand your anger.
                          I take my hat off to your long "stazh"/service for the community and I never said that I personally had 20 years of trials and tribulations (the Macedonian community certainly did, and I was able to observe and sometimes participate in its activities -1992-95). I am sorry for the anguish those personal attacks are causing you!

                          FYI: The book Among the barbarians / Paul Sheehan (1998) has a section detailing the proceedings of an anti discrimination court case lodged by a "Hellenic" Council (perhaps NSW?) against the "Macedonian Youth Organisation of Sydney" and may be worth a read. The case was lost but I don't think costs were awarded to the M.Y.O.S. and it dragged through the courts for many years.



                          Gandeto: “....There is no denying that the period from Alexander the Great until well into the Roman time deals with Macedonian Dynasties, their rule, succession and their eventual interaction, or lack there of, with the indigenous local populations throughout the Balkan Peninsula, Asia and Egypt. Here, the term "Hellenism" can hardly do any justice to historical scholarship since its coverage/ domain leaves a huge section of history barely touched. Hellenism, the term Johan Gustaf Droysen gave to this era, is such a narrow cultural belt of history that its usage is not only misleading and inappropriate but it also distorts and minimizes the greatness of the ancient Macedonians. Even though the Greek contribution, from a cultural point of view, may be argued to have occupied a place of pivotal importance in the administrative sector of the empire, the organizational, the military and the structural components of this Macedonian Empire must have been obtained, delivered and maintained strictly from Macedonian resources and for Macedonian interests. The concept of an empire, an esoteric notion for the Greeks, was born with the first few initial successes of Alexander, and its meaning, magnitude, scope and structure grew as the string of victories and the success on the battlefields allowed Alexander to enlarge, coordinate and control huge land areas in Asia and Egypt. For almost 3 centuries after Alexander, it was his successors that carried the symbols and the name of the Macedonian Empire. Thus, the very narrow strip of "Hellenism" that comes, as a residue, attached to the period in question, cannot, in any meaningful way, embrace and encompass the scope and the magnitude of an empire that was built, organized and maintained on the strength and the efficiency of the Macedonian army....”

                          Ancient Macedonians - Differences Between The
                          Ancient Macedonians and The Ancient Greeks
                          by J.S.G. Gandeto.


                          • UnitedForJohan
                            Junior Member
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 12


                            Macedonistic era.

                            It's good to be nationalist.

                            Don't concern yourself about what Greeks think of us, they are inferrior.


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13675

                              Originally posted by UnitedForJohan
                              Don't concern yourself about what Greeks think of us, they are inferrior.
                              What do you mean by 'inferior'?

                              Indigen, I don't think Pasko Kuzman has a deliberate intent to spread anti-Macedonian propaganda, if he wrote 'Macedonian-Hellenistic period' he may have intended to highlight the significance of both components. He could have phrased it a little differently, but your thread title can be perceived as misleading.

                              As there are no 'periods' popularly referred to as 'Romanistic' or 'Latinistic' in Europe, despite the widespread use of Latin in a similar manner and capacity as Koine, 'Hellenistic' is invalid if referred to as a 'period'. I therefore would agree that the 'Macedonian period' is a sufficient description on par with the 'Roman period', as the successor kingdoms (including Macedonia itself) that formed after the break-up of the Macedonian Empire were generally run by Macedonians in any case.

                              However, the 'Hellenistic' element that existed during that 'Macedonian period' cannot be disregarded altogether, which had, as Gandeto said:
                              .......a place of pivotal importance in the administrative sector of the empire......
                              Coins, documents and other such examples are precisely 'Hellenistic' rather than 'Hellenic' because Macedonians and other non-Hellenes were the majority of people that produced such evidence in Koine within the scope of administration, commerce and education. Such examples could then be argued to have predated and followed the Macedonian Empire, as Thracians, Romans and others also used elements of the Hellenes for the same reasons in many cases.
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

